Wednesday 4 November 2015

A Burst Of Anger

Amber looks at the clock -  it is time to go to school; she sighs!  she does not even want to go -  the day before Dolly and her boyfriend Mitch teased her and she cried.  She doesn't want to see them again, and so she hangs back by the clock in the hallway listening to the seconds as the bus in front of their house drives past.  She has done it -  she has missed the bus to school!  Amber sighs and with a hand to her heart she relaxes.  Amber almost wants to call success when Reg comes downstairs with coffee in hand. 

Reg looks to Amber and he frowns.

"You off to school?"  he asks.

Amber shakes in her bones.

""I missed the bus;"  she chirps.

Reg shrugs.

"I can drive you..."  he mutters as he puts down grounded on his chore list. 

"Oh really?"  asks Amber as she feels her anguish rise to her throat.

"Yes;"  tells Reg as he notices her stiffness.  "Let's go;"  he mutters with a clip.

Amber nods, and with a tremble she picks up her bag and exits the house.

The drive to school is pain and Amber swallows her breakfast every step of the way.  She wants to knit a plea inside of her mind, but she stifles her next word with a cough.  Amber wants to tell Reg to stop but she cant -  the wheels turn and she feels her heart-beat pulse as her mind screams.  She feels like she is being raped of her good day, and she grunts as the car stops in front of the school.

"There you go;"  mutters Reg full of calm and speculation. 

"Great..."  mutters Amber as she looks to Reg and tries to gain some pity 

"Go on..."  tells Reg seeing the tears glazing her eyes.

Amber sighs and forgets her stress to sob.  She sobs as she exits the car, and then sobs as she turns to look at Reg.  Reg clears his throat and drives away, however as he drives he feels guilt.  Amber cries through her chest as she stands on the pavement, and with reluctance he bothers to slow the car to look.  In an instant!  Amber walks across the street and into a lane.  Reg grows wild eyes and he fast backs the car to the street and rev's it to storm down the street!  Reg passes Amber and parks, and then he slips out.  Amber is quick to arrive and as he does he grabs her and gives her a hug.

"What's the matter?  Why you not go to school?"  he asks as Amber suffocates against his chest.

"They hate me!  They hurt me!"  waits Amber before she sobs out loud.  "It's rape!"

Reg clears his throat as he narrows his eyes -  he finally thinks he hears a confession, when Amber is stating thoughts...  inside of Reg's mind he sees a college quarter back pushing her into a steaming shower and he grows a face of red.

"Well maybe you don't need to go to school...."  he mutters as he thinks. 

A pulse settles on his brow -  he thinks of psychology, counselling, ice-cream; the things to make a person feel well.  Amber settles down from her sobbing and she hangs inside of his arms -  she can shed no more tears she feels warm and at home. 

"I want to go home..."  she mutters.

Reg feels the hairs on his neck rise -  of course she can go home; but what he doesn't plan if he will go home also.

In the car Reg bites on his nails as he glares at the road with worry on his head.  He things chemist, pharmacy, pills... he should get Amber a packet of each and then weigh if it were money well spent.  Tense makes Reg feels fidgety and he bites a nail as his mouth is filled with the taste of nicotine -  he is chewing up and it makes him feel both warm and cool and he can't stop until he returns home.

Amber heads fast to her bedroom to rest in the dim as Reg paces around the kitchen.  He picks up the phone and calls work.

"Sick today;"  he tells before he hangs up.

That was the easy obstacle.  Reg picks up a pen and pad and begins to write questions, and he doesn't stop, not even as the quarter back yells out 'score'!  in the back of his mind.  He keeps writing as time ticks inside of his head, and when he finishes it is afternoon.

"Amber..."  mutters Reg as he opens the bedroom door.

"What?"  asks Amber as she raises her brows.

She has been listening to the radio quietly while writing notes to a school friend, and quickly she pushes both away.

"I know that what you were crying about it no little thing -  so I am prepared to listen to you as you tell me the following.... what... where... who?"  he asks as a list of death threats are taped on a white board in the back of his mind.

Reg feels his thoughts turn sinister and he grows a crown of hate before he settles down to rest on a thorn stool as he forces his ears to listen.

"I don't know what you mean;"  tells Amber as she shrugs.  "What?"

Reg sighs.

"What turned the guy on.. where'd he do it... and who was he?"

Amber shrugs. 

"Rape!"  steams Reg as he grows impatient.

Amber grows red of face.

"I haven't been raped!"  she mutters.

"What about the tears?"  gasps Reg as he grows a bead of sweat that is both tears and strain.

"I didn't want to go..."  mutters Amber.

"Why?"  asks Reg as he points a finger.

"Because... the bullies... they call me names!"  tells Amber as she grows upset.

"Names?"  asks Reg as sweat dribbles down his face.  "I thought you said you were raped!"  he wars.

"No..."  mutters Amber as she grows a shiver.

"Then what's with the crying?  the word!"  steams Reg as he slaps his notes over his thigh. 

"I didn't want to go to school..."  tells Amber as she grows shy.

"The crying!"  gasps Reg as he stands to run fingers through his hair.  "No need to skip school for bad feelings;"  he mutters rather calmly before he steams forth and slaps Amber once on the cheek.

Amber gasps as a cold feeling rushes through her chest.  She feels cold and numb, and then she feels hurt and pain.  Amber turns her head away to shed a tear and Reg kicks the leg of her table.

"You have no business to skip school over name calling..."  he swears as he grows up steam.  "No business!"  he yells before he wipes his face and leaves.

Amber looks at the door as it slams closed, and she wipes her eyes -  she has never seen Reg so menacing, and it has scared her.  She thinks of twisted hate and its morbid tales, and in the back of her mind she sees him beating her with an electrical chord as a demon dances on his face -  eyes black, cheeks red, and hate spewing off a crown on his head.  Amber feels his hands crawl over her neck to strangle her, and she screams!

Reg enters the room and he glares at Amber as she shivers.

"What?"  he asks.  "What!"  he steams.

"Nothing just thoughts...."  mutters Amber as she stands.

Amber wants to run and she almost nears Reg, but as she does his energy becomes more tense and so she backs away and moves to the window.  Reg glares at Amber and he growls as his temper fans.

"What?  You wanna pass me?'  he asks.

Amber shivers as she leans upon the wall.

Reg notices her tense and he rushes towards her -  he is in front of her in seconds, with her hair inside of his clutches.  Reg slaps her face a couple of times, and then he throws her to the side - Amber lands on the carpet with a thud, and there Reg shakes his head.

"Tonight I'm going to beat you..."  he mutters with a wink. 

Amber wipes her face, and after her fingers leave Reg's knuckles hit her hard.  He doesn't wait for the night to bloom, he beats her screaming until she is a mess; then he leaves with his mobile glued to his ear.

"A nonsense kid!"  he steams as he reaches the door.  "Grow up!"  he adds before he leaves.

Amber gasps and she gathers her strength to move; but walking towards the exit door proves a difficult feat -  something inside of her brain rings, and she hears its tune and her feet walk on air; a whirlwind crosses her brow and it leaves with her -  she has gone; she drops and lays on the carpet the whole afternoon.

Reg wakes Amber with a slap to the face and she shivers as she sees him.

"You're all messed up;" tells Reg.  "Let me help you into bed;"  he adds.

Amber feels her body get pulled and lifted and then she is helped into bed.  She feels sick and dizzy -  but she doesn't say so; she just drops and closes her eyes, and Reg leers as she pretends him away.

"School next week;"  he mutters as he sees the bruises on her cheeks.  "No more messing around;"  he adds as guilt thumps on his shoulder.

Reg walks away with a heavy step, and at the door he blames himself as a rash on his arm turns into a burn.  He cannot forgive himself, and he hurries to grab a drink before his guilt can make him feel any anguish, and he guzzles the whole afternoon, and he doesn't stop until he is trashed and drowned.

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