Friday 6 November 2015

Jesus Trouble

Jesus hangs his heads and sighs.  Many moons he has wondered why he had not  been left a father.  Mary is a curse on his head and she tries to coddle him too much.  In rebuke he turns himself into torture - drunk!  A clever guise which hails him a disgrace in his mothers eyes!

"I see you witch!"  whispers Jesus as he glares at his mother who sits on her stool in the dusky hall, waiting for a suitor who has long come and gone.  "Looking at me with those eyes... those foul eyes which are covered with coarse; why hate!"  he spits before he hangs his head.

He feels as though he is kidding himself - his mother has much regret, but he has the burden to heavy to carry.  When he sees her she is but a poor reflection of himself -  he has the hate!  Spite sits like coarse black inside of his veins, and he wishes he had no such hate, but he does... it is resting inside coming out as a word in the blackest of times; and he has sorrow.  His hate makes him forget of things as kindness and giving, and makes him build a war for which he has stapled a firm frown on his face!

A knock on the door has Jesus with company within moments -  it is a Roman soldier and Jesus shies as he sees his golden armour.

"What you calling for?"  asks Jesus as he grows a bead of sweat.

"Your business set for tax or closure!"  tells the Roman with a grim grin.

"Close;" tells Jesus with a nod.  "I have no money;"  he adds.

"Shame!"  tells the Roman as he tilts his head.  "Those hands made the stools for many a bar!"  he adds before he leaves with a swim of his head.

"Tis how I paid for my drink..."  mutters Jesus before he closes the door.

Jesus sighs as he leans upon the wood -  his hands made their door and its splinters rake his arms.  It was not made perfect -  a line in the middle of the door was particularly coarse and he was not able to smooth it.  Jesus peels himself away, and then he places a hand to his heart.

"Oh heart!  A Roman true!  Ending my long business with the wood and saw!"  he mutters before his mother shows herself.

She looks bewitching for a moment -  in the dark he sees her eyes as glowing; but the light is playin tricks!  He has imagines her prettiness as his heart wishes for it -  she walks to him with an old stagger which he wants to throw out the door.  His skin reels, and his nerves grow an edge. 

"What you wish of me?"  he asks as his inside grow hard as stone.

"Who was at the door?"  asks Mary.  "You seem shaken!"

"A Roman!"  tells Jesus as he glares.  "He closed my business...."  he adds.

"No!  I pay tax to him!"  gasps Mary before she rushes forward and shoves Jesus to the side!

Mary peers outside and she sees still.  There is only vacancy and when she turns to the door she reads a Roman sign.

"Business closed;"  it reads and a date under.

Mary feels weak -  Jesus was a terrible business person but she had wanted him to try.  She knew he was humble, but she had thought that his skill would grow  -  after all he was supposed to have been made from od all wise!  Mary shakes herself from the gossip.  Jesus doesn't seem all that miraculous at all -  all he does is stare, drink, and do plain carvings not even a beggar would wish for.   She wished she could see God... but no; all she sees is her son.

"Terrible thing!"  she gasps as she steps inside.  "I wished you had called me;"  she tells Jesus who glares at the sign on the door with eyes burning and face white as milk.

"Remove that sign!"  tells Jesus as he rushes to the door.

"No, don't!"  gasps Mary stepping in the way.  "It is legal notice to stop you from selling!  It stays!"  she tells.

Jesus is kept away from the sign and he grows scared -  it has been nailed and he had not heard a knock!  He had been leaning on the door and he had not heard!  He gasps and shrivels to the corner -  a nice black corner to rest his thoughts in.

"What is that!"  he gasps as he feels his wits fade.  "Sorcerer!"  he cries.

But Mary closes the door and she closes his other complaints.  Jesus feels his skin prickle and he hangs his head. 

"You leave it there;"  tells Mary with a nod before she moves on.

Jesus cannot feel anything but spite, and with grit he turns away.

Jesus cannot live in the house any more.  He takes down the sign, and it is erected.  He tries to do business for a drink, and he is turned away or the bar closes.  Jesus feels burned and sober he begins to think.  While thinking he feels his heart-beat -  it is that horrible sound in the back of his head; it tells him that he is alive.  Jesus grunts and then with a decision he walks to the town to see the people around.

Jesus meets the markets and he manages to chat himself a free apple.  After eating he moves on to the stores where he manages to sample free bread.  With his belly full he moves to the water, and there he becomes attracted to the sea.  It calls him; there is something inside of his body he wishes for and he almost steps into the water when he is called away.

"Only boats in the water!"  tells a fisherman.  "Keeps the water pure!"

Jesus nods, and with permission he hops into the fisher-mans vessel and he heads to the ocean.  The fisherman looks out of his craft with rod in hand.  Jesus looks at the water and before his eyes it starts to turn crystal.

"Say fisherman I know you said that no foot may sit in the water, but what if I walk on top of it?"  he asks.

"You ask for wings!"  tells the fisherman.

Jesus rises in the boat!  The fisherman clutches the side and then he gasps as Jesus steps off the boat!  The water turns hard under his feet and he walks -  he walks like the world is not made of liquid and in no time he reaches the shore which has drawn a crowd. 

"I walked!"  tells Jesus as he turns and sees high crashing waves.  "I walked!"

"A miracle!"  tells one of the people at the shore.

Jesus turns to the ocean and sees clouds as black as night lunging over to greet him.  He grows scared as a howl slaps his face - the wind is moaning and he knows he has done something wrong!  Jesus hangs his head and he walks, and with the storm biting at his ear he dives for shelter and begins to pray.

Jesus spends the night in the storm, but morning he continues with his travels.  He doesn't know where he is headed, but home with its rules seems not the way to go.  So he walks, and as he walks people notice him.  They talk to him with curiosity and he talks back.  He does not know what brings them to him but he wishes they would not come near him.

"I wish to be alone;"  he tells himself within his mind as he speaks to make his voice heard.

But Jesus is not alone -  he meets many people, and people follow him.  He is turned into a show, and he walks and talks while being speculated.  He puts up with the company but something inside wants all the leave.  His lessons of sin and God are just ideas he put together to get the pull off religion.  He tells them fantasy, and all agree that God should be what he imagines.  If he says God is a bird they believe him; if God is a hand they believe him; if God is milk they believe him; all his words are truth and he feels honoured.

But the people who do not feel so honoured are the Romans.  They laugh at Jesus and call him a fool, and when arrested they beat him and tell him he be burned when his mother stops pays their fees.
  Jesus laments -  he has gotten into trouble time and again and he knows it is time to go home.

But before Jesus can turn he walks into a Roman trap and he is told to go to prison.  There he is fed poison and then kicked to the dirt, and with ribs heaving he is put in a cell in which he rots.  Then he is told he is sin and escorted to the posts where he is hung and crucified.  Then he is put to death in many painful ways. left as a corpse, and risen from the dead.  Then he is told he is dead and that is when Jesus breaks.

"How dare you tell me this!"  he exclaims as he grows fury.  "Dead!  I am alive!  I live on!"  he cries out before he races away.

To the dark he is called and wind howling he ducks!  He becomes a ghost as he lies to cover who he is, and then he disappears as he leads himself further away until he is dead.

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