Tuesday 10 November 2015


Amber feels uneasy.  She wishes things were good -  but they are not.  At school she has a stalker who can't keep his eyes off her.  At home she has Chad who can't take his eyes off her.  She tried to masturbate about it once - stalkers in her hair; but she turned bone dry and could not sleep a wink.  She tosses and turns about it every day -  her sweet sixteen has come and gone and her breast size has reached its peak.  Her tits are a show when she is wearing bathers, and she feels fear.

"What is this tingling up my back?"  she asks as she turns her head.

Chad is by the door standing aloof in business suit -  he had been eye-balling her and she hadn't known it.

"What do you want?"  she asks as she grows a cold shoulder.

"I'm going for a drive  -  want me to drop you somewhere?"  he asks.

"Sure the mall;'  tells Amber as she picks up her purse.

Her fears of being stalked subside and she heads towards the car in the garage.

The garage is cool.  As Amber reaches for the back door she has trouble -  it is locked.  Chad nears and she complains.

"Locked car;"

A press of the button in Chad's hand and the door is unlocked.  Amber smiles and she opens the car door, but Chad grimaces as he sees her skirt ride up as she dips.  Sue is the kitchen making stew -  Chad knows it is a chance but he can't stop himself.  He reaches for the skirt and flips it up, and then with ease he slips his hand inside of her underwear.  Two movements take seconds to do, and Amber tries to scream.  Chad grows a fever as she moans a petty sound, and he takes away his hand to be able to pull her underwear down.  Amber clutches for the car door frame, and she gasps once, before he takes his hand and slips the whole thing inside of her sex hole.  Amber moans out a heavy sound, and then she suffers as Chad pushes his hand inside of her.  It is a tight squeeze and his face grows red, but his interest grows and he pulses slowly while ripping her open with his whole hand.  Amber feels wetness dribble down her thighs -  she thinks it is urine, but it is blood.  She can't get Chad to back away, so she clutches the door frame and waits for it to stop.

Chad crooks his head and her blood reaches her knee.  He then takes his hand away and he shivers as he sees his whole hand filmed with blood.  Amber leans over and then falls to the ground with blood pouring out of her sex hole.  She feels busted, and Chad is quick to pick her up and push her into the. back of the car.

"A mess!"  he seethes as he glares at the floor of the garage.  "Let it dry!"  he mutters as he pours a swig of oil over it to make it a normal garage stain.

Chad moves to the car and then he drives away with steam inside of his head. 

Chad stops the car in an alley -  he has driven three blocks and he has sprained his wrist.  His hand slipped at a turn off and it pains him deeply.  But he has not broken it.  So as he looks to Amber he feels wetness.  He tastes his fingers for a moment as he loos to her -  she looks normal; nothing special about her really; she looks to him and pulls a face.  Chad knows he can have her.

Chad opens the door and he slips into the back-seat.  He pushes himself over Amber and he separates her thighs.  She slaps him once on the face to make him go away -  he slaps her back, twice, as he growls.

"All I want is sex;"  he mouths while thinking about her blood.

The taste lingers inside of his lips and makes him want to drool -  he has turned cannibal; and he rips her top and bra open to have her bust spill out onto her chest.  They are big, and he takes a touch to one to feel it's spongy texture.  Chad then drop it to be able to mount her.  It takes one second, and in no time her blood his covering his loins as her head bangs on the door behind her.  Chad doesn't care as she cries, moan, and scream... all he wants is sex; his heated pack inside of her; filling up her soft wet hole and pushed it open.  He rocks her, he lunges, he breaks her open while her thighs rake against his ribs.  Her tits are squashed against his chest, but he can't feel them, he only feels himself inside of her and getting wetter by the moment.

"How can you not want this?"  he asks as he closes his eyes to concentrate.

He hears her voice -  it is far away, screaming and moaning between pants; he becomes lost as he feels his sweat dribble down his back and he ventures to a land no one can touch.  He feels good and he smiles, and then he creams....  the car jolts; and a police officer opens the back door to shine a light on him.

"I can hear the young lady scream stop;"  he tells Chad who pulls a crumpled face.

"Go away;"  he mutters.

"Help me!"  screams Amber as she sobs.

"I have to ask you to step out of the car sir;"  he tells Chad before a second police officer opens the other door.

Amber sobs out relief as Chad sucks in his breath and slips out of the car.  Then she gasps as the police officer closest to her slips a hand into her purse to take out her ID. 

The two officers join found id's outside and they then fast put Chad under arrest.  Amber is put into the back of the car and told to wait.  Other officers come and she is escorted into the other car and taken home.

At home Amber races to her room as Sue is given the run-down of the night.  Amber closes the door and she hides in the dark like she is guilty.  Spunk is stuck on her thighs and she smells the stink falling from her.  She has been filled up.  When Sue comes in she is spraying herself with perfume.

"Sorry about tonight;"  tells Sue.  "I wish..."

But Amber faints and blots out her words.

When awake Amber is tucked in bed, and she arches her back.  Her loins throb and she tucks bed-sheets in-between her thighs.  She can't think of more, only less words and she falls asleep once again.

Sue wakes Amber up with a nudge.  Amber sees tears inside of her eyes.

"What's the matter?"  she asks.

"Chad is in prison;"  tells Sue.  "It will be a while so just you and me;"

"Okay;"  tells Amber as she shrugs.

"Sorry this has happened, but one day things will be fine;"  tells Sue before she leaves.

Amber shrugs and looks out the window.  It is a sunny day -  she wishes it were raining though.  Amber feels herself and she seems in one piece; but as soon as she moves something is wrong.  She hurts too much and she feels so wet she cringes.  Amber opens the blankets and sees blood and she screams before she faints.

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