Friday 27 November 2015

Peters Evil Appetite

Peter McKay is a solid business man.  He works day and night and then he goes home to his family.  He has two girls and two boys -  he is fulfilled... or is he.

Peter looks at Anne who sleeps in a crib -  she is his youngest, and he grows hot and sweaty when he looks at her.  Her face is flawless, and he wishes her on his pants every day... however something stops him... the rest of the family.

So Peter tries to pull himself away, and he walks up to May -  she is graduating from school.  Peter grabs her and pushes her into a cupboard; there he tells her to be quiet as he rips her underwear off and forces his loins inside of her.  May screams, but she is told be quiet and so she sobs as he takes her virginity away.

May tries to tell other people -  but no one listens to her; so she quiets down.

At night Peter gets hot still for Anne and he visits May's room over and again -  he rapes her, humiliates her, beats her... the rest of the family cringe; they know Peter is becoming more stressed and drunk and they nibble on their fingers.

Peter broods -  his sexual desire has not been appeased and he sends May to college before looking to Tom.  Tom notices Peter staring at him with a lethal stare, and he tries to dust it off... however Peter attacks him in bed, and he cuts the boys throat, before forcing a hot rape which leaves his butt screaming.

Tom is sent to hospital and then to his grandparents to live.  Peter feels dirty, but Peter's backside had been almost tight and he grows wet over it.

Peter distracts himself with some masturbation, and when they have a house-party he grabs a neighbours young son and rapes him behind a bush.  He tells the young body to go home and not say a word, and his victim disappears.

With his appetite distracted Anne grows a bit -  she becomes taller, and fuller...  Peter doesn't notice as he prays on his last kid Ash.  Peter throws him onto the floor and he rapes him like a girl as his throat gasps.  Peter fills Ash like a husband fills a wife, and then he sends him to a bar to be sold as a prostitute.

Peter throws the money he has won into a tray, and then with heat on his lips he heads to Anne's bedroom.  Anne looks to him and Peter grows hard -  he walks to her and he scratches her hair.  Her dainty ribbons come off, and Peter smiles before he leans down and takes off her dress.

Peter lays Anne onto the bed and he opens her legs.  She is sweet, but her features become distorted as he thrusts heavily into her loins until they split.  Hers are the tightest of all, and he groans as his hot hard becomes stuck.  It takes a half hour to loosen her and when her loins are loose her thighs are wet with blood.

Peter smiles and he leaves as Anne lays shaking.  He has completed his duties and he can now settle for a drink.

Dead Asleep

Krysta lays on the cement as Paul stares at her -  he has been smoking for half and hour and he sees that Krysta has developed herself a tan.  It looks like it hasn't burned, but still he knows he should tell her to slip inside -  so he quips.

"Get inside!"  he tells her.

Krysta stays still and that means she has fallen asleep.

Paul smiles -  he stares at her and knows that she is a fish caught in a bowl... she could be his; she has let her guard down and her swimming top has fallen off her shoulders. 

Paul think about all the daydreams he has had of rape - he catches her in the car and he forces her underwear off before having his way; he catches her in bed and he forces himself upon her; he catches her in the shower and he slips inside... it is a though he thinks of whenever there is a spare moment, but never has it been anything but a thought.

"Well I guess now is a good time..."  he mutters before he unzips his pants and walks to Krysta.

On the cement he touches her hair, and then he shivers at her dead blank state.  He is excited -  her asleep lets him know he is in charge, and he touches the bottom bikini which he unties at the hip before slipping them off.  Naked Krysta is bare as a baby, and Paul lowers himself onto her, before he opens her legs and slips his loins inside of her hole.

Krysta stays sleeping in a dead blank space as Paul chugs over her -  he is able to pant as loud as he likes, she is gone.  Paul gushes and grows red face as he continues to push and probe himself inside of her, and then he creams and with a shiver he slips off.

Paul smiles and then he walks away -  his secret is safe, Krysta is asleep.  He goes inside, then he relaxes -  his crime ha been issued, and no one but him knows.


Kala lays on a towel sunbaking herself.  She feels the sun warm her skin, and she thinks she should put her top on and leave however she stays.  Sunbaking relaxes her, and so she lays there and dreams until she falls asleep.

Kala walks up to Cory and she welcomes him with a kiss. It is wet and cool, and she feels good about it -  but he dumps her after it.

"You're not cool;"  he tells her.

She gasps -  already he is disappearing and she just wants to ask why.

Kala opens her eyes -  the day has turned into dusk and she feels the porch light shine on her.  She must have fallen asleep for a long time, and she frets and touches her back -  it is warm, a sure sign she has burned herself.

A cigarette blowing on the wind catches inside of her nostrils and she looks over.  Cha is watching her, and she shivers.

"How's it going?"  he asks.

Kala shrugs and she feels her cheeks brighten -  she is top naked and she knows it.  Chad sees her bashfulness and he shrugs before he walks inside.  Feeling red and caught Kala gulps before she hurries to the pool to cool off. 

The water is bliss on her skin -  it cools it down to the right temperature; however when she touches her skin it feels sore.  Kala floats, and then after a long while she heads inside.

Inside the house there is cooking -  she smells pasta but she passes to slip to her bedroom to get dressed.  Inside of her bedroom her belly aches -  she wishes she had food and so she dresses and then heads to the kitchen.

Inside of the kitchen Cory looks to her and tells her to set the dinner table.  It takes a few minutes and then dinner is served.  Kala sighs -  she hasn't eaten all day!

Teacher Stalker

Mr Peters follows Lilli home.  She looks good in a skirt, however when she turns up a path to a house he stops his car.  He had been stalking - her legs had grown too long and fine and he had gotten the nerve to stalk the teenager.  However with the house so big he gulps -  her parents look rich!  Sure enough there must be good security.

"Better find out!"  he gasps before he exits the car.

Mr Peters walks to the house and creeps inside -  the front door had been left unlocked, and he follows the sound of radio to a bedroom in which he sees Lilli as she brushes her hair.  Mr Peters smiles and he moves into the room.  Lilli sings to the tune on the radio but she does not see him.

"Lilli going out!"  calls Anne from up the hall.

Mr Peters dive into an open cupboard just as Lilli turns her head.

"I want to come shopping!"  she tells.

Anne nods.

"Okay!"  she agrees.

Soon Lilli and Anne have driven away and Mr Peters emerges from the cupboard slowly.  Once out he rummages through Lilli's drawers and finds underwear -  he smells a pair, it smells sweet, and he smiles before he tucks the pair into his back pocket.

"Who are you?" asks Pearl as she frowns at Mr Peters.

Mr Peters looks to Pearl and he sneers -  she is a shorter version of her sister, and he grows detested that she have spotted him.

"Beat it!"  he tells.

Pearl nods and she goes to her room next door where she draws on a pad of paper as heart murmurs jump inside of her head.  She blinks back tears and concentrates as she waits for the intruder to leave.

Mr Peters beats off in Lilli's bed-clothes -  he grows insane about her for a minute and memories come through his brain.  He is fixed on her legs and shows them like porn on TV one slide after another, and then he blinks before he floods the bed-clothes and drops them.

"I'm screwed in the brain;"  he mutters as he feels sobs build behind his eyes.  "Who wouldn't want her!"  he gasps before he staggers out of the bedroom.

Mr Peters feels his misery rise and he feels the wall blindly as wetness builds before him.  He blinks his depression down, and then he staggers to a pot plant where he pants.  He has hard in his pants making his legs weak -  he can't make it to the car... so he breathes deep...

The sound of Pearls humming catches his attention and he staggers towards her bedroom as sweat dribbles down his cheeks.  He has had it -  his loins are as knotted as his gut, and he wishes to cut this throat as a thirst for sex causes his brain to crash.

Mr Peters sees blurs and he walks towards a colour more then a human being.  He grabs it -  a haze of white and pink - then he throws it over the window-sill where he presses himself and starts to pump.  He guesses it is some kind of rape -  there are low murmurs but he can't really see or hear... there is static in his brain giving him a warning that it might close down.  Mr Peters ignores his senses and he forces his lay with hot thrusts that threaten to slice his gut in two.  There is a lot of strain -  his chest is strained, his back is strained, his neck in strained... he loses his composure, and he grows hot tempered, and he blurts out words which are crass, before trembling.  His stress dives into his pants and leave with a flood, and he is through.

Mr Peter's throws his blur away and he walks out of the house.  He feels light as  a feather, and then he slips into the car and drives away.

At home Mr Peter's slips into bed, and he throws up into the pillow before he groans -  being a stalker is tough, and he can't bare it.

Morning Walk

Ava takes a walk along the road -  the spring morning has cool breath and she needs to hold the folds of her cardigan closed.  She feels alone, and the loneliness makes the barren still even more hard to bare.

A clothes line catches Ava's eye and she looks to the right to see a familiar pair of jeans on the single string that stretches from cabin to carport.  There is no car, just clean earth -  obviously the earth has been rakes to be clean of rocks. 

"Those jeans look familiar;"  mutters Ava as she stops her shoes to stare. 

There in energy in the air and for a moment she wishes she could see the inside.  A small parting of curtains makes her rouse her curiosity, however her feet do not move. 

Ava sighs and starts to walk further away -  she wishes for a moment that there could be something to eat; the cool has made her hungry for breakfast, however she feels the wind ice her face and she grows a strange feeling.  She remembers her teen years, and she thinking how fitting it is to feel skin as cool as the wind.  Ava touches her cheek and she continues to walk away -  further from the jeans, and towards the end of the street where a curb waits to flag her towards home.

Spa To Relax

Greg feels bored on his day off -  he walks around but he stiff feels bored.  There is a weight on his shoulders and it gives him a headache -  he knows he should drink, but instead he decides to opt for the bath.  In the bathroom there is a spa and he can rest his spine on the jets.  A light goes off inside of his head -  it is a great idea!

Greg walks down the hall and he reaches the bathroom -  however the door is closed and shower is running.  Greg snaps his fingers!  He doesn't want to wait!  There needs to be a spa ready in five minutes or he will get mad.

Greg opens the door and he sneaks to the spa -  there he turns on the taps, however he is noticed and the person in the shower screams!  It is Amanda -  Greg can tell by the tone.

"Just turning the taps!"  he stammers before he leaves.

The shower is turned off and Greg counts the seconds as he waits for Amanda to exit.  He thinks he hears towel rubbing, but then the hair dryer is turned on and he grows impatient.

"Do that in your room please!"  he tells.

He is ignored.

So Greg opens the  door to tell Amanda off, and there he finally gulps -  she is stark naked! 

A mixture of thoughts float through Gregs mind -  money, car, turn-ons, lovers, girlfriends, phone numbers... Greg smiles and leans on the side of the door and as it creaks Amanda turns her head.

"Get lost!"  she scowls.  "I am getting ready for going out!"

Greg wants to scold Amanda -  she is not his mother, and he wishes he could slap her; but with her nice figure looking so full and bare he decides to just stare and let her attention carry her away.  However she does not divert her attention, she stares like a hawk until Greg is ready to drool.  Her cleavage is dropping in the best way to make her nakedness appealing -  Greg wishes he could give her a squeeze while her flesh is looking so ripe!

"Fine!"  scolds Amanda as though they have had an argument.

She takes out the hair dryer and she moves to huff past Greg.

Greg closes the door before she can slip past, and he smiles.  Amanda sees a blush in his eyes and she gulps as agitation turns into weariness. 

"What?  I was leaving!"  she scolds

Greg picks the hair dryer out of her hands and he throws it on the floor.  The cheap plastic breaks right away and Amanda screams!

"What have you done!"  she scolds.

Greg shrugs and he takes her towel away with one yank.  Amanda screams again!

"I like you naked;"  says Greg before he gives her breasts a touch.

Amada slips her hands over her chest and she moves to barge past -  Greg stops her once again.

"I'm leaving!"  tells Amanda.

Greg smiles and then he drops his pants in one movement -  his loins are already stiff and Amanda shivers as she sees he is horny for her.  Greg grabs her -  as he does he almost slips!  The water in the spa has overspilled and it slicks the tiles with its body.  Greg hits the towel rung and Amanda grunts, but then Greg climbs over her back and he begins to thrust.

Amanda holds her breath as Greg closes his eyes -  he bumps he thigh, but then he hits target.  He pushes until she is filled with him, and then he lets his reactions to the rest of the dirty work.  it is sweat-grinding exercise; but at the end of the  flood he is calm and empty.

Greg walks through the ankle deep water, to the taps, and turn them off.  The water is warm but he does not need the spa anymore, he feels released.  He walks out of the shower and down the hall, then he flops into a study chair to read and he ends up falling asleep.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Monster Teacher

Amy is eyed by Mr Graham.  He looks at the student with interest -  her cheeks a full of rose, and he winks as she glares at him.

"Stay back if you want;"  he adds in whisper.

Amy smiles and looks at her pens before the bells ring.

All the students flood out but Amy stays.  There alone Mr Graham walks to her table and he crooks his head.

"A lift?" he asks.

Amy nods.  She walks with him to the car park, and there she slips into his car.

They drive away, up a road, and to the forest.  There Mr Graham makes out with Amy, and she feels her breath warm, until alarms sets off her mind.  Mr Graham asks her to hop out of the car, and she does.  There in the forest he leads her to a tree and they have sex against it with bark falling over their shoulders.

Amy gasps as she shivers.

"I didn't know you liked me;"  she tells him.

Mr Graham smiles.  He then takes out a knife and cuts her throat.  Amy screams, but her voice is drowned and she falls to the grass.  Mr Graham cuts the skin off her face and scalp, and then he throws it into the hollow of a tree, before he cuts her off.  The head is stuffed into the back of his car, and the body is buried under a fallen tree.

Mr Graham drives home, and there he puts the head into a bucket of laquer.  He layers it over and again until he had a trophee fit for his trophee room.  On a shelf he sits the head next to other students head, and then he laughs before he closes the door.

At school the next day he sees Sue and asks her to stay behind.  Sue agrees to go for a drive, and in the forest he rapes her before cutting her head and leaving it with Amy's dead body.

Mr Graham spies a third student Lisa and he does the same.  Takes her to the forest and dumps her headless body before taking the head home.

There is some inquisition over the students where abouts and Mr Graham stops his hobby to stand innocent.  No one suspects him.  He is not a suspect only a witness.

Then when driving home he sees Greta and he asks her into his car.  She almost agrees but a honk behind his car tells Greta of her parents presence and she runs off.  Mr Graham swears as Greta waves as the car passes by -  the parent inside eye-balls Mr Graham and he knows he is in the red.

The next day he is questioned by police, and with his heart thumping hard he tells his lies.  But the police suspect, and they get his address and break into his house where they find the heads.  Mr Graham is arrested and taken to prison and there he turns mad!  He is shot and then he is put into an asylum where he sits howling through the day and night.

Home Visitor

Kala looks at her home - it is dark and seems absent, but there is a car parked in the driveway.  Kala knows it is Pauls car and she shivers.  Then she forces herself inside of the house.

Paul meets her in the foyer, and he grabs her face and kisses her.  Inside of her mind angels sings and she wonders about love and passion.  She is still a virgin and Pauls' tongue in her mouth makes her feels so slutty she wishes she were open.  She feels like a slut -  her hair hangs in the right way to be a turn on, and with a blush she turns away.

"You really shouldn't..."  she mutters.

Paul shrugs.  He then holds her - it is more then hello, it is adore.  His heart his warm and it fills his chest -  Kala holds him also, and then she steps away.

"I must shower;"  she mutters before she wanders up the hall.

In the bathroom Kala undresses and she slips into the shower.  She feels cold, and the water makes her feel so warm she grows more relaxed.  However a shadow alarms her, and with her heart pounding she opens the curtain -  there is Paul.  He grabs her face and kisses her, and she kisses him back before separating.

"I am still a virgin;"  she utters.

Paul shrugs.

"I wasn't sure;"  he tells her as he eyes her.

Kala nods, and then she steps away to be able to relax in the warm shower.  Paul watches, and then he undresses and slips inside.  Inside the shower, under the water, he caresses Kala's breasts.  She knows it is a tease and she allows it -  but her heartbeat thuds as his loins near hers.  She wishes she were not a virgin and she begins to fret.  Paul notices her stiff shoulders and he rubs his lips over them.

"I should shower alone;"  tells Kala as she worries that his erection will bloom. 

Paul nods.

"I understand;"  he mutters.

Kala sighs, however her sigh turns into a yelp as his erection blooms and threatens her sex hole. 

Paul feels the heat of her swat and he shrugs before he pushes the head in -  it is a quick and easy fit, but Kala grows stiff.

"I'm not ready;"  she tells.

Paul nods before he pushes his hips forward -  his loins slip inside with ease, and Kala pants as she feels like a used slut.

"Get out!"  she screams.

Paul nods and then he grabs her hips to steady her before he easily pushes himself inside.  Kala trembles -  she wants to scream, but Paul does his actions like a robot and she is raped like a lover ready to make love. 

Kala closes her eyes and then she opens them -  her loins are wet and open and blood trickles down them.  Paul laughs and leave and Kala sinks to the tiles.

Outside in the corridor Paul twirls his keys.

'Time to go;"  he mutters.  "Will you be okay?"  he asks.

"Fine;"  les Kala as she shivers.

Paul nods and leaves, and she leaves to her room to hide herself.

Adults Fun

Greg gambles with his friends as Emma sits watching television.  She sips on drink and Greg looks over -  she looks hot and flustered and it is more then the fire in the corner of the room.  He knows she is turned on -  so much energy in the room makes her cheeks spark.  Greg smiles.

"Who wants to lay Emma?"  he asks.

The friends nod and they move with Greg to the lounge where Emma sits up taller as she grows alarmed.  Greg sits next to her and pats her knee while the other men get undressed.

"What is it?"  asks Emma.

Greg places a finger to her lips, and then he grabs her and lifts up her skirt.  Emma grows shy but the men come forward and they fling her legs open before they take their loins and press them through the gap underneath her underwear.

Emma tosses her head as one loin after another fills her.  She coughs and sweat as they pound her and leave her panting.  Greg sees her breasts swelling, and he takes one to his mouth to suck on.  Emma arches her back as she clings to Greg's hair, and then she moans. 

Emma stands up and she is clutches and held.  Four snakes enter her - two in the front, one in the back, and another in her face as her head is pushed down.  Emma moans as her body is split and filled -  she feels pumping and her body rattles, before with a cream she collapses to the floor.

On the floor her wet loins are sucked and chewed on and her body it touched in a way to leave finger nail marks on her skin.  She sucks on two loins and then she is left alone to shiver on the carpet as the men gamble and leave with their wins.

Greg returns to Emma and he rapes her on the carpet hard -  her hole is wet and sloppy and he calls her a slut before he creams big.  Emma gasps and with her skin shaking she is carried to the shower.  There she is washed and then raped once more before she is taken to her room to rest.

Emma tosses her head in her sleep as nightmares of rape haunt her.  She chokes, gurgles, cries... then she gets up and heads to school

At school she sees the principal and she ties to tell him she has been raped.  The principal nods, and then within a minute he has her on the floor with her legs flung over his head.  He rapes her hard, and then sobbing she runs away from school with sour in her pants.

At home Emma hides herself in her room.  She shivers as she sobs over the awful things that have happened.  She swears and she rips out her hair with her fingers, and then she shivers -  Greg is home; she weeps.

Greg enters her room and he walks to her.  He stands her up and then he rapes her over a chair.  With cream running down her thighs he fists her swat, and then he leaves.  Emma screams, and then she drops in faint -  broken all over.

Rape And Foul

Greg sees Amy trying to crawl.  She uses her hands and he smiles.

"Good;"  he mutters.

Trisha laughs and walks away to go to the toilet.  While there Greg narrows his eyes -  he looks to Amy and he smiles.  Her nappy has just been put on and he wishes he could see her baby loins once more. 

Greg lays Amy down and he pushes up her skirt.  He sees the nappy and he quivers before he takes it off.  It is sick but he likes to rub the smooth swat underneath.  He grows hot tendrils on his brow, and he leans over and takes a lick -  it is smooth and sweet, and he backs away as he hears a knock on the door. 

The knock goes away, and Greg sighs as he peers through the window and sees a scout person.  Greg smiles and then he looks at Amy's loins.  She pushes her legs up over her head and he opens the loins -  it is pink and sweet and he hurriedly takes out his erection and he slips his loins inside of the tight hole. 

He does it hurriedly with sweat over his back.  He pierces that baby swat good, and he enjoys it as he fills her up.  It's more then the top, the whole log of swollen prick dips inside.  Greg closes his eyes and he suffers through a turn on, and with deliberation he creams. 

Amy cries and Greg pulls himself out to inspect the blood -  there is red mucus on his top and he slips it into Amy's crying face and has her choke as he pushes hard.  He turns her juvenile body into his sport and he chokes her of her breath for a good rush.

Trisha returns and she screams as Greg throws dead Amy onto the couch.  Greg grabs Trisha and he tells her to be quiet before he takes her to the bedroom and gives her a rough rape.  With scratches on her body Trisha sobs, and Greg ejaculates before he picks up scissors and cuts Trisha's throat.

There is a sick gurgle before she dies.  Greg wipes his brow.  He then tells himself he is sick before he shoves mother and baby into the back of his car and drives.

At a cliff Greg leaves the car to roll into the ocean -  it does and with a splash he rinses off his guilt.  He then takes the bus home and on the way he picks up a young woman named Lilac.  She goes to his house and there he pushes her to have sex with him.  With her belly full he promises marriage, and she squints her eyes as he holds her with tight clutch.  She has already been claimed, and she can't move as he holds her.  She is to lay by his side as she fights her thoughts that she has been stolen!


Nathan looks at his watch as silence lingers over his shoulders.  It is two am and his dinner was left cold on the table.  He sighs -  he hates it when Marge leaves the dinner on the table, it feels dirty; he almost wants to wake her up with a slap to scold... but he knows better then to disturb her beauty sleep.

A light beam up the hall distracts Nathan and he wanders towards Hannah's room.  He almost reaches it when a quiver runs through his spine -  he is horny.  He knows he should shower and beat himself off lest an erection threaten to destroy his composure; however he tells himself to just be quick and he opens Hannah's door.

Hannah looks at him from the bed -  her lamp is on and she is reading.  Nathan smiles. 

"What you doing there?"  he asks.

Hannah shrugs.

"Reading;"  she mutters.

Nathan nods.

"Time for sleep, school tomorrow...."  he mutters before he steps forward and turns the lamp off.

Dusk and moonlight filter through the window and Nathan stares at Hannah who sighs before she slaps her book down onto the sheets and flops onto the pillow.  Nathan feels like slapping her, but he gently takes the book and places it under the night stand.  There is silence, it is like a war, Nathan has destroyed her peace and fun and she is grumpy. 

Nathan smiles, and he draws in a breath -  he quivers; there is something extra in the smell of the sheets -  they smell really good, and he wishes he could rub his nose into them.

"Goodnight;"  tells Nathan before he exits the room.

Nathan smiles and leaving the door open he heads to the television room to watch the news.  He turns the television on and he sees night porn -  a young woman is giving head to a young guy, and Nathan grows hot as  he sinks his gaze onto it.  He feels his pants itch as the moans come, and with throbbing he turns off the television.

Nathan walks away, and in the hall he sees Hannah's room -  he dips inside.  He feels fevered and he flicks the lamp on to see her -  she squints.  Nathan smiles as his chest pants -  he wishes he were not so flustered but he feels so red hot he could boil an egg.  He zips his pants open, and he hops on Hannah's chest -  with quick movements he presses his loins against her lips and tells her to suck.  She does it as she suffocates under his crotch.  Nathan closes his eyes as ne looks at the wall ahead.  He sees her picture on the wall, and he grows hard.  Hannah chokes, and he pushes himself inside of her mouth.  She chokes again.  Nathan pushes himself in more.  His semen leaks as he sees her picture and he closes his eyes while imaging her on the bed with her legs over her head.  Nathan pushes himself onto Hannah's face until his loins have a hot hole to sit inside.  Thee he shoves his weight hard on her face, and that is how he sits for a whole hour.  He is surprised she can breathe as he continues to nestle his prick inside of her throat.  He had found his next and is happy to sit.  Then he pulls himself away.

"Thanks..."  mutters Nathan as he glares at Hannah's open mouth and heaving chest. 

The sides of her lips are cracked and bleeding, and she tries to call him but she can't talk only rasp.  Nathan rubs her hair and then he leaves.  Hannah tries to scream -  but she can't call only suffer and so she turns her head and throws up.

In the hall Nathan rubs himself - he is wet and his spunk is thrown over a pot plant.  With his load released he heads for his room.  But the nursery calls him and he slips inside.

Inside of a bed is Abigail.  Nathan turns on the light but that does not wake her.  He walks to her bed and he opens the sheets -  he feels as though he is peeling open a flower.  Sure Abigail is not a child, she just spends her time in the nursery because it is the vacant room.  The empty cot lingers in the corner as she sleeps in the low set bed.  Nathan smiles as he pulls down her underwear to look at her real flower downstairs.  He wants to touch it but his fingers tremble and he stops himself as a creak is heard in the hall.  Nathan sees the dog peer into the room and then it leaves.  He sighs, and then he looks to Abigail whose nakedness rests under his finger tips. 

Nathan opens the loins slowly - it is like opening a birthday present and still his fingers tremble.  He sees her open loins and he slips a finger inside.  It is dry, even his finger has a hard time slipping inside, but he does it... and once tested he draws his finger away. 

"It's good - tight;"  he mutters.

Abigail stirs and Nathan pulls her night dress open with a rip.  Her whole body is on display and he touches her breasts, her body, her thighs.... Abigail opens her eyes, and she frowns.  Nathan presses a hand to her ruby lips, and then he tells he to be quiet.  Nathan then takes his hand to her loins and he curls it up -  he feels his breath rise as he starts punching her loins, and then as she moans he pushes harder and harder until his fist is milking her. 

His fist ducks in and out of her loins with milk running around his fingers.  She is wet, and his pumping fist grows her wetness.  Abigail cries as she moans, and Nathan takes his fist away.  Nathan punches Abigail hard in the face -  her jaw crunches but she is not injured but startled.  Nathan smiles as her crying dies down, and he unzips his pants and pushes himself inside.

There is tight squeeze and he throws her legs open and then there is a rush.... some bone rakes against the side of his erection and it thrills him.  Nathan grunts as he pushes himself in deep, and he closes his eyes as he pumps hard...  Abigails hole is ripe and he splits it as he chafes himself. 

Nathan become steamy and horny.  In hate he pulls out to be able to turn Abigail over and drill out her butt hole.  She moans and sobs, but the sound is blocked from his ears as he arches his back and fills her with cream over again while her tight hole is pounded by his hot hard on.  Abigail clutches the blanket and then she shivers as he calms down.  Nathan shakes his head -  he has done it, he has raped her, and it feels good.

Nathan slips away and then he returns to Hannah's room and turns on her computer.  On the internet he finds a porn channel and there he slips on the record button.  The camera on the computer eyes him as he undresses himself.  He tells the computer that he is horny for more then love, but for Hannah's love.  He then takes Hannah out of her bed and he undresses her.  With her nakedness spilling he sits down on a chair and he sits her on his lap.  With her moaning he begins to push her onto him.  It comes off as a lame show but her nipple show her turn on and Nathan smiles as he rocks -  she wilts as she grows tired and for hours they sit there rocking.  Hannah falls near asleep, and then Nathan shivers -  it is five am and he has lost his load.  Nathan opens his eyes, and then he picks up Hannah and puts her into bed.  On the bed he rapes her and then he leaves her alone.

At work Nathan meets his boss Greg who shows him the video that had been made that morning.  Nathan cringes as Greg scolds.

"Is this you?"  asks Greg.

Nathan shrugs.

"No;"  he mutters.

"Looks like your family;"  tells Greg.

Nathan sighs.

"Okay, so it might be;"  he mutters as he cringes.

"A nice time, but not for this workplace... cancel the video;"  he mutters.  "Or you are fired;"

Nathan nods, and he returns home.

On Hannah's computer he moves to delete the video - but he has made twenty thousand dollars and he doesn't do it.

"Goodness me..."  he drawls.

Abigail is in her room, and when he sees her he shivers.  The nanny is downstairs cooking, and Nathan grabs Abigail and he pushes her into Hannah's room.  There he undresses her and he pushes her towards the camera.  He opens her bruised loins, and then with the camera close he pushes himself inside.  The loins rake inside the tight hole and is filmed.  Nathan shivers as he battles his blood.  He then shoots a load and Abigail is filled. 

"A good run!"  he gasps before he turns Abigail around to show off her but hole.

He opens her butt cheeks and then he fills the soft nut in-between with his loins.  He pumps the hole until blood films his loins and then he creams inside.  Nathan sweats.  He then shows his own loins being rubbed and then he creams on the computer.

"Well what you think!"  he swears before he wipes the cream off the desk top.

Nathan ends the video.  He then makes a new one - him pushing Abigail onto his loins while on the carpet, while in a chair, while on the window sill... his ideas run while and he creams heavy until his brain is weak.  With sweat over his clothes Nathan tucks Abigail into Hannah's bed and then he leaves her to rest.  The video's have reached fifty thousand dollars, and he is through counting money.

The nanny knocks on the door and lets herself inside.  Nathan looks to her and he tells her to leave.  The nanny however refuses as Abigail sobs on the bed.  So Nathan beats her up - she is only just twenty and she was cheap to hire.  The nanny scream, but Nathan grabs her screaming to the camera and he films him beating her until she is roughly bruised.  Over a chair he flings her and then he rapes her hard -  the nanny screams, and at the end of a hot rape Nathan hits her head with a hocket stick until she lands thud on the carpet.  The video has been made and Nathan rakes in more money.

"Damn love porn!"  he adds before he beats the nanny until her head is split and blood splattered everywhere.

Nathan throws the nanny's body into a freshly dug hole in the back yard and he leaves her under the  earth to rot.  Nathan then goes back to the computer and sees he has over one hundred grand.  He smiles and he records himself having sex with Abigail once more.  He is dirty and sweaty and by the time he creams it is night and he is drained.

Nathan showers and then he bangs his head against the tiles.

"I'm a monster;"  he mutters as he shakes his head.  "How can I look at myself again?"  he asks before he rolls his eyes and sobs.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Amber Faints

Amber sits in the study reading a book.  She hears Sue in the kitchen and she feels less distressed.  A time of change has taken place, and with the show of physical maturity she knows that she is growing up.  Amber slips a hand through her hair -  she had brushed it many times and it as smooth and healthy. 

A knock on the door and Amber turns her head -  it is Chad and he slips inside.

"What do you want?"  asks Amber with a knot in her gut.

Chad pushes a finger to his lips and he steps closer.  He shadows Amber and she cringes as he steps closer with his breath sounding uneven.  Amber wants to scream but she gulps as she stares with eyes open at Chad.  She thinks she faints -  a cold feeling rushes over her and she faints;  a black space covers her vision and when she opens her eyes Chad is throwing hot kisses all over her face.

Amber tries to push him away but he pushes heavier onto her.  Her legs are open and her thigh is exposed, and all of her thoughts blur as he moves his weight and he digs himself inside of her.  Amber is seventeen, she is fifteen, she is twelve, she is ten... she screams as a hot heaving pulse thuds through her brain.

Amber wakes up -  she had crashed onto the floor and her face was on the edge of her dropped book.  She rubs her face and then she peels herself off the floor before she rubs the dizzy from her brow. She had been dreaming, and she feels stupid as she rushes out of the study.  Someone could have noticed that she had not eaten and she would have gotten a mouthful.

"I have to hide!"  she gasps as she rushes upstairs.  "Disappear!"  she adds before she ducks into her bedroom.


Amber feels uneasy.  She wishes things were good -  but they are not.  At school she has a stalker who can't keep his eyes off her.  At home she has Chad who can't take his eyes off her.  She tried to masturbate about it once - stalkers in her hair; but she turned bone dry and could not sleep a wink.  She tosses and turns about it every day -  her sweet sixteen has come and gone and her breast size has reached its peak.  Her tits are a show when she is wearing bathers, and she feels fear.

"What is this tingling up my back?"  she asks as she turns her head.

Chad is by the door standing aloof in business suit -  he had been eye-balling her and she hadn't known it.

"What do you want?"  she asks as she grows a cold shoulder.

"I'm going for a drive  -  want me to drop you somewhere?"  he asks.

"Sure the mall;'  tells Amber as she picks up her purse.

Her fears of being stalked subside and she heads towards the car in the garage.

The garage is cool.  As Amber reaches for the back door she has trouble -  it is locked.  Chad nears and she complains.

"Locked car;"

A press of the button in Chad's hand and the door is unlocked.  Amber smiles and she opens the car door, but Chad grimaces as he sees her skirt ride up as she dips.  Sue is the kitchen making stew -  Chad knows it is a chance but he can't stop himself.  He reaches for the skirt and flips it up, and then with ease he slips his hand inside of her underwear.  Two movements take seconds to do, and Amber tries to scream.  Chad grows a fever as she moans a petty sound, and he takes away his hand to be able to pull her underwear down.  Amber clutches for the car door frame, and she gasps once, before he takes his hand and slips the whole thing inside of her sex hole.  Amber moans out a heavy sound, and then she suffers as Chad pushes his hand inside of her.  It is a tight squeeze and his face grows red, but his interest grows and he pulses slowly while ripping her open with his whole hand.  Amber feels wetness dribble down her thighs -  she thinks it is urine, but it is blood.  She can't get Chad to back away, so she clutches the door frame and waits for it to stop.

Chad crooks his head and her blood reaches her knee.  He then takes his hand away and he shivers as he sees his whole hand filmed with blood.  Amber leans over and then falls to the ground with blood pouring out of her sex hole.  She feels busted, and Chad is quick to pick her up and push her into the. back of the car.

"A mess!"  he seethes as he glares at the floor of the garage.  "Let it dry!"  he mutters as he pours a swig of oil over it to make it a normal garage stain.

Chad moves to the car and then he drives away with steam inside of his head. 

Chad stops the car in an alley -  he has driven three blocks and he has sprained his wrist.  His hand slipped at a turn off and it pains him deeply.  But he has not broken it.  So as he looks to Amber he feels wetness.  He tastes his fingers for a moment as he loos to her -  she looks normal; nothing special about her really; she looks to him and pulls a face.  Chad knows he can have her.

Chad opens the door and he slips into the back-seat.  He pushes himself over Amber and he separates her thighs.  She slaps him once on the face to make him go away -  he slaps her back, twice, as he growls.

"All I want is sex;"  he mouths while thinking about her blood.

The taste lingers inside of his lips and makes him want to drool -  he has turned cannibal; and he rips her top and bra open to have her bust spill out onto her chest.  They are big, and he takes a touch to one to feel it's spongy texture.  Chad then drop it to be able to mount her.  It takes one second, and in no time her blood his covering his loins as her head bangs on the door behind her.  Chad doesn't care as she cries, moan, and scream... all he wants is sex; his heated pack inside of her; filling up her soft wet hole and pushed it open.  He rocks her, he lunges, he breaks her open while her thighs rake against his ribs.  Her tits are squashed against his chest, but he can't feel them, he only feels himself inside of her and getting wetter by the moment.

"How can you not want this?"  he asks as he closes his eyes to concentrate.

He hears her voice -  it is far away, screaming and moaning between pants; he becomes lost as he feels his sweat dribble down his back and he ventures to a land no one can touch.  He feels good and he smiles, and then he creams....  the car jolts; and a police officer opens the back door to shine a light on him.

"I can hear the young lady scream stop;"  he tells Chad who pulls a crumpled face.

"Go away;"  he mutters.

"Help me!"  screams Amber as she sobs.

"I have to ask you to step out of the car sir;"  he tells Chad before a second police officer opens the other door.

Amber sobs out relief as Chad sucks in his breath and slips out of the car.  Then she gasps as the police officer closest to her slips a hand into her purse to take out her ID. 

The two officers join found id's outside and they then fast put Chad under arrest.  Amber is put into the back of the car and told to wait.  Other officers come and she is escorted into the other car and taken home.

At home Amber races to her room as Sue is given the run-down of the night.  Amber closes the door and she hides in the dark like she is guilty.  Spunk is stuck on her thighs and she smells the stink falling from her.  She has been filled up.  When Sue comes in she is spraying herself with perfume.

"Sorry about tonight;"  tells Sue.  "I wish..."

But Amber faints and blots out her words.

When awake Amber is tucked in bed, and she arches her back.  Her loins throb and she tucks bed-sheets in-between her thighs.  She can't think of more, only less words and she falls asleep once again.

Sue wakes Amber up with a nudge.  Amber sees tears inside of her eyes.

"What's the matter?"  she asks.

"Chad is in prison;"  tells Sue.  "It will be a while so just you and me;"

"Okay;"  tells Amber as she shrugs.

"Sorry this has happened, but one day things will be fine;"  tells Sue before she leaves.

Amber shrugs and looks out the window.  It is a sunny day -  she wishes it were raining though.  Amber feels herself and she seems in one piece; but as soon as she moves something is wrong.  She hurts too much and she feels so wet she cringes.  Amber opens the blankets and sees blood and she screams before she faints.

Taylor Hanson Stalking

So Taylor Hanson is after me.  He run after me and he stalks after me while acting Mr Cool in his apartment.  He licks my sister out and then he promises her in secret and he will kill me.  That is why he is after me, that is his passion.  His relatives have been fingering themselves while waiting for it and hoping for it.  The death of me.  They killed me already   my progress in life laid in my bank account and they got my relatives and told them to annihilate it; and that is what they did so that they can be rid of my possibilities and make me nothing. They don't ever want me to live, and so I am forced to stay in rotten apartment where Taylors best friends and relatives live.  He orders them to attack me over the phone, and they do it -  show up at the door; stalk me; daydream about having my dead body and fornicating with it; growing crushes; growing love; anything to keep me down. 

I am not ever going to win.  They are all the rich and they move to make their friends and relatives famous and rich like them  The government and the royal family, climbing high and makes their lovers rich and high so that they can live the best lives they can and so they can hunt after the other people - like me. 

I am put into hemmorage every day - their souls, their masturbation, their scum, touches me every day... and no one wants to help me out; but they help me in making me suffer through in-humanity.  I tried to runaway but lost my life and my money; and so in chains I come back here to endless ahnialtion.  My sister is climbing high and her vagina is floating in front of me as the queen.    They lick, suck, and make her famous and rich and live the better lives while putting me down and give me no chance.  All their sex juices are running down my walls killing me, and all they can do is smile and cheer.  This is what they wanted - and still it is not over.  Taylor Hanson sits in his room waiting for me to die, and when I don't lie he stalks after me again.  A hidden stalking tasting my sisters vagina on his mouth and head, while stalking with every bit he can, trying to plan how he can kill me so his friends and my sister can rule the world.

Friday 6 November 2015

Break Up Blues

Angie hangs around the kitchen on a boiling hot day.  She thinks of her boyfriend Kale and she swears as she sees him on the arm of another person.  Angie grumbles to herself as she frowns -  love isn't supposed to be a wire on which a paper cardboard is hung!  It's supposed to be a feeling deep inside!  Angie shrugs.  Maybe she is the hopeless romantic but she thinks she has been used.

She remembers the night when she lost her virginity to Kale.  He invited her into his room, and in that room he told her the awful truth -  no leaving until he had been given a lay.   She had tried to bargain but he had told her that there was no getting around the subject - they were going to mate, and it was going to be special.  Angie had fretted -  she had no idea if Kale had Std's or anything; she just knew he was hot and so she had said yes to a date.  After being laid by him she had been filled with disappointment... he had been lousy; and he was too infertile to be able to be bargained with a 'I have a child' con.  So she had hung onto their relationship and then he had thrown it away.

"What a stupid relationship!"  gasps Angie before she looks in the freezer for ice-cream.

There is none; so being disappointed once again she slams the fridge closed.

Lance enters the kitchen ready to make coffee -  he looks past Angie to the coffee machine behind her, and as she pulls a face he is filled with ignorance.  Angie shouts.

"Why no ice-cream!" 

Lance stops and turns his vision to see Angie with tears and a red face.  That is the look of upset, and he smiles as he watches her pant.  He has been looking at porn for six hours and her panting makes him remember of the shows he had been watching.  He can even take her serious as she presses a finger to her face to catch a dribbling tear; his mind isn't on the seriousness of drama and so he pushes her away to make coffee.

"Don't temper;"  he mutters as he hears a scream.  "I am not in the mood;"

Angie backs off right away and she fast steams out of the kitchen to her bedroom to sulk.

Angie draws a devil drawing, and a load of hate, onto a piece of paper before throwing it away.  She feels cheated for the first time in her life, and she cannot press a clean word inside of her mind.  She wishes and she hopes that she can find light, but she can't; only fury and it gnaws at her as she chews on her teeth.  She tastes hard, and with grit she goes to bed with a bump on her head.

During the night Angie tosses and turns -  she sees Kale with his friend and she knows she has been used.  He fills her thoughts and her head, and she rakes her nails against her skin; she wishes he were clean like her but he kisses his sweetheart over and again and she screams.  She wishes she had a knife to cut his heart, a pot to boil his bones... she wishes and hopes that he could be clean -  no!  She wakes up in the shadow of din and she knows she is an ex.

"Well make him an ex!"  she tells herself as she sits up and checks out her phone.

She scans the few male friends she has, and then she dials a number.  On the other end is Jacob -  he says a husky hello and she asks him out.  While he is still trying to figure out her words she chucks a temper.

"Just say yes and we can catch a movie;"  she tells.

Jacob nods and grunts -  but his words are still stuck on his tongue.  It takes a second and then he tells Angie.


Angie shrugs unable to admit defeat.

"So we'll catch a movie after..."  she mutters.

Jacob narrows his eyes.

"No; no time;"  he says.

Angie shrugs.

"Then come over for a lay;"  she says.

Jacob shakes his head.

"Desperate bitch!"  he gasps.  "Ring another bell this is taken!"  he tells before he hangs up.

Angie falls apart - she puts down the phone and she rakes her nails through her hair.  She feels unfulfilled!  She wants filling to fill her so that she is not a loser.  She wants to jump out the window!

A knock on the door breaks her attention and Angie turns her head to see Lance.  He looks nice in his casual not work clothes, and she growls before she puts a pillow over her phone. 

"A moment!"  gasps Lance as he wiggles a finger her way.  "You were rude to me!"  he tells her.  "Apologize!"

Angie glares at Lance - he has a beet-red face she can only take half-seriously.  She shrugs and then she rolls her eyes; but her tongue remains sticky.  She can't even talk, so she pulls a face as her heart-beat pulses... her mind is fixed on Kale and she sees him as she closes her eyes -  he is that annoying figure floating in the centre of her mind; he smiles at her as though he is laughing and she feels her heart near ache... she becomes absorbed and she floats in a vessel scoping out Kale like he is resting on the milky way.  It is dark and cold inside of her mind, and she almost feels like she is from outer-space.  Bam!  A slap on the face wakes Angie up and she flicks her eyes open to meet Lance.

"What do you want!"  she screams off her guard once again.

"What does it matter?"  asks Lance as he pulls up his sleeves.

A memory comes to Angie as she glares at Lance -  he has pulled up his sleeves before; a dark Christmas morning turns from pleasure to pain as he uses his fists to wake her up to the fact that opening presents at 3am is not how family's enjoy Christmas.  The beating turns into manslaughter as punch marks become bruise, and then it turns into anguish as he kicks and snaps one of her ribs.  Angie ends up feeling her clothes as the starchy clothes of the hospital almost seem real. 

"Now calm down, I am sure we can work something out!"  gasps Angie as Lance rolls his wrist to warm up for the first hit. 

"Oh?"  he asks angered but alert.

Angie knows he can see her and she sighs.

"It is true;"  she tells him slowly as her heart-beat rises to her brain.  "I am alarmed right now... so push yourself away..."

Lance thinks as he glares at Angie -  it is true she seems tense at the shoulders; but he doesn't think a slap would really hurt her. 

"Away...  away...."  repeats Angie as though in a dream.

Lance clicks his fingers -  Angie shrivels down inside of herself.  Lance is filled with fury, and she doesn't want to be alive anymore.

"You apologise;"  mutters Lance with his teeth clapping together.

"Yes I am sorry;"  tells Angie as she gasps inside of her chest.

She knows in the right mood Lance can't stop hitting her -  it's some pleasure which he can't pry his hands away from; it makes him feel good to give her skin bruises and she doesn't want to feel it again.  Inside of her mind she hears herself crying and she knows he has given her more then one beating in a past life. 

"Sorry;"  she mutters as she blinks.

Lance nods.

"Okay..." he mutters.  "But you me one..."  he adds before he leaves.

Angie sighs inside of her chest and she leans back upon the wall as she is filled with relief.  She has guided away a storm and she feels like she is heaven.  Angie closes her eyes and sees Kale standing there.  He is looking good, but she doesn't feel in the mood for him -  her anger has dived with her wits and she rests feeling undone. 

Lance returns and Angie opens her eyes to see him.  She sees his face, his eyes, his lips... all lunge for her and soon his face is pressed against herself.  She feels knotted and she tries to sit up but Lance's weight pulls her down.  Angie feels like a robot gone off its cruise control which had told her to find a date and flirt; she now feels botched with her wires crossed and she spits out fume with the sparks that fly off her.  Her time for being a robot has passed and she feels perplexed.  She cries - it comes off as a muffled sound, and she tries her best to push Lance away; but he sticks and stays and believe it or not he grows ever more heavy; it is a hunger that pushes him further onto her and Angie screams.

Angie chews on her nails as she glares out the window -  Lance went all the way with her and she doesn't know why.  He is often filled with fantasies, but she had no idea he had wanted to do it with her.  She feels harassed, but with her pleasure nodes going off she thinks it is okay.  Then she hates and blames, and then she feels her pleasure nodes starve... then she thinks of Kale and thinks 'good' then she thinks Lance and thinks 'bad'.  She knows she can't talk otherwise she will scream, so she stares out the window.  She wishes she could come to some conclusion but she can't -  so she waits and the afternoon passes on, and the outside doesn't grow less interesting not even with the black coat on... it still retains her interest and she stays silent.  Her fingers can no longer be eaten - now she is just wasting time.

"Well I think I am over Kale;"  she mutters as she puts her hand down.  "I don't think I am jealous any more;"  she adds before she closes the curtains.

The house seems dark and cold with the curtains closed -  like a swamp at midnight; it is dewy and dirty... Angie wipes her brow... she is tired; best go to bed.

Lance Kale

Jesus Trouble

Jesus hangs his heads and sighs.  Many moons he has wondered why he had not  been left a father.  Mary is a curse on his head and she tries to coddle him too much.  In rebuke he turns himself into torture - drunk!  A clever guise which hails him a disgrace in his mothers eyes!

"I see you witch!"  whispers Jesus as he glares at his mother who sits on her stool in the dusky hall, waiting for a suitor who has long come and gone.  "Looking at me with those eyes... those foul eyes which are covered with coarse; why hate!"  he spits before he hangs his head.

He feels as though he is kidding himself - his mother has much regret, but he has the burden to heavy to carry.  When he sees her she is but a poor reflection of himself -  he has the hate!  Spite sits like coarse black inside of his veins, and he wishes he had no such hate, but he does... it is resting inside coming out as a word in the blackest of times; and he has sorrow.  His hate makes him forget of things as kindness and giving, and makes him build a war for which he has stapled a firm frown on his face!

A knock on the door has Jesus with company within moments -  it is a Roman soldier and Jesus shies as he sees his golden armour.

"What you calling for?"  asks Jesus as he grows a bead of sweat.

"Your business set for tax or closure!"  tells the Roman with a grim grin.

"Close;" tells Jesus with a nod.  "I have no money;"  he adds.

"Shame!"  tells the Roman as he tilts his head.  "Those hands made the stools for many a bar!"  he adds before he leaves with a swim of his head.

"Tis how I paid for my drink..."  mutters Jesus before he closes the door.

Jesus sighs as he leans upon the wood -  his hands made their door and its splinters rake his arms.  It was not made perfect -  a line in the middle of the door was particularly coarse and he was not able to smooth it.  Jesus peels himself away, and then he places a hand to his heart.

"Oh heart!  A Roman true!  Ending my long business with the wood and saw!"  he mutters before his mother shows herself.

She looks bewitching for a moment -  in the dark he sees her eyes as glowing; but the light is playin tricks!  He has imagines her prettiness as his heart wishes for it -  she walks to him with an old stagger which he wants to throw out the door.  His skin reels, and his nerves grow an edge. 

"What you wish of me?"  he asks as his inside grow hard as stone.

"Who was at the door?"  asks Mary.  "You seem shaken!"

"A Roman!"  tells Jesus as he glares.  "He closed my business...."  he adds.

"No!  I pay tax to him!"  gasps Mary before she rushes forward and shoves Jesus to the side!

Mary peers outside and she sees still.  There is only vacancy and when she turns to the door she reads a Roman sign.

"Business closed;"  it reads and a date under.

Mary feels weak -  Jesus was a terrible business person but she had wanted him to try.  She knew he was humble, but she had thought that his skill would grow  -  after all he was supposed to have been made from od all wise!  Mary shakes herself from the gossip.  Jesus doesn't seem all that miraculous at all -  all he does is stare, drink, and do plain carvings not even a beggar would wish for.   She wished she could see God... but no; all she sees is her son.

"Terrible thing!"  she gasps as she steps inside.  "I wished you had called me;"  she tells Jesus who glares at the sign on the door with eyes burning and face white as milk.

"Remove that sign!"  tells Jesus as he rushes to the door.

"No, don't!"  gasps Mary stepping in the way.  "It is legal notice to stop you from selling!  It stays!"  she tells.

Jesus is kept away from the sign and he grows scared -  it has been nailed and he had not heard a knock!  He had been leaning on the door and he had not heard!  He gasps and shrivels to the corner -  a nice black corner to rest his thoughts in.

"What is that!"  he gasps as he feels his wits fade.  "Sorcerer!"  he cries.

But Mary closes the door and she closes his other complaints.  Jesus feels his skin prickle and he hangs his head. 

"You leave it there;"  tells Mary with a nod before she moves on.

Jesus cannot feel anything but spite, and with grit he turns away.

Jesus cannot live in the house any more.  He takes down the sign, and it is erected.  He tries to do business for a drink, and he is turned away or the bar closes.  Jesus feels burned and sober he begins to think.  While thinking he feels his heart-beat -  it is that horrible sound in the back of his head; it tells him that he is alive.  Jesus grunts and then with a decision he walks to the town to see the people around.

Jesus meets the markets and he manages to chat himself a free apple.  After eating he moves on to the stores where he manages to sample free bread.  With his belly full he moves to the water, and there he becomes attracted to the sea.  It calls him; there is something inside of his body he wishes for and he almost steps into the water when he is called away.

"Only boats in the water!"  tells a fisherman.  "Keeps the water pure!"

Jesus nods, and with permission he hops into the fisher-mans vessel and he heads to the ocean.  The fisherman looks out of his craft with rod in hand.  Jesus looks at the water and before his eyes it starts to turn crystal.

"Say fisherman I know you said that no foot may sit in the water, but what if I walk on top of it?"  he asks.

"You ask for wings!"  tells the fisherman.

Jesus rises in the boat!  The fisherman clutches the side and then he gasps as Jesus steps off the boat!  The water turns hard under his feet and he walks -  he walks like the world is not made of liquid and in no time he reaches the shore which has drawn a crowd. 

"I walked!"  tells Jesus as he turns and sees high crashing waves.  "I walked!"

"A miracle!"  tells one of the people at the shore.

Jesus turns to the ocean and sees clouds as black as night lunging over to greet him.  He grows scared as a howl slaps his face - the wind is moaning and he knows he has done something wrong!  Jesus hangs his head and he walks, and with the storm biting at his ear he dives for shelter and begins to pray.

Jesus spends the night in the storm, but morning he continues with his travels.  He doesn't know where he is headed, but home with its rules seems not the way to go.  So he walks, and as he walks people notice him.  They talk to him with curiosity and he talks back.  He does not know what brings them to him but he wishes they would not come near him.

"I wish to be alone;"  he tells himself within his mind as he speaks to make his voice heard.

But Jesus is not alone -  he meets many people, and people follow him.  He is turned into a show, and he walks and talks while being speculated.  He puts up with the company but something inside wants all the leave.  His lessons of sin and God are just ideas he put together to get the pull off religion.  He tells them fantasy, and all agree that God should be what he imagines.  If he says God is a bird they believe him; if God is a hand they believe him; if God is milk they believe him; all his words are truth and he feels honoured.

But the people who do not feel so honoured are the Romans.  They laugh at Jesus and call him a fool, and when arrested they beat him and tell him he be burned when his mother stops pays their fees.
  Jesus laments -  he has gotten into trouble time and again and he knows it is time to go home.

But before Jesus can turn he walks into a Roman trap and he is told to go to prison.  There he is fed poison and then kicked to the dirt, and with ribs heaving he is put in a cell in which he rots.  Then he is told he is sin and escorted to the posts where he is hung and crucified.  Then he is put to death in many painful ways. left as a corpse, and risen from the dead.  Then he is told he is dead and that is when Jesus breaks.

"How dare you tell me this!"  he exclaims as he grows fury.  "Dead!  I am alive!  I live on!"  he cries out before he races away.

To the dark he is called and wind howling he ducks!  He becomes a ghost as he lies to cover who he is, and then he disappears as he leads himself further away until he is dead.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

A Burst Of Anger

Amber looks at the clock -  it is time to go to school; she sighs!  she does not even want to go -  the day before Dolly and her boyfriend Mitch teased her and she cried.  She doesn't want to see them again, and so she hangs back by the clock in the hallway listening to the seconds as the bus in front of their house drives past.  She has done it -  she has missed the bus to school!  Amber sighs and with a hand to her heart she relaxes.  Amber almost wants to call success when Reg comes downstairs with coffee in hand. 

Reg looks to Amber and he frowns.

"You off to school?"  he asks.

Amber shakes in her bones.

""I missed the bus;"  she chirps.

Reg shrugs.

"I can drive you..."  he mutters as he puts down grounded on his chore list. 

"Oh really?"  asks Amber as she feels her anguish rise to her throat.

"Yes;"  tells Reg as he notices her stiffness.  "Let's go;"  he mutters with a clip.

Amber nods, and with a tremble she picks up her bag and exits the house.

The drive to school is pain and Amber swallows her breakfast every step of the way.  She wants to knit a plea inside of her mind, but she stifles her next word with a cough.  Amber wants to tell Reg to stop but she cant -  the wheels turn and she feels her heart-beat pulse as her mind screams.  She feels like she is being raped of her good day, and she grunts as the car stops in front of the school.

"There you go;"  mutters Reg full of calm and speculation. 

"Great..."  mutters Amber as she looks to Reg and tries to gain some pity 

"Go on..."  tells Reg seeing the tears glazing her eyes.

Amber sighs and forgets her stress to sob.  She sobs as she exits the car, and then sobs as she turns to look at Reg.  Reg clears his throat and drives away, however as he drives he feels guilt.  Amber cries through her chest as she stands on the pavement, and with reluctance he bothers to slow the car to look.  In an instant!  Amber walks across the street and into a lane.  Reg grows wild eyes and he fast backs the car to the street and rev's it to storm down the street!  Reg passes Amber and parks, and then he slips out.  Amber is quick to arrive and as he does he grabs her and gives her a hug.

"What's the matter?  Why you not go to school?"  he asks as Amber suffocates against his chest.

"They hate me!  They hurt me!"  waits Amber before she sobs out loud.  "It's rape!"

Reg clears his throat as he narrows his eyes -  he finally thinks he hears a confession, when Amber is stating thoughts...  inside of Reg's mind he sees a college quarter back pushing her into a steaming shower and he grows a face of red.

"Well maybe you don't need to go to school...."  he mutters as he thinks. 

A pulse settles on his brow -  he thinks of psychology, counselling, ice-cream; the things to make a person feel well.  Amber settles down from her sobbing and she hangs inside of his arms -  she can shed no more tears she feels warm and at home. 

"I want to go home..."  she mutters.

Reg feels the hairs on his neck rise -  of course she can go home; but what he doesn't plan if he will go home also.

In the car Reg bites on his nails as he glares at the road with worry on his head.  He things chemist, pharmacy, pills... he should get Amber a packet of each and then weigh if it were money well spent.  Tense makes Reg feels fidgety and he bites a nail as his mouth is filled with the taste of nicotine -  he is chewing up and it makes him feel both warm and cool and he can't stop until he returns home.

Amber heads fast to her bedroom to rest in the dim as Reg paces around the kitchen.  He picks up the phone and calls work.

"Sick today;"  he tells before he hangs up.

That was the easy obstacle.  Reg picks up a pen and pad and begins to write questions, and he doesn't stop, not even as the quarter back yells out 'score'!  in the back of his mind.  He keeps writing as time ticks inside of his head, and when he finishes it is afternoon.

"Amber..."  mutters Reg as he opens the bedroom door.

"What?"  asks Amber as she raises her brows.

She has been listening to the radio quietly while writing notes to a school friend, and quickly she pushes both away.

"I know that what you were crying about it no little thing -  so I am prepared to listen to you as you tell me the following.... what... where... who?"  he asks as a list of death threats are taped on a white board in the back of his mind.

Reg feels his thoughts turn sinister and he grows a crown of hate before he settles down to rest on a thorn stool as he forces his ears to listen.

"I don't know what you mean;"  tells Amber as she shrugs.  "What?"

Reg sighs.

"What turned the guy on.. where'd he do it... and who was he?"

Amber shrugs. 

"Rape!"  steams Reg as he grows impatient.

Amber grows red of face.

"I haven't been raped!"  she mutters.

"What about the tears?"  gasps Reg as he grows a bead of sweat that is both tears and strain.

"I didn't want to go..."  mutters Amber.

"Why?"  asks Reg as he points a finger.

"Because... the bullies... they call me names!"  tells Amber as she grows upset.

"Names?"  asks Reg as sweat dribbles down his face.  "I thought you said you were raped!"  he wars.

"No..."  mutters Amber as she grows a shiver.

"Then what's with the crying?  the word!"  steams Reg as he slaps his notes over his thigh. 

"I didn't want to go to school..."  tells Amber as she grows shy.

"The crying!"  gasps Reg as he stands to run fingers through his hair.  "No need to skip school for bad feelings;"  he mutters rather calmly before he steams forth and slaps Amber once on the cheek.

Amber gasps as a cold feeling rushes through her chest.  She feels cold and numb, and then she feels hurt and pain.  Amber turns her head away to shed a tear and Reg kicks the leg of her table.

"You have no business to skip school over name calling..."  he swears as he grows up steam.  "No business!"  he yells before he wipes his face and leaves.

Amber looks at the door as it slams closed, and she wipes her eyes -  she has never seen Reg so menacing, and it has scared her.  She thinks of twisted hate and its morbid tales, and in the back of her mind she sees him beating her with an electrical chord as a demon dances on his face -  eyes black, cheeks red, and hate spewing off a crown on his head.  Amber feels his hands crawl over her neck to strangle her, and she screams!

Reg enters the room and he glares at Amber as she shivers.

"What?"  he asks.  "What!"  he steams.

"Nothing just thoughts...."  mutters Amber as she stands.

Amber wants to run and she almost nears Reg, but as she does his energy becomes more tense and so she backs away and moves to the window.  Reg glares at Amber and he growls as his temper fans.

"What?  You wanna pass me?'  he asks.

Amber shivers as she leans upon the wall.

Reg notices her tense and he rushes towards her -  he is in front of her in seconds, with her hair inside of his clutches.  Reg slaps her face a couple of times, and then he throws her to the side - Amber lands on the carpet with a thud, and there Reg shakes his head.

"Tonight I'm going to beat you..."  he mutters with a wink. 

Amber wipes her face, and after her fingers leave Reg's knuckles hit her hard.  He doesn't wait for the night to bloom, he beats her screaming until she is a mess; then he leaves with his mobile glued to his ear.

"A nonsense kid!"  he steams as he reaches the door.  "Grow up!"  he adds before he leaves.

Amber gasps and she gathers her strength to move; but walking towards the exit door proves a difficult feat -  something inside of her brain rings, and she hears its tune and her feet walk on air; a whirlwind crosses her brow and it leaves with her -  she has gone; she drops and lays on the carpet the whole afternoon.

Reg wakes Amber with a slap to the face and she shivers as she sees him.

"You're all messed up;" tells Reg.  "Let me help you into bed;"  he adds.

Amber feels her body get pulled and lifted and then she is helped into bed.  She feels sick and dizzy -  but she doesn't say so; she just drops and closes her eyes, and Reg leers as she pretends him away.

"School next week;"  he mutters as he sees the bruises on her cheeks.  "No more messing around;"  he adds as guilt thumps on his shoulder.

Reg walks away with a heavy step, and at the door he blames himself as a rash on his arm turns into a burn.  He cannot forgive himself, and he hurries to grab a drink before his guilt can make him feel any anguish, and he guzzles the whole afternoon, and he doesn't stop until he is trashed and drowned.

Monday 2 November 2015


Mary holds her cold woes inside of her head.  Her heart is breaking and she know not why.  Something inside of her mind, a day of cold... strikes her and she best hang her head to cry.  She know not why, such a fate!  A night come on too soon, and the light come back too late!  Hark why does she not see the emblem of desire, inside of her eye while her husband does kneel to light fire.

"Oh, dear!"  she cry as fire glisten in her eye.  "Why me?  A heart blooming on hate and coarse skin!"

Mary wishes she had some light to guide her, but to an old bed she follows her woes to rest her head on pillow which does smell of moulded rose.

In her sleep she does dream -  but her dreams do not send her anything but misery.  She wishes she could see more light, but the draft sticks to her skin and turns it blue-grey, and she does in her heat become miserable once more.

So then with a tear falling an image does appear in her room -  a shadow turns into a glisten, and then a glisten into a figure... and lo!  Behold a light does appear and Mary does not wake but it does blaze forth to shine a star so great that by the window even a lamp does pale!

"Mary... Mary..."  beckons the angle with dark face turned light.  "Mary... Mary... I beckon thee... rise... wake from your slumber and see...."

Mary's eyes do stir, and within an instant they flick open -  but the soul inside is still resting, and it takes one last whisper for her to stir to wake.

"Wake!"  calls the angle with such kindness that Mary does waken and as she does stir she gasps at the blazing furnace that near makes her blind.

Mary does try to shade her eyes with a hand, but she is told by the angel to take her hand down.

"You shall not shield your eyes from me;"  he tells her, and so Mary does take her eyes down.

"But I cannot see..."  she complains as she blinks that the light which is so full of strength she fears to be turned blind.

"Then lay down until you can see me, and when you do you shall be blessed;"  says the angel.

So Mary does rest her head, and in her slumber she sees a man of such great beauty that she cannot do naught but feel warmth, and in her last moment of trepidation her thoughts are taken away and she is blessed!

Mary does fear the next few days that something has happened to her.  She feels different, and she fears that inside of her body is a son from the sun who she had met so many hours before.  Mary feels faint that Joseph might find out -  their marriage is months away, and she is sure he is to discover that she has been led astray.

"Whatever shall become of me?"  she asks before she weeps.  "I shall be left nothing, and then I shall have to grow old alone!"

However then Joseph marches through the door and he praises Mary.

"Mary!  You are with child!"  he tells her.  'It is sin, but he shall be holy, as you have given yourself to the lord!" he calls.

"I have?"  gasps Mary as she sits up straight.  "Will you live with me while I have this child?"  she asks.

"Nay!"  tells Joseph with a bow.  "I shall take you to Egypt, and there you shall become sainted and made holy;"  he tells her.

"Oh... if you must..."  mutters Mary with a blush.

"I must!"  tells Joseph with a firm nod.

However travel is weary and along the way Mary falls down on the grass and Joseph is forced to carry her to a manger to rest.  Inside of the Manger with a cloth over her head Mary gives birth.  The stars shine and strangers come, and Mary feels light -  the child is blonde, and he is holy. 

"What a sight!"  gasps Joseph as gold is placed beside the child's skin and shone in likeness.  "He is gold!"  he gasps. 

"He is the lord son!"  agrees a stranger.

Joseph holds reserve the blessing as he and Mary are told to leave house after house after showing their golden child.  Joseph feels Jesus a burden, and he wishes he had not been born as Egypt throws their hands up and yells for him to leave.

Joseph sits by the door as Mary weeps in her room -  it has been thirteen months and the child has grown too heavy to throw into a river and let sail.  So Joseph stares at the stars and he waits for his life to drown as he sits by the door and Mary inside of her room, looking after a child-god who seems to have no right of day even at birth. 

"Oh wind!  Tell the world, the lord is dead, and we have his child!"  he mutters as his heart falls ice-cold.

Many years pass and Joseph is called by messenger to return to Rome.  Mary wishes she can go with him but Joseph says that he will not allow it, so leaving money on the table he leaves. Mary does weep -  she is sure Joseph will not return, and when her thoughts come true she cries harder.

"I shall have to turn slave!"  she gasps.  "For Jesus my son.. and for me..."

It is hard and Mary does feel much grief -  for inside of her heart she does wish for someone to look after her, but she shall not lay down not while she is needed.  She must turn herself to saint and carry her burden while performing tasks of a slave and ignoring the contempt of others.

Jesus tries to understand -  but he does not understand fully   He steals her money to buy wine, and then he steals her savings to plan trips overseas.  He and Mary do quarrel -  but it is a soft quarrel which leaves her exhausted, and in his grief he does take to carpeting to ease his troubled mind.

In time Jesus sells his carpeting but even that turns into awry as people who give him money ask for their money return.  Jesus gives all he can but he tries to keep some money and in time this does give him trouble with the law, who decided to raise taxes to punish Jesus. 

Mary does all she can to turn the law-men away but in time she realizes that they are attacking Jesus and so she tells him to stop working and to walk.

"Roam the fields and let people know you;"  she tells him.

And so Jesus does roam -  but as he speaks people's minds and eyes turn queer and they ask Jesus questions for which he has no real answer.  Jesus however talks, and as he does people discover that he is holy, and so they urge him to perform miracles of which he is not very wise.  But then by a river he discovers fish, and then in someone's house he discovers he can heal, and then when serving break he discovers he can multiply.  So with these gifts he travels and people support him and ask him to places which reach beyond the hills and his name is known.