Sunday 27 September 2015

Rough Night

Kaylee walks into the bushes and she takes out a cigarette from her pocket.  She wants to smoke it but she has no lighter, and so she throws the unlit cigarette on the leaf litter.  She feels like a loser - unable to buy a lighter, she is poor and her parents don't give her any of the money they get for getting her to go to school.  Kaylee wipes her eyes - that feeling of constriction climbs over her body like a spider, and the school seems like some jail which she wants to vacate from.  The bell rings to get students inside of the building but Kaylee lingers.  She doesn't feel like going to school, she just wants to feel sorry for herself so she makes herself a seat on the leaf litter. 

The atmosphere is still and quiet and in her daydream Kaylee floats and she falls asleep.  When she wakes it is dark, so dark she can't see a hand over her face.  It is then Kaylee realizes that it is night - she has slept the afternoon away.

"I'd better get home!"  she gasps as she sits.

In a rush she slips out of the bushes oblivious to the cigarette scent that trails the air.  Kaylee is caught and a teachers voice calls to her.

"Who's there?  School was out hours ago!"  they call.

Kaylee stamps her shoes and she looks over her shoulder.  She sees the outline of a male teacher, and she wipes her hand over her brow.

"I fell asleep!"  she charges as she rolls her eyes.

The teacher stamps out his cigarette.

"Perhaps you would like a lift home?"  he asks. 

"No, it's okay..."  mutters Kaylee as she watches the teachers shadow approach.

"What were you doing sleeping?"  asks the teacher as he comes close.

"I needed to take five and fell asleep;"  tells Kaylee as she pulls a leaf out of her hair.

"I'll need to ring your parents;"  tells the teacher as he draws in a breath.

He can tell Kaylee is fresh bait and he thinks quickly.  He knows she can't see him, he can't even see her, she's just a blank shadow in dark that separates them from anything but their voice.  He looks at Kaylee as she frets - she grows stiff at the shoulders and her silhouette hunches in a way which stoops.  The mention of her parents have made her depressed.

"Do you have to ring them?"  she asks as she rolls her eyes.

"It's late, they'll be worried;" tells the teacher as he raises his brows.  "Don't you want to tell them you are safe;"

"No... they'll make a big deal out of it and I'll be grounded;"  tells Kaylee.  "I shouldn't have fallen asleep at all, I just felt tired..."  she drawls before she bends her head to let down her guard. 

""I understand..."  mutters the teacher as he glares at the shadow before him.

He recognises an easy grab - he has taken students to the bushes before but it's usually so he can pay them money for the most naughty of activates, he has even gotten to film some on mobile, and it makes his computer groan when he takes his shoes home.

"I want to go;"  mutters Kaylee as she begins to grow upset over the waiting to be dismissed.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like a ride -  there are predators at night, you could get picked up..."  warns the teacher as he smiles.

"No, I'll take my chances...."  tells Kaylee before she begins to walk.

Kaylee doesn't take more then a step before the teacher pulls her back.  It isn't a sharp tug, only a light one, but it brings Kaylee back and keeps her from leaving.

"Yes?"  she asks with a tremor inside of her tone.

"You made the wrong choices... now you will have no chances..."  tells the teacher as he squeezes her arms. 

"Let me go..." tells Kaylee however in an instant she is dragged behind the trees where she is beaten and raped.

Kaylee sobs as she walks home -  the journey is slow, and her body is sore and hurting.  But she takes her time and within an hour she is home.  The house is quiet -  there is a television turned on, however the lounge seems empty.  Kaylee moves towards her room but her father yells as he catches sight of her in the hallway.

"Where have you been young lady?"  he asks as he points a finger. 

"I was sleeping..."  gasps Kaylee scared.

Her father slaps her face hard before he notices the bruises around her eyes, and the scratch marks on her arms.  Her father slaps her again before he can stop himself, and then he drags her to her bedroom where he rips her clothes off.

There are inky black bruises showing in spots over her skin, and nail-gashes all over various places.  Kaylee gets hit once again, before her father runs his finger on the dribbling semen in-between her thighs.

"This is male spunk;"  he mutters as he takes a taste.  "You dating?"

"No!"  yells Kaylee as she tries her best to cover herself with her torn away skirt. "I was raped;"  she adds.

Her father slaps her again - but this time really hard.  Kaylee touches her jaw as her mind screams.

"Get off me!"  she yells.  "Get the hell off me!" 

However her screaming is stopped with one last slap which runs blood from her nose.  A sermon about blood, sin, snakes, and evil dribbles from her fathers lips.  Kaylee knows it is a religious sermon, but she doesn't want to hear it.  Sooner or later it is like a hymn poisoning her from the inside out.  As she cries she shivers and sweats, and her toil does not stop until she faints.

In the morning Kaylee wakes and she stumbles around her room.  There is wetness on her thighs -  it feels like blood, and she knows that something has happened during her sleep.  Kaylee smells skin, it smells like sweat and she goes to have a shower.  In the mirror however Kaylee looks at her beaten body - there are bruises all over her and she grows faint.  She rushes to have a shower, then she rushes into bed, at least she is in a safe place but her body is stiff and sore and she groans.  Kaylee can't help the tears and she whispers a prayer, not one of faith just of hope that the world be righteous and set the correct angle as the new days move to pass so that she may forget about all the wrong that has happened and of her sores.

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