Tuesday 29 September 2015

Late Night

Linda walks down the street.  It is dark and she feels chilled.  She doesn't like to feel scared but her hairs stand on edge.  Linda quickens her steps as though being stalked by a ghost.  However she feels more like the ghost. With a shiver she hurries to a cab and hops into the car, she tells the driver the address and she is driven away.

In her house Linda feels calmer, however her nerves knot as she finds her husband Jeremy drunk.

"You come home late?"  he asks is thick drawl.

"I had to work overtime;"  she tells him.

"Over the table or under?"  asks Jeremy as he draws her into his eye.

"Over;"  tells Linda as she feels a threat. 

Jeremy smiles and then he takes a drink.  He wishes he had not married Linda for her looks for he is always speculating that she is in the midst of having an affair. 

"I had pizza;"  he adds as Linda moves to walk past.  "Cold... from the fridge;"  she adds.

"Sorry;"  tells Linda as she cocks her head.  "I had to work;"

Jeremy smiles and he narrows his eyes as Linda moves on.  However at the wall she jumps as Jeremy throws a beer which breaks on the plaster.

"Score!"  gasps Jeremy as he jumps. 

Linda knots her tongue -  her heart murmur is blasting and she can't calm herself!  She rummages through her thoughts and she creates argument, but she doesn't talk, she just stands there crying through her trembling bones.

"Bitch..."  mutters Jeremy as he sits.  "Take one on me..." he adds.

Linda swallows her dry tongue and she turns to face Jeremy who is watching TV.  She wipes her wet eyes and then she moves on to the bedroom where she trembles to the carpet.  She sobs for a minute, and then she reminds herself she is a woman who must never cry.  So she moves to have a shower, and the water cheers her up until she is able to stand in her mind as a solid somebody.

"How dare he talk to me!"  she gasps.  "I am special!  I am his wife!"

Linda wishes she could ask Jeremy for an apology however it is not a good time and so with luck on her chest she slips into bed where she sleeps until she feels warm again.

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