Monday 28 September 2015

The New Friend

Ebony glares at the other people at school and she becomes shy.  She is unsure if she feels ugly or just different.  There are so many other people that she could count the rashes.  Something is making her feel bashful and it makes her uneasy.

"Hi, new here?"  asks Sheila.

"Yes;"  mutters Ebony with a grimace.

"Let me show you to your room;"  tells Sheila.  "I enjoy being the escort!"  she smiles.

Ebony feels grateful and she allows Sheila to show her to her class.  She does the task in seconds, and with a wave Ebony moves into class.

Class is a bore and Ebony only just makes it through.  After it is over she finds her next class.  The next class is just as horrible and by lunch Ebony is snacking on potato snaps -  the fattiest chip a tuck store can offer!

Sheila finds Ebony and sits with her.

"My class was horrible!"  she gasps.

"Mine too!"  tells Ebony as she rubs her brow.  "I can't make it through the year;"  she adds.

"No!  Don't talk like that just do it, you'll be fine!"  tells Sheila as she steals a chip.

Eric walks up to Sheila.

"Go out with me!" he begs her.

"No!" scolds Sheila with a gasp.

"Okay;"  tells Eric before he leaves.

Sheila rolls her eyes.

"That's Eric, my stalker!"  she whispers.

"Why is he your stalker?"  asks Ebony.

"He caught me having sex and became my stalker;"  tells Sheila with a gasp.  "I had been drunk and high it sucked he saw me!"  she adds.

"Why don't you tell someone;"  mutters Ebony.

"Ding dong!  No one to tell!"  gasps Sheila with a furrow of her brows. 

"Okay;"  mutters Ebony too shy to know better. 

Sheila smiles and then she gasps as the next bell chimes.  Break is over and back to school.

"Here I go again!"  she says before she leaves.

Ebony waves and then she leaves to go to her own class.

After school Ebony walks home alone.  She wishes Sheila was with her but she had driven off in a sports car.  Ebony feels alone -  she's not as rich as everyone else at school, she is nothing!  Walking home is a chore in the heat and when at home Ebony moves to her room to brood.

Ebony and Sheila fast become friends, and together they talk when not in class.  However Sheila will not meet with Ebony after school is out and Ebony ends up finding other people to hang out with.  Sheila tries to win Ebony's interest with false charm, but Ebony tells her she would rather just be friends with other people.

"We have more in common;"  tells Ebony as she waves.

Sheila bites on her nails.  She doesn't like feeling abandoned and so she stares at Ebony as she links arms and walks away with her new friends.  Sheila sees red, then she sees black, then she sees blood... she feels very negative and she grows cold inside.  Ebony does not know it but Sheila feels hurt and with a head toss she moves to her car and drives away with a steaming iron under her shoe.

The next day Ebony meets Sheila in the hall and Sheila invites her to the back oval to talk.  Ebony doesn't want to but Sheila's grip is firm and she practically pulls Ebony to where she wants to go.  In the back oval however Ebony meets a slap on the face.

"You bitch!  Abandoning me to be with new friends!"  she scolds.

"I thought you didn't want to be good friends with me..."  steams Ebony.

"Good friends?  What is a good friend!"  asks Sheila.

"Someone who wants to hang after school;"  tells Ebony as she shrugs.  "Someone who will call you;"

"Oh so you want to be called?"  blinks Sheila as she narrows her eyes.  "You want me to talk to you?"  she asks in an immature tone.

"Yes;"  tells Ebony.

"You want to be close to me?"  asks Sheila as she steps in close so that their lips almost touch.  "Is this close enough?" she asks as she narrows her eyes. 

"It's too close..."  mutters Ebony before she turns to walk away. 

Sheila grabs Ebony's arm and she spins her around.  Sheila then slaps Ebony hard, and Ebony leaves!

"You are the worst friend ever!"  tells Sheila as she gasps.  "I have my heart to you!"

Ebony keeps a low profile by staying in the library during break.  She has been rattled by Sheila's behaviour and she feels low.  Ebony begins to cry in her mind, but it doesn't break out until  Sheila trips her while carrying food from the tuck shop.  Food spills everywhere, and Ebony grows embarrassed as she apologises to the teachers who gather around.

After school Ebony walks home alone.  By the trees she thinks she hears a peculiar sound and she turns around to see Sheila's car run off the road and towards her.  Ebony runs into a garden to escape the front hood of the car, and Sheila laughs.

"Almost got you!"  she yells before she backs up and drives away.

At home Ebony tries to tell her parents she needs to go to a different school.  However they refuse to accept a transfer and so scared Ebony returns to school.

Sheila spits at Ebony, trips her when she can, bumps her, talks about her, and tries to run her over on the odd occasion.  Ebony meets all day by dad, and in the end she needs to cry.

"Can you stop harassing me?" she asks Sheila who hits he with a hocky stick. 

"Harass?"  asks Sheila.  "I said I was sorry;"

"Every day?"  asks Ebony with a scoff.

"Yes every day..."  sings Sheila as she flutters her eye-lashes. 

"Stop stalking me!"  wars Ebony. 

"No one is stalking you..."  mutters Sheila with a smile.  "Unless you wanna..."  she adds with a drawl.

"No!"  tells Ebony with a scoff.  "Just leave me be!"  she scolds before she walks off.

After school Sheila gets an ex-boyfriends to stalk Ebony.  Ebony notices their shadow and she turns to meet the stalker.  Ebony smiles a strained smile before the ex-boyfriend moves to beat her up.  It is a horrible torture being hit, and Ebony runs home scared for her life. 

At school Ebony spits at Sheila through bruised lips.

"Was that guy you?"  she asks.

"Why Ebony I have no idea..."  sings Sheila.  "Best you put on cover and keep low profile;"  she adds before she walks away.

After school however Sheila calls Ebony to her car and invites her inside for a chat.  Ebony nods, and Sheila locks the doors and drives off down the street.

"Okay the beating was messy!"  tells Sheila as she drives.  "So to make it up we can have ice-cream!" she tells her before stopping at a hotel.  "Hotel style!"  she smiles.

Ebony nods and lets Sheila lead her to a hotel room.  But there is no ice-cream like Sheila has said, only four guys Sheila has loaned to give Ebony a good time.  Ebony is pushed through agony of a lengthy gang-bang and in the end Sheila is left smiling to Ebony who is weeping and utterly defeated.

"Got your flower!"  cheers Sheila before she takes a photo.  "Now we are  even!"

Ebony walks into her house and slithers into bed.  She wishes she could beat Sheila up!  She has outdone her on the revenge scale.  However it is not in her heart to make plans, and so Ebony returns to school fit to live in ignorance.

School sails smoothly and Ebony makes good friends.  However Sheila watches her from a distance and at the end of the year she plans a big party.

Last day of school Sheila pulls Ebony into her car and drives off.  In a field of yellow flowers Sheila threatens Ebony with a gun.. 

"Who's your friend bitch?"  asks Sheila as she points the gun.

"Not you!"  shrieks Ebony as she grows hysterical.

"Always me!"  gasps Sheila as she cocks her gun.

Ebony tries to run, but she is shot, and she falls down dead having had been hit in the heart.  She then gets dragged back to school where her dead body is hung  with Christmas tinsel and a crown of holly.

Ebony's body is found the next day and students shriek out gossip.  There are rumors but most of the rumors die, and soon Ebony and her dead body are forgotten. 

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