Saturday 17 December 2016

The Concert

Adam looks at the concert.  He sees his kids blowing  their instruments and he wishes to block his ears.  Hours in traffic trying to get here in time seem a holiday compared to the moment when he hears the kids play.  Adam looks to wife Angie, and he nudges her.

"Have any ear-plugs?"  he asks.

Angie laughs and then looks to the stage.  She enjoys watching her kids play, and she sits with a smile on her face.

After the concert Adam goes to the rest room.  He rubs his ears as he goes to the toilet, and then he combs his hair with washed fingers before he winks at himself and leaves.

Outside there is empty corridor, and for a moment Adam is unsure where he has come from.  He looks left and then right, and then he decides that he has come from the left.

Soon he finds the lawn where everyone is standing talking, and he joins Angie and his kids to tell the world how proud he is to be a father.

On the way home Adam buys some burgers and fries, and then he continues to tell the car how his ears nearly burst listening to the music.  Everyone exchanges glances and giggles, and then they dig into their burgers as they drive home.

At home Adam drinks a beer.  He then drinks two beers.  He looks at the computer screen in the study as he watches what his kids have uploaded - a video of their stage performance.  Adam turns the volume to mute as he watches, and he drinks.  He likes to look at the kids blow their horns and flutes, and he grows used to them as he glares.

"The music was bad - you fella's can't play!"  he drawls, before he turns the video off.  "Dis-merit;"  he mutters before he looks to the wall where there is a bunch of framed ribbons decorating the wall near the plant.

"That was me..."  he mutters as he glares at the first and second places.  'All my efforts..."  he adds.  "I was really someone..."  he gasps before he takes one more drink.  "Really someone..."  he adds before he falls off his chair to hit the carpet hard.

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