Sunday 25 December 2016


Eve sits looking out of the window. There is fog so thick she can barely see the play ground. She grows glum seeing it, she even grows cold. However Mr Anders does not care about the window he cares about the lesson which Eve is not listening to. "Detention;" he mutters as he appears out of thin air to whisper into her ear. Eve jumps. She them blinks as she is given a card, it has the word detention written on it to make the moment more real. Eve nods and then she looks at the chalk board which has a range of questions written on it. "Christ, I was off the planet!" mutters Eve under her breath before picking up her pen and writing the questions down inside of her notebook. The bell rings and the school kids leave all except for Eve. Eve packs her bag and then she looks at Mr Anders who closes the door leaving the kids outside the room. He turns off the lights, and the solar lights turn on. Their bulbs are weak, barely moonlight, and it makes the atmosphere dusky. Eve shrugs at Mr Anders who calmly approaches the board to rub it down. He spends ten minutes getting rid of all the questions and answers, and then he places all the chalk in his bottom drawer before locking it. Mr Anders then packs his bag before placing it beside the desk. Then looking at Eve he crosses his arms and he stares at her. "Do you know what you did wrong?" he asks. "I wasn't paying attention;" tells Eve. "I was looking outside;" "Next time make sure you pay attention;" tells Mr Anders. Eve nods. A silence lingers like a loop and strangles her making her feel unsafe as her nerves tingle. Eve blinks and looks away, when she looks back Mr Anders is smiling. "What's funny?" she asks. "Nothing just admiring..." Mr Anders trails. Eve shrugs. "Could you smile at something else?" she asks. Mr Anders nods. "Detention over Eve, I don't feel like staying behind;" he mutters in his next breath. Eve nods, stands, and walks over to the door where Mr Anders is standing bag in hand. He looks to Eve as she passes, he even smells her - her hair smells sweet, and he almost stops her from passing. However he does nothing as she walks past and down the hall, he watches her go. Outside it starts to rain as Eve exits the building. She screams as the rain buckets over her head and she races for the car shelter to hide from the rain. Mr Anders looks at her as he unlocks his car. "Do you want a ride?" he asks. "I wouldn't mind!" gasps Eve. "It's raining buckets!" she exclaims before she slips into the car. Mr Anders slips inside and he leaves. He drives through the rain and to his house. Mr Anders parks the car as the garage door closes. Eve smiles at him, but her shoulders are hunched, she is nervous. "Time to get out;" he mutters before slipping out of the car. Eve follows, and she is escorted inside and to the nearby bedroom. Mr Anders touches Eve's face. It is smooth and fresh, and it makes his fingers tingle. Her features are so tight it is as though her face has been pulled, he smiles. Eve looks away and soon his fingers are floating in mid-air without her face near enough to touch. "Whats the matter? he asks. "You don't like it?" "I thought you were just offering me a ride home;" tells Eve as she blinks. "I will... I will..." mutters Mr Anders with a nod. "Just not yet;" he drawls. Eve feels her lips tremble and she turns away. "What do you want?" she asks. Mr Anders looks at her skirt. "Just some time with you;" he mutters. Eve turns to him and he slaps her hard in the face! Eve stumbles, then she trips and falls against the wall. He catches her, before lifting her up and taking her to the bed. Mr Anders has her underwear off in two seconds, and then he takes time to lick his fingers before putting them in-between her thighs. He rubs her gently, then obtrusively, then with aggression. Eve rolls her eyes. She tells herself she doesn't wanting him touching her, making her wet, it engulfs her senses as something wrong and she can only look to the ceiling for console. "What do I do?" she asks with a pant as wetness splashes on her thighs. Those are her juices, she has just spurted, and it makes Mr Anders hot, so hot her slaps her in the face. "Just a minute..." he mutters as he pushes his fingers inside of her. Eve cringes - his fingers are thick where as hers are small, he hurts he as he puts in two or three. He cuts her with his nails as his fingers scrape deep inside her, and Even whimpers. "Can you let me go?" she asks. Mr Anders smiles and then he takes down his pants. His loins get shoved inside of her before they are even swollen. Eve gasps and Mr Anders grunts as they then swell and stretch her out. It is agonising for Eve to be so helpless, and she closes her eyes to stop herself from crying as Mr Anders pushes his whole weight onto her to get inside her at a deeper level. An hour later Eve lays limp on the bed as Mr Anders showers. She has been raped and left to bleed and she feels cut and hurt. He whole level of trust has been broken and she cannot mend back the portions of her trust to make it right. The world is brittle and has struck her with a thorn, one which she cringes at. Eve looks to Mr Anders as he stares at her. Her sweat has dried and her shivers have stopped. He touches her face and looks at her. "It was worth it;" he mutters while staring at her closely. Eve gasps as he then turns to clutch at her throat. "You tell nobody;" he mutters. Eve nods. She is then left alone to rest as Mr Anders moves to watch television.

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