Wednesday 28 September 2016


Emma walks through the night searching for a take-away food bar.  It has been four hours since she has eaten anything and her stomach craves for something to eat.  Emma walks down the street and towards the small town junction, and there she spies a takeaway burger bar.

"Just what I need;"  she mutters.

Emma passes a guy who smells of cheap cologne.  He stands there tossing coins inside of his hands and he stares at her hard as she passes his way.  Emma thinks of flirting but a wobble in her gut makes her turn away -  she is not in the mood for flirting she is in the mood to order food.

Emma orders chips, drink, and burger, and then waits at the bar-stool.  Emma looks out the window - the guy is still there tossing change.  Emma grows a stiff spine as she looks at him -  she is scared, there are raised hairs on her neckline.  Emma blinks and looks at her watch. Ten minutes passes before she is called to collect her order.

Emma walks outside and down the street.  She feels the wind hit her face and she moves to walk by the houses.  She feels alone - she likes that, the mood is tranquil, the world is at peace.  Emma enjoys the walk, she walks steadily without wobble in her shoes.  She smiles as she hits the end of the street - a car turning left wanders around the corner and passes her.  Emma smiles as a light flashes over her, and then she feels chilled as the light moves past her until she is left in darkness once more.

Emma is grabbed as she moves to cross the street.  She is hit, she drops her food, and she thumps hard against a brick wall.  Emma feels the world darken as a voice chills her spine.  It talks too high, too deep, too strangled... she turns her head and sees the guy who she had seen.  She almost smiles as he flinches - she wishes she didn't have a crush, but she thinks him most handsome, and she blinks her eyes twice as she waits for him to talk.

But he already has spoken, and he grabs her and takes her for a walk down the street.  The air is cold, colder still now that her warm takeaway has been left on the curb.  Emma feels annoyed -  she almost wants to scream.

She hits a tree, then a wall, then a dirt wall which serves as a crevice which is only just big enough for her and the guy who stands behind her.  Emma shivers as a pair of warm lips hit her neck.  She rolls her eyes -  she can't believe she has been caught in a fix, she would have happily given the guy a go if he had just walked her back to her apartment.  Emma feels her blood rush as her underwear is slipped down from under her skirt -  she feels cold, like the wind is caressing her and making her chilled.  It's a hard sensation to put up with before a curled up horn is pressed in-between her thighs.

Emma closes her eyes as warm feelings flood her from down below.  She feels a burst of light, then a glow on her cheeks, before her lips flame -  the guy has something that puts her on fire, and for a moment she likes it.  But then a chill catches her and her blushed lips tremble.  Emma can't feel herself after a while, and she keeps her eyes closed as the guy grunts behind her ear.  Emma listens to it - an orgy that has her name on the tip of it.  She becomes entranced with the sound, it is nice, she falls asleep to it, before a wash of cold hits her face.

Emma pants as she is let go.  The guy runs and is gone before she is able to turn her head.  Emma feels cold, ice cold, her loins hurt and when she bents down they sting.  Emma sobs to herself as she stands up and walks.  Her legs are weak; it is as though there is water in them.  She wishes they were strong legs, but every step and they feel like they are going to snap and bleed out a tide of water.  Emma however keeps it together as she returns to the curb where she had been dragged from.  Emma picks up the dropped take-away package that sits there in the dim, and she crushes it to her body as she continues to walk back home.

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