Sunday 25 September 2016

April On The Run

April looks to the side of the road - it is black, but she can see the trees that line the path.  She moves to run, but headlights flood her face and she steps back just in time to see a car pass.  April feels like a fool -  she has a little bit of trouble seeing, it's something in her brain even when her eyes are working.  She turns her head and checks, she sees nothing, and so she runs.  She hears a horn, she sprints, she hears a swerve, and then she reaches the pavement as a car crashes into a tree several meters ahead.  

"Close call!"  tells April before she runs away -  she disappears into the night, and then she loses the world as she darts down a dark street.

April wonders what has happened as she feels her body.  She feels wet, damp... she thinks it is blood but it is sweat running down her shivering skin.  She has been stung as she turns her head -  she doesn't know what just happened, she only knows she has to get away.

April races down a path to the end, and then she races through a park.  She feels light headed, so light headed her knees give in and she stumbles to the grass where she blanks out.  She has fainted, she knows it as she rests with her ice-cold cheek resting against frosted grass.  She has blacked out because of shock and alarm that has clasped her mind.  She rests in a state that is comfortable - but then a light shines on her and she is finally able to open her eyes.

"Good evening;"  says a cop who looks at her.

April smiles as she stares at a light that burns her eyes and makes her mind blur.  She feels silly -  she has been awake the whole time, just unable to move.  She wishes she could see the time on a clock ticking above her in hyper-vision, then she would know...

"Have you taken anything?"  asks the cop leaning over her.

April feels foolish for having had let her guard down.  She recoils and then she stands on her feet.  She doesn't know what to say, so she just tries to walk away.  The cop stops her and shakes his head and he stands in her way.

"You were sitting there for fifteen minutes;"  he tells her as she narrows her eyes.

April feels awake, alert, good.  She thinks of knitting needles, and then the hairs that raise on her skin.  They feel like needles, they feel like pins; she touches one and it stings her - like the root has a sharp end that pricks her if she touches the top.  April wishes she had an iron to make her press the hairs down.

"You're under arrest;"  tells the cops as he handcuffs her.

April blinks her eyes as she hears the click.

"What's happened?"  she asks.

The cops just laughs before he pushes her into the back of a car.  April feels weak - there's a smell inside the car that hits her and she faints.  It smells of blood, it could be her blood, but it is someone elses - dark blood,  cold blood, cop blood.

April opens her eyes -  she is in a place, she feels damp soil even though there is a ceiling over-head.  She has no idea where she is, but when she sits up she feels strange.  Someone has hit her -  she touches her face and she recoils, her face is bruised.  She has been hit!

"Bastard!"  she swears as she gets up and moves to walk.

April hits a glass wall, and she falls to the ground.  

"What the hell?"  she asks before she stands up.  "What is this?"  she asks before the light flickers off.

There are people on the other side of the glass staring at her -  it is like audience in a show and April sneers.  She feels stupid, she doesn't know what has happened, but there are people looking at her.  A creak is heard and April turns her head.  There's a doctor in a coat and he has a clipboard.  April sneers as she stares.  The soil under her feet turns firm and she hears a car-break before a thud whacks her against the glass so that it's broken fragments become stuck inside of her back.

April rolls her eyes and groans as she glares at a driver who has hit their head on their steering wheel.  She has been running, running through the night, and a car has hit her.  April looks to her right -  there is a cop car parked on the side of the road, she must have been trying to run away.  April shakes her head - she was running away, she remembers it now;  she had hit her head, turned her eyes, then she had seen a light, it was yellow, the car had slowed, and she had rushed to get out of the car and towards the street; that is when she ran up a road, and that is when she had been hit.

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