Thursday 29 December 2016

Buried Alive

Anne comes home from her friends house. She feels weak. She has been swimming and her legs feel like jelly. She grabs a drink and goes to her room, then Adam stops her. "What you want?" she asks. He grabs her and takes her to his room. There he slaps her until she is red faced, she can't stop it; his anger in on the rage and with a bleeding nose she trips over a foot stool. He picks her up and slams her head against the wall. She falls dead on the carpet, and he kicks her before he leaves. "What the hell my head?" she mutters as she hears a car engine. She is in the back of a car, being taken somewhere; she doesn't know... one blur turns into a shadow and she falls out of the car. She is being dragged through a forest, pulled over a log - is she dead? Being laid on carpet she gasps - she can move! Her fingers move to play with the carpet, it feels soft, but it is moist and damp. It's not even carpet, something crumbly. She looks up. There a heap of dirt is shoved over her and she wants to scream. She scratches with her fingers as she tries not to panic. She tunnels. But one movement just leads to more dirt heaping on her. She wants to scream but she can't breathe, she can't even move, and after a while she gives up and hangs her head. She rests. She thinks she is sleeping but after a while she feels stiff like she is dead. She can't breathe or move, she just leans on the dirt resting; sleeping in a way; Anne then feels a yank, a pull, and she is laid on pine-needles. She is dead, she is sure; but she still wonders about it as she lays there unable to move. She gets thrown to and fro, and then she waits. Sounds turn into hums, then beeps. Anne moves a finger. She thought she was gone, dead gone. She turns her eyes - they feel cold, like they have been boiled and put back in. Anne feels a needle poke her arm and she gasps. She can't turn her head, just her thoughts, and she wonders what is happening to her. Then someone talks, and she can only cry... she doesn't know what they are saying and she doesn't want to listen! Then she moves her head, and she sees people staring at her - doctors, nurses, cops; not a family amongst them. "I live in Hansridge;" she mutters through sore face. "I saw my father, then I began to feel dead; like I was in a car; like I was dead" she mutters. "My name is Anne Murray;" Then it all becomes blank like her thought has just popped, and she drools through her lips as nurse attend to the machines. She feels a pinch, then a drug, she can touch her face - it feels like ice! She excuses herself, then she turns her head; she slips away, and then she is back at home. Anne looks at Adam as he rakes nails through her hair. He talks to cops while he touches her, then he is left alone. Her mother is not there, she is on a trip, she fears Adam, but he pushes her wheelchair into her room and leaves her there. She feels dim. She sits there waiting for him to return, and in a short time he does. "I want to lay down;" she tells him. "Sure thing;" he mutters before he wheels her to her bed and puts her on it. Anne is put on her bed and left there. She grows cold, she grows hot, she grows thirsty; he comes in only sometimes to feed her drugs and soup, the rest of the time she is suffering alone. She feels sad, and crying she gives herself a swarm of misery. "I don't even know the world anymore; what's happened;" she mutters. Adam scoffs. "I'm here you know, you're just so whacked out you can't see me;" he mutters as he stays in a corner. "I'm watching;" he sings before he leaves. Anne shrugs as she suffered a wash of ice cold. "So what?" she gasps. "Just be there then, she if I care, I was dead!" she gasps, as she tries to think but can't remember the grey lines behind wads of furry thoughts. "I was dead some time, and you can't reach me!"

Monday 26 December 2016

The Photographs

Annabelle sits in the school room. She feels stupid for having had forgotten her signed slip to go on the school excursion, for she is stuck with Mr Anders and he is sitting at the front of class reading a novel while she's stuck there twiddling her thumbs. Anaabelle looks outside but can only see blurs the windows are so dusted, so she focuses on the floorboards which creak as she leans back in her chair. "Stop rocking on you chair please;" mutters Mr Anders. Annabelle stops, and then she stroppily leans on one hand. She is bored. She tries to daydream but her daydreams come up with nothing inventive. "Can I go for a walk?" she asks with a sigh. Mr Anders looks at her and then to the door which shows the lavish green of lawn beyond its open frame. He clears his throat as he thinks - the sun in warm but not too warm, the day is bright with some wandering overcast; he thinks about the camera in the back of his car which he has only just brought, and he thinks of the bright idea of trying it out. "As a matter of fact I could take you to the forest on a photography excursion;" he mutters after a minute. "It will eat the morning up at least;" "Okay;" smiles Annabelle. She has never been near a camera let alone used one, she finds it exciting that she may get to learn how to use one. Into the woods the both trek. They wander through the trees only twenty minutes until they come to a rock cliff face. it is filled with lines and shadows that could make a good photograph and the spread of flowery lawn before it looks perfect for a picnic shot. "This is nice;" mutters Mr Anders. "It's got lines and contours which suit;" "Oh..." mutters Annabelle as she puts down the camera she has been carrying. "Not on the ground!" gasps Mr Anders before picking it up. "That's what the stand is for;" Annabelle blushes deep red as Mr Anders sets up the camera. After ten minutes it is set up and he is taking photographs of the cliff face. However the subject is a little dull after four or five photographs have been taken, so Mr Anders looks to Annabelle who is leaning on a tree. "Would you take a pose?" he asks. Annabelle perks up to attention. "Me?" she asks pointing to herself. "Yes;" mutters Mr Anders. Annabelle nods and then she walks towards the rock face. She smiles as she stands before it and Mr Anders takes a photograph. He laughs a little, then he asks her to stand to the side and he takes another one. A few pictures later he is bored and wanting more, so he approaches Annabelle and slips a sleeve over one shoulder before returning to the camera to take another photograph. Annabelle smiles, turns, and smiles again at direction, and at each photo taken Mr Anders grows a greed for more. Annabelle is perfect, she is there, she is willing - why not take some nude photographs? The subject is a little bit illegal, more then a little bit actually; but there is no one around, why not do it? Take some good pictures to sell? "Could you take bother sleeves over your shoulders?" he asks. Annabelle hesitates but she does it, and after a few more photographs Mr Anders is approaching her for more. He pulls her arms out of her sleeves, and then he pulls her top down so that its collar is under her bust. Annabelle gasps as she grows fear and shy, but Mr Anders pats her cheek. "It's just for the photograph;" he mutters before he races back to the camera to take another picture. He takes a good one, then two, then three. He asks Annabelle to pose with a hand on her breasts, and then without. It is a dangerous move, but he collects a decent picture. He drools over it and how easy it is. He has it, the perfect picture, the perfect muse. He looks to Annabelle and smiles. "Do you mind taking all your clothes off?" he asks. Annabelle shakes her head. "I couldn't!" she gasps. Mr Anders nibbles on a finger. "Take it all off;" he then orders. "Or I'll make you;" Annabelle shivers, she feels the lethal tone and she grows scared. She quickly dresses and tries to run away, but Mr Anders catches her and he drags her back where he slaps he with harsh that her cheek stains red. "You'll do it!" he growls as his lips become wet from greed. "You'll do it, or I'll hang your head!" Annabelle touches her cheek and sobs. "I don't want to do it!" she screams. "You'll do it!" grows Mr Anders before he takes her clothes off himself. "You'll do it or I'll hit you again!" Annabelle sobs. Then she shivers as she poses nude for the first time. Mr Anders gets his photographs of a shaken and upset girl. However after a while, when her tears dry, the photographs turn into pictures of a naked girl. Mr Anders smiles, and then he raises his brows. "Put your hands in-between your thighs and rub yourself;" he orders. Annabelle drops her mouth open. "Or I'll beat you;" he adds. Annabelle drops her surprise and she rubs herself. Mr Anders laughs at her and then he narrows his eyes. He has no reason to not rape her, but he stops himself - it is not the right time. Mr Anders sells the pictures to Mr Newbury who gives him two hundred dollars for everything but the pictures of the rocks. Mr Newbury plans to sell the pictures for thirty dollars each to people outside the country to make a profit of one thousand three hundred dollars. It is the perfect crime. "It looks like you assaulted this girl;" he mutters. "She was shy in front of the camera;" mutters Mr Anders. "I hope you didn't do it against her will, I would like more pictures;" he adds. "Of course;" tells Mr Anders. "And of anyone else like her;" tells Mr Newbury. "The younger the better;" Mr Anders nods. "I'll see what I can do;" he tells. But deep in his mind he is nervous, he will need more kids, and he will have to do it so they don't tell. So Mr Anders takes a whole group of girls on a picnic trip and he feeds them tea which has them asleep in no time. Then he undresses them one at a time to take pictures of them alone and together. It is a lovely sight, and Mr Newbury drops his jaw and drools as he looks at the pictures. However with everyone looking so dead he can tell that he will need to put Mr Anders on a more honest track. "I like the first collection the best;" he mutters. "Do you mind taking pictures of her in beads and jewels?" Mr Anders nods, and in a day he is inviting Annabelle into his home for a photography session. Mr Anders dresses Annabelle in nice dresses, jewellery, and other items. He takes photographs inside, outside, and even in the bath. He becomes most inventive and has over a thousand pictures in no time. Mr Newbury looks at the pictures and cheers. He sees art at its finest, and he gives Mr Anders three thousand dollars for the lot. Mr Anders cheers and he drinks with Mr Newbury who gazes at the photographs fondly. "This one looks like a star;" he mutters before he packs the photographs inside a bag. Mr Anders smiles and politely drinks more wine. There is little he can say, he is not entirely comfortable of taking so many pictures and getting thousand of dollars for them. Sure it is easy money, but he wonders if it is ethical. Here he is taking illegal pictures and selling them, and he can't help but wonder how he can get away with it. Mr Anders tosses and turns in his bed. He feels uncomfortable, so uncomfortable he can feel chains on his wrists and ankles. He has been arrested, he has been charged, the charge is jail, he is to be kept in a prison and beaten for years. mr Anders wakes up with a gasp and he wipes his brow. "I can't do it anymore!" he mutters. "I'm going to get life in jail if this continues on;" However on his next meeting with Mr Newbury he gets an invitation to make ten thousand dollars. "To take nude photographs where she is being raped;" is the last sentence on Mr Newbury's lips. Mr Anders looks at the money - he is being paid before the shots have been taken, that is big business. He wants to shake his head, but with ten thousand dollars glimmering in front of his eyes he can only nod. What is a girls virginity anyway? They are going to do it some time. Mr Anders raises his brows. "By whom?" he asks. "I'll send a couple of people over;" mutters Mr Newbury. "They'll know what to do, you just take the photographs;" It is a hard shot to take. There are many assaults and Mr Newbury has no cotton to stick into his ears. Leading Annabelle into a dark room where two thugs wait for her was his ultimate deceit. Watching them, listening to them, seeing her blood - it makes alarm bells ring. There is a lot of violence, and many screams; at one point a neighbour knocks but after a while they go away. Mr Newbury cringes as he finishes his last shot, and then the two fellows leave. "Well that's then thousand dollar;" he mutters before he puts the camera on automatic picture. Then he has sex with ANnabelle herself while she is only semi-conscious, the eye of the camera filming his own deciet which Mr Newbury collects when he takes the envelope of photographs. Pictures turn into movies, Mr Newbury gets his hands on a camera and he makes reels good enough to sell. He collects many girls inside of his mind only - he wishes he could; but the world would squeal so he sticks to Annabelle who manages to suffer through kidnap and abduction so he can take his next dirty movie. Mr ANders gets thousands of dollars, and Mr Newbury gets his own opportunity to rape Annabelle at a garden party. It's all the rage for a summer, but then the fad grows weak and Mr Anders is told to get some new girls or he is though. "I've done enough;" mutters Mr Anders. "I have no heart for it anymore;" Mr Newbury nods and then he shakes Mr Anders hand. "Then we'll leave it at that;" he adds. Mr Anders grows grim, but on the drive home he sighs - life will be better without the dark underworld behind his mind. He can get back to normal teaching. But when he gets home cop cars are at his door and his house have been broken into. "Is everything okay officers?" asks Mr Anders. The cops look to him. "Just checking to see if you collect dirty pictures and dirty movies; there are reports that you might;" they mutters. "I have nothing;" tells Mr Anders, happy he never kept a film or reel of what he had done. "With your permission we might like to search the house a little more;" they mutter. "Go ahead;" tells Mr Anders. "But you won't find anything;" Hours later the cops leave, and Mr Anders closes the door. He has been hurt, shaken, violated; but he gulps down his anger with a drink before moving on with his life. He has just been given his last paycheck and he is retired. Mr Anders looks to Annabelle who sits at the table biting her nails. She looks different, more glowing; he shrugs before moving back to a book he has interest on. Annabelle looks at the floor as she sits there shaking; she has been stung, but she manages to hide it. They both ignore each other, and after a while they forget each other; it's a day past, and in time Mr Anders throws his cameras into the bin; they are dusty and broken, and will no longer function not even if he wishes to use it. He smiles it is a slight victory that he has thrown his hobby away, he can forget. But sometimes at night he screams - he is being thrown into a jail cell and beaten after all the photographs he took turn up in court to haunt him like cells from a broken memory; the court finds him guilty, and he needs to wake up before he is able to breathe easy.

Sunday 25 December 2016

A Spare Tyre

Trisha looks to Dean as he enters the room. April's cooking she can smell in the distance, it smells good but it takes an hour to bake. That means there is an hour to wait through. Dean rubs Trisha's back and she grows cold. She looks to him. "What do you want?" she asks. "You on the bed;" tells Dean. Trisha nods. She stands and walks over to her bed, there she takes off her underwear. She then lays down and spreads her legs open and Dean smiles as he watches her loins open like a flower in sunlight. He enjoys the sight, the smell, the turn on; he watches with keen interest like he is watching sports on television. He grows amused, and then he masturbates as Trisha fingers herself. Trisha eats dinner and then she returns to her room to study. She hates Dean, he had touched her leg through dinner with his own leg and she knows he has been trying to tell her he wants her. Trisha gasps and she puts her mobile on video record, and she stuffs it amongst toys, before Dean enters the room. Dean grabs her and he pushes her onto the bed while the taste of beer is fresh inside of his mouth, then he takes down his pants and rapes her. It is an exhaustive exercise which runs his heart murmur to the full. He thinks he is going to have a stroke so many times and his face turns plush red. Trisha puts up with Dean and she even takes a nap as he takes a long time to finish. When she wakes Dean is leaving, and she sits up and races to the toys where she left her mobile. She has perfect picture caught on film, and she downloads it onto the internet. The video makes money, thousands. Trisha packs the money, then she leaves with a bag full of clothes and a mouth full of goodbyes. She never wants to see Dean again.


Eve sits looking out of the window. There is fog so thick she can barely see the play ground. She grows glum seeing it, she even grows cold. However Mr Anders does not care about the window he cares about the lesson which Eve is not listening to. "Detention;" he mutters as he appears out of thin air to whisper into her ear. Eve jumps. She them blinks as she is given a card, it has the word detention written on it to make the moment more real. Eve nods and then she looks at the chalk board which has a range of questions written on it. "Christ, I was off the planet!" mutters Eve under her breath before picking up her pen and writing the questions down inside of her notebook. The bell rings and the school kids leave all except for Eve. Eve packs her bag and then she looks at Mr Anders who closes the door leaving the kids outside the room. He turns off the lights, and the solar lights turn on. Their bulbs are weak, barely moonlight, and it makes the atmosphere dusky. Eve shrugs at Mr Anders who calmly approaches the board to rub it down. He spends ten minutes getting rid of all the questions and answers, and then he places all the chalk in his bottom drawer before locking it. Mr Anders then packs his bag before placing it beside the desk. Then looking at Eve he crosses his arms and he stares at her. "Do you know what you did wrong?" he asks. "I wasn't paying attention;" tells Eve. "I was looking outside;" "Next time make sure you pay attention;" tells Mr Anders. Eve nods. A silence lingers like a loop and strangles her making her feel unsafe as her nerves tingle. Eve blinks and looks away, when she looks back Mr Anders is smiling. "What's funny?" she asks. "Nothing just admiring..." Mr Anders trails. Eve shrugs. "Could you smile at something else?" she asks. Mr Anders nods. "Detention over Eve, I don't feel like staying behind;" he mutters in his next breath. Eve nods, stands, and walks over to the door where Mr Anders is standing bag in hand. He looks to Eve as she passes, he even smells her - her hair smells sweet, and he almost stops her from passing. However he does nothing as she walks past and down the hall, he watches her go. Outside it starts to rain as Eve exits the building. She screams as the rain buckets over her head and she races for the car shelter to hide from the rain. Mr Anders looks at her as he unlocks his car. "Do you want a ride?" he asks. "I wouldn't mind!" gasps Eve. "It's raining buckets!" she exclaims before she slips into the car. Mr Anders slips inside and he leaves. He drives through the rain and to his house. Mr Anders parks the car as the garage door closes. Eve smiles at him, but her shoulders are hunched, she is nervous. "Time to get out;" he mutters before slipping out of the car. Eve follows, and she is escorted inside and to the nearby bedroom. Mr Anders touches Eve's face. It is smooth and fresh, and it makes his fingers tingle. Her features are so tight it is as though her face has been pulled, he smiles. Eve looks away and soon his fingers are floating in mid-air without her face near enough to touch. "Whats the matter? he asks. "You don't like it?" "I thought you were just offering me a ride home;" tells Eve as she blinks. "I will... I will..." mutters Mr Anders with a nod. "Just not yet;" he drawls. Eve feels her lips tremble and she turns away. "What do you want?" she asks. Mr Anders looks at her skirt. "Just some time with you;" he mutters. Eve turns to him and he slaps her hard in the face! Eve stumbles, then she trips and falls against the wall. He catches her, before lifting her up and taking her to the bed. Mr Anders has her underwear off in two seconds, and then he takes time to lick his fingers before putting them in-between her thighs. He rubs her gently, then obtrusively, then with aggression. Eve rolls her eyes. She tells herself she doesn't wanting him touching her, making her wet, it engulfs her senses as something wrong and she can only look to the ceiling for console. "What do I do?" she asks with a pant as wetness splashes on her thighs. Those are her juices, she has just spurted, and it makes Mr Anders hot, so hot her slaps her in the face. "Just a minute..." he mutters as he pushes his fingers inside of her. Eve cringes - his fingers are thick where as hers are small, he hurts he as he puts in two or three. He cuts her with his nails as his fingers scrape deep inside her, and Even whimpers. "Can you let me go?" she asks. Mr Anders smiles and then he takes down his pants. His loins get shoved inside of her before they are even swollen. Eve gasps and Mr Anders grunts as they then swell and stretch her out. It is agonising for Eve to be so helpless, and she closes her eyes to stop herself from crying as Mr Anders pushes his whole weight onto her to get inside her at a deeper level. An hour later Eve lays limp on the bed as Mr Anders showers. She has been raped and left to bleed and she feels cut and hurt. He whole level of trust has been broken and she cannot mend back the portions of her trust to make it right. The world is brittle and has struck her with a thorn, one which she cringes at. Eve looks to Mr Anders as he stares at her. Her sweat has dried and her shivers have stopped. He touches her face and looks at her. "It was worth it;" he mutters while staring at her closely. Eve gasps as he then turns to clutch at her throat. "You tell nobody;" he mutters. Eve nods. She is then left alone to rest as Mr Anders moves to watch television.


Amber walks down the street. It is silent, like death; she enjoys it but it makes he feel lazy, it makes her want to walk back home. However she has told herself that she will go for a walk, and so she walks on past houses and around blocks. She feels a little bit better after a while, but then she is seen by Edward Trumble and all her good spirits soon sink. Amber looks to Edward as he stops raking his front lawn. He has made a neat pile of Autumn leaves but they blow away one at a time as he fails to pick them up and put them into a bin. However Edward pays no attention to the leaves that float over Amber's blue sneakers, his eyes are on her and they squint like she is an eye sore. "How's it going?" asks Edward. Amber shivers. "Fine;" she mutters. "I'm going for a walk;" she adds. Edward looks at the sun. "Sure is burning hot;" he mutters. "Sure is, but I'm heading back home after one more block;" tells Amber before she waves like she is saying goodbye. Edward steps in her way and he shadows her - Amber gulps and she looks up to him. "Are you standing in my way?" she asks. "Tell me, what are your parents doing today?" asks Edward as he scratches his head. "They're gone for the weekend - vacation;" tells Amber with a gush. Edward smiles and he grabs Amber's arm all of a sudden. Amber shivers as she feels it grip her arm tight. "That's one mighty grip..." she mutters before she tries to peel his fingers away - she can't and so she panic's and looks around for someone to help her; there is no one around; "Come in..." mutters Edward with a drawl. "I've got something to show you..." Amber raises her brows as fear crawls into her eyes. "I'd rather just finish my walk..." she mutters. Edward laughs and then he pulls her inside the house with a scary smile stretched across his face. Inside everything is neat and tidy as Amber would have expected. She is dragged down the corridor and shoved into a room which is empty. Amber rubs her arm as it is let go, and she looks to Edward. He smiles at her, it is a scary kind of smile that creeps the blood and makes the nerves tingle. Amber shivers as she is looked at, and then she gulps as the door is closed and locked from the outside. The inside of the door doesn't even have a door knob and Amber trembles as she backs away until she hits a walk. She wants to scream but she gulps and stifles her scream, then she cries;

Thursday 22 December 2016


In my head a mess of dreams - hot bodies sweating and grinding against each other in war, in battle, in lust; it is an argument and a challenge for which pride rises instead of falls. Each body is battling the other as sweat and wetness cover the trembling skins who nerves strings are so tight the muscle has swollen to form curves the other is jealous of. The grinding turns into assault, assault of the senses as ignition makes a gear which is hard to race after. One of the bodies stops being an equal opponent and turns into a flag which tops the geared up body on the run. New signs are created, and inequality turns into a rampage which the other uses to win. It's an orgasm; a hot, fired up, orgasm, which bursts sweat vessels and makes the tyres burn. Moans turn into hot panting breath - like fog - surrounding the world of red heat. It makes me sweat, it makes me shiver - then I wake; hot sweat trembling down shivering skin as I wake myself with a slap.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Trip To The Cabin

Ashley looks out the window of the car.  There is fog all around.  She think it's spooky how it lingers to make clouds that seem to make the world appear above them.  Ashley sucks in her breath and she pushes a foot on the pedal, and her car drives.  But something bangs on the hood and a hand slaps the windscreen which has fogged over.  Ashley gasps and stops immediately.  Immediately after a truck speeds in front of Ashley's car narrowly missing her.  Ashley shivers.  As the sun filters down she realises she is at a cross road, and she gasps.

"Was that a sign?"  she asks before she drives on.

At the cabin Ashley drinks on hot chocolate as her friends Kym and Adam talk about what decorations the put on the tree.  Ashley is still freaked out about the car drive and she stays quiet - both her friends notice.

Late that afternoon Kym pokes Ashley's shoulder.

"Hey are you okay?  You've been quiet;"  she mutters.

"I almost crashed on the way over, it still freaks me;"  tells Ashley.

"Oh, that's too bad;"  tells Kym as she raises her brows.  "But you can't let that ruin Christmas;"  she adds.

"I guess not;"  retorts Ashley as she forces a smile.

Kym smiles, then she leaves to collect snacks.  Ashley sighs.  She knows she has been quiet but getting the stiff talk doesn't make her feel any more cheerful.  Sure everyone wants her to be peppy, but they don't have to force her to be peppy.

Adam walks in with drinks - punch and tea.  Ashley moves to choose tea and he pushes her hand away.  

"I think you need punch;"  he tells her.  "It's got real alcohol;"  he mutters with a wink.

"I think I need a break;"  mutters Ashley as she rolls her eyes and moves to go outside for a walk.

Ashley walks around the forest that surrounds the cabin.  She feels sour.  Adam her best friend wants her drunk, and that makes her feel mad.  Why should he steep to low lengths to make her feel so lousy.

"I'm not that bad company;"  she mutters as she walks around a tree raking her nails against its bark so that it crumbles to the earth.

Ashley sighs.  It has been an hour and no doubt the two friends in the cabin are talking about her.  Ashley thinks of leaving, but she will have to go inside to collect her bags and that will put more shame on her.

"Maybe I should just give it another go;"  she mutters as she shrugs.  "Then if nothing gets better I'll tell them I'd rather drive home then spend Christmas with them;"

Adam greets Ashley by the door.  He smiles and holds out a cup of ice tea.

"Sorry you didn't want punch;"  he tells her.  "Here's the tea you wanted;"

Ashley smiles.

"Oh thanks Adam;"  she mutters with a smile.

"I made chicken fingers!"  adds Kym.

"Oh thanks guys;"  tells Ashley as she begins to relax.

Conversation turns into trivia, trivia turns into movies, and movies turns into the sports channel on cable.  It is night and all the punch and ice tea have been drunk.

Ashley looks to Adam who has drunk most of the punch.  He sits in the chair sluggishly with a silly grin on his face.  He looks drunk, but he is not moving enough for her to see how drunk he is.  Ashley looks to Kym who has fallen asleep.  The party seems to be over, so Ashley decides she would like to go to sleep.

However after showering Ashley moves to put on some night cream, and a hand slaps the window.  Ashley looks at it -  it is the same creepy hand that showed its face before!  Ashley gasps, and then she races outside to see if she can sight the person -  she sees nothing.

Ashley crooks her head, and then she feels a chill.  She looks behind her and sees Adam.  He still has a drunk look on his face.

"What's the matter?"  asks Adam.

"I thought I heard something;"  mutters Ashley as she feels her face fall down.  

"There's nothing to worry about;"  tells Adam.  "You want peace always come to the woods;"  he adds, before a light beams on them.

A truck races towards the cabin with its headlights blaring.  Ashley gasps, Adam clutches her.  Both stare as the blonde lights highlight them, and the truck comes towering towards the cabin like it is going to run it over.  But at last minute it stops and Ashley and Adam tremble as the lights stop only a couple of metres before them.

Adam lets Ashley go and he races to confront the driver.

"Hey what's happened?"  he asked.  "You lost the wheel and almost hit us!"

Th driver looks to Adam.

"Sorry, the roads are like ice I lost control;"  he tells.

Adam shakes his head.

"That's no good!"  he wars.  

The driver apologises but Adam still won't let the moment go.  So he collects the drivers details, and then he slips into the cabin with a pad in his breast pocket.  He is going to make a complaint, and he is going to do it immediately.

"Are you okay to leave?"  asks Ashley as she glares at the driver.

"Yep;"  smiles the driver.  "Just gotta back her up!"  he tells her.

Ashley nods.  She then leaves the driver alone as she slips into the cabin to calm down.

Inside Adam hangs up the phone and then he throws the paper away.

"What's wrong?"  asks Ashley.

"The police said if no one was hurt then don't bother to complain;"  he mutters before he goes to the fridge to collect a beer.

Ashley settles down into bed.  Her mind is in chaos.  She has had two sightings, and both sightings involve close calls with trucks.  Ashley feels lucky, she feels unsafe, she feels scared, she feels curious.  Ashley sighs.

"Maybe the woods are haunted;"  she suggests.

But she cannot calm herself.  She just thinks herself lucky to have been disturbed by two hands, and she hopes they continue to warn her that danger is afoot.

Ashley wakes in the morning and Kym is cooking eggs.  Ashley cheers hello, and Kym looks at her with red sore eyes.  For someone who has slept all night she looks mighty tired.  Ashley decides to leave Kym alone, and so she move to watch television.

In the lounge room Adam rocks on a chair as he puts a pen under his chin.  He is in a war as he thinks, and then he lets his thoughts go as he puts down the pen.

"Good morning Adam;"  tells Ashley.  "How did you sleep?"

"Good;"  he mutters as he releases himself from distraction.  

"What are you doing today?"  asks Ashley.

"Nothing, just more eating and watching television;"  tells Adam as he raises his brows.

"Would you like to go for a drive?"  asks Ashley.

"No, I don't take vacation to drive, I take it to eat and watch television;"  tells Adam.  "I went out today, and it was to see if the roads had ice, and they do;"  he mutters before he picks up some chips and begin to eat. 

"Should we pass the Christmas presents today?" asks Ashley.

"No, it's not Christmas until tomorrow;"  tells Adam as he shakes his head.  

"I can't wait;"  mutters Ashley before she leans back to lounge.

The day passes slowly.  So slowly general gossip overtakes television.  The three grow bored, and so they go outside to take a stroll.

Afternoon becomes dusk and the three decide they are lost.  Adam shakes his head.

"How can we lose our way?"  he asks.

Ashley and Kym shrug.

"This bothers me!"  gasps Adam as he narrows his eyes.

Kym looks from tree to tree trying to decide on suggestions, and Ashley grows distracted at a stump that she thinks she has seen before. 

The three decide on direction and they walk.  They walk across to a bush, then they curve around it.  They try to be brave but they end up huddling together near the base of a large tree.  They hang their jackets to serve as a tent, and then they move to sleep.  Everyone is worried when they shut their eyes, and it is only sleep that stops them from worrying that they may be lost.

Ashley wakes with a start.  She moves and she walks away from the other two slumbering friends.  She walks back to the stump that then she walks over it.  She marches forth, and after fifteen minutes she finds the cabin.  Ashley sighs, then she races back to tell her friends she knows the way back.  They have moved on.

Ashley sighs.

"Hey guys!"  she calls.  "Where are you?" 

There is no answer and Ashley worries.

"Hey guys I found the way back!  It's past the log!"  she calls in her loudest voice.

Still no answer.

Ashley walks forward a little.  After a few minutes she calls again.  There is no answer, so Ashley returns to the cabin alone.

Ashley looks at the Christmas tree and the presents under it.  It looks perfect -  what is missing is the company to celebrate Christmas.  Ashley has warned the local ranger that her friends might be lost, and they have put out a red alert.  Ashley can only wait as the Christmas day passes by, and she waits with fingers inside of her mouth.

Night falls.  Ashley has just showered and is ready to go to bed when a knock is heard on the door.  It is the ranger.

"Hello;"  he cheers.

Ashley nods.

"Hi;"  she answers.

"I've been scouting the area, I can't seem to find your friends;"  he tells her.  "Do you have any idea where they could have gone?"

"None;"  tells Ashley as she shakes her head.  "I just know they were fifteen minutes walk away from the cabin before they disappeared;"

The ranger shakes his head.

"I've done all I can today, but patrol will be out tomorrow looking for the missing people;"  tells the ranger.  "I can search for up to one week, and then that's all I can do;"  he adds.

Ashley nods.  She wishes she could feel happy but she feels numb.  She isn't sad that they are lost she just wishes they could be found.  So Ashley tells herself the next day she will take a walk and look for her friends herself, and then she will leave it alone.

The next day Ashley puts on her boots and she goes for a walk.  She meets the stump and then she walks to the tree where they had huddled.  Ashley walks for one hour straight ahead, but she does not find anyone - not even one patrol person.  Ashley tells herself to give up, but she walks for one hour more before she gives up.  It's useless.  So Ashley gives up and returns to the cabin.

In the cabin Ashley collects her and her friends belongings.  She puts everything in the car, and then she drives away.  Seeing her two friends cars parked before the cabin freaks her, and she says a sad goodbye.

Ashley then drives back the way she had come.  Ensuring to look out for danger and sighting of her friends.  She discovers nothing, so she drives on home alone.

Turning a curb Ashley spots two strangers huddling by the side of the road wearing jackets.  Ashley stops by them and she opens the car window.  She can't see them, and so she gets out.

Ashley approaches the two.

"Hey are you okay?"  she asks.

The two look at her.

"What yer want?"  asks one of the strangers sharply.  

"Nothing!"  gasps Ashley as she backs away.  "I thought I might have knows you;"  she adds.

With tears inside of her eyes Ashley moves on.  Throwing away the off chance of finding her friends, and going home.

Ashley returns home and she notices the answering machine full.  She listens to the messages - two are from her parents, three are from her sister, and four are from Adam.

"Adam?"  asks Ashley as she raises her brows.

She listens to the message again.

"Hey, thanks for leaving the keys under the tyres.  We found it back, and we're home;"  he adds.

Ashley feels a flood of relief.  She then calls Adam and he picks up the phone.

"Do you want to come over to open the presents?" she asks.

"Tomorrow;"  tells Adam in a calm tone that suggest he might be slightly drunk.  "I promise;"  he mutters.

Ashley hangs up the phone.  She is glad her friends made it back to the cabin but she has so many questions.  She will have to wait until tomorrow, then it will finally be a merry Christmas.

Dark Worries

There are bells ringing in Amanda's mind.  They are set on her husband who left for work early.  He is a cop.  She knows it is a tough land, but she is worried.  There are sirens in her head blaring that she needs to know where he is and what he is doing, and they won't let her sleep.

Amanda calls her husbands number and he fails to pick up.  She feels mist inside her eyes, buts he tries not to cry.  She wishes, she hopes, that he will be okay -  but something inside of her tells her he will be hurt and so she chews on her nails as she rocks herself some minor comfort.

Morning turns into afternoon.  Afternoon turns into night.  Night turns into morning.  Morning turns into day. 

Amanda cries looking at the television which has a soap opera on its face.  Something has happened, she knows it, she feels sick, sick while waiting for the worst.

The next day a nine am call breaks the silence.  Amanda picks up the phone it is Patrick - her husbands boss.

"Hello Amanda;"  he greets.

There is a sense of hurt in his tone, and Amanda gasps.

"Is it my husband?  Is he hurt?" she asks as she clutches the phone.

Patrick pulls in a breath and pauses.

"Peter died during action.  He had been shot."  he tells her.

Amanda closes her eyes as her gut knots and her mind twirls.  Patrick's words turn into blurs, and she forgets the world as her mind turns numb.  She feels brain dead as she surfs a deep dark space.  She becomes lost in vacancy, and when she wakes Patrick is by her side.

"I broke in;"  he tells her.

Amanda frowns as she moves her head.

"You fainted when I was telling you the bad news;"  he mutters.

Amanda flicks her eyes open, and then she draws in a deep breath; she feels sad, so sad her whole heart could break.  Amanda cries, and soon Patrick is rocking her to try and help her to calm down.

A solemn funeral is held, and Amanda can't lift up her head.  Memories want to flood her mind, buts he holds them back.  She doesn't want to remember, she just wants to stand still.

Patrick drives her home, and when home she invites him for tea.  He accepts.

There is some small talk, but there isn't much to say.  Amanda is sad, and Patrick notices.  Patrick wants to hold her, and so he offers her a back rub.  Amanda shivers a little, but she forces herself to smile.

"I like your smile, it's nice;"  tells Patrick as he glares at her.  "You should smile more often;"

Amanda becomes shamed, like her smile could be sin so close to her husbands funeral.

"I think you should leave;"  she tells Patrick.  

"I'm sorry you feel I should leave;"  he mutters as he drops his arm and his smile.

"It's not you, it's me;"  tells Amanda as she feels her eyes swell with tears.  "I need some space;"  she adds.

"I understand;"  tells Patrick as he places a card onto the table.  "But please, if you need anything, give me a call;"

Amanda smiles and she places the card under the sugar jar.

"Oh I will;"  she tells.  "Just give me a couple of days and I will call even if it is just for a cup of tea;"

"Make sure you do;"  tells Patrick before he moves to leave.

Amanda shows Patrick to the door, she waves as he gets into his car and drives away.  Her heart feels warm and broken at the same time, and so Amanda closes the door and she moves to her bed to relax.  She can't sleep, so she stares at the ceiling listening to empty space.  She thinks of her husband and she grows sad, then she thinks of Patrick and she grows warm.  She wishes she could have asked him to stay with her, but space she needs lest she tangle herself into a mess which she will find hard to get out of.  

Amanda closes her eyes and she relaxes.  Space she needs, and time, she she shall think of starting again with someone new.

The Concert

Adam looks at the concert.  He sees his kids blowing  their instruments and he wishes to block his ears.  Hours in traffic trying to get here in time seem a holiday compared to the moment when he hears the kids play.  Adam looks to wife Angie, and he nudges her.

"Have any ear-plugs?"  he asks.

Angie laughs and then looks to the stage.  She enjoys watching her kids play, and she sits with a smile on her face.

After the concert Adam goes to the rest room.  He rubs his ears as he goes to the toilet, and then he combs his hair with washed fingers before he winks at himself and leaves.

Outside there is empty corridor, and for a moment Adam is unsure where he has come from.  He looks left and then right, and then he decides that he has come from the left.

Soon he finds the lawn where everyone is standing talking, and he joins Angie and his kids to tell the world how proud he is to be a father.

On the way home Adam buys some burgers and fries, and then he continues to tell the car how his ears nearly burst listening to the music.  Everyone exchanges glances and giggles, and then they dig into their burgers as they drive home.

At home Adam drinks a beer.  He then drinks two beers.  He looks at the computer screen in the study as he watches what his kids have uploaded - a video of their stage performance.  Adam turns the volume to mute as he watches, and he drinks.  He likes to look at the kids blow their horns and flutes, and he grows used to them as he glares.

"The music was bad - you fella's can't play!"  he drawls, before he turns the video off.  "Dis-merit;"  he mutters before he looks to the wall where there is a bunch of framed ribbons decorating the wall near the plant.

"That was me..."  he mutters as he glares at the first and second places.  'All my efforts..."  he adds.  "I was really someone..."  he gasps before he takes one more drink.  "Really someone..."  he adds before he falls off his chair to hit the carpet hard.

Friday 16 December 2016

Exhiled Because Of Marriage

Lachlan looks at the dinner table.  Two new slaves have been dragged in from the farm to witness the banquet.  Lachlan looks to Ingrid who is a farmers daughter and showing not a tear despite the beating she has been given.  He can't keep his eyes away.  So he drinks.  He takes one mouthful and then a cup, and before he knows it he is seeing his old home with everyone sitting in banquet as though in a dream.  Lachlan still can't keep his eyes off Ingrid -  her eyes are like deep ocean pools which he dives in as he continues to stare.

Lachlan looks at Herrod who is sitting next to Ingrid glaring at the prince with curious eyes.

"You there, are you this girls father?"  he asks.

Herrod nods.

"Yes I am;"  he mutters with care.

Laclan nods and he bends to pick up a box of god coins which he ha collected.  The box has spoils from the last war which was supposed to feel his treasury, however the gold that glistens inside looks like beaten clay unworthy of his interest and he thinks nothing of placing the box onto the table.

"I wish to marry her;"  tells Lachlan as he leans back with a smile on his face.

Herrod opens the box and he gasps at the gold which makes his face glow yellow.  He looks to Lachlan and he nods to accept the marriage which is much higher then he could have ever wished to be offered.

"I accept;"

Lachlan laughs as do the men that surround him.  Kale leans close to whisper to Lachlan.

"I think that's a farmers daughter;"  he mutters.

Lachlan however doesn't hear Kale and he urges him to back away before he moves to speak to Ingrid.

"You are like the sun and the moon, and I love you;"  he mutters.

There is laughter but Lachlan does not hear it.  He stands and moves Ingrid to another tent, and there they marry under the oaths of a drunken priest.  Lachlan is not met with aggression, only acceptance, and he takes Ingrid to his own tent to sleep with her -  it is only when he wakes next morning that he discovers something amiss.

"You there wake up!"  gasps Lachlan as he draws his sword and pokes Ingrid in the chest.

Ingrid stirs and then opening her eyes she gasps at sight of the sword.

"You are in the royal chambers, you must leave at once!"  he gasps as his face turns pale as ice.  "You're not welcome here!"  he yells.

Ingrid stares at Lachlan unsure what to do.

Lachlan spits down at the soil before the bed, and then he shivers as he feels a weakness that tells him to withdraw his sword.  Lachlan looks down Ingrids neck -  there are stains of red on her neck, and on her shoulder is a tatoo.  Lachlan throws his sword away and then he leans over Ingrid to inspect.  He sees his royal insignia stained on her shoulder and he quivers before he looks at her fingers and sees a ring made from the same gold his own finger carries.

Lachlan covers his face and groans as he turns away.  He knows not what he has done but it looks as though he has married the same girl who had been beaten in the fields for being a poor farmers daughter.  Lachlan gets down on his knees and he prays to no one -  he wishes there were someone he could talk to, to answer questions ringing inside of his mind.  But there is no one, and so standing once more Lachlan moves to seek a friend to be informed what he has done.

Lachlan finds the priest and he pulls him to the side for a quiet whisper.

"Priest was I married last night?"  asks Lachlan.

"Oh yes to a woman named Ingrid;"  tells the priest with a smile.

"Was she a common girl?"  asks Lachlan as he throws a mad face.  "Because you know I can only marry once, and a real princess is what I need to be wed to;"

The Priest nods his head.

"Oh yes, I tried to tell you; but you wanting nothing of it;"  tells the Priest.

"Couldn't you see I as drunk?!"  seethes Lachlan as his temper heats his skin.  "What am I to do about it?"  he asks.

"Pray that your drunk side has a stronger sense of right then you do;"  mutters the Priest in one quick motion.

Lachlan throws his body back and then he crunches his anger inside of his veins.  A pulse lifts the veins in his neck and he has a hard trouble looking sane.  However the swell inside subsides, and Lachlan draws in a sigh.

"Never matter;"  he mutters to himself.  "She has some beauty at least;"  he adds before he leaves.

Lachlan looks at Ingrid who has been dressed into a nice dress made of cotton and lace.  He smiles at her, and she sees him smile and tries to smile back.  However her mind is unsure as Lachlan approaches her and her face drop its smile so that she can stare at him with searching eyes.

"You are very lucky;"  he tells her as he touches her face.

Ingrid nods.

"You shall ride in the treasury carriage;"  he adds, before he moves to fetch some food.

Ingrid looks out of the carriage window as Lachlan rides next to the door.  He smiles at her every now and again, and then he continues to focus on the road and the trees.  There is always an enemy at every shadow, and he wishes to see them before they see him.

However there are no enemies to be found and so Lachlan daydreams over Ingrid who looks more and more like a princess with her hair combed and her face with make-up.  He thinks of the lie he will have to tell his father when he reaches home.  His father will be very cross, but when Lachlan tells him Ingrid is a real princess from a foreign land then he is sure to be persuaded that this girl is worthy;

Kent moves to walk his horse next to Lachlan.

"How is the bride?"  he asks.

"She is well;"  tells Lachlan as he blinks.  "Why did you not tell me I was drunk?"  he asks.

"I tried to stop you, but you would not listen;"  tells Kent as he raises his brows.

"Very well;"  mutters Lachlan as he slouches.  "She looks a lot better now that she has been properly dressed;"

"Your father will cut your eyes out!"  mutters Kent with sharp eyes.

"We'll see... we'll see..."  mutters Lachlan with a shrug.

There is a pause and Lachlan looks to Ingrid who leans close to the window to listen.

"I might like to ask you to turn away when I am having a private conversation!" he mutters sharply.

Ingrid nods and turns her head.  However she still listens as Kent and Lachlan whisper, they talk of her as though she is not within distance and it upsets her.

Back at home Lachlan introduces Ingrid to his father Jacob.  Jacob glares at Ingrid and he sees through her clothes.  He listens to Lachlan as he tells him the lie that Ingrid is from a dismantled family line.  Jacob offers to talk to Lachlan in private and when inside a cold chamber he hits Lachlan hard.

"You damned fool -  why have you married a common girl?"  he asks.

Lachlan holds his face.

"She is very pretty;"  he tells.

Jacob hits Lachlan again.

"You are to be thrown to the dogs!  Get out of my castle and run through the forests, you are not a royal, you are nothing!"  he barks.

Lachlan gulps down some blood and then he bows before Jacob.  Jacob kicks his face with his knee and then he orders Lachlan to leave.

Lachlan fetches Ingrid and he hurries out of the castle as the wind whispers his fathers threats that he is not to return.

Lachlan wanders the woods at night.  A waterfall offers a drink and he slips off his horse to take a sip.  He orders Ingrid to come near, and when standing in front of it he orders her to take off her clothes.

"But I might catch a death of cold!"  wars Ingrid.

"I care not - our travels have been long and you need a wash!"  he gasps.

Ingrid nods and slowly she slips out of her clothes.  The air is ice-cold and as her fingers touch the water they sting from being so frosted.  Lachlan notices her reluctance to enter the water and so he whispers to her.

"Worry not, I'll be right here to keep you warm;"  he mutters before he too throws off his clothes.

The two enter the water - it turns their skin so pale it is though they are ill, and they shiver as they bathe themselves.  Lachlan holds Ingrid close to keep his heart warm.  Ingrid feels a little warmer with Lachlan's arms around her and her shivers decrease.  The comfort of each others bodies cause a mighty swell and soon they are making love in the water as water rushes over their bodies.

Lachlan and Ingrid arrive at another castle.  Lachlan feels sick from eating berries and apples, he needs more; so he enters the castle and he calls his sisters name.

"Anne!"  he cries out.

Anne greets him with a hug and a kiss.

"Father sent a note to me that told me you have been thrown out of the kingdom!"  gasps Anne as she clutches at his arms.

"Yes;"  tells Lachlan as he feels his mind grow weak.  "I displeased him;"  he adds.

"Well you look terrible!"  gasps Anne as she wraps an arm around his back.  "Let me feed you and your horses, and then you shall continue your travels;"

Late at night Ingrid feels a chill where the bed is vacant.  She lifts herself up from the bed and she wanders around the corridors.  Inside the next room she hears Lachlan's voice, and she opens the door.  Lachlan holds Anne with compassion; he is so happy to be inside a castle again he wishes to stay.

"Please let me stay;"  he mutters.

"I can't!"  gasps Anne as she wipes a tear from her eye.  "I can't because father said not to;"

"What do you care what father wants?"  asks Lachlan as he opens his eyes.

There are tears inside of his eyes, tears of distress; he does not wish to leave to wander woods, he wishes to stay.

"Let me stay;"  he adds.

Anne shakes her head and then she too holds onto Lachlan.

"Whatever has separated us I wish it to end!"  she mutters.  "I love you!"

Lachlan laughs a bitter laugh.

"Then let me stay;" he tells her.

Anne shakes her head.

"You must leave by daybreak;"  she mutters as a tear runs down from her eye.

Anne turns away and Lachlan grows a sour face.

"How dare you not support me!"  he gasps.  "Me who led all seven wars to victory!"

Anne shivers as she thinks of it - every bloody battle that threatened them has been fought and conquered by Lachlan and her fathers army.  She dressed his every wound, and even kissed them to make sure they would not infect.  When he fell sick from marching in snow she marched through the forest tasting every bitter bark to find one that would make him well again.  Anne turns to Lachlan and sees the image of a real knight, and she knows he deserves to be a king.

"I can't give you a home;"  she mutters with a resigned sigh.

"Please, the world is so cold!"  gasps Lachlan as he moves to take her hands.

Anne steps away and pushes her hands behind her back.  Lachlan grabs her and clutches her hands.

"Please tell me I can stay!"  he gasps.

Anne shakes her head as a few more tears roll down her cheeks.  Lachlan circles his arms around her and holds her as she sobs.  He runs his hands up and down her back to comfort her -  the feeling of warmth is so great he grows fond of it.

"Please let me stay..."  he mutters.

"No..."  sighs Anne as she feels a deep depression that Lachlan is a new king and he is begging for her acceptance.

"Please..."  mutters Lachlan as he rubs his cheek against her moistened one.

Anne shakes her head and then she whispers.

"No..."  she mutters in her next breath.

Lachlan sucks in a breath.

"Then you are no longer my sister;"  he mutters as he sighs.

"I know!"  gasps Anne.  "And you not my brother!" she sobs.

"So let me stay as your slave;"  tells Lachlan as he shivers.

"No!"  gasps Anne as she wipes her left eye.  "You must leave!"  she gasps.

"Then you shall be mine;"  tells Lachlan as he pulls at the strings of Anne's dress.

Ingrid covers her mouth as the two fight each other.  Lachlan easily wins and he pushes Ingrid into a corner of the room where he slaps her hard.  He then takes out his knife and he cuts her cheek, her body; until finally she drops the war.  Lachlan thren rapes her for hours, filling her with more of him; it is a bitter form of battle, which boils Ingrids blood as sweat runs down their shoulders.  As the morning sun rises the castle has been conquered.  Anne lays on the floor bruised, bloodied, and exhausted; and Lachlan spits on her before he throws her inside a cell to waste her tears.

Ingrid looks to Lachlan as he walks into her room.  He bows his head, and then he wipes a hand over his leg.

"We can stay;"  he mutters as he lifts a smile.

Ingrid tries to smile, but tears well and dribble down her face.  Lachlan wants to reach to her but he feels haggard and dirty, and so he leaves to wash himself so that he may comfort Ingrid to stop her tears.

A bitter letter is sent to Jacob who throws a temper as the letter informs him that Anne's castle has been robbed.  His rolls his eyes, and then he throws the letter away.

"It's bitter that you should steal from Anne, but you are my son and you shall keep your spoils;"  he mutters before he turns to stare at the dark where a map sits.

Jacob crosses out Anne's name which lingers over the cross where her castle sits, and he writes Lachlan's name before he retires to bed.

Lachlan lives a quiet life with Ingrid.  He gets her pregnant and they spend hours talking of baby names and foods babies like to eat.  Every day they take a stroll through the gardens, and as Ingrid's belly blooms so does Lachlan's care for her.  He doesn't want to leave her side, but he manages to at night when he crawls to Anne's chamber to make viscous love to her.  It is a wicked pleasure and he grows in health.  When he returns to Ingrid it is with sweat on his skin, and when Ingrid smells him it is with knowing that he has been with Anne.

After months pass Ingrid gives birth to her baby.  Anne gives birth to a baby too,  but hers is left in the cold for the wolves to eat.  Lachlan comforts Ingrid, and then in time he picks up men to support his castle.  It is then he is accepted as having a throne, and he sits on it as he grows a plan to become a real king.

A Drive

Ashley slips into the car of the person who is parked in front of her.  She doesn't know who he is, she just knows he has a nice car.  The guy gives her the eye -  Ashley grows nervous and she licks her lips.

"Hey, you asked me in don't ask me out again;"  she tells him.

"I'm Jack;"  tells the guy.

"Oh hey Jack;"  greets Ashley.  "I'm Ashley;"

"Do you want to go to a hotel with me?"  asks Jack as he raises his brows at Ashley's too revealing outfit.

"Sure, hotels are nice;"  tells Ashley as she smiles over her shy.

"Then let's go;" mutters Jack before he revs the car and drives on.

Lights blue on all sides of the car.  They burn bright and feel warm even through the glass of the car.  Ashley feels like she is floating near the moon, and then a turn around a curb and she gasps at the fancy hotel that shows its face.

"Are we going in here?"  asks Ashley with a raise of brows.

"Yes;"  tells Jack as he stops.

A valet come and greets the visitors.  Jack looks Ashley up and down and he raises his brows before he picks up his coat from the back seat.  

"Here put this on;"  tells Jack.  "It'll cover your outfit;"

"Don't you like my outfit?"  asks Ashley.

"It's too much;"  tells Jack.  "Put the jacket on then follow me.

Ashley does so, and she follows Jack straight into the hotel where lights blare through chandeliers.

After checking in the two go to the elevator.  They catch a ride to the top floor and then they wander inside a room.  Jack looks to Ashley as she fingers a bouquet of flowers.

"You want to go to bed with them?"  he asks.

"No;"  mutters Ashley before she lifts her eyes.

"It was a joke;"  tells Jack.  "You stroke them very lovely;"  he adds.

Ashley smiles and then she moves on to sit on the cough nearby.

"I'm sorry;" she mutters as she fingers her nerves.  "What do you want now that I am here?"  she asks.

"Just your company;"  tells Jack.  "Sit down and relax, watch tv, I'll go to my room to make a call and be back;"  he tells her.

Ashley smiles.  She then looks to the side and sees a bowl of chocolates.  She eats a couple, before she heads to the  bar fridge to see if there are any drinks.  She finds some.  She picks her choices and then she returns to the couch where she waits.  While waiting she falls asleep.

Ashley wakes and stretches.  It is morning and she is still alone.  Ashley wrinkles her nose and then she walks to the bedroom.  She tries to open it -  it is locked.  Ashley shrugs and moves to have a shower.  Once clean she orders breakfast of pancakes and toast.  After eating she watches tv.  Then with tension on her brow she returns to the bedroom to knock.

Jack answers the knock and he raises his brows. 

"Give me some time;"  he mutters before he closes the door.

Ashley sits on the couch and she plays with her hair.  She grows bored many times and within hours she decides to leave.

Ashley walks through the foyer and out the front door.  Without her  jacket her outfit grabs the attention of eyes and stares.  Ashley does not care, and she walks outside to wait for a bus.  The day is hot, Ashley wishes for sun-cream but she has none so she sits int he shade.

Jack races up to her and he tells her to stop -  but that is only inside of her mind, as soon as the bus comes she hops on it and leaves.

A guy looks at Ashley and he touches her shoulder.

"Want to go out for breakfast?"  he asks.

"No;"  tells Ashley as she glares at the guy.  "I've just come back from a date;"  she adds with some pout.

She wishes she were back there in the hotel room.  But it being so vacant of company she knows she can't stay -  she has stuff to do, places to go, kitchens to clean.  Ashley sighs.  She has nothing to do, she is just going home to watch TV on the couch, she will not even have a person behind the vacant rooms.

"I would have stayed, but I was bored;"  she mutters as she plays with her hair.

Ashley returns to her flat and she gasps at the car parked outside.  It doesn't fit with the neighbourhood -  it is clean, attractive, sleek; Ashley walks up to the car and Jack slips out of it.

"You left your drivers license on the table;"  he tells her.

Ashley laughs and smiles.  She is so glad he has found her.  All emotions turn to joy that she will not have to spend the afternoon alone.

"I've finished with my business - want to go out for late-lunch?"  asks Jack.

"Sure!"  sings Ashley as she shrugs.  "A late lunch is just as good as dinner!"  she adds.

Jack laughs.  Inside his car  they slip and then revs the car as it drives down the street.