Wednesday 30 September 2015

Heavy Attention

Asha looks out the window and sees a bright sunny day.  She wish it would rain -  she is sick of the summer heat and wants it to cool.  But the clouds stay far away as the sun blazes the world with its heat -  even looking outside hurts her eyes and so Asha closes the blinds and walks further inside of the house where it is cool and quiet.

"Maybe I need a shower;"  mutters Asha as she walks towards the shower in a trance.

Bump!  A doo flies open and out steps her mother Clara from her bedroom.

"Bye Hun!"  she calls before she fast disappears.

Max looks out of the bedroom and he waves before he glares at Asha as she lazily strolls up the hallway.  Max curls a grin which is tainted with dark delivery -  he doesn't quite like Asha, in fact he thinks Clara had an affair with her boss before she hitched herself with him.  Something about her seems peculiar, lofty...  Max doesn't like her blonde hair or her green eyes -  his own kids have brown hair and blue or brown eyes... not green... not blonde...

"How's your morning?"  he asks.

"Too hot!"  tells Asha before she continues to walk past.

"I'll say!"  mutters Max before he wipes his brow.

Asha touches the shower door and then she walks into the room.  She gently closes the door behind her and Max smiles before he looks behind him.  There is a bed with lumpy pillows covering his face, he suddenly realizes that he has a back ache, and so he throws away the idea of going back to bed.

Max hears the shower run and he smiles.  He wishes he had a balloon to pop behind Asha's back, but he has nothing.  Max looks around and sees a vibrator on the chair.  He smiles -  his wife has been pleading with him to use it but she had refused.  The toy was plastic, stiff, had an angry but, hurtful... he didn't want anything to do with it.

"But maybe I could frighten Asha with it;"  he mutters before he picks it up.

Max takes his feet and stalks the shower.

Inside Asha glances over her shoulder alarmed!  Max enters and smiles as she puffs in her breaths in pants and covers herself with towel. 

"What are you doing here?"  she asks.

"Inspection time;"  tells Max before he steps towards her.

"What do you mean inspection?"  asks Asha before she gasps at the toy in Max's hand.

"What's the matter?"  asks Max.  "You look like you've seen a ghost;"  he adds.

"Is that for me?"  asks Asha as she glares.

"You want it?"  asks Max as he raises his brows.

Asha smiles and takes it.

"I've always wanted one;"  she tells.

"Then have it;"  adds Max as he laughs.

Asha's towel has fallen down enough to see he cleavage and it is a developing one.  He looks and it and thinks he would like to touch it, before his crotch begins to burn.

"Do you think you can use it?"  he asks.  "There's no instructions;"

"Yes I think I can figure it out;"  tells Asha as she places the item on the nearby bench.  "Can you go I need to shower;"  she tells.

""I think we know what needs to go;"  tells Max before he slips his hand on Asha's towel and steals it away.  "The towel;"  he adds.

Asha nods and she rubs her arms as Max's eyes devour her body.  She wishes she knew how to scream at Max, but with his attention sharp on her all she can do is grow fevered under her skin.  Asha lifts her eyes up to Max with a scream under then -  she wants to run away, but she can't and so she leers.  Max catches the attention and he smiles, but he does not smile for long.

"What are you looking at?"  he asks before he slaps her face.

Asha steps back but gets another slap which makes her step towards the wall and then the sink. 

"Huh?"  asks Max with light pant on the tongue as he glares at Asha's reddened cheeks.

"Stop it!"  screams Asha before she quietens down.

"Make me;"  tells Max before he rubs his lips over her neck and fondles one bare breast in the cup of his hand.

Asha tries to push Max away but he is too heavy.  So she stands there feeling his breath on the length of her neck as his fingers punish her chest until she needs to catch her breath.  Max feels hot, so hot he thinks he might let his pants down, but not before he plays with the vibrator toy.  He grabs it with his spare hand, and then he turn it on.  He knows he shouldn't punish Asha but he does by pushing it inside of her fast and deep.  Asha groans in her throat -  she isn't pleasured but punished by the toy which is cold and angry.

"It hurts!"  gasps Asha as she clutches his shoulders.  "It does!"

Asha walks out of the shower with sore belly and a hit head.  She had been smacked hard and she had bumped her head after a slip on the mat.  With dizzy on her mind Asha makes it to her bed and there she lays down on it.

"Why must the world be so hard?"  she asks as she fails to glue her shaken thighs together.  "That toy hurt!"  she steamed.

Asha can still feel it -  hard cold plastic jiggling inside of her.  She can hear Max's laugh.

'How dare he...' she thinks before she rests.

On the bed Asha wishes to dream, but she can only think of Max.  He its her over again and she screams, but it is not because it is angry; it is because he is turned on. 

Asha opens her eyes and feels her thighs wet -  she can't believe she could have had a wet dream over something so terrible.  Asha feels a chill, and she carefully slips out of bed to grab herself some hot milk.

In the kitchen Max lingers over a boiling kettle.  Asha wishes to throw the kettle at him but instead she ignores him.  Max spies her sneaking around and he pushes the empty tea-cup aside. 

"I'm getting milk;"  tells Asha as she moves to pass.

Asha feels like a sneak trying to steal bread, however she is not the one doing the stealing!  Max hugs her and presses her to his body.  Asha pulls away, but she doesn't take a step before Max pulls her back to him to hug her.  There is desperation in the hug, his body is stiff, his arms clutch too tight.

"Let go!"  orders Asha.

However Max can't let go -  he instead breathes deeper as he fights the guilt in wanting to have a lay. Max is fast to tear Asha's underwear off, and he is even faster at taking his own pants down.  From there it's a series of squeezes before Max has Asha gasping.  He can't believe his score, and he doesn't let go until he creams.

Asha feels the cold kitchen tiles on her back, and she shivers as Max slithers away like a snake.  Asha still has her legs open as the next door neighbour Paul walks inside.

"Door was open;"  tells Paul before he glares at Asha in all undone seduction.  "What's this?  Play rape?"  he asks.

"No, just harmless fun;"  tells Max as he shies away.  "She slept with a boyfriend and wanted to prove it..."  he mutters.

Paul looks to Max and scoffs.  He knows he should hurry home to report a possible case of rape, but with Asha looking so wide opens he grows hot for a taste of her. 

"Best take a shower;"  he tells Max.  "Leave the kid alone;"

Max nods and with an apology he moves to have a shower.  It is a good idea, but half-way up the hall he hears a moan, and he returns to the kitchen to find Paul on top of Asha.  Max watches a rape that turns into an orgy, and he grows hot headed over looking.  Max watches for fifteen minutes before Paul gets off. 

Paul turns and sees Max he then shrugs before walking out of the house.  Asha glares at Max -  she has been filled to the brim but she knows he might come back for more.  He does!  He slaps her face and pulls her hair back.

"You like him better then me?" he asks before he gives it all he has to make her feel warm again.  "There's nothing better then me or you won't live here;"  he adds.

Exhausted Asha is taken to bed, and on her bed she is told to sleep.  Asha does sleep, but as she sleeps her body screams, and that is when Asha wakes up screaming - she has been raped!

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Dark Twisted Life

Ebony looks out the and sees a world dead still.  She should be happy but instead o smiling she sobs out the stifled cry.   The world seems dead to her, and it is like saying that she be made into a dead person one day.  Ebony looks at her book shelf and sees no books -  it's as though she were never learn to read let alone learn.  She looks at the clock brought without batteries and hung without batteries -  it is as though she is not supposed to know the time. 

"I'm stuck in a mad house!"  she gasps before she moves out to the dinner table.

On the plate is meat and nothing else, and Ebony knows it is because she is going to be dead meat one day.  However as she cuts the steak she sees blood dribble out -  this is because she is going to be murdered. 

Ebony pushes the plate away and she walks down the hall -  she looks at the pictures; every smiling face is of everyone in the family, but all of her pictures are missing - it is as though she is not meant to exist. 

Ebony begins to grow tears in her eyes, however the front door opens and she sees her sister Ruby come in with her new boyfriend.  Ebony takes a glance and feels a dark light crawl over her; some day they are going to attempt to bring her death.  

Ebony walks back to her room already feeling like a ghost.  She looks at the water by her bedside table and she glares.  It looks clean but each glass has some invisible drug inside, it is her parents telling her to drink to her own death.

Ebony stares at her own reflection.  Above her head she reads 666... she looks behind her and see a wall plaque her parents brought for her before she was born.  It is as though they already knew what she was going to be facing, and what they had planned.  A dark and deadly fate brought on by every instinct anyone could feel. 

Ebony finally begins to cry.  She can't help but notice she is already losing her life, she is just slow to realise it.  She keeps hoping that the world might turn and end up well, but she knows it never will.  Every struggle she has faced and will face is because she has numbers over her head and the world wishes to prove it. 

"I can't ever win;"  she says as she glares at herself.  "I'm already losing and I'm not even moving;"

Late Night

Linda walks down the street.  It is dark and she feels chilled.  She doesn't like to feel scared but her hairs stand on edge.  Linda quickens her steps as though being stalked by a ghost.  However she feels more like the ghost. With a shiver she hurries to a cab and hops into the car, she tells the driver the address and she is driven away.

In her house Linda feels calmer, however her nerves knot as she finds her husband Jeremy drunk.

"You come home late?"  he asks is thick drawl.

"I had to work overtime;"  she tells him.

"Over the table or under?"  asks Jeremy as he draws her into his eye.

"Over;"  tells Linda as she feels a threat. 

Jeremy smiles and then he takes a drink.  He wishes he had not married Linda for her looks for he is always speculating that she is in the midst of having an affair. 

"I had pizza;"  he adds as Linda moves to walk past.  "Cold... from the fridge;"  she adds.

"Sorry;"  tells Linda as she cocks her head.  "I had to work;"

Jeremy smiles and he narrows his eyes as Linda moves on.  However at the wall she jumps as Jeremy throws a beer which breaks on the plaster.

"Score!"  gasps Jeremy as he jumps. 

Linda knots her tongue -  her heart murmur is blasting and she can't calm herself!  She rummages through her thoughts and she creates argument, but she doesn't talk, she just stands there crying through her trembling bones.

"Bitch..."  mutters Jeremy as he sits.  "Take one on me..." he adds.

Linda swallows her dry tongue and she turns to face Jeremy who is watching TV.  She wipes her wet eyes and then she moves on to the bedroom where she trembles to the carpet.  She sobs for a minute, and then she reminds herself she is a woman who must never cry.  So she moves to have a shower, and the water cheers her up until she is able to stand in her mind as a solid somebody.

"How dare he talk to me!"  she gasps.  "I am special!  I am his wife!"

Linda wishes she could ask Jeremy for an apology however it is not a good time and so with luck on her chest she slips into bed where she sleeps until she feels warm again.

Monday 28 September 2015

The New Friend

Ebony glares at the other people at school and she becomes shy.  She is unsure if she feels ugly or just different.  There are so many other people that she could count the rashes.  Something is making her feel bashful and it makes her uneasy.

"Hi, new here?"  asks Sheila.

"Yes;"  mutters Ebony with a grimace.

"Let me show you to your room;"  tells Sheila.  "I enjoy being the escort!"  she smiles.

Ebony feels grateful and she allows Sheila to show her to her class.  She does the task in seconds, and with a wave Ebony moves into class.

Class is a bore and Ebony only just makes it through.  After it is over she finds her next class.  The next class is just as horrible and by lunch Ebony is snacking on potato snaps -  the fattiest chip a tuck store can offer!

Sheila finds Ebony and sits with her.

"My class was horrible!"  she gasps.

"Mine too!"  tells Ebony as she rubs her brow.  "I can't make it through the year;"  she adds.

"No!  Don't talk like that just do it, you'll be fine!"  tells Sheila as she steals a chip.

Eric walks up to Sheila.

"Go out with me!" he begs her.

"No!" scolds Sheila with a gasp.

"Okay;"  tells Eric before he leaves.

Sheila rolls her eyes.

"That's Eric, my stalker!"  she whispers.

"Why is he your stalker?"  asks Ebony.

"He caught me having sex and became my stalker;"  tells Sheila with a gasp.  "I had been drunk and high it sucked he saw me!"  she adds.

"Why don't you tell someone;"  mutters Ebony.

"Ding dong!  No one to tell!"  gasps Sheila with a furrow of her brows. 

"Okay;"  mutters Ebony too shy to know better. 

Sheila smiles and then she gasps as the next bell chimes.  Break is over and back to school.

"Here I go again!"  she says before she leaves.

Ebony waves and then she leaves to go to her own class.

After school Ebony walks home alone.  She wishes Sheila was with her but she had driven off in a sports car.  Ebony feels alone -  she's not as rich as everyone else at school, she is nothing!  Walking home is a chore in the heat and when at home Ebony moves to her room to brood.

Ebony and Sheila fast become friends, and together they talk when not in class.  However Sheila will not meet with Ebony after school is out and Ebony ends up finding other people to hang out with.  Sheila tries to win Ebony's interest with false charm, but Ebony tells her she would rather just be friends with other people.

"We have more in common;"  tells Ebony as she waves.

Sheila bites on her nails.  She doesn't like feeling abandoned and so she stares at Ebony as she links arms and walks away with her new friends.  Sheila sees red, then she sees black, then she sees blood... she feels very negative and she grows cold inside.  Ebony does not know it but Sheila feels hurt and with a head toss she moves to her car and drives away with a steaming iron under her shoe.

The next day Ebony meets Sheila in the hall and Sheila invites her to the back oval to talk.  Ebony doesn't want to but Sheila's grip is firm and she practically pulls Ebony to where she wants to go.  In the back oval however Ebony meets a slap on the face.

"You bitch!  Abandoning me to be with new friends!"  she scolds.

"I thought you didn't want to be good friends with me..."  steams Ebony.

"Good friends?  What is a good friend!"  asks Sheila.

"Someone who wants to hang after school;"  tells Ebony as she shrugs.  "Someone who will call you;"

"Oh so you want to be called?"  blinks Sheila as she narrows her eyes.  "You want me to talk to you?"  she asks in an immature tone.

"Yes;"  tells Ebony.

"You want to be close to me?"  asks Sheila as she steps in close so that their lips almost touch.  "Is this close enough?" she asks as she narrows her eyes. 

"It's too close..."  mutters Ebony before she turns to walk away. 

Sheila grabs Ebony's arm and she spins her around.  Sheila then slaps Ebony hard, and Ebony leaves!

"You are the worst friend ever!"  tells Sheila as she gasps.  "I have my heart to you!"

Ebony keeps a low profile by staying in the library during break.  She has been rattled by Sheila's behaviour and she feels low.  Ebony begins to cry in her mind, but it doesn't break out until  Sheila trips her while carrying food from the tuck shop.  Food spills everywhere, and Ebony grows embarrassed as she apologises to the teachers who gather around.

After school Ebony walks home alone.  By the trees she thinks she hears a peculiar sound and she turns around to see Sheila's car run off the road and towards her.  Ebony runs into a garden to escape the front hood of the car, and Sheila laughs.

"Almost got you!"  she yells before she backs up and drives away.

At home Ebony tries to tell her parents she needs to go to a different school.  However they refuse to accept a transfer and so scared Ebony returns to school.

Sheila spits at Ebony, trips her when she can, bumps her, talks about her, and tries to run her over on the odd occasion.  Ebony meets all day by dad, and in the end she needs to cry.

"Can you stop harassing me?" she asks Sheila who hits he with a hocky stick. 

"Harass?"  asks Sheila.  "I said I was sorry;"

"Every day?"  asks Ebony with a scoff.

"Yes every day..."  sings Sheila as she flutters her eye-lashes. 

"Stop stalking me!"  wars Ebony. 

"No one is stalking you..."  mutters Sheila with a smile.  "Unless you wanna..."  she adds with a drawl.

"No!"  tells Ebony with a scoff.  "Just leave me be!"  she scolds before she walks off.

After school Sheila gets an ex-boyfriends to stalk Ebony.  Ebony notices their shadow and she turns to meet the stalker.  Ebony smiles a strained smile before the ex-boyfriend moves to beat her up.  It is a horrible torture being hit, and Ebony runs home scared for her life. 

At school Ebony spits at Sheila through bruised lips.

"Was that guy you?"  she asks.

"Why Ebony I have no idea..."  sings Sheila.  "Best you put on cover and keep low profile;"  she adds before she walks away.

After school however Sheila calls Ebony to her car and invites her inside for a chat.  Ebony nods, and Sheila locks the doors and drives off down the street.

"Okay the beating was messy!"  tells Sheila as she drives.  "So to make it up we can have ice-cream!" she tells her before stopping at a hotel.  "Hotel style!"  she smiles.

Ebony nods and lets Sheila lead her to a hotel room.  But there is no ice-cream like Sheila has said, only four guys Sheila has loaned to give Ebony a good time.  Ebony is pushed through agony of a lengthy gang-bang and in the end Sheila is left smiling to Ebony who is weeping and utterly defeated.

"Got your flower!"  cheers Sheila before she takes a photo.  "Now we are  even!"

Ebony walks into her house and slithers into bed.  She wishes she could beat Sheila up!  She has outdone her on the revenge scale.  However it is not in her heart to make plans, and so Ebony returns to school fit to live in ignorance.

School sails smoothly and Ebony makes good friends.  However Sheila watches her from a distance and at the end of the year she plans a big party.

Last day of school Sheila pulls Ebony into her car and drives off.  In a field of yellow flowers Sheila threatens Ebony with a gun.. 

"Who's your friend bitch?"  asks Sheila as she points the gun.

"Not you!"  shrieks Ebony as she grows hysterical.

"Always me!"  gasps Sheila as she cocks her gun.

Ebony tries to run, but she is shot, and she falls down dead having had been hit in the heart.  She then gets dragged back to school where her dead body is hung  with Christmas tinsel and a crown of holly.

Ebony's body is found the next day and students shriek out gossip.  There are rumors but most of the rumors die, and soon Ebony and her dead body are forgotten. 

Angie Used

It is night and the owl hoots by the nearby window.  Angie hears the owl and she lifts her head from her pillow.  She had a nightmare where a boy from school takes her to his house and shows her his body.  He has a rats body and with eerie music over her head Angie is told to touch his rats body.

"Touch me!" he coaxes in a tone sarcastic and serious.  "Rub me!" he enthuses.

Angie feels her fingers tremble as she touches one rats nipple -  it is filled with milk and its white froth squirts on her face.  It burns!  Her skin steams like it has been hit by acid and Angie screams!

"What a strange dream!"  gasps Angie as she shivers.  "I am glad I am here;"  she mutters but a sound on the floor boards alarms Angie and she stares with her heart-beat inside of her throat!

Her bedroom door opens and a lone figure walks inside.  The figure is tall and Angie chews on her screams as the shadow of black approaches her bed. 

"Who's there?"  she asks.

"Just me;"  tells Nathan.

"Why are you here?"  asks Angie as she feels her spine stiffen.

Nathan sits on Angie's bed and he shrugs.  He sniffles -  a sign he is distressed!  Angie tries to give his arm a rub but he takes her hand away.

"Is everything okay?"  she asks as she glares.

"No;"  whispers Nathan.  "I lost my job;"  he mutters before he takes his phone and presses the record button.  "I'm a loser;"  he adds.

"Don't say that!"  gasps Angie. 

Nathan puts the phone on the window sill so he records the moon filtering by the leaves.  Angie is confused.

"Why are you here?"  she asks.

Nathan gasps and shivers, he leans over Angie and cries as he holds her.

"I'm such a loser, I am sorry!  I failed you!"  he tells her as his throat trembles. 

"Don't say that!"  gasps Angie before she offers his cheek a loving kiss.  "You'll get a new job!"  she adds.

But Nathan is far away he kisses her cheek, then her lips.  Angie tries to pull away but Nathan doesn't back off.  Angie is caught in ploy, and she squirms as Nathan licks her lips and face. 

"Stop!" cries Angie.  "Please, stop!"

"I'm not harming you none..."  drawls Nathan before he takes off his shirt.

"You're naked!"  cries out Angie alarmed.  "Let me go!"

Nathan turns on the light and with the mobile he films Angie's in bed.

"Take off your clothes;"  he tells her.

"I can't;"  tells Angie as she grows pale.

 Angie feels kisses on her body and she trembles, then she winces as her night-dress gets torn in two.  Nathan unzips his pants and then he pushes his groin against Angie's groin.  Angie screams and dribbles out tears as Nathan enters her.  The camera films Angie writhing, and then it films her moaning like an injured animal. 

Angie is raped and by the end Nathan's cream is in-between her thighs.  Angie lays still as Nathan films her panting, and then she grimaces.

"Are you making porn?"  she asks.

"That is a dirty word Angie;"  tells Nathan as he leans over her.  "Don't use it in my house again;"  he warns before he scoffs and leaves Angie alone.

Angie suffers as hurt is caught in her chest, she wants to cry but instead she screams until the owl by the window flies away.

Hot Afternoon

Jack looks at Eve by the pool.  She looks nice in her swimmers and he drools as he grows retarded over a feeling of turn on.  Jack watches Eve dive in and he turns to his wife Sue. 

"Go clean the bedroom;"  he tells her.
Sue nods and disappears before Jack walks out to the pool where Eve sits in the spa.

"Hot afternoon;"  tells Jack.

"Hot!"  gasps Eve as she glares at Jack.

"Good for water;"  tells Jack as he takes off his clothes until he is stripped to his underwear.

Eve giggles as Jack slips into the spa, but then she cringes as he twirls his now wet underwear over his head.  Eve watches the underwear get thrown away and then she pulls away as Jack reaches for her.

"Help!"  screams Eve as Jack tries to take her swimmers off.

"Shh!"  orders Jack before he lifts a leg up until it is over his shoulder. 

Eve moans and closes her eyes as Jack enters her body and jiggles it like she is a vibrator.  She has never felt more like anyone elses child before, and she arches her neck until her breasts pop out from her bikini top.  Eve looks to the sky as her eyes turn black with alarm, and she feels her eyes cry as Jack breaks her virginity to have his fill.  It hurts her, he is big downstairs, and it rips her apart to have him inside of her.  Eve wishes her heart would break, but all that is broken is her mind.

"Say you love me;"  tells Jack.

"No!"  gasps Eve.  "Get off me!"  she screams.

"Tell me!"  orders Jack as he slaps at her cheek.

"No!"  gasps Eve as she feels Jack cream.  "No, don't!"  she shivers, but it is too late -  his seed is inside of her and it makes her feel cold.

"You love me..."  drawls Jack.  "Tell me;" 

"No!"  gasps Eve.  "Go to Hell!"

Jack sighs and he reaches for her backside with his fingers.  He rolls his fist up and punches her, Even burst out crying and she tosses her head. 

"Stop! Stop!" she cries.

"Tell me you love me;"  mutters Jack.

"I can't!"  blurts out Eve as her lips tremble.

"Say it;"  tells Jack.  "Even if you don't mean it;"  he adds.

"I.... I..." she stammers, however she can't say it and so she cries.

Jack takes his hands and loins away and he smiles.  He kisses Eve, he makes her swallow his tongue, and she drinks him down.  Eve scratches his arms but he forces her to kiss him, she can't stop it.  She cries as she kisses him, and she trembles as he opens her legs out wide so that he can fit his body snugly against hers. Jack enters Eve again but this time she is loose and uncaring.  Her tears stop flowing and Jack rubs his cheek against hers.

"Tell me you love me;"  he whispers.

"I... I..." stammers Eve as her loins are stretched and fed.  "I can't say it!"  she argues.

Jack kisses Eve's cheek he can't talk to Eve and so he lets her go.

Back inside Jack takes a drink as Eve washes herself in the spa.  Soon Eve enters the house and as she walks down the hall Jack grabs her to kiss her.  Their lips meet, their tongues meet, and Jack groans as Eve kisses him back like a lover.  Sue watches from up the hall and she stares vacantly.

"Leave me alone!"  gasps Eve.

"What, and miss all the fun?"  asks Jack before Sue clears her throat.

Both Jack and Eve look to see Sue standing up the hall.  Jack groans as Eve gasps.

"Mother! Help me!"  she cries out loud.

"Yes, help her..."  drawls Jack as he fondles one of Eve's round breasts.  "Or help me;"  he adds.

Sue shakes her head and stands still as Jack kisses Eve's neck and rubs her with protruding fingers.

"She's loose;"  tells Jack.

Sue sighs.

Jack smiles and he pushes Eve onto her knees before he shoves his loins into her face.  Her mouth chaps at the corners as she gives Jack deep oral, her throat doesn't stop hurting, and she pulls herself off and crawls towards her room.  Jack grabs Eve's legs and opens them before he gives her a rough time on the carpet, he chugs over her calling her name and pulling her hair and Eve sobs. 

After an hour Jack gets off and pulls Eve to his bedroom.  On the bed he punches Eve, and then he has sex with her again.  Eve is hit hard and told to sleep and she feigns sleep as her mind fights over what Jack is doing. Sue watches while growing swollen breasts - a sign she is turned on.  Eve sobs and cries but nothing stops Jack from making her his sex toy and rag.  By dinner time Eve rests on the sticky blankets asleep from exhaustion.

Jack looks to Sue.

"Can you make dinner?"  he asks.

Sue nods.

"Yes dinner;"  she remarks before she leaves. 

Jack kisses Eve's face and lays down to rest.  He sleeps for an hour before he is roused -  it is dinner and he is hungry!

Asked Out Of Theatre

Ruben watches a woman named Mary as she sits watching his ballet.  There is audience all around her but she stands out of the crowd, there is essence about her which is hard to ignore.  Ruben approaches the woman and taps her shoulder.

"I need to talk to you he whispers;"

Mary knows a request to leave the theatre is an order and Ruben shows Mary out and into a toilet cubical.  Ruben knows Mary is a virgin and he smiles as he grows hot for her.

"You aren't allowed to watch my dance shows any more;"  he tells her.

May gasps.

"Why not?"  she asks.

"I need a specific crowd and you aren't one of the specifics;"  tells Ruben as he raises his brows.  "So leave;"  he orders.

Mary sighs and nods -  she knew people were being excluded but she did not think she would be rounded up and excluded too!

Ruben smiles at how pale she looks -  she has been shocked into alarm and it shows on her face. 

"You look so nice..." he drawls as he leans over her.

Ruben kisses Mary -  it is short but she blushes.  It makes Ruben want to kiss her again and he does.  Mary smiles as their lips part.

"You are nice, but are you not married?"  she asks.

"Yes;"  tells Ruben.  "But you I make exceptions for;"  he adds before he kisses her once more.

Mary's cheeks turn red and she grows afraid of the warmth inside of her chest.  Ruben feels warmth inside of his loins and he kisses her once again.

"Let me lay you;"  he tells her.

"Oh no I can't!"  gasps Mary as she giggles.

"Let me..."  tells Ruben as he pulls her close.  "Let me;"  he adds before he pulls her underwear down under her skirt.

Mary has only seconds to spare before Rubens fingers are working magic.  She wants to say no but she stands still as she grows hot and fevered.  Ruben turns her around and throws his groin against hers, he forces her into sexual union before he runs away.

Mary pants as she looks at the door.  Slowly she puts herself together before she leaves the theatre.  She knows she has been played like a joke in a game of high kings, and she wishes to not return.  She has had enough she will not come back.

Night Orgy

Preston watches Anna put the baby asleep.  His day has been a drag and he goes to the office to surf the internet.  On the computer he finds some porn and he smiles as he watches very big guys rape females very small.  The effect on his loins are burning and he tries to rub the fire from his crotch but he can't.  Preston watches thirty minutes of tape and then he finishes as Anna calls him to the dinner table.

At the table Preston can't eat and he leaves early.  He walks up to his room passing the kids room.  Preston feels on the edge, and when realizing this he returns to the kids room.  There he finds the baby and he moves to check that she is sleeping.  She is awake, and he smiles as he watches her reach for a toy.

"You are stupid;"  he leers as he picks the child up and places her on the carpet. 

Preston thinks of naked flesh and he kisses the childs lips like she is his lover.  It is a one sided kiss which feels like any of the day kisses he and his wife share.  The child giggles, and looking dumb Preston undresses her to check her nappy.  The nappy is dry, but Preston's tongue is wet!  He licks her round belly and her face and he drools as he rubs his face against her chest.  Preston feels like he is eating cheese and his body gets hot as he continues to play his child like she is a sex toy.  He touches her and licks her until his skin is throbbing.  The child laughs but Preston is not done.

"Shut up!  I'm calling the shots!"  he barks before his other daughter Hannah alarms him.

"What you doing?"  she asks from the door.

Preston hurries to put the baby back in her cot.  A pacifier calms the child and then he turns to Hannah who lingers by the door.

"Come here!"  he tells her as he crouches with arms open.

Hannah smiles and runs to him and hugs him, but as soon as she does she falls into a trap.  Preston diverts his exploit to her, and he kisses her face with sweat on his lips.  Hannah giggles at fist, but then she cringes as the kisses turn rough.  Hannah tries to pull away, but she is thrown on the carpet where her legs are thrown open.  Preston hears her moan as he chugs his weight over her, he grows hot as a demon and his sweat breaks loose.  Preston can hear Hannah but his thoughts are far away, he can't stop.  She drowns under his shadow as he continues to tremble.  Hannah is his prize and her lips gasp as he overwhelms her. 

Preston puts Hannah to bed and then he goes to his room to lay down.  Preston rubs his mind in the dark as his thoughts war.  He wants more, more flesh, more burning sensations, more emotion, more guilt.  He can't get the thought out of his mind so he picks up the phone and rings a friend named Sue.

"Can I come over?"  he asks.

"Yes!"  cheers Sue.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes!"  tells Preston before he leaves the house.

At Sue's house Preston plays around with Sue on her bed.  He strangles her and chains her up -  she is used to rough and kinky but she feels cold as Preston abandons her in her bondage to surf her house.  Preston finds Sue's daughter Marge inside of her bedroom and he enters the room fast. 

"Hello;"  tells Marge but Preston hits her hard.

Marge wails and screams but Preston holds her mouth until she can only tremble.  Preston undresses Marge with fast tugs and pulls, and then he throws her over the dresser table where he chugs inside of her like a steam-train on heat.  Marge's face twists as her eyes scream, she looks at Preston in the mirror and sees him as evil.  Blood rakes her thighs and she moans loud, but her pain does not stop for thirty minutes and when it does her face is slammed against the mirror until she blacks out. 

Preston smiles and then he wanders outside.  He knows Sue's husband will be home soon and so he leaves her tied up.  Preston walks outside and meets a lone passer by on the street.  He grabs her and stuffs her into his car, and on the back seat her smacks her until she is weak.  Preston kisses the young woman like her lover, and she kisses him back.  Preston's smacks her again!

"You're coming home with me;"  he tells her.

The young woman can't fight as he binds her wit his neck-tie.

Preston drives the woman home and in his garage he beats her until her face is bruised and sore.  He then takes off her clothes, before he makes love to her fleshy body.  The woman can't believe Preston's energy and she moans weakly as she is forced through hours of hot sex.  Shivering she can take in no more, and so Preston grabs a hammer and beats her until she is unconscious.

"What am I?  A monster?"  asks Preston before he leaves the woman alone. 

Preston's mind sparks and he sees flesh dance over his eyes, his face, his hands... he smells it, he drinks it in, he grows sick of the stench of it and blood! Preston realizes he has raped the woman again, and by its end she opens her eyes. Preston gags the woman and throws her into a tool room, there he leaves her bound and gagged, and he locks the door as he exits.

Inside the house Preston finds Anna in bed.  He wants to lay her but he stops himself. 

"What have I done?" he asks as he shakes his head.  "The demon in this mind has controlled me and I can't be cleaned!"  he gasps.  "I cannot be cleaned!"  he adds before he goes down to the lounge to sleep.

Emma Hit Hard

Emma hangs out by the kitchen waiting for the stew to cook.  There are relatives in the house but they are in the backyard.  Inside is her and her step-father Greg who is talking in the hallway.  Emma leans over the bench and closes her eyes, she wants to fall asleep but she is too hungry.  As she lingers Greg enters the kitchen and notices her long legs and her skirt hitched up by her underwear.

"A good afternoon;" cheers Greg.

Emma straightens up and sits on a stool -  once again her skirt rides up to her bikini line and Greg notices.

"Too lazy to slip into some normal clothes?"  he asks.

"I'm waiting for food!"  tells Emma as Greg slips by the window to peer at the relatives circulating that back yard flower bed. 

"It won't be ready for an hour;"  tells Greg before he closes the curtain.

The dim creates a moody atmosphere and it makes Emma feel more relaxed.  She smiles to Greg who can't stop staring at her long legs stretched out from a shortened skirt.  Greg shakes his head to get the legs out of his head, but he can't get them out of his eyes and he stares still.

"How's your boyfriend?"  he asks as he raises his brows.

"Oh, I am not dating currently;"  tells Emma before she laughs.

Greg almost gets a buzz, and he clears his throat.

"Best to get one;"  he mutters before he looks away.

Shyness overcomes Greg and he wishes he had not gotten interested in those long pair of legs stretching from the stool.  They stich on his mind and he begins to stroke them with his fingers -  the skin is warm but smooth and they feel like silk sheets.  Greg smiles as he thinks of the silk sheets on his underwear rubbing slowly.  Suddenly Greg gets wet!  The daydream almost feels like sex and he tears it away.

"Are you okay?"  asks Emma as she narrows her eyes. 

"Yes, hungry;"  tells Greg as he nods.

Emma smiles and fidgets with her fingers - she doesn't want to tell Greg that his pants seem tight, but she can't help but notice!  She thinks of porn she has watched and the gorging of pants that lead to an open fly - the memory makes her blush and she rolls her eyes.

Greg slips up to Emma and he slips a hand in-between her thighs.

"Your skirt is too short;"  he whispers.

Emma feels a tingle as she watches Greg's hand stroke her skin.  She feels strange, like a dry crush of bread put in milk, she cannot help but feel warm over the startle, but she knows she must stop Greg.  However she can't talk -  Gregs fingers dig their way to her underwear where they manipulate its cloth until she feels wet.  Emma gasps as her senses throb -  she knows her breasts are growing swollen, but what Greg can't see is that she wants to scream as her spine gives way to an orgasmic shiver.

"You should stop that;"  she mutters as she looks around to Greg.

Greg's fingers only dig deeper and soon they manage to touch her past her underwear.  Emma bites her lips as Greg fondles her like a lover stealing kisses -  Emma wants to stay frigid but she ends up opening her thighs.  Emma can't stop herself and Greg's fingers slip in deep as she leans back heavily on the bench top panting through her chest.

Greg can feel Emma's wetness and sees her brow sweat -  she is ripe and turned on, and he feels himself pant.  Greg rips Emma's top open, and he pulls down her bra.  Emma tries to save herself from nakedness by placing her hands on her chest, but Greg takes down her hands to be able to look at her breasts as she pants.  They are hot and swollen, and they look good as Emma's sex juices begin to run down her thighs.

Greg can't believe his luck and he takes out his fingers to form a fist.  He punches Emmas loins, but her tightness stops his fist from entering, it is then Greg realizes that she is probably a virgin. 

"I love virgins;"  he murmurs before he makes Emma stand and turns her around.

Emma's sweaty thighs shake as Greg pulls down her underwear, she cringes as Greg pulls her to his crotch and she gasps as he fingers her while making her bounce off his waistline.  It is sward -  Emma half-expects Greg to push his loins inside any second, but he keeps to fingers and she feels damp as minutes turn into quarter hour.

"Can we stop?"  asks Emma.

However her voice is not heard -  Greg knows she is his, and so he opens his pants and enters her.  Emma can't stop it, so she grips the bench hard and tries not to scream as she is being penetrated.  It hurts, but it feels good too, and her sex juices run down her thighs to her ankles.  She can't help it, Greg's snake feeds her horny and she pants on the feeling of turn on.  She wants it to stop, but it feels good as it continues, and so she hangs onto the bench and concentrated on keeping up her strength.

After another quarter hour Greg exits Emma and he opens her backside.  He sees a tight knot that has never been fingered or penetrated, and so he fingers it -  Emma cringes, the back hurts but she puts up with the pain as Greg's loins rub against her thighs.  She isn't just being punished, she doesn't know how Greg wants to scold her for being so open with him, and so she offers a moan as Greg's finger-probing turns to knuckles which turns to punches. 

Greg punches Emma's back-entrance until her tears are wet on her face.  He can't help it, he wants her to hurt, and Emma pleads as his fist breaks her and slips inside.  Emma moans and pleads as she feels more punches on the back of her intestines.  She can't stop it, and she calls Greg an animal, and he only laughs as his fist is filmed with dirt and blood.  He can't stop it, and he keeps going while his loins  spread their gel over Emma's sweaty thighs.  Emma wants to wail, and she tries to pull Greg's arm out, but she can't; she is stuck and Greg shows not remorse for half-an hour. 

Greg pulls out his fist and then he grabs Emma's hair and pulls her to a study while the family outside come into the house.  Greg locks the door, and then he pulls Emma onto a chair and gives her all his loins can give her.  Emma has a dirty hand cover her mouth as her thigh muscles shake.  She can't stop it, her tears roll as her loins dribble wetness, and she pants until her breasts are so swollen they feel like air-bags.  Her legs get lifted  high, then dragged down.  Greg licks her face and kisses her -  Emma moans as she tries to squirm.  She tries to push Greg away but she can't, nothing can stop it.  Emma wants to scream as she is filled with semen, and then she gurgles as Greg takes out his loins and stuff them inside of her mouth.  Emma can't breath while his pelvis pounds her face, and she cries, however then Greg draws away to be able to enter her again and Emma is able to draw in a breathe.

"Stop!  Stop!"  she gasps as Greg grabs scissors and cuts her butt hole apart.

Greg does not listen. He flips Emma around and he fists her again with blood dribbling down her butt crack.  Greg then enters her anal cavity and fills her, before he turns her around and kisses her once again.

"Can you believe this..."  mutters Greg as he holds her close.

Emma shivers as she weeps over his shoulder -  he has hurt her and fed her and she feels perplexed.  Emma wants to scream, however Greg makes her swallow his tongue and she drinks his mouth down.  She is thirsty but she can only swallow so much before a regurgitation makes her belly swell.  Emma pushes Greg away, and this time he pulls away.

"You are a sight;"  tells Greg before he turns the computer on.

Greg records the two of them having sex, he records her moaning and crying, he records her wet thighs and he swallowing his loins, and then he posts the video on the internet.  It goes viral within half and hour and it makes him want her more.  Greg gives Emma more and more until his loins want to shrivel up and die, and then with one last heave he relaxes and pulls away.

"You are just the best;"  he mutters before he kisses her cheek.

Emma wipes her eyes -  she is in a lot of pain and she wants to faint.  She lays on the floor and she rests there as she wipes her hands over her cooling body.  Emma feels sick and she allows tears to wet her face as she broods over how bruised she feels.  Greg sees her shiver and her crawls over her and holds her -  his clothes are wet but they feel warm.  Emma holds onto Greg and she beings to sob, she can't stop, and Greg keeps his arms wrapped around her until she is too weak to do anything but sleep.

"You should have never given yourself to me, but I am glad you did;"  tells Greg as he smiles. 

Emma isn't listening, she is far away, and she rests in slumber; she cannot hear or feel as Greg steals a kiss to end the event and close all questions over what they had done.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Rough Night

Kaylee walks into the bushes and she takes out a cigarette from her pocket.  She wants to smoke it but she has no lighter, and so she throws the unlit cigarette on the leaf litter.  She feels like a loser - unable to buy a lighter, she is poor and her parents don't give her any of the money they get for getting her to go to school.  Kaylee wipes her eyes - that feeling of constriction climbs over her body like a spider, and the school seems like some jail which she wants to vacate from.  The bell rings to get students inside of the building but Kaylee lingers.  She doesn't feel like going to school, she just wants to feel sorry for herself so she makes herself a seat on the leaf litter. 

The atmosphere is still and quiet and in her daydream Kaylee floats and she falls asleep.  When she wakes it is dark, so dark she can't see a hand over her face.  It is then Kaylee realizes that it is night - she has slept the afternoon away.

"I'd better get home!"  she gasps as she sits.

In a rush she slips out of the bushes oblivious to the cigarette scent that trails the air.  Kaylee is caught and a teachers voice calls to her.

"Who's there?  School was out hours ago!"  they call.

Kaylee stamps her shoes and she looks over her shoulder.  She sees the outline of a male teacher, and she wipes her hand over her brow.

"I fell asleep!"  she charges as she rolls her eyes.

The teacher stamps out his cigarette.

"Perhaps you would like a lift home?"  he asks. 

"No, it's okay..."  mutters Kaylee as she watches the teachers shadow approach.

"What were you doing sleeping?"  asks the teacher as he comes close.

"I needed to take five and fell asleep;"  tells Kaylee as she pulls a leaf out of her hair.

"I'll need to ring your parents;"  tells the teacher as he draws in a breath.

He can tell Kaylee is fresh bait and he thinks quickly.  He knows she can't see him, he can't even see her, she's just a blank shadow in dark that separates them from anything but their voice.  He looks at Kaylee as she frets - she grows stiff at the shoulders and her silhouette hunches in a way which stoops.  The mention of her parents have made her depressed.

"Do you have to ring them?"  she asks as she rolls her eyes.

"It's late, they'll be worried;" tells the teacher as he raises his brows.  "Don't you want to tell them you are safe;"

"No... they'll make a big deal out of it and I'll be grounded;"  tells Kaylee.  "I shouldn't have fallen asleep at all, I just felt tired..."  she drawls before she bends her head to let down her guard. 

""I understand..."  mutters the teacher as he glares at the shadow before him.

He recognises an easy grab - he has taken students to the bushes before but it's usually so he can pay them money for the most naughty of activates, he has even gotten to film some on mobile, and it makes his computer groan when he takes his shoes home.

"I want to go;"  mutters Kaylee as she begins to grow upset over the waiting to be dismissed.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like a ride -  there are predators at night, you could get picked up..."  warns the teacher as he smiles.

"No, I'll take my chances...."  tells Kaylee before she begins to walk.

Kaylee doesn't take more then a step before the teacher pulls her back.  It isn't a sharp tug, only a light one, but it brings Kaylee back and keeps her from leaving.

"Yes?"  she asks with a tremor inside of her tone.

"You made the wrong choices... now you will have no chances..."  tells the teacher as he squeezes her arms. 

"Let me go..." tells Kaylee however in an instant she is dragged behind the trees where she is beaten and raped.

Kaylee sobs as she walks home -  the journey is slow, and her body is sore and hurting.  But she takes her time and within an hour she is home.  The house is quiet -  there is a television turned on, however the lounge seems empty.  Kaylee moves towards her room but her father yells as he catches sight of her in the hallway.

"Where have you been young lady?"  he asks as he points a finger. 

"I was sleeping..."  gasps Kaylee scared.

Her father slaps her face hard before he notices the bruises around her eyes, and the scratch marks on her arms.  Her father slaps her again before he can stop himself, and then he drags her to her bedroom where he rips her clothes off.

There are inky black bruises showing in spots over her skin, and nail-gashes all over various places.  Kaylee gets hit once again, before her father runs his finger on the dribbling semen in-between her thighs.

"This is male spunk;"  he mutters as he takes a taste.  "You dating?"

"No!"  yells Kaylee as she tries her best to cover herself with her torn away skirt. "I was raped;"  she adds.

Her father slaps her again - but this time really hard.  Kaylee touches her jaw as her mind screams.

"Get off me!"  she yells.  "Get the hell off me!" 

However her screaming is stopped with one last slap which runs blood from her nose.  A sermon about blood, sin, snakes, and evil dribbles from her fathers lips.  Kaylee knows it is a religious sermon, but she doesn't want to hear it.  Sooner or later it is like a hymn poisoning her from the inside out.  As she cries she shivers and sweats, and her toil does not stop until she faints.

In the morning Kaylee wakes and she stumbles around her room.  There is wetness on her thighs -  it feels like blood, and she knows that something has happened during her sleep.  Kaylee smells skin, it smells like sweat and she goes to have a shower.  In the mirror however Kaylee looks at her beaten body - there are bruises all over her and she grows faint.  She rushes to have a shower, then she rushes into bed, at least she is in a safe place but her body is stiff and sore and she groans.  Kaylee can't help the tears and she whispers a prayer, not one of faith just of hope that the world be righteous and set the correct angle as the new days move to pass so that she may forget about all the wrong that has happened and of her sores.

Anne Faints

Anne takes a drink of water.  It is hot outside, and walking home in the heat has made her parched.  Anne takes in the water and feels her tongue sigh -  it was hot, as hot as her sunburnt skin, and she finds relief.

"It must be two hundred degrees!"  gasps Anne as she opens her top to cool herself. 

Anne unbuttons her blouse to he waist and then she arches her back as she lets the cool water bottle chill her steaming skin.  Anne wishes there was a pool to dunk herself in, but there is no pool, she doesn't even have a backyard just one metre square of courtyard to let the dog run around in.

"I need a shower!" gasps Anne as she turns around to vacate the kitchen.

Anne Spies Nathan and she grimaces.  Quickly!  She buttons up her top to the collar as her face blushes bright red.  She feels stupid for having had been caught off guard, and Nathan smiles before he drops the keys by the plant pot. 

"Hot day;"  he cheers as he stands in a well air-conditioned business suit. "You look sunburnt;"  he adds.

"I know;"  tells Anne as she grows sour.  "I was just about to have a shower;"

"Good idea!"  tells Nathan as he stares at Anne's face which seems to grow an odd expression.

Anne wishes she could tell Nathan her embarrassment, but she chews on her tongue as she holds her wits on her head.  The weight in overwhelming and with stars on her eye-lashes Anne faints.  The water bottle in her hand spills ice water over the floor, and its surface chips a little -  however what Nathan worries about it Anne.  He approaches and taps her face - Anne's features remain dead, and with a sigh Nathan takes Anne to her bedroom.

In the bedroom Nathan stares at Anne -  he wishes she looked more like him then her mother, but she doesn't; she the spitting image of her mother when she was young, and Nathan wishes for a moment he could pretend that he was a young teenage once again.  However Nathan knows better, and so with discipline he goes to the shower to get a wash-cloth.  He dampens the coth and brings it back to the bedroom where he places the cloth on Anne's brow.

"Still blank - the sun must have damaged those brains!"  he muses as he wipes Anne's smooth brow.

Nathan doesn't mind the task of cooling Anne down, but he grows bored, and so he turns the air-conditioner on full blast to chill Anne's skin.  Back on the bed Nathan touches Anne's face, and he noticed it is hot but fast cooling.

"You'll survive;"  he mutters as he smiles.

Still the image of Anne haunts Nathan and he wishes he were sterner with himself then his instincts let on.  Nathan bothers to rub his lips against Anne's cheek, and it tastes sweet even with the sweat still staining its surface.  Nathan enjoys it - he wishes that he could go further but the sound of a car outside alarms him. 

"Is that Mary-Anne?"  he asks as he goes to the window.

But no, it is the delivery man doing his rounds on the street.  Nathan smiles out his relief -  he could see the eye of his wife stalking him even from the drive-way and the thought makes him shiver.  He has been very naughty indeed, and he wishes that he were not so naughty.

"I'd better go;" he mutters as he rubs his lips.  "This whole afternoon has caught me off-guard;"  he adds.  "I'd better go cool off!"  he gasps before he leaves.

Anne opens her eyes and she grimaces.  She had regained consciousness during that kiss and she feels gross and slimy.  She wishes she could run away -  but she knows better and she stays in bed thinking the worst things in the world.  She wishes she had not lost her brain, but it had flown and what had happened had surprised her.  Anne wishes she could forget, but she does lose a tear during a moment of stress.

"I'd better just hang around in my room from now on;"  she mutters as she sighs.  "That was a strange and unwelcoming experience!" she adds with a gasp.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Trip To The Woods

Little walks into the woods with ambition on her brow. She scans the foliage as she marches with camera in hand. Lilly sees a bird and tries to capture the creature within a frame of film – but no luck! Th bird flies away and she is left capturing only broken branch.

“Drats! Another good capture gone wrong!” tells Lilly as she frowns. “How am I to get a good photograph while walking?” she asks.

However a sound alerts Lilly and she marches off the path to find the creature making the sound. Lilly finds a lizard and she throws the capture away.

“Boring lizard!” she complains. “What good is that?” she asks before she takes another look at the deeper woods.

Lilly sees some nice trees in the distance and she goes to take a look at them. She walks further then the trees to capture more things that takes her interest. The sound of a running brook makes her feel ever more eager to go marching – but then she trips, and when she lands it is in the belly of a large hole!

“What is this?” she asks. “A hole!” she steams as she dusts the dirt from her clothes. “What's this doing here?” she steams before she looks up at what is the top of the hole. “How do I get out?” she sulks.

A day passes before some campers find Lilly. They find her by chance - the male of the duo tells his parter that he wishes to pee, and he ends up finding a screaming Lilly deep in the hole.

“Help me out!” she screams.

“Okay;” tells James as he asks his camper friend Karla to throw him a rope.

Soon Lilly is out of the hole and the group are sharing food and drink enough to fill all their bellies. James finds Lilly a charm and he thinks of taking off with her. However Karla is a brute of a friend who would stalk him and kill him if he ever made anyone else 'his special friend'. So James tosses homicidal thoughts over his brain, and by midnight he has Karla's head off its neck and Lilly screaming out the word 'murderer!'

James holds Lilly down to make her stop screaming and he smears her face with blood. The sticky blood is warm but it grows cold, and when it grows cold it grows itchy, and it makes Lilly cry. However after an hour she falls asleep – unable to keep the strength to stay awake any longer, and that is when James is able to relax.

“You are my special friend now;” he mutters as he curls a portion of her hair around one of his fingers as his eyes grow mad.

The next two days is spend hiking through the woods. Lilly is exhausted at the end of each walk, and she sobs consistently. She hates needing to walk for so long, and her bones ache. She just wishes that she were able to get away, but at every thought of running from James is stamped out by his shadow which is always a step behind hers.

By the third day however Lilly finds a road and after camping she plans her escape! She waits until James has fallen asleep before she picks up her shoes and runs away. She does so expertly without rousing James and she runs down that road as fast as she can to get away.

Her steps are drowned out by the sound of a car, and Lilly steps to the side and tries to flag the car down. The method works, and Lilly pleads the driver to drive her towards the city – the driver agrees, and soon Lilly is able to breathe out relief that she has managed to get away from James.

At home Lilly makes herself a bath, and she is able to forget about the woods. She sighs out her relief that she is home and away from the nightmare that was a trek to the woods, and she swears to herself that she will not go there ever again.

However days pass and a knock is heard on the door. It is a package, and when Lilly opens it she finds a camera - her camera had her name and address on the bottom, and Lilly freaks out! James must have sent it to her, and she quickly calls a cab to take her away from the house!

“I'm going to have to live with my grandparents!” she gasps. “Away from this house and James!”

Inside of her mind there is panic but it calms down as Lilly hops onto a bus to take her to the next town. She knows she is never going to see home again, but at least she will be safe.

Trip To The Woods

Little walks into the woods with ambition on her brow. She scans the foliage as she marches with camera in hand. Lilly sees a bird and tries to capture the creature within a frame of film – but no luck! Th bird flies away and she is left capturing only broken branch.

“Drats! Another good capture gone wrong!” tells Lilly as she frowns. “How am I to get a good photograph while walking?” she asks.

However a sound alerts Lilly and she marches off the path to find the creature making the sound. Lilly finds a lizard and she throws the capture away.

“Boring lizard!” she complains. “What good is that?” she asks before she takes another look at the deeper woods.

Lilly sees some nice trees in the distance and she goes to take a look at them. She walks further then the trees to capture more things that takes her interest. The sound of a running brook makes her feel ever more eager to go marching – but then she trips, and when she lands it is in the belly of a large hole!

“What is this?” she asks. “A hole!” she steams as she dusts the dirt from her clothes. “What's this doing here?” she steams before she looks up at what is the top of the hole. “How do I get out?” she sulks.

A day passes before some campers find Lilly. They find her by chance - the male of the duo tells his parter that he wishes to pee, and he ends up finding a screaming Lilly deep in the hole.

“Help me out!” she screams.

“Okay;” tells James as he asks his camper friend Karla to throw him a rope.

Soon Lilly is out of the hole and the group are sharing food and drink enough to fill all their bellies. James finds Lilly a charm and he thinks of taking off with her. However Karla is a brute of a friend who would stalk him and kill him if he ever made anyone else 'his special friend'. So James tosses homicidal thoughts over his brain, and by midnight he has Karla's head off its neck and Lilly screaming out the word 'murderer!'

James holds Lilly down to make her stop screaming and he smears her face with blood. The sticky blood is warm but it grows cold, and when it grows cold it grows itchy, and it makes Lilly cry. However after an hour she falls asleep – unable to keep the strength to stay awake any longer, and that is when James is able to relax.

“You are my special friend now;” he mutters as he curls a portion of her hair around one of his fingers as his eyes grow mad.

The next two days is spend hiking through the woods. Lilly is exhausted at the end of each walk, and she sobs consistently. She hates needing to walk for so long, and her bones ache. She just wishes that she were able to get away, but at every thought of running from James is stamped out by his shadow which is always a step behind hers.

By the third day however Lilly finds a road and after camping she plans her escape! She waits until James has fallen asleep before she picks up her shoes and runs away. She does so expertly without rousing James and she runs down that road as fast as she can to get away.

Her steps are drowned out by the sound of a car, and Lilly steps to the side and tries to flag the car down. The method works, and Lilly pleads the driver to drive her towards the city – the driver agrees, and soon Lilly is able to breathe out relief that she has managed to get away from James.

At home Lilly makes herself a bath, and she is able to forget about the woods. She sighs out her relief that she is home and away from the nightmare that was a trek to the woods, and she swears to herself that she will not go there ever again.

However days pass and a knock is heard on the door. It is a package, and when Lilly opens it she finds a camera - her camera had her name and address on the bottom, and Lilly freaks out! James must have sent it to her, and she quickly calls a cab to take her away from the house!

“I'm going to have to live with my grandparents!” she gasps. “Away from this house and James!”

Inside of her mind there is panic but it calms down as Lilly hops onto a bus to take her to the next town. She knows she is never going to see home again, but at least she will be safe.

Trip To The Woods

Little walks into the woods with ambition on her brow. She scans the foliage as she marches with camera in hand. Lilly sees a bird and tries to capture the creature within a frame of film – but no luck! Th bird flies away and she is left capturing only broken branch.

“Drats! Another good capture gone wrong!” tells Lilly as she frowns. “How am I to get a good photograph while walking?” she asks.

However a sound alerts Lilly and she marches off the path to find the creature making the sound. Lilly finds a lizard and she throws the capture away.

“Boring lizard!” she complains. “What good is that?” she asks before she takes another look at the deeper woods.

Lilly sees some nice trees in the distance and she goes to take a look at them. She walks further then the trees to capture more things that takes her interest. The sound of a running brook makes her feel ever more eager to go marching – but then she trips, and when she lands it is in the belly of a large hole!

“What is this?” she asks. “A hole!” she steams as she dusts the dirt from her clothes. “What's this doing here?” she steams before she looks up at what is the top of the hole. “How do I get out?” she sulks.

A day passes before some campers find Lilly. They find her by chance - the male of the duo tells his parter that he wishes to pee, and he ends up finding a screaming Lilly deep in the hole.

“Help me out!” she screams.

“Okay;” tells James as he asks his camper friend Karla to throw him a rope.

Soon Lilly is out of the hole and the group are sharing food and drink enough to fill all their bellies. James finds Lilly a charm and he thinks of taking off with her. However Karla is a brute of a friend who would stalk him and kill him if he ever made anyone else 'his special friend'. So James tosses homicidal thoughts over his brain, and by midnight he has Karla's head off its neck and Lilly screaming out the word 'murderer!'

James holds Lilly down to make her stop screaming and he smears her face with blood. The sticky blood is warm but it grows cold, and when it grows cold it grows itchy, and it makes Lilly cry. However after an hour she falls asleep – unable to keep the strength to stay awake any longer, and that is when James is able to relax.

“You are my special friend now;” he mutters as he curls a portion of her hair around one of his fingers as his eyes grow mad.

The next two days is spend hiking through the woods. Lilly is exhausted at the end of each walk, and she sobs consistently. She hates needing to walk for so long, and her bones ache. She just wishes that she were able to get away, but at every thought of running from James is stamped out by his shadow which is always a step behind hers.

By the third day however Lilly finds a road and after camping she plans her escape! She waits until James has fallen asleep before she picks up her shoes and runs away. She does so expertly without rousing James and she runs down that road as fast as she can to get away.

Her steps are drowned out by the sound of a car, and Lilly steps to the side and tries to flag the car down. The method works, and Lilly pleads the driver to drive her towards the city – the driver agrees, and soon Lilly is able to breathe out relief that she has managed to get away from James.

At home Lilly makes herself a bath, and she is able to forget about the woods. She sighs out her relief that she is home and away from the nightmare that was a trek to the woods, and she swears to herself that she will not go there ever again.

However days pass and a knock is heard on the door. It is a package, and when Lilly opens it she finds a camera - her camera had her name and address on the bottom, and Lilly freaks out! James must have sent it to her, and she quickly calls a cab to take her away from the house!

“I'm going to have to live with my grandparents!” she gasps. “Away from this house and James!”

Inside of her mind there is panic but it calms down as Lilly hops onto a bus to take her to the next town. She knows she is never going to see home again, but at least she will be safe.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Going For A Drink

Trisha reads at school a book which she had been told to read by friend York. She tried to read the word, but they stick inside of her mind and form jumbled sentences. Trisha finally sighs and pushes the book away. She has to admit to herself that she is a lousy study.

“I wish I were smart!” she declares to an empty space above her head. “Why have my brains when left so bare when others have trees of knowledge?”

A nudge from behind alerts Trisha to attention and she turns around and sees ex-boyfriend Patrick standing behind her. Trisha smiles.

“Imagine seeing you hitting the study books!” tells Patrick as he glares at Trisha.

“Imagine seeing you in a library!” retorts Trisha as she sneers. “What are you doing today?” she asks.

“Going home;” tells Patrick as he glares with interest. “Why you want to catch a movie or something?”

“No, I too have to study;” remarks Trisha as she shrugs. “Maybe we could share a drink at your house?” she asks.

Patrick rummages through his mind the liquor cabinet in the study. He sees various styles of wine and alcohol and he sees a jar of pickled figs which have strong levels of alcohol as its seasoning. Patrick shrugs - the last time he and Trisha drank she ended up throwing up in their living room; he could not let that happen again - his father and mother had hit the roof and cut off his allowance for a month!

“As long as it's one drink...” he tells Trisha as he smiles.

“One drink it is!” cheers Trisha as she giggles.

Trisha can't tell Patrick how much she has ached for a drink – but being under-aged to buy her own has left her in starvation for the sweet taste of alcohol. Trisha wishes she could cry – her brain has hit the rocks over the subject of school and study, and she needs release.

At Patrick's house Trisha downs her fifth cup of punch with alcohol. She knows Patrick bothered to make punch to decrease her appetite for drink and to decrease her alcohol levels, however she has plans to drink some wine as he threatens a toilet break with his jiggling pants.

“I have downed number five!” comments Trisha as she glares at Patrick.

Patrick smiles.

“Good for you;” he mutters as he sees a person desperate for something more then punch can offer. “Do you want speed with that?”

Trisha snorts before she throws her head.

“No thank-you, I am not a druggie - I just like to drink!” she declares openly.

“That is fine;” tells Patrick. “Let me go to the bathroom and we can continue;” he mutters.

Patrick leaves and Trisha races to the liquor cabinet and down a very expensive spirit which sits in a tiny bottle at the front of a range of expensive scotch vials. Trisha smiles as she feels a tingle, but her stomach groans. She gasps and races back to the living room where she sits as though she has just remembered her manners when in reality she is saving herself from being sick.

Patrick returns and looks at Trisha - she seems blurry because he has just popped two speed pills but he can make out her shadow. Patrick sits next to her and he offers some light conversation, but when it appears as though she is not listening he inquires about her state of being.

“You aren't going to be sick are you?” he asks Trisha.

“No;” mutters Trisha as she trembles inside of her skin. “I'm just full;” she states as she glares at the turned off television.

“That makes sense – five drinks can burst you;” tells Patrick as he glares.

“I know, maybe I should have stopped at three;” mutters Trisha as she chews on a nail.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” asks Patrick as he smiles.

“No, I don't want to walk;” mutters Trisha as she feels the burn in her legs from having had walked to Patricks house from school.

“Do you want to listen to music?” asks Patrick before the rev from a car alerts his attention. “Parents back home early?” he asks as he shivers inside of his body.

Patrick races to clean up the house as the sounds outside make him feel panic – from the sound of door opening to the sound of keys; every sound makes him shake as he cleans up the mess he has made.

The front door opens at Patricks parents slip inside of the house. They meet Trisha coolly as they breathe in the smell of alcohol. Patricks father James goes to the liquor cabinet and finds it open. He scowls and quickly asks Trisha to leave.

Trisha leaves on wonky legs and she walks down the barren street with hesitation as her mind forms blurs. She realises fast that she is drunk and she panics as she moves to step across the road and has a car rush past a nose length in front of her. Trisha races across the road fast, and then she struggles for her breath – her stomach churns on the fast pace run and finally she throws up!

Trisha smells the stench of retch, but she ignores it to continue on home. She walks forever passing many houses, but she does not find her way back home only to a park in which she falls over a long stump and into the shallow creek. A hit on the head knocks Trisha's mind away and she lays there unconscious as water drifts over her ears. She might have drowned if the creek had not been shallow! But in the evening she wakes with ice on her ears, still alive.

“What happened?” asks Trisha as she places a hand to her face.

Trisha can't believe she has been dumped in a creek for hours and no one have found her! She laughs as she sits up.

“What a sight!” she gasps. “I really should stop drinking;” she mutters before she continues on home.

At home Trisha showers and then she slips into bed with a cup of hot tea in her hands. The creek had sobered her up but she still felt chilled. She nurses her cup as she thinks of Patrick and the trouble his parents might have given up after she had been asked to leaves. She smiles, giggles, and then she leans back on her bed.

“Who cares – it's just drinking, it's just fun;” she mutters as she glares at the ceiling. “It's just how life is;” she adds.

But the whoosh of a car sweeping before her rushes inside of her mind and Trisha grows scared. She knows she could have been hit but for a moment she regrets that she may have hurt herself if it had not been for her slow legs. Trisha fights the need to cry and she tells herself to calm down.

“I should probably not drink again;” she mutters as she glares at her blankets. “I should probably never go to Patrick's house again;” she tells herself. “I should just study;” she adds as she grows a blush.

Trisha wishes that her mind would listen to her scolding, but already the sweet taste of alcohol swells in the back of her head and she knows she will drink again - she just does not know when!

Sunday 20 September 2015

Romeo And Juiliette

Juilette takes a walk to the garden and she is spied by Romeo who watches from the garden wall. Juiliette opens a gate that leads to the well laid fountain and Romeo leans over.

“A night of stars;” he tells her.

Juiliette surprised turns to see Romeo perched up high. Even in the dim his hair glistens with strong rays of the sun and she smiles.

“What are you perched so high and not be a bird?” she asks.

Romeo shrugs as he stares in a casual manner.

“Tis a night where men feel as birds and need to perch;” he drawls.

“Well perching bird, I shall leave you now;” tells Juiliette before she closes the garden gate;

'Moon make day,

Love is in my chest,

And I know not who...”

she thinks inside of her mind as she locks the garden gate and moves to leave

Romeo watches from his perch and he smiles at the maiden as she walks through the maze of flower beds towards the back door which she will enter to move safely inside of the marble mansion.

“Are you a flower? You are sweet as one!” tells Romeo.

Juilette turns to Romeo and smiles. Romeo stands however as he does he trips and falls and into water of the fountain he hits his head. Juiliette gasps and races for the garden gate and in a flurry she opens and crawls up to the waters edge. Inside she finds Romeo with pale face a lily amongst the dark. She holds her breath as she sees faint traces of blood curling in the water.

“Dear heart my eyes do sight,


she thinks inside of her mind.

However amongst the water Romeo does rise and he makes Juiliette near faint as blood dribbles over his wet face.

“You are alive!” she gasps.

Romeo smiles as he places a hand to his crown.

“A stone cannot damage me;” he tells her.

“Now you are well I shall best take my leave!” gasps Juiliette before she hurries out of the garden and into the mansion.

“Leave?” gasps Romeo. “How about stay?” he sighs before he looks to the moon which shines bright as the sun amongst the dark in the sky. “Oh moon;” he mutters. “I fell and hit my head but it is only because I have hit my heart;” he mutters before a cry alarms him enough to move out of the garden and over the fence where a path takes him away from the house and away.

Juiliette does look at the stars as she rests her head on the curtains which are as thin as veil. She smells the flowers on the wind and she thinks thoughts of love and wonders if she has fallen in love.

“Can it be true?” she asks as she looks to the stars. “Have I discovered love?”

A knock on the door alarms Juiliette and her father Capulet enters the room.

“May I have a word?” he asks.

“Yes!” gasps Juiliette alarmed. “Whatever has called you to come to me tonight father?”

“Young Paris has told me he has watched you and would like to offer for you;” tells Capulet.

“What?” gasps Juiliette remembers the fine face of a handsome young man who her father had given to her as a dancing partner. “A romance?” she asks.

“Marriage;” tells Capulet as he smiles. “He has seen you as a beauty and has told me he has poisoned his heart and head;”

“What a silly story!” gasps Juiliette alarmed and angered that such a man like Paris should dare throw a heart towards her while she throws hers away to a stranger on the same night! “Best wait until morning and have the ale sober up Paris's senses;” she remarks.

“What is the matter with you Juiliette? Instead of being happy you have thrown a paler face;” remarks Capulet.

“I find it rash;” tells Juiliette. “Rude and rash!”

Capulet smiles and moves to offer his daughter a hug to warm up her cheeks. He looks at his young daughter and sees a young woman who is fit to wear a wedding dress and marry a man of worth. Paris is indeed as worthy as his name – his family have stocks and riches and a good name. He is sure to obtain only more prestige with such a match, and become... oh but his thoughts do drawl as Juiliette sheds a tear over his shoulder.

“Whatever is the matter? You enjoyed Paris tonight;” tells Capulet.

“I am sorry;” tells Juiliette. “I wish I had thought your words to be a gift, but I fear it is a gift for which I have grown no heart;”

“You are so happy you draw tears;” tells Capulet as he wipes Juiliette's tears away. “I shall speak to you tomorrow;” he tells before he kisses her cheek and departs.

Juiliette sees the door close and she rushes to look to the moon.

“Oh moon!

Take heart!

I have been given away!”

she cries out before she falls onto the floor to cry.

Romeo glances at the road and he s Mercutio – Juiliettes cousin.

“There is that boy that looks as I!” he complains before he pulls a face.

Mercutio spies Romeo and smiles. He then takes out his pistol and cocks it. Romeo dives just as Mercutio shoots and the bullet misses his head and hits his shoulder. Romeo lays on the ground as Mercutio laughs and leaves.

“Oh pain!

Make me friend!

I have been injured!”

gasps Romeo before he lifts himself off the ground and races back home.

Mercutio arrives at the Capulet mansion and he races inside. He meets nurse in the foyer and he inquires of the guest list. The nurse gives Mercutio the book all guests have signed when they arrived and Mercutio reads. He spies the name Romeo and he grows pale. Quickly he rushes to find Capulet!

“Capulet an enemy came here tonight!” calls Mercutio. “Romeo!” he tells.

Capulet looks at the guest list and he shrugs.

“All welcome tonight. It is great. Juilette and Paris have met and fallen in love!” he rejoyces.

“But an enemy come! Surely he must be punished!” gasps Mercutio.

“Nay tonight is one of celebration!” tells Capulet. “An engagement!” he enthuses.

Mercutio sees the strain on Capulets smile and he grows quiet.

“Fine I shall come again tomorrow;” he mutters before he leaves.

Next day Juiliette goes to the west bank of the city to find Romeo. She walks across parks and visits brothels.

“Dear sir, pray tell me do you know where Romeo lives?” she asks over and again.

Most of the people she asks say they know not, it is only Mercutio who finally interrupts Juiliettes conversation with a barman who is busy giving Juiliette the name of a fine church.

“Come Juiliette! You must go home!” tells Mercutio before he takes her arm and leaves.

At the Capulet mansion Mercutio sits with Juiliette on a chair.

“Why were you looking for Romeo?” he asks. “He is Montague, and our enemy”

Juiliette shakes her head.

“I thought I saw him at the party and wondered why he came?” she tells.

“A fright to have you send yourself on such an errand!” tells Mercutio.

“I'm sorry!” gasps Juiliette. “I found him warm and wished to see him;”

“You have not fallen in love have you?” asks Mercutio. “Damn you if you have!”

Juiliette looks at Mercutio and she shrugs - she can't tell him her marriage to Paris has left her bread stale and she wishes to find herself her own lover to throw him and his name away.

“Why Juiliette you would be better with me!” tells Mercutio.

Juiliette looks at Mercutio and weeps. She does wonder if he would walk with her to her bed and ruin her for her marriage, but it is a hard thought to swallow and she stays cold as her blood curls.

“Well if you would like to be lovers come to my room with me;” she tells him inside of her mind before he gathers her and takes her away to make romance of a rape that may suit her desire of soiled marriage.

“Well then how about you come to my room and we make lovers?” mutters Juiliette.

Mercutio's temper is sharp and he throws her with a slap to the face which is a hard as a prick with a nail.

“How disgusting!” he spits. “I only said in retort not offer!” he gasps. “Oh really Juiliette! Your night of moons have given you daydreams!”,

“Well then don't talk!” gasps Juiliette before she leaves.

Mercutio sighs. He has given Juiliette a hit but his hand is not sore. He wounds himself with his own thoughts and he thinks that he should have not hit her. However with forbode comes anger that she should be seeking for Romeo in retort to her and Paris's engagement.

“I shall have to kill that Romeo!” he mutters before he picks up his shoes and leaves.

Romeo walks to a brothel and he takes a drink. His shoulder wound has been bandaged and only hurts a little. Romeo drinks his ale like it is water and then he takes leave.

Outside the sun in warm and in the glint of the rays he sees an image of Juilette. It has been days and still she is there inside of his mind looking as healthy as when they had met. Romeo wishes he could forget about dear Juiliette however his mind cannot wipe her from his mind. Her name circles the sun, moon, stars, and he falls asleep whispering her name to his heart.

“Enemy!” yells Mercutio. “I thought I find you here!” he yells before he cocks his gun.

Romeo takes out his own gun and he fires two bullets as Mercutio fires three! Romeo falls to the ground with another shoulder wound and Mercutio falls down dead! People gather around and they gasp as Mercutio's blood dribbles down the path like water.

“A lethal hit!” he mutters before he dies.

Romeo gasps and he stands and leaves as quick as a hare as the people mourn.

“Mercutio is dead!” they cry.

Romeo jumps the fence at night and he heads to Juiliette's room. She is sick in bed but as she sees Romeo her heart becomes light and she races to him. Romeo grimces as she gives him a hug.

“Lay me down! I am injured!” gasps Romeo.

Juilette lays Romeo down on her bed and she gasps as he tears off his shirt and reveals a bloody injury.

“Can you eye a needle and sew me?” he asks.

Juiliette nods and she fetches her sewing basket and liquor. Juiliette returns to the bed and she tries her best to sew Romeo's wound, but she feels drained as she does and Romeo drinks the liquor she has brought to clean the wound down his throat, and so there is nothing to clean his skin with but vase water which does nothing to stop the blood from flowing.

“You've bloodied my sheets!” gasps Juiliette as her fingers are stained blood-red. “I have sewn all I can!” she remarks as she threads the last inch of skin. “Best you go home!” she tells.

“I can't!” remarks Romeo. “I have killed and there are police after me;” he tells.

“Who have you killed?” asks Juiliette.

“Mercutio!” tells Romeo as he glares at the white in Juilette's face as it pales to ice.

“Mercutio!” gasps Juiliette. “But whatever the reason?” she stammers as she feels her heart grow weak and tearful.

“He shot at me and I him and when we fell he fell down dead!” tells Romeo.

Juilette nods as she slips away from Romeo a little - she feels her love grow dead as she weeps for her cousin now a corpse.

“This has happened because of me!” she tells Romeo. “He found me looking for you;”

“Me? Whatever for?” asks Romeo interested.

“I wanted to know if you would like to marry - I fell in love when I saw you perched like a bird under the moon, and wished....”

A knock on the door breaks all attention and Juiliette rushes to fold Romeo inside of her blanket so he may not be seen. The door is opened and Capulet storms into the room.

“Dear Juiliette! Mercutio has been killed! It has wounded my heart, but you have wounded my pride! You shall be happy, and you shall never remember this foul world!” he yells before he slams the door closed.

Juiliette sighs. Her father is drunk and cannot see the blanket is inches too high. Juliette unwraps Romeo and he looks to her.

“Dear fair Juiliette!” gasps Romeo as he smiles. “I have seen you in the sky every day since our meeting, and would love to marry you!”

“You would?” asks Juiliette.

“I wish I knew you had fallen in love, I would have arranged our marriage and never have killed! But I fear Mercutio's death will be the end of me - he was much loved and I shall have to move myself away into exile so as to not be arrested.”

“I shall come!” tells Juiliette in gasp. “Tomorrow we shall meet in a church and be married and I shall come with you to the lost world!”

“I cannot;' mutters Romeo. “It is a place to starve yourself for days, and go without water. I cannot.”

“Then I shall kill myself!” gasps Juiliette.

Romeo sighs and he places a hand to her shoulder.

“Don't do that - if your heart be directed at no other, let me leave and tomorrow meet me at St Claires church;”

Juiliette gasps and smiles. She wishes she were dreaming - but she is not, and she trembles to hug Romeo who is her joy and sun. Romeo kisses her face and then her mouth – it is soft and sweet, but he is weak, and his excitement near makes him faint.

“I must go now before I am too weak to walk, but tomorrow we marry!” he tells her before he moves to the balcony and starts to climb down its trellis.

Romeo's light headedness grows and he falls onto a garden bed. Juiliette gasps as she fears he has broken something as he lays as a dead man amongst broken leaves, however Romeo rises and makes his way over the wall.

“Still be my heart! It would have broken if you had died!” gasps Juiliette before she moves to gather herself clothes to be married in.

Next day Juilette creeps out of the house and heads towards St Claires church. There she meets with Romeo and they move towards the alter with hands joined. In the dim light they are married as silence lingers over their shoulders. However as they kiss a gun shot is heard and Romeo is fast to leave through a window as cops chase after him.

Juiliette returns home alone and she grows cold as she remains lost inside of her mind. Her finger has been wed, but she has not been given a home. She is a bird in a cage and she waits for her Romeo to come to her.

Late that night Romeo enters her room through the window and together they make love to make authentic their already tangled marriage. Inside of each others arms Romeo tells Juiliette to drink a potion and she falls into a coma to sleep.

“Now nestle there in sleep - when your family moves you to your church I shall come to you and we shall leave as dead and married!”

Two days pass and Juiliette lays in a coffin inside of the St Peters as Romeo lays in his coffin inside of St Claire. The two families lives have been broken twice, and tears fall freely.

However at night Romeo wakes from his sleep, and he rushes to St Peters church to find dear Juiliette still asleep. Romeo tries to wake her but she does seem dead – her skin has turned to blue, and she does appear as like a corpse as one laid for a year!

“Has poison to send me to sleep killed you?”  asks Romeo. “Speak to me or I shall join you;” he mutters.

Juiliette does not move and so Romeo takes a bullet to the head and dies over her.

When Juiliette wakes she is covered in blood and she weeps over Romeo's dead face.

“Your plan was to kill me and then take your own life?” she asks as tears roll down her face. “I your wife?” she asks.

There is no light in Rome's face and so Juiliette takes the gun hanging off his limp fingers and shoots herself before she loses her nerve.

“Love tender as the heart,

Take my life away -

Love has been lost,

So I die on this day;

Write a letter to my parent Capulet,

With my death your pockets empty,

But my soul has been fed!”