Monday 7 July 2014

The Last Affair With Max

Elisse visits Jacine's house -  Jacine is having trouble handling pregnancy and a child at the same time  and out of desperation she has phoned Elisse to help out with home chores.  Elisse parks her car and sprays perfume over her chest, she wants to at least smell nice while doing labour chores!  The perfume gives her a boost and she slips out of the car.

Inside of the house Jacine shows Elisse the dirty plates, the dirty clothes, and the dirty floors.

"Max usually does the chores but he is out of town;"  tells Jacine as she sits herself down onto a couch.

"That is a shame!"  gasps Elisse.  "But don't you worry, I'll clean it up!" 

"Thankyou!"  tells Jacine as she lays against the arm of the couch.  "I just can't walk anymore with these babies ready to pop!"

"You rest, I'll look after the house!"  tells Elisse before she moves to the kitchen to start cleaning.

Within six hours the house is shining like new.  Elisse can't believe how hard she has worked and she helps herself to some pie which she has baked.  Jacine's kids Pete and Chelsea come home and scream out their excitement at seeing Elisse with pie.

"I love pie!"  mutters Chelsea as she takes the left-over plate of pie and walks off with it.

Elisse narrows her eyes at the kids rudeness of not even saying hello, but she shrugs it off.  She doesn't want to mother the kids she only needs to supervise them until it is bed-time.  Elisse finishes her pie and then she moves to inspect what the kids are doing.  When Elisse sees they are watching television she finally allows herself to slip into a chair to rest.

Hours pass and the kids retire to their room to do some homework as Jacine moves to bed.  Elisse cleans up the used plates and then she moves to watch television; there she rests her eyes on a drama until the door opens.

Max enters the room and he smiles at Elisse as he puts down his travel bag.  He is dressed up in a business suit and Elisse grows a blush over his image.  Elisse smiles as Max draws his eyes over her body.

"This is a surprise to find you here;"  he mutters.  "Where is Jacine?"  he asks.

"Asleep;"  tells Elisse as she smiles.  "I cleaned the house, helped the kids with homework, and everything is ready for you to take over the chores."

"Why didn't Jacine do the chores?"  asks Max.  "Is she sick?"

"She feels too pregnant to do any chores;"  tells Elisse as she rubs her shoulder. 

"It is good that you could take the time out of your day to help out;"  tells Max before he moves to his room to check on Jacine and then the kids.

Max takes off his jacket and enters the television room.  He sees Elisse and begins to grow hungry for more then just food -  they have had a few casual encounters, and he wants more of them.  Max smiles.

"Come and see Jacine's children are kicking inside of her;"  he mutters.

Elisse straightens her spine and then she nods -  quickly she moves out of her chair and towards their bedroom. 

"Where do I look?" asks Elisse as she lifts Jacine's shirt off her belly. 

Elisse touches Jacine's skin and feels a light bump against her fingers.

"I think I feel them!"  she cries.

"That is good;"  tells Max as he stands behind her.  "But you really do need to touch lower;"  he drawls as he moves Elisse's hand down towards Jacine's thighs.

"That's not where the baby is!"  gasps Elisse as she takes her hand away. 

"I know..."  mutters Max as he breaths over Elisse neck.  "I thought you liked it naughty;"  he mutters as he draws his hands over Elisse's waistline and up to her shirt which he rips open.

Elisse shivers as Max undresses -  she immediately knows he wants an affair and she knows she needs to stop it!

"I can't do this any more!"  gasps Elisse as she turns to face Max.  "You've slept with me in front of your kids, Jacine, and my parents!  That is enough humiliation!"  she tells.

Max rolls his eyes and then he grabs Elisse's hips and pulls her towards him.

"This is fun;"  he mutters as he glares at her oval eyes.  "I like it;"  he adds.

"Well I don't!  gasps Jacine before she grabs Max's wrists and peels his hands off her thighs.  "No more!"  she chimes.

"I want it;"  tells Max as he watches Elisse walk around him.  "I want it!"  he urges as he steps fast and then crushes Elisse against the closed door.

Elisse feels her underwear drop and soon she discovers how serious Max is with wanting to sleep with her.  He pants like a dog and sweat dribbles over his face -  Elisse knows he is not going to give in!

On the bed Jacine wakes up with a moan and a gasp -  her children are kicking, but they are more then kicking they are wanting out!  Wetness floods in-between Jacine's legs and she cries out loud!

"My babies!"  she screams.

"What of them?"  asks Max before he flicks off the light to hide himself and Elisse.

"They are coming!"  states Jacine as she pants.

"Lay back and relax;"  mutters Max as he pants with more steam.

"They are coming!"  whines Jacine.  "I need to go to the hospital!"

"Have them on the bed!"  tells Max as he feels his face turn beet red.

"Get your keys!"  tells  Jacine.

"Lay back on the bed and have them!"  tells Max as he bangs hard against the door.

Elisse moans as the wood against her head makes her feel dizzy.  Jacine grows alert to the sound and she crumbles onto her bed to cry as more pangs surf through her intestines.  She can't believe that Max is going to have an affair as she has children on their bed!  She hates him all of a sudden, however she quietens as Max grunts and groans with his affair against the wall.

Within the hour Jacine has delivered the babies and they scream out cries!  However the cries are dull compared to the moans of affair to the right of the bed.  Jacine holds her babies until they calm down, then she cries as Max continues to rage his lust in the dark until sunrise.

At breakfast Elisse makes pancakes to warm her lips.  She doesn't want to see Jacine stare at her with accusing eyes, but she bothers to make her sister breakfast all the same. 

"I am not going to come back here again;"  tells Elisse before she moves to the bedroom with the spare plate of pancakes.

Jacine throws Elisse a sour look.

"I don't know how long we can live like this with secrets spilling all over the place.  You are dirty, my husband is dirty, and I don't know if you should visit me any longer;"

"I feel the same;"  tells Elisse as she sighs.  "I don't want be the affair in the corner of the room.  It might be best to stick to phone calls;"

"It might be;"  tells Jacine as she nods.  "Having children on the bed hurt me.  When there was blood gushing through my thighs I didn't even know if it was going to stop; I didn't know what to do with the babies, I just held on -  it was scary!"  she gasps.  "All I could do was cry!"

"I didn't mean for all those affairs to happen;"  tells Elisse.  "Max just wants to do it so bad when he sees me that my world becomes his world;"

"Don't talk to me about it any more!  Just go!"  gasps Jacine as she narrows her eyes.  "Please!"

"Okay!"  mutters Elisse as she feels her sour drip inside of her head.  "I well leave;"  she adds.  "This time I will not return;"  she tells.

"Good!"  gsps Jacine as she lays back on the bed.  "I can't stand to see you!  You are nothing but a stranger to me!"

Elisse nods and backs out of the room.  She returns to the kitchen and moves to eat the two pancakes she has placed onto a plate, but she can't eat any more.  Elisse takes her keys and heads out of the house -  she needs to leave, and this time she will not return.

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