Monday 7 July 2014

Affair With Max At Parents House

Elisse meets Jacine at her parents house.  Jacine doesn't want to smile as she says hello but she says hello all the same.  Her mother Patricia touches Jacine's shoulder.

"Smile dear!"  she cries out.

Jacine pushes a smile towards Elisse and her smile makes her want to talk.

"It has been a long time since you have called me;"  tells Jacine as she looks at Elisse with glass eyes.  "You haven't seen the kids grow up they are almost eighteen and over;"  she explains.

"I have been busy;"  tells Elisse unable to confess that she has not been able to contact her because she has had too many affairs with husband Max who talks to their father Egad down the hallway. 

"I know you are busy but you have missed years of growth!"  tells Jacine as she takes out pictures of her family from her pocket.  "Look at them grow up!"  she states.

"I know I have missed a lot of years Jacine, but I thought it best since..."  Elisse looks left and right.  "Since my affair with Max;"  she whispers under her breath.

"What was that dear?"  asks Egad as he looks at Elisse.

"Oh nothing!"  chimes Elisse as she grabs the photographs off Jacine to inspect them.  "Oh  look, graduation!"  she exclaims.

The attention of her father is swept away and Elisse sighs as she feels cool once more.

"Can you bring the photographs to the kitchen Jacine?"  asks Patricia.

"Oh yes mother!"  cries Jacine before she giggles at Elisse who looks stiff and uncomfortable.  "Let's share tea when mother has finished the baked chicken!"  she exclaims before she takes the photographs back and races to the kitchen.

In the hallway Max points to Jacine who feels hot as she sees he and Egad look her way. 

"She's a grown woman;"  mutters Max to Egad who nods.

"Oh yes, many years of single life;"  he mutters.  "I wouldn't mind her having more reltationships;"  he tells.  "She is getting older;"  he adds.

"We're close;"  tells Max as he shrugs.

"You are?"  asks Egad as he raises his brows.  "How?  Elisse hasn't seen Jacine in years!"

"We are special friends;"  tells Max as he grins.  "If you don't spread the word I can show you, it will be fun;"

"What are you talking about?"  asks Egad as he watches Elisse fiddle with a nearby vase.

"I can show you;"  tells Max.  "Let us invite her into the study;"

Egad looks behind him and sees the study with its lone chair and bookshelf. 

"Okay;"  he shrugs.  "You show me;"  he mutters before he enters the study

Max approaches Elisse and smiles.  Elisse smiles back. 

"How are you Max?"  she asks.

"Fine;"  tells Max as he feels his pants tighten around his thighs.  "Your father would like you in the study;"

"Whatever for?"  asks Elisse as she shrugs.

"He wants an audience;"  tells Max before he takes Elisse's hand.  "Come with me;"  he invites in a cool manner.

"Okay;"  tells Elisse before she is escorted into the study.

Behind Elise Max closes the door as Egad rests his bones on his chair.  Elisse smiles at her father.

"What do you want me in here for?"  she asks.

Egad looks at Max who runs a hand over Elisse's spine. 

"He would like to see how close we are;"  tells Max before he takes Elisse's face inside of his hand and offers her a kiss.

Elisse backs away and breaks the kiss fast!

"Do you mind!"  gasps Elisse as she feels the need to slap Max hard on the face.  "This is uncalled for Max!  Do not use me for twisted pleasure again!"

"Does that happen often?"  asks Egad as he raises his brows. 

"That and more!"  tells Max before he grabs Elisse and tosses her onto the floor.

Elisse hits the floor-boards hard and she moans as a moment of daze swims over her head.  Egad wishes to stand up against Max, but he sits like concreate as he watches Max tear Elisse's dress off her shoulders until her bra-cups are laid on the floor.

"Don't be too rough Max!"  warns Egad as he watches Max struggle to keep Elisse down against the floor. 

"We do it all the time!"  tells Max before he pulls down his pants.

Egad watches Max and Elisse fornicate on the floor.  He has only light contempt for Max who is the dominate figure during the coupling.  Egads eyes scan Elisse's body and he grows interested in the act.  After a while Elisse's spine softens and Max finds it easy to make passion grow as they progress through a very obvious affair.

"It doesn't happen all the time!"  pants Elisse as Max stops grunting.  "You have to believe me father!"  she steams.

Egad nods as he looks at Elisse's bare body -  he enjoys the sight and has very little to say up until the door opens. 

"Max!"  gasps Patricia.  "Elisse!"  she complains.  "What is going on here?"  she asks.

"Just some boys fun;"  tells Max as he smiles.

Max kisses Elisse's neck and then her body.  He grows a blush that builds into rush as Patricia stands watching.  It takes ten more minutes for him to peel himself away from Elisse at by that time his back is covered in sweat. 

"Thanks for the party Elisse;"  tells Max as he stands and re-dresses. 

Elisse closes her legs as Patricia glares at her.  She feels embarrassed by her nakedness and so she fast re-dresses and leaves the house without another word.

Inside of the car Elisse swears as she reaches for a lolly.  She feels hot and cold at the same time, and she sobs as strain builds behind her eyes.

"Stupid Max and his showing off!"  she complains as she chews her stress off her brow.  "I need to leave!"  she gasps.  "I don't want to talk to my parents ever again!"  she cries before she starts the car and drives away.

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