Saturday 12 July 2014

One Last Chance With Seth

Seth walks from school -  he is late home because he had been given after-class detention for having had cause a fight with another senior.  Seth fumes inside of his head, but on his walk he spies Melinda departing from the local store with Brad.

"What on earth is Brad doing with Melinda?"  he asks before he ducks behind a bin to be able to spy in secret.  "Are those two dating?"  he asks as he watches Brad hook an arm around Melinda's shoulder.  "Not too long ago she was throwing herself over me!"  he tells before  he throws a mad face and moves on.

A block later Seth feels angered as he plays Melinda and Brad in film inside of his mind.  He stops in his steps and he throws his eyes daggar at a tree.

"What were those two doing together?"  he asks.  "I had best go and spy on them!"  he tells before he turns around and sprints.

Seth finds Melinda and Brad and he follows them all the way to Melinda's house.  Seth then scowls as Melnda goes inside with Brad.

"What is she doing?"  he gasps before he sneaks up to the nearby glass window.

Seth looks inside of the window and spies Melinda and Brad talking as they sit on Melinda's bed.  Seth narrows his eyes as he touches his own skin -  a short two weeks before she had flaunted herself in the most obvious way, she had wanted to sleep with him; but now she had an interest in Brad?

"That double crossing so and so!"  cries out Seth as his breath fogs up the glass before him.  "I had better get to the bottom of this!"  he cries out  before he moves to the front door and enters the house.

Inside Seth barges through the bedroom and meets Brad and Melinda.  Brad looks to Melinda as she gasps. 

"Hello Seth;"  greets Brad.

"What are you doing here?"  asks Seth as he raises his brows.

"We're watching movies;"  tells Brad as he shrugs.  "You?"

"Just visiting;"  mutters Seth as he looks to Melinda and scowls.  "So are you two dating?"  he asks.

"Yes;"  tells Melinda as she blushes.  "You still engaged?"  she asks.

"Sure thing;"  tells Seth as he pushes a cigarette inside of his mouth.

"No smoking Seth!"  gasps Melinda as she raises a hand.  "You have to smoke outside;"

"Oh?"  asks Seth as he lights the cigarette. 

"Seth go outside!"  tells Brad.

Seth sits on a nearby chair.

"No, I'm fine;"  tells Seth before he begins to smoke.  "How long have you two been dating?"  he asks.

"Two weeks;"  mutters Brad as he gives Seth the foul stare. 

"I've been engaged for that long;"  tells Seth as he scratches his brow.  "Coincidence?"

"No, it all comes around in cycle;"  mutters Brad before he turns his head to fume.  "Can you go home?"  he asks out of the blue.  "We're on a date!"  he tells.

"No way;"  mutters Seth before he glares at Melinda.  "You must be the most awkward couple;"  he mutters before he continues to smoke.

"We're just starting out;"  tells Melinda as she shrugs.  "We watch television;"  she mutters.

Brad lifts up his chin.

"Yeah;'  he mutters before he leans back to cross his arms.

"Don't let me ruin the party;"  mutters Seth before he scoffs.

"We'll you've ruined it!"  gasps Brad before he flings a hand across.  "Now go!"  he yells.

"It's cold outside;'  mutters Seth as he glares at Brad with well kept patience. 

"Then I'll go!"  tells Brad.  "I'll come back tomorrow!"  he tells Melinda before he picks up his school bag and leaves.

The front door bangs and Melinda stares at Seth as he smokes on her chair.  Seth rolls his eyes as Melinda shrugs -  more silence fills up the room.  Melinda thinks to herself reason for Seth to upset her afternoon, and what she comes up with is that he wants to date her; her heart-beat comes to life over the fantasy of the chase!

"So are you really engaged?"  asks Melinda as she glares at Seth.

"Yes;"  tells Seth as he raises his brows.  "Why?"

"You came into my room like jealous boyfriend;"  tells Melinda as she smiles.  "I was just checking to see that your engagement wasn't a lie;"  tells.

"It never was a lie;"  tells Seth as he leans back.  "It will never be a lie;"  he adds.  'I know who I am marrying;"

"Are you sure?"  asks Melinda as she looks at Seth who sits as a stranger who has abducted her attention. 

"Yes;"  tells Seth as he crooks his head.  "Why?  Do you want to go out with me?"  he inquires.

Melinda shrugs before she thinks. 

"Brad's okay for me if you're taken;"  she mutters after a moment.

"What?"  asks Seth before he rubs the cigarette into a nearby dish.  "He's my brother!"  he steams.

"So?"  asks Melinda as she shrugs.  "He's into me, more then you were;"  she tells.

"I was into you;"  mutters Seth as he blinks.  "I just had a loop-hole take me towards a new direction;"  he adds.

"What does that mean?"  asks Melinda as she blinks dumb.

"It means it came up and I said okay;"  tells Seth before he leans back on his chair.  "I like who I am engaged to, she is the world;"  he sings.

"Then why did you come in here?"  asks Melinda as she raises her brows.  "What do you want?"

"I just got annoyed seeing the two of you together;"  tells Seth as he blinks.  "It's annoying that you two should be sitting like friends;"

"He likes me;"  tells Melinda as she shrugs.  "I like it;"

"I licked you;'  tells Seth.  "I like you a bit;"  he adds.

"Well you didn't want to sleep with me!"  tells Melinda as she scoffs. 

"No, I was engaged by then;"  mutters Seth as he shrugs.  "You should have made your move on the first date and I would have said okay;"

"I didn't know that was the only chance I would have.  I didn't even know you, and my feet were sore!"

"Well it's too late now;"  sings Seth as he runs fingers through his hair.  "I am engaged;"  he tells.

Melinda blows a temper fume inside of her head!  She looks away for a moment as she thinks -  she doesn't want to press Seth's buttons but he is obviously having trouble walking away from her; she should give him one last chance!

"Well lick my leg or something if you don't want to leave;"  she tells Seth.

Seth smiles and laughs for a short moment.  Melinda's heart melts as she sees his smile, and she smiles back.

"I can do that;"  mutters Seth before he moves to Melinda and gets down onto his knees.

Seth looks at Melinda's leg, touches it for a moment, and then slowly he gives the leg a lick.  He likes the taste of her skin, it is very nice, and for some reason he does not want to let go.  He licks over her shin, up to her knee, and then he ventures half-way up her thigh -  the taste of Melinda's skin gives his blood a rash and he bothers to crawl over her until she is laid down on the bed.

"I've got a rash;"  mutters Seth as he looks at Melinda.

"So scratch it;"  tells Melinda as she giggles.

"It means I'm ready, let's do it;"  he mutters  before he lifts up Melinda's skirt a  little more.

"Okay;"  mutters Melinda as she feels fire inside of her chest as her heart-beat burns like it is on fire. 

Seth offers Melinda a kiss to calm down the shivers on the top of her lips -  her mouth is sweet, however her nerves are shot, and as he kisses deeper he notices her spine turns hard as her hands push his body away.

"What?  You wanted it!"  mutters Seth in complaint.

"I know, stop kissing for a second!"  tells Melinda as she pants.  "I can't breathe!"  she adds.

"I was getting into it;"  mutters Seth as he crosses his brows.  "You can't stop the moment!"  he argues.

"You're too heavy!  Get off!"  argues Melinda before she begins to push.

"It's normal weight -  stop freaking out!"  argues Seth before he takes off his shirt.  "You want it, you want me, or not?"

Melinda calms down for a moment as she thinks.  She wants to tell Seth to go away, however she shrugs inside of her mind -  her reason for flaunting was to be able to get him away from his engagement and back onto her; she thought there could be real love somewhere inside but it was too fresh to make her body filled with it.  Melinda rubs her lips as she thinks and Seth begins to cool over his ambition to give her what she wants.

"That's a no then;"  he mutters before he shakes his head.  "I'll go;"  he adds as he picks up his shirt.

"No I want it;"  mutters Melinda in a tone too soft for Seth to hear.  "I want it!"  she repeats as Seth hops off the bed.  "I want it!"  she yells as Seth reaches the door.

Seth grits his teeth and turns around.  He knows he shouldn't even be offering his body to anyone but his fiance and he slowly warms to Melinda as she lays there with her skirt hanging limp at the top of her thighs.

"I wouldn't mind doing it;"  he mutters as he looks at her.  "But you already said no;"  he tells before he turns and leaves the house.

Melinda hangs her head as she feels a kick inside of her body.  She wishes she had kept her mouth shut all of a sudden, and she scolds herself!

Seth reaches home and wipes a hand over his brow.  He feels like he has lost the plot, and he scolds himself!  He wishes he hadn't flirted with Melinda, her scent is all over his skin and it makes him want to go for an ocean swim. 

"What is it about that teenager that makes me want to run and hide!"  he mutters before he enters the house.

Inside Brad sits on the couch drinking hot chocolate.  Seth smiles at Brad before he moves to his room -  on the way Brad pulls a face and grunts in an odd way, but Seth ignores him. 

Inside of his bedroom Seth continues to touch his body.  He knows he does not have a rash, but he has a dirty feeling and he knows it is because he got close to Melinda.  Seth grunts to himself as he steps from one side of the room to the other.

"What am I to do?"  he asks as he leans back onto a wall.  "I feel so bombed out over Melinda, it wasn't my fault I got hitched up to a fiance so soon after our first date!"  he mutters before he thinks.  "People have to grow up and Melinda didn't even seem to like me when we went out on a date!"  he adds as he continues to rub his skin.

Seth forces his hands to stop their rubbing actions and he rakes fingers through his hair instead. 

"I hate thinking I could have gone all the way but didn't!"  he adds before he tosses his head.  "But its best because I have someone very special waiting for me at the altar;"  he sulks before he picks up a cigarette and lights it.  "I smoke, I drink, I don't fall in love;"  mutters Seth before he settles down on the carpet.  "I just make my life comfortable and fill it with what I need -  the end!"  he exhumes before he rubs his hair.  "The end;"  he repeats as he sits and stares at the wall on the other side of the room.

Melinda bites on her hair as she stares at the ceiling.  She feels bad for telling Seth to go -  she had wanted him, but his weight was too heavy and she had felt crushed!  She wasn't sure what she was supposed to have asked, but she had told Seth to back off and he had backed off, right out the door.

"I don't feel as though the world will never be right!"  tells Melinda as she hugs a toy.  "I suppose that maybe things with Brad might work out to be long term, but it's not the same;" she mutters as she thinks to herself.  "I don't even feel my heart-beat, it's just a good time;"  she adds as she warrs with honesty and love inside of  her head.  "I can't make Seth change his plans, I can't push myself to sleep with him -  I'd better just let him go;"  she mutters as she feels her mind relax.  "I'll just move to Brad;'  she adds before she picks up the remote control to watch television.

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