Wednesday 30 July 2014

Taylor Wants It To Rain

This is a short story about a Hanson concert.

Taylor looks at the crowd as he feels the drugs inside of his chest offer him a smooth sensation that leaves his body numb.  He wonders why there are so many people when the spray containers that hold the mist have some corrosive element that will make their skins burn and red rashes form.  He feels a cheat, however the last time he performed he was cheated of an encore and so he decided to tell the crowd that he will never love them -  the only issue is he will never hate them because they come to hear him sing.

"I don't like singing!"  mutters Taylor as he looks at the piano and knows that he needs to play. 

The other band members look to him and he ignores their stares as they form holes on his back.  It is as though their eyes are lazer, but he knows that his skin is diseased.  He has no muscle, only meat, and that is because he has AIDS.

"Soon everyone will have AIDS and be like me -  a tortured being!"  mutters Taylor to himself as he places his fingers on the piano keys. 

Taylor wants to start playing but inside of his mind he knows that he will not actually play.  Band member Zach tries a cord or two on his guitar which sits behind his stack of drums to that he can play a tune on it when he needs to.  Taylor looks to Zach and narrows his eyes -  he knows that he is waiting to show off his vocals and he knows that he will be loud when he does!

"What are you doing?"  mutters Taylor in a daydream as other band member Isaac strums his guitar to make Taylor want to start.  "What do you want?"  he mutters as he feels his heart beat fast.

Inside of Taylor's mind there is a memory -  he is a kid being beaten up because the people around him want him to sing.  Knuckles swing right, left, center -  he is thrown punch by punch until a rack of rings scratch his skin right down the chest leaving him cut and bleeding. 

"Are you my parents?" he asks to the nonsense people who are stoned.  "Do you want to come home with me?"

He gets hit in return and then he gets dragged onto an empty stage and told to sing.  As Taylor sings a bullet strikes his head and he falls down as blood rains all around him.  There is a criminal in the theater and they wanted him dead, needs him dead, so that he can't sing!

Taylor blinks his eyes and he looks at the theater once again -  he wants to leave, but a larger portion of him wants to stay.  Taylor clears his tone and mutters the name of a song -  however his two band members shout that he can't sing the song, and so he chooses another one. 

"Sunshine of my Heart!"  tells Taylor as he reaches for some water.  "Sing it raw!"

The crowd starts to sing as Taylor drinks water -  he knows he doesn't need to try and so he sits as the crowd raise their voices.  Taylor feels good that he does not need to play and his band members narrow their eyes as their feet ache to leave the stage.  Taylor bothers to press a key on the piano but it doesn't do anything but serve as backup to the vocals that are streaming in from the crowd. 

"When is it going to rain?"  asks Taylor to Zach who narrows his eyes and then leaves. 

Isaac follows so that he can grab himself a drink but Taylor stays. 

Taylor's manager comes out from the wings and asks Taylor what is the issue?  Taylor tells him that he wants it to rain, and the manager shrugs.

"It's supposed to be for later!" he declares.

"I want it to rain now!"  tells Taylor as he blinks sweat that has dribbles down his face.

His body feels cool but his skin is hot and clammy.  Taylor wipes his face and mutters to himself as the manager backs off and races to press a button at the back.  Water falls from the ceiling -  sprinkles of acid that wet the crowd all around.  Taylor smiles as he watches the crowd scream and grow excited but their screams turn into shrieks as burning is felt on their fleshy faces.  Taylor leaves as his mind grows excited -  the crowd is going to get burnt and he is going to have a good night sleep!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

The Gift Of Perfume

Robert looks at Pearl as she walks through the school.  He wants to know more about her, but he lets her pass his shoulder.  The scent of her perfume drifts under his nose -  he likes it, but he knows it is too sweet for his most common tastes.

"Get some new perfume Pearl!"  he shouts as he turns around.

Pearl looks behind and sees Robert.  She shrugs.

"I like this one;"  she says.

"Then let me buy you the perfume;"  tells Robert as he glares at her and feels his heart pump that little bit extra to tell him that he has her on a different plank then any other person in the school. 

"Why would you do that?'  asks Pearl as she looks at him with her feet glued to the tiles under her.

"Because I want to;"  tells Robert as the bell for end of school chimes over his head a third time .

"Why would you want to?"  asks Pearl as she shrugs.

"Because I want you to wear nice perfume;"  tells Robert as he shrugs also.  "Will you wear it if I buy it for you?"

"I don't know;"  mutters Pearl as she fidgets.  "I don't know you;"  she adds as she pulls a face.

"I know you and you need new perfume;"  tells Roger as he grins.

"No, I like my own;"  mutters Pearl as she turns and walks away.

Robert smooths a hand over his hair and looks away from Pearl for a second -  he hears giggles and he knows that he has been watched!  Robert moves his shoes out of the school and towards his car.  Inside of his car he scolds himself.

"What does Pearl think she is refusing?"  he asks as he feels a grumble inside of his chest.  "I'll just buy her the perfume and then she can wear it!"  he scolds as he starts the car.

However at the store Robert can't find the exact perfume he is looking for, and so he buys three and an empty bottle and he spends all night mixing the perfumes for the right concoction to be able to woo Pearl to his tastes.

The following day Robert finds Pearl amongst the throng of peoples and he stops her in her shoes. 

"I brought you something;"  tells Robert as he smiles.

Pearl sees the perfume bottle and takes it as Robert holds it out to her. 

"Try it on why don't you?"  he asks.

Pearl shrugs, opens the bottle, and pours a small amount onto her wrists.  She rubs it over her neckline and she smiles.

"It's nice!"  she cheers.

Robert feels good!  He walks away from Pearl feeling tingles all over -  however when he later finds Pearl again he sees she has developed a mean rash on her skin.

"Hi Pearl, what's with the rash?"  asks Robert as he glares.

"It's from the perfume, the mix must be too strong for my skin!"  gasps Pearl as she grows embarrassed.  "I'll have to go to a doctor after school!"  she mutters as she feels heat tingle all over her brow.  "I don't want to talk about it!"  she adds.

"I can drive you to the doctor after school;"  tells Robert as he sees Pearl in fret.  "Or I can drive you now?"

"After school!"  gasps Pearl as she feels her skin shiver. 

"Okay;"  tells Robert before he lets Pearl move away. 

After school Pearl has a rash spread all the way to her shoulders.  She wants to scratch it, however she holds her fingers back even though the tingles spread all over every nail until they feel longer! 

"Let's go!"  tells Robert before he takes Pearl's hand.

Pearl nods, allows herself to be led to the car in the car park, and  then she seats herself on the leather-lined chair.

"These are gross covers!"  she tells Roger as she fingers the leather cover.

"They keep you warm during the winter!"  cheers Roger before he drives away.

Within twenty minutes Roger is waiting at the doctors office with guilt on his head.  He wonders how he could have been so stupid as to give Pearl something which would ruin her skin?  However Pearl is in a good mood as she leaves the office and she even smiles to Rodger after she has paid for the visit.

"I have a perscription;"  she tells Roger who smiles back as though  he is guilt free.

"That's great!"  he cheers, however inside of his mind he tells himself he is nothing but a fool.  "Want to grab a drink?"  he asks.

"I think I had better pick up the prescription!"  cheers Pearl before she leaves the room and building.

A block away Pearl picks up the prescription and she quickly dabs the lotion on her skin.  She sighs -  however in truth the rash does not go away only it seems to grow more red! 

"Looks better!"  lies Roger as he glares at the rash that seems to swell until it has protruded two millimeters from the skin. 

"I hope it does!"  gasps Pearl as she grows nervous over the itch that increases as the seconds turn into minutes.  "Can you drive me home?  I am getting tired!"  she asks as a frown becomes more evident on her brow.

"Oh yes!"  tells Roger as she smiles.  "Let us go into the car!"  he adds. 

Pearl fidgets all the way to the car and when inside she begins to fret as tears well inside of her eyes.  Pearl wishes she had never tried the perfume on and she begins to grow moody as she glares at Roger with his flawless skin glowing in ultimate health. 

As the car drives Pearl can take it no longer!  She takes out the perfume from her pocket, removes the lid, and she pours it over Rogers face and neck! 

"Are you mad?"  asks Roger as the car veers to the right. 

"I hate you!"  gasps Pearl before she turns the rearview mirror so that she can see herself in the reflection. 

Pearl screams as Roger struggles to regain control of the car.  He flips his head around his shoulder a dozen times and then he sees an ally in which to turn the car into!  Roger parks and then he wipes his skin -  to Pearl's frustration Rogers skin does not react.

"Are you mad?"  asks Roger as he grows heat on his brow.

"Yes at you!"   gasps Pearl before she looks at her skin in the mirror again and starts to blubber. 

"Don't be like that!"  gasps Roger as he tries to give Pearls shoulder a rub.

"Get your hands away from me!"  screams Pearl as she grows too hot to handle.  "My skin is ruined!  It is because of you that it is ruined!  You are a skin ruiner!"

"Okay!"  seeths Roger as he touches Pearls shoulder with the tips of two fingers.  "I am sorry;"  he mutters.

"I never want to be given anything from you again!"  tells Pearl as she grows red in the face.  "Never!"  she screams.

"I am sorry!"  mutters Roger as he shrugs.  "I really am -  I just found your perfume too sweet..."  he begins.

"I loved my old perfume!  I hate yours!"  screams Pearl before she gives Roger's face a harsh slap with the back of her hand.

Roger growls as he feels his face turn beet red under his skin.  He wants to hit Pearl so bad but with her skin looking so mangy he fails to reach out to her.  

"I am sorry;"  mutters Roger as he glares at Pearl.  "It was supposed to be a gift;"

"Some gift!"  steams Pearl as she crosses her arms.  "Some gift!"  she huffs before she begins to sob.

Roger looks at the time and knows he has to end the outting so that he can go to work.  He clears his throat and starts the car, and within minutes he is back on the road once again.

Roger drops Pearl at home and then he takes off down the street.  His mind is still set on Pearls skin and how gross it appears with bubbles forming like clear pimples on her collar bone. 

"I really blew it;"  he mutters as he drives along the street.  "Never mind, I am going to go to work and get paid!"

Roger parks outside of a house and he goes to the front door.  He rings the door bell once and immediately a guy named Corgan answers.  Corgan is not just any person, he is a paying customer -  what he asks for his sexual exploits, and Roger gives him his body so that Corgan can give him his money.

The following day Roger tries to find Pearl but she cannot be found, so he visits her house as soon as the day is through and there he meets Pearl by the front door.  Pearls' rash has spread to her chin, and she has small cuts from having had scratched it.  Roger tries to make a joke to lighten the mood he can feel on the air.

"The skin can rejvinate with urine;"  he mutters.

"What?"  asks Pearl as she narrows her eyes.  "What?"  she repeats.

Roger shrugs.

"I'm sorry it's just a quirky tale;"  tells Roger as he shrugs.  "I can see you are suffering;"

"I know I am!"  gasps Pearl before she picks up a tube of ointment and rubs it on her skin once again.  "The chemist said to expect an expansion before a retraction!"  she mutters.

"I am sorry I gave you the perfume;"  tells Roger as he bothers to touch a portion of the swollen skin.

It feels smooth and soft, like a burn that has just had a layer of skin replaced over it!  Roger presses his finger against the rash and juice squirts out.

"Gross it's infected!"  he mutters.

"It's just part of hte rash!"  gasps Pearl before she picks up a tissue and dabs at her neckline.  "It will go;"  she tells as her gut squirms over what seems to be a lie.

"I am sorry you have it at all;"  tells Roger as he shrugs.  "I really am!"

"I don't want to see you!"  tells Pearl as she grows mad over the blank in Rogers tone.  "Leave me  alone!"  she wars.

"Okay;"  mutters Roger as he backs his feet away from the door.  "I'll see you at school;"  he adds before he waves.

Pearl slams the door closed and Roger feels a chill -  he wishes that he had never given Pearl the perfume, and he blames himself as the wind blows over his shoulders.

Monday 28 July 2014

Seth In Love

Amber looks at Seth as he stands in the corner of the hall talking secretly to Colin.  Colin looks over to Amber and waves and she feels shyness overcome.  However her shyness is met with bashfulness as Seth also looks over to wave.  Amber feels sick all of a sudden and she moves to the toilets to take a drink.

Inside of the toilets Amber looks at her reflection -  she wants to say she looks nice, but all she looks is flustered.  Seth has given her a rash that causes worms to make a meal of a her blood -  she feels contaminated, wronged, and even cheated.

"What's wrong with me?"  asks Amber as she thinks to herself over why Seth should stand out as a person amongst people who makes her feel wronged.  "He's just a guy;"  she mutters as she wipes a hand over her brow.  "I wish I wouldn't get so wound up!"  she gasps before the door opens and Seth steps inside.

"How are you Amber?"  he asks in a tone that sounds hard and depressed.

"Oh just fine!"  sings Amber as she waves.  "Will you go away please?"  she asks.

"You would like me to do that wouldn't you?"  asks Seth as he narrows his eyes.  "But I can't!  I've been thinking about us;"  he tells.

Amber rolls her eyes -  last time he talked about them he walked off to have a smoke and a drink until he was able to pass out on the garden lawn at her next door neighbours house!  It seemed that the confusion of talking about a relationship grew too much and instead of asking her out he went to overdose on drink as though the thought of the two of them togther were a cancer.

"We've talked and agreed to be friends;"  tells Amber as she feels her gut worm.

"We have made no such agreement!"  tells Seth as he narrows his eyes.  "I miss you;"  he mutters.

"We haven't ever gone out!"  gasps Amber as she raises her brows.

"I miss you all the same!"  tells Seth as he smiles.  "I like you Amber;"  he drawls.  "There's no one else for me, you know?"

"I didn't know!"  tells Amber as she smiles as her heartbeat bothers to murmur.  "I thought you were all for the other girls!"

"What other girls!"  gasps Seth as he looks through Amber's eyes so that she can see his stare completely. 

"I don't  know;"  mutters Amber as she plays with her hair.  "There are girls around;"

"I only like you!"  tells Seth.  "I really like you!"  he adds.  "You are the only one in my eyes;"

"Then why did you go out with Anne Simmers?"  asks Amber as she shrugs.

"She's a friend;"  tells Seth as he raises his brows.  'I like you, only you;"  he mutters as his eyes grow glazed.  "You are who I want;"

Amber walks around Seth as he stares into space -  she feels as though he is in a different world until she reaches the door.

"Where are you going?"  asks Seth as he glares at the dirty tiles under his feet.  "Why not stay?" 

"It's a dirty bathroom!"  complains Amber.  "It smells like urine!"

"So?"  asks Seth as he inhales a narrow breath.  "So what?  I'm talking;"

"I'm leaving!"  gasps Amber as she moves to exit. 

Seth turns his head and stares at Amber as she opens the door and bumps into Colin who stands with a toothpick inside of his mouth.  Seth wants to complain, however his heart is finding it hard to beat and so he stands still as Amber mutters short words to Colin who shrugs before she moves on.

"Why aren't you staying?"  asks Seth as he watches the door close.  "What are you looking for?  I am here!"  he mutters as a dark sensation crawls over his skin. 

Colin pokes his head into the room and he raises his brows.

"What are you doing Seth?"  asks Colin.

"I feel sick;"  mutters Seth before he bothers to take a step.  "I am sick;"  he adds as his lips turn from pink to red. 

"Let's go home;"   tells Colin as he crooks his head.  "We can watch television;"  he adds as he smiles.

"No;"  mutters Seth as he feels his head light up like a light.  "I won't go home;"  he adds before he moves to walk past Colin at sudden speed.

Seth races down the hall after Amber -  all students brother to gather to make his walk more difficult, however Seth manages to scrape through gaps and within moments he has caught Amber's arm. 

"You listen!"  he yells as Amber turns her head.  "We're going out!"  he adds.

Amber raises her brows as Seth finds it hard to breathe.  She knows he has popped pills, but what she does not see is the murmur trapped inside of his chest -  his heart beats hard as his head tells his body to stand still.

"I love you;"  tells Seth as he feels his patience drag.

Amber shrugs. 

"I don't know, I don't care!"  she mutters as she grows hot inside of her mind. 

"Yes you do care;"  tells Seth as he holds onto her arm.  "You do care, I can tell..."

"You're wasted!"  gasps Amber as she sees the same far away stare she has seen a dozen times.  "Leave me alone;"

"Wasted for you!"  tells Seth as Amber manages to set herself free.  "Come home with me!"

Amber walks away and students gather around to watch Seth as he stares in an uncommon way as though he might blow a fuse. 

"Let's go!"  steams Colin as he grabs Seth's arm.  "It's time to go home and watch movies;"  he adds.

"Yeah;"  mutters Seth as he feels his gut wince.  "I guess I can do that;"  he adds before he allows Colin to drag him away from the other students.

However back at home Seth finds it hard to watch television.  As Colin grows tired Seth leaves to trek to Ambers home several blocks away.  Outside of her bedroom window Seth leans on the glass as he looks at Amber as she reads at her table -  he knows she is doing homework, however the sick inside of his body grows and he knows that he will not back away. 

Seth flattens his hands and bang upon the window -  Amber turns her head and she narrows her eyes as she sees Seth standing there as though he expects to be let inside of the house.  Amber shakes her head and turns away, however Seth pounds against the window once again so hard that Amber's temper rushes to her feet!  Amber moves to the window and opens it.

"What do you want?"  asks Amber as she feels her mood grow sour. 

"I want you!"  complains Seth as though he is a child wanting a christmas present.

"You almost broke the windows!"  tells Amber as she feels her skin tingle.  "You almost broke my windows!"

"I'm sorry;"  mutters Seth as he grows cold inside of his head.  "I'm sorry I almost broke your windows, but they are still perfectly in-tact;"

"I bet they're splinted!"  tells Amber as she looks at the frame carefully.  "I bet you've dislodged them!"  she adds.

"Won't you let me in?"  asks Seth as he feels his eyes scrape over Ambers face.  "Please?"

Amber narrows her eyes and stares at Seth -  he looks queer all of a sudden and she wants to refuse him admittance; however his queer looks turn pale and he starts to tremble as his heart-beat murmurs and Amber rushes to him as he leans heavily on the window.

"What's wrong?"  asks Amber as he tries to move her fingers to touch his back -  her move failing only inches from the t-shirt that he wears.

"Nothing!"  gasps Seth before he straightens his spine.  "Let's go to bed!"  he adds.

"What?"  gasps Amber as she steps away.  "No way!"  she adds.

"I need to lay down;"  tells Seth before he moves to the back door and enters the house.

Amber follows Seth to her bedroom and she scowls as  he pulls his weight onto her bed.  She wants to scold Seth, however his skin continues to tremble and so she sits on a chair and begins to read. 

Seth stares at Amber as she reads with vacancy.

"What's the matter with you?"  he asks.  "Why the cold shoulder?"

"What do you mean cold shoulder?"  asks Amber as she looks to Seth.  "You can lay there and I'll read;"

"I want you to know that I really like you;"  tells Seth before he stands.

Amber looks at Seth as he crosses the room towards her.  She wants to run away, however she sits as though he might ignore her.  At the door Seth looks to Amber and he stares at her.

"If we end up in different worlds it is because you ignore me;"  he tells before he races out of the house.

Amber puts down her book and crosses her arms.  She knows that Seth has moved to sprint home and she has nothing to say about it -  he is a spntanous person who makes no sense to her, and she isn't there for the taking when he can only leave everything behind his shoulder as he steps on peoples shoulders to get his way.

"He's annoying!"   mutters Amber as she shrugs.  "I want anyone but him!"  she tells before she picks up her book to read.

The Crush To Walk Away From

Cara walks into school -  she is late due to a traffic issue in which her mother Sue could not find a place to get out of the way of a traffic jam!  Cara does not mind being late, only when she walks  into class she sees her crush Paul at the front of the room orating a speech he has ill prepared.  As Paul fumbles with his words Cara laughs under her breath -  her heart-beat is going a mile a minute and she feels giddy inside.  Quickly Cara sits down in her chair as she looks at Paul -  he is a character she can admire, but she has only seen  him not known him.

Anne passes Cara a paper and Cara picks it up.  Cara reads an insult and as she draws on the paper teacher Eric Sanders snatches the note and scowls.

"This is ill manners!"  he whispers to Cara.  "Detention!"  he mutters under his breath.

Cara sulks as ahe puts down her pen, only her smile rises as Paul look at her and begins to pick up his mood.  He seems to fumble less and Cara wonders why?  She wants to imagine there is a reason, however his next mistake in forgetting his speech makes him drop his notes and the idea that Cara has been an intelligent mental stimulation wears off and disintergates as Paul tells the class he is finished. 

"So you are!"  tells Eric as he pats Paul on the back.

Cara claps with the class and then her name is announced and she is forced to tell the teacher that she has no speech prepared.  The teacher gives her double detention and Cara sulks before a blush of shame rises up on her cheeks -  she doesn't want to say anything more lest she get more detention.

At detention Cara sulks in a lone room as Eric supervises.  She scrawls the words 'I don't care' on a pad of paper over and again while she is supposed to sit still.  Cara wishes that Paul were near then she would have someone to look at -  however he is not there at all; as far as she knows he has never been on detention!

A knock on the door breaks Cara's attention and Paul enters the room to talk to Eric.  Cara smiles under her stare as she listens as Paul asks Eric if he can do the speech again?

"My fingers slipped!"  tells Paul as  he feels his head turn warm.

"I am sorry Paul you only get one chance at doing the speech;"  tells Eric as he shrugs.

Pauls sighs and runs a hand through his hair.  He wants to ask Eric if he can double his grades some other way, but he knows he can't!  Paul retreats as the bell rings and Cara slips out of her chair to leave.

"One minute Cara!"  tells Eric as he watches Cara pack. 

Cara stops as Eric nears, and she blinks as Eric reads her scrawl. 

"Detention tomorrow;"  tells Eric as he raises his brows.  "No pen, no paper, just you;"  he adds.

"Okay!"  sings Cara before she packs her pad and leaves.

Outside of the classroom Paul catches Cara's arm.

"Hey there;"  he mutters in a shy tone.  "How was juvenile hall?"  he asks.

"It's detention not jail!"  tells Cara with a laugh.  "And it's both fine, I am fine, my temper is fine; I just failed to complete a speech!"  she tells.

"Unlike me, I failed with a C minus!"  tells Paul as he grows bashful.  "I was aiming for straight A's but for some reason I fumbled and the rest ruined my grade!" 

"That is a shame Paul, a dire shame!"  tells Cara as she shrugs.

"I wanted to talk to you about it, but you so jammed up with detention I could not tell you that..."

A spell of shyness causes Paul to stuff his words inside of his chest.  Cara shrugs as she glares at the crowds of students flocking to their school rooms  -  Cara wants to do the same, however she stands still as Paul peels his shyness away. 

"I noticed you;"  tells Paul as he swallows his last flint of dry tongue.  "I wanted to tell you that I noticed you;"

"No way Paul I noticed you too!"  says Cara as she smiles.  "I like to notice you, it makes my heart beat!"

"Really?"  asks Paul as he smiles.  "Mine too, I just wanted to forget about it but it comes...  I like you;"  he whispers.

"Really?"  asks Cara as she feels a flint inside of her chest. 

The teacher Eric pops his head out of the classroom and narrows his eyes as Paul takes Cara's hand.

"I would like to go out with you;"  states Paul, however Eric clears his voice and Paul drops Cara's hand as though it had turned into a bag cockroaches!

"Too class you two, and Cara detention!"  tells Eric as he points at Cara.

Cara shrugs and then she looks to Paul as her lips ache to offer him some encouragment.  She wants to tell him that she will go out with him, however with Eric's stare on her she backs away. 

"Maybe we'll talk tomorrow!"  cheers Cara as she waves.

"Look forward to it!"  tells Paul before he drifts with the last of the crowd to a nearby classroom.

Cara wanders down the hall and it takes ten minutes to reach her classroom, by that time the teacher inside has started class and Cara no longer wishes to go inside of the room.  So Cara walks away and finds herself a cozy place to sit outside on the garden where there are heaps of trees and few spectators.  Cara bothers to eat a sandwich and then she lays down for a nap.

When Cara wakes there are three students hovering over her as they smoke. 

"Hey there lay about!"  tells one named Sue.  "Having a nice nap?"

"Cat nap!"  mutters another student named Pearl.

"Cat walked out of class!"  mutters the third student named Lilac.

"I am not a cat!"  tells Cara as she sits and brushes the grass from her hair.  "I just didn't want to go to class;"  she adds.

"Neither do we!"  tells Sue as she offers Cara a cigarette.

Cara knows better then to refuse the cigarette and she takes it and allows Pearl to light it.  The taste of the cigarette is strong and smoky and Cara chokes on it for a minute before her lungs ease into the inhale.

"These are awful cigarettes!"  mutters Cara as though she knows her brands.

"It's the best!"  tells Lilac as she smiles.  "Tripple dose of cancer all in one bite!"  she adds.

Cara smiles and she hesitates in taking another inhale, however after a few seconds she does inhale.

"You are cool!"  tells Sue as she smiles.  "Want to come over to my house after school?"  she asks.

"I'm meeting someone else;"  tells Cara as she smiles.  "It is someone special;"  she adds.

"Oooh a boyfriend!"  sings Lilac as she snickers.  "Who is it?  Toby Ashwood is a hot flame!"

"No, Paul Hayden;"  tells Cara as she shrugs.

"That guy it hot!"  tells Sue as she draws in a breath.  "He got Ashley Brooks pregnant last month;"

"He what?"   asks Cara as she feels her heart drop.

"Ashley Brooks went out on a date and got herself banged up!"  tells Sue as Pearl snickers.

"He was hot for the dollar!"  tells Pearl in insult.

Cara feels the light around her mind turn dark and she smokes to hide the drop that she has discovered.

After school Cara walks home -  she no longer wants to look at Paul even though he waits for her by the bus-stop.  Cara avoids him by hiding herself amongst a group of peers, and then she moves on.

"I can't like him now!"  tells Cara as she feels ice cold wind slide her hair to one side.  "I don't know what to do -  it makes me feel sour that he has gotten someone else knocked up;"

Cara tells herself that she will no longer like Paul, only time moves to challenge her at school the following day.

At school Paul catches Cara as she enters the gate.  He leads her to a quiet spot where they chat under the shade of a gum tree.

"I've been thinking about you all night;"  tells Paul as he feels his eyes glint from the drugs he has taken to cover the fact that he has not slept a wink. 

"You have?"  asks Cara as she feels her heartbeat tripple.  "What were you thinking?"  she asks.

"I would like to go on a date with you!"  tells Paul as he smiles.

"You would?"  asks Cara as her feet shuffle back a notch.  "That is so wild, but for you I only want to be friends;"  she tells as she feels that cloud of black as it floats over her brain.

"Friends?"  asks Paul as he raises his brows.  "Why friends, yesterday you were close to saying you wanted to be with me;"  he tells.

"I never gave you an answer Paul;"  corrects Cara as she feels a stitch rise over her spine. 

"I'm sorry!"  gasps Paul as he hangs his head.  "I was so sure that you wanted to go out with me!"  he mutters.

"I am sorry I gave you that impression Paul!"  tells Cara as she shrugs.  "I really just wanted to say if you need a friend I am here;"

Paul shakes his head as he thinks -  he can't believe that Cara does not want to go out with him; his brow is a mess of hot rivets until the bells distracts him from his thoughts.

"I lost a night of sleep for you;"  he mutters as Cara turns her head.  "Are you listening to me?"  he asks in a sharper tone.

Cara walks away unable to look at the guy with the sore heart behind her who stands as one who feels ultimately let down.

Inside of class Cara sits through  her lessons talking the least out of all students.  Her mind is sore from telling her brain that she was wrong to let Paul go -  however Cara knows inside of her heart that she will only be his next gossip and not his next flame.

"He is just experimenting;"  tells Cara as she glares at the paper in front of her chest.  "He does not love me!"  she wars.

At detention teacher Etic looks at Cara as she sits staring at the floor.  He sees that she is close to crying as she sits on her brain which is busy and he wants to tell her to leave, however he does not say a word as she sits through detention quietly.

"You still have a speech to prepare;"  tells Eric to break the silence.  "How about you work on it?"  he adds.

Cara nods and she takes out a pad of paper and a pen, however her hand can only scrawl the words 'I am sorry'.

At the end of the school day Cara meets Paul as he catches her by the bus stop.  He looks at her searchingly as his mind grows depressed over her refusal to go out with him.

"Why aren't you wanting to come for a walk with me?"  he asks. 

"I just think we are on different mental planes;"  tells Cara as she feels a pang inside of her chest.  "I don't want to go out with you; I don't want to be serious with you; I just want to be friends!"  she adds.

"Friends are not even close to what I want!"  tells Paul as he feels strain inside of his chest.  "You come for a walk with me!"  he challenges as he takes her arm and pulls.  "Come now, we'll have fun!"

"Paul!"  gasps Cara as she takes back her arm with a yank.  "I can't!"  she tells.

"Why not?"  asks Paul as students turn their heads to look at their quarrel.

"You're not seeing the world, you are just seeing you;"  tells Cara as she feels her mind sulk over the scratches on her arm. 

"I am seeing you!"  swears Paul as he grows a beat inside of his brain that turns his brow moist. 

"I don't want to go out with you!"  tells Cara as she crosses her brows.  "You've hurt my arm!"  she spits.

"I'm sorry;"  mutters Paul as he wipes a hand through his hair.  "I am frustrated, tired, and alone;"  he mutters.  "I want to walk you home;"  he adds.

Students nearby cheer for Cara to say 'yes', but all she can do is say 'no' with a shake of her head.

"I'm sorry Paul, you are a loser!"  she spits as a bus moves towards the bus stop. 

"Loser!"  whispers Paul as tears film his eyes.  "Forget you then;"  he mutters before he throws himself in front of the bus.

Students gasp as Paul bumps against the bus, however the bump is too weak to throw him to the ground he only bounces off the front as the horn blares and then he runs!  All around Cara people hiss and she walks away as well to be able to disappear!

Wednesday 16 July 2014


Kaleb meets with his friend in the city mall -  he and his friends chat as they hang around the block and smoke but after a while people start starting at them in strange manners and the friends begin to jeer and show off their evil smoking habits!  During this display Kaleb grows a wandering eye as his friends chain smoke twelve cigarette's at the one time.  Kaleb sees hot teen Ingrid as she walks by in a pink top and flash pink pants. 

Kaleb leans to the side as smoke billows all around him.

"There's someone I have not seen in a while!"  tells Kaleb as he stares.  "I had best go for a walk, maybe we'll bump into each other;"  he mutters before he picks up his heels and leaves to stalk after Ingrid.

Kaleb watches Ingrid's backside as he walks behind her like a robot.  He can almost see the outline of her underwear and it makes him feel pretty hot under the collar.  He wishes that he could touch Ingrid in special ways -  however he knows that he has never been close enough to lay a finger on her hand let alone her body; Kaleb feels like a loser all of a sudden and he does not like the sensation!

"She's not a god, she's a person!"  he scolds his brain as he watches Ingrid closely as his feet speed to catch up with her.  "She's just like me;"  he mutters as he tries to pretend that she will say 'yes' if he asks her out on a date.  "She's alone like me, walking like me -  we're the same!"  he mutters before Ingrid turns into an empty block.

Kaleb feels his feet spirint and within minutes he catches up to Ingrid who has stopped under a dim shadow to look at a black wall.

"Hey there!"  cheers Kaleb as he walks up to Ingrid.

"Hi there!"  cheers Ingrid in a pleasant way.

"What are you doing here?"  asks Kaleb as he stares with intent on his eyes.

"Nothing;" sings Ingrid as she looks at her watch.  "Waiting;"  she mutters.  "Wasting time;"  she adds.

"That's cool;"  tells Kaleb as he smiles.  "So are you doing anything this afteroon?"  he asks.

"Nothing much;"  tells Ingrid as she shrugs.  "Why?"

"Maybe you would like to go out somewhere;"  tells Kaleb as he shrugs.

"What are you stalking?"  laughs Ingrid as she tosses her hair to one side. 

"No;"  mutters Kaleb as he shrugs.

"I know you followed me;"  tells Ingrid as she smiles.  "I saw you with the smokers;"  she tells.

"So what?"  asks Kaleb as he shrugs.  "I was just walking the same way;"

"No you weren't you liar!  You were stalking!"  tells Ingrid as she laughs.  "You followed me here!"  she exclaims.

"Maybe!"  tells Kaleb as he shrugs.  "Mabye I did!"

"You are a strange guy!"  gasps Ingrid before a call causes her to gasp.

"Ingrid!  Come here!"  tells a voice from up the block -  it  is her boyfriend Paul.

Ingrid sighs and looks to Kaleb who wishes he had the nerve to kiss her!  Ingrid hisses and then she walks down the block towards Paul who clutches her arm tightly as he moves her into a shadow for a discussion.

"What were you doing with that stranger?"  asks Paul as he feels his face swell.

"I was just chatting with him Paul;"  mutters Ingrid as she glares at his face while his features are swamped by swollen jaw muscles.  "He's a guy from school -  I know him, he's cool!"  she exclaims.

Kaleb smiles and walks away with that note on his brain.  He feels good -  but Ingrid winces as Paul squeezes her arm too tight for her to bare. 

"Let my arm go!"  she mutters as she feels her skin pain.

"You were flirting;"  tells Paul as his fingers burn.  "You are not to flirt again!"  he mutters sharply as though he has a knife inside of his hand.

"Sure thing Paul!"  tells Ingrid as she feels her heart-beat hammer.  "I had just stopped;"  she adds.

Paul looks at Ingrid for a long time before he lets her arm go.

"I can't stay with you today; how about you go home and I'll call you later?" tells Paul as his head grow hot.

"But I walked all the way here in my best heels!"  complains Ingrid as she grows sour from the rejection. 

"I don't want to look at you right now -  I feel shame for you;"  tells Paul as he glares at Ingrid with brown eyes turned red.  "I can't stand to look at you and not want to slap your face off!"  he mutters with spite. 

"Okay;"  mutters Ingrid as she feels a shiver up her spine.  "I will leave you to walk off your steam, but you call me to make another date!"  she tells Paul. 

"I'll call you later;"  mutters Paul before he steps away. 

"No kiss?"  asks Ingrid as she shrugs.

"Later;"  waves Paul before he dissapears.

Ingrid takes a moment to feel bad -  she hangs her head and listens to the cars as they drive on city strees a block away.  Ingrid doesn't want to hang around the city or its stores, she wants to go home to brood until Paul calls her.

Ingrid walks home;  she passes the stores, the people, the gang of smokers, the cars, the streets -  she passes everything around her as she continues to think about Paul and his anger.  She wants  him to let it go as though it is an object he holds inside of his hands, but he can't let go and so she is forced to turn away.

"I am so depressed!"  she gasps before she hears feet rushing after her.

Ingrid turns her head and sees Kaleb once again.  She wants to tell him to go away -  however she forces herself to smile as he says hello.

"What do you want?"  asks Ingrid as she looks to Kaleb.

"I want to walk you home!"  tells Kaleb as he shrugs.

"That is very nice, but I would prefer to walk home on my own;"  tells Ingrid as she feels a dip inside of belly which states that she is miserable. 

"Okay;"  mutters Kaleb who grows angered and flushered over the rejection.  "Whatever you want;"  he tells.

"I want to walk home alone;"  tells Ingrid.  "Maybe another day we can chat;"  she mutters as she waves and turns her head around to face the street before her.

Kaleb takes a cigarette and smokes as he watches Ingrid walk away.  He wishes he could follow her -  however his feet stands still; he has been given the ultimate rejection, and he longer wishes to walk, only to stand until he is able to believe that he will be okay after being stung with a needle that has pierced his heart and left him broken.


Saturday 12 July 2014

One Last Chance With Seth

Seth walks from school -  he is late home because he had been given after-class detention for having had cause a fight with another senior.  Seth fumes inside of his head, but on his walk he spies Melinda departing from the local store with Brad.

"What on earth is Brad doing with Melinda?"  he asks before he ducks behind a bin to be able to spy in secret.  "Are those two dating?"  he asks as he watches Brad hook an arm around Melinda's shoulder.  "Not too long ago she was throwing herself over me!"  he tells before  he throws a mad face and moves on.

A block later Seth feels angered as he plays Melinda and Brad in film inside of his mind.  He stops in his steps and he throws his eyes daggar at a tree.

"What were those two doing together?"  he asks.  "I had best go and spy on them!"  he tells before he turns around and sprints.

Seth finds Melinda and Brad and he follows them all the way to Melinda's house.  Seth then scowls as Melnda goes inside with Brad.

"What is she doing?"  he gasps before he sneaks up to the nearby glass window.

Seth looks inside of the window and spies Melinda and Brad talking as they sit on Melinda's bed.  Seth narrows his eyes as he touches his own skin -  a short two weeks before she had flaunted herself in the most obvious way, she had wanted to sleep with him; but now she had an interest in Brad?

"That double crossing so and so!"  cries out Seth as his breath fogs up the glass before him.  "I had better get to the bottom of this!"  he cries out  before he moves to the front door and enters the house.

Inside Seth barges through the bedroom and meets Brad and Melinda.  Brad looks to Melinda as she gasps. 

"Hello Seth;"  greets Brad.

"What are you doing here?"  asks Seth as he raises his brows.

"We're watching movies;"  tells Brad as he shrugs.  "You?"

"Just visiting;"  mutters Seth as he looks to Melinda and scowls.  "So are you two dating?"  he asks.

"Yes;"  tells Melinda as she blushes.  "You still engaged?"  she asks.

"Sure thing;"  tells Seth as he pushes a cigarette inside of his mouth.

"No smoking Seth!"  gasps Melinda as she raises a hand.  "You have to smoke outside;"

"Oh?"  asks Seth as he lights the cigarette. 

"Seth go outside!"  tells Brad.

Seth sits on a nearby chair.

"No, I'm fine;"  tells Seth before he begins to smoke.  "How long have you two been dating?"  he asks.

"Two weeks;"  mutters Brad as he gives Seth the foul stare. 

"I've been engaged for that long;"  tells Seth as he scratches his brow.  "Coincidence?"

"No, it all comes around in cycle;"  mutters Brad before he turns his head to fume.  "Can you go home?"  he asks out of the blue.  "We're on a date!"  he tells.

"No way;"  mutters Seth before he glares at Melinda.  "You must be the most awkward couple;"  he mutters before he continues to smoke.

"We're just starting out;"  tells Melinda as she shrugs.  "We watch television;"  she mutters.

Brad lifts up his chin.

"Yeah;'  he mutters before he leans back to cross his arms.

"Don't let me ruin the party;"  mutters Seth before he scoffs.

"We'll you've ruined it!"  gasps Brad before he flings a hand across.  "Now go!"  he yells.

"It's cold outside;'  mutters Seth as he glares at Brad with well kept patience. 

"Then I'll go!"  tells Brad.  "I'll come back tomorrow!"  he tells Melinda before he picks up his school bag and leaves.

The front door bangs and Melinda stares at Seth as he smokes on her chair.  Seth rolls his eyes as Melinda shrugs -  more silence fills up the room.  Melinda thinks to herself reason for Seth to upset her afternoon, and what she comes up with is that he wants to date her; her heart-beat comes to life over the fantasy of the chase!

"So are you really engaged?"  asks Melinda as she glares at Seth.

"Yes;"  tells Seth as he raises his brows.  "Why?"

"You came into my room like jealous boyfriend;"  tells Melinda as she smiles.  "I was just checking to see that your engagement wasn't a lie;"  tells.

"It never was a lie;"  tells Seth as he leans back.  "It will never be a lie;"  he adds.  'I know who I am marrying;"

"Are you sure?"  asks Melinda as she looks at Seth who sits as a stranger who has abducted her attention. 

"Yes;"  tells Seth as he crooks his head.  "Why?  Do you want to go out with me?"  he inquires.

Melinda shrugs before she thinks. 

"Brad's okay for me if you're taken;"  she mutters after a moment.

"What?"  asks Seth before he rubs the cigarette into a nearby dish.  "He's my brother!"  he steams.

"So?"  asks Melinda as she shrugs.  "He's into me, more then you were;"  she tells.

"I was into you;"  mutters Seth as he blinks.  "I just had a loop-hole take me towards a new direction;"  he adds.

"What does that mean?"  asks Melinda as she blinks dumb.

"It means it came up and I said okay;"  tells Seth before he leans back on his chair.  "I like who I am engaged to, she is the world;"  he sings.

"Then why did you come in here?"  asks Melinda as she raises her brows.  "What do you want?"

"I just got annoyed seeing the two of you together;"  tells Seth as he blinks.  "It's annoying that you two should be sitting like friends;"

"He likes me;"  tells Melinda as she shrugs.  "I like it;"

"I licked you;'  tells Seth.  "I like you a bit;"  he adds.

"Well you didn't want to sleep with me!"  tells Melinda as she scoffs. 

"No, I was engaged by then;"  mutters Seth as he shrugs.  "You should have made your move on the first date and I would have said okay;"

"I didn't know that was the only chance I would have.  I didn't even know you, and my feet were sore!"

"Well it's too late now;"  sings Seth as he runs fingers through his hair.  "I am engaged;"  he tells.

Melinda blows a temper fume inside of her head!  She looks away for a moment as she thinks -  she doesn't want to press Seth's buttons but he is obviously having trouble walking away from her; she should give him one last chance!

"Well lick my leg or something if you don't want to leave;"  she tells Seth.

Seth smiles and laughs for a short moment.  Melinda's heart melts as she sees his smile, and she smiles back.

"I can do that;"  mutters Seth before he moves to Melinda and gets down onto his knees.

Seth looks at Melinda's leg, touches it for a moment, and then slowly he gives the leg a lick.  He likes the taste of her skin, it is very nice, and for some reason he does not want to let go.  He licks over her shin, up to her knee, and then he ventures half-way up her thigh -  the taste of Melinda's skin gives his blood a rash and he bothers to crawl over her until she is laid down on the bed.

"I've got a rash;"  mutters Seth as he looks at Melinda.

"So scratch it;"  tells Melinda as she giggles.

"It means I'm ready, let's do it;"  he mutters  before he lifts up Melinda's skirt a  little more.

"Okay;"  mutters Melinda as she feels fire inside of her chest as her heart-beat burns like it is on fire. 

Seth offers Melinda a kiss to calm down the shivers on the top of her lips -  her mouth is sweet, however her nerves are shot, and as he kisses deeper he notices her spine turns hard as her hands push his body away.

"What?  You wanted it!"  mutters Seth in complaint.

"I know, stop kissing for a second!"  tells Melinda as she pants.  "I can't breathe!"  she adds.

"I was getting into it;"  mutters Seth as he crosses his brows.  "You can't stop the moment!"  he argues.

"You're too heavy!  Get off!"  argues Melinda before she begins to push.

"It's normal weight -  stop freaking out!"  argues Seth before he takes off his shirt.  "You want it, you want me, or not?"

Melinda calms down for a moment as she thinks.  She wants to tell Seth to go away, however she shrugs inside of her mind -  her reason for flaunting was to be able to get him away from his engagement and back onto her; she thought there could be real love somewhere inside but it was too fresh to make her body filled with it.  Melinda rubs her lips as she thinks and Seth begins to cool over his ambition to give her what she wants.

"That's a no then;"  he mutters before he shakes his head.  "I'll go;"  he adds as he picks up his shirt.

"No I want it;"  mutters Melinda in a tone too soft for Seth to hear.  "I want it!"  she repeats as Seth hops off the bed.  "I want it!"  she yells as Seth reaches the door.

Seth grits his teeth and turns around.  He knows he shouldn't even be offering his body to anyone but his fiance and he slowly warms to Melinda as she lays there with her skirt hanging limp at the top of her thighs.

"I wouldn't mind doing it;"  he mutters as he looks at her.  "But you already said no;"  he tells before he turns and leaves the house.

Melinda hangs her head as she feels a kick inside of her body.  She wishes she had kept her mouth shut all of a sudden, and she scolds herself!

Seth reaches home and wipes a hand over his brow.  He feels like he has lost the plot, and he scolds himself!  He wishes he hadn't flirted with Melinda, her scent is all over his skin and it makes him want to go for an ocean swim. 

"What is it about that teenager that makes me want to run and hide!"  he mutters before he enters the house.

Inside Brad sits on the couch drinking hot chocolate.  Seth smiles at Brad before he moves to his room -  on the way Brad pulls a face and grunts in an odd way, but Seth ignores him. 

Inside of his bedroom Seth continues to touch his body.  He knows he does not have a rash, but he has a dirty feeling and he knows it is because he got close to Melinda.  Seth grunts to himself as he steps from one side of the room to the other.

"What am I to do?"  he asks as he leans back onto a wall.  "I feel so bombed out over Melinda, it wasn't my fault I got hitched up to a fiance so soon after our first date!"  he mutters before he thinks.  "People have to grow up and Melinda didn't even seem to like me when we went out on a date!"  he adds as he continues to rub his skin.

Seth forces his hands to stop their rubbing actions and he rakes fingers through his hair instead. 

"I hate thinking I could have gone all the way but didn't!"  he adds before he tosses his head.  "But its best because I have someone very special waiting for me at the altar;"  he sulks before he picks up a cigarette and lights it.  "I smoke, I drink, I don't fall in love;"  mutters Seth before he settles down on the carpet.  "I just make my life comfortable and fill it with what I need -  the end!"  he exhumes before he rubs his hair.  "The end;"  he repeats as he sits and stares at the wall on the other side of the room.

Melinda bites on her hair as she stares at the ceiling.  She feels bad for telling Seth to go -  she had wanted him, but his weight was too heavy and she had felt crushed!  She wasn't sure what she was supposed to have asked, but she had told Seth to back off and he had backed off, right out the door.

"I don't feel as though the world will never be right!"  tells Melinda as she hugs a toy.  "I suppose that maybe things with Brad might work out to be long term, but it's not the same;" she mutters as she thinks to herself.  "I don't even feel my heart-beat, it's just a good time;"  she adds as she warrs with honesty and love inside of  her head.  "I can't make Seth change his plans, I can't push myself to sleep with him -  I'd better just let him go;"  she mutters as she feels her mind relax.  "I'll just move to Brad;'  she adds before she picks up the remote control to watch television.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

A Swim In The Pool

Hannah looks at the pool outside and she knows she wants to go for a swim.  However her family is home, and she does not want them to see her without her clothes on -  it gives her the creeps.  So Hannah calls Lisa on the phone and she asks if she can visit her house to go for a swim.

"Oh yes sure!"  calls Lisa before she hangs up the phone.

"Hmm... I wonder why Lisa hung up the phone so fast?"  asks Hannah as she narrows her eyes.  "I guess I can talk about her phone manner later;"  she states before she packs a towel into a bag.

Hannah goes to Lisa's house and she gasps!  Lisa has tons of friends over, and they all smile as they see Hannah with her towl bag.

"Hey there Hannah!"  cheers friend Paula.  "Can't believe you made it for the pool party!"  she states.

"I would not miss it for the world!"  tells Hannah as she looks around and gulps as she sees beer being passed around.

"Let's go swimming!"  states Ingrid as she clutches Hannah's arm.

Hannah nods and goes out to the pool deck and there she smiles at the lights shining from under the water.

"It's like a paradise pool!"  tells Hannah as she smiles.  "I can't wait to hop inside of the water!"  she exclaims.

Ingrid and Hannah jump inside of the pool and begin to splash around.  Some others around them grow annoyed and splash back, and soon there is water being thrown out all over the place!

"Stop throwing the water!"  yells Lisa from the side of the pool.

Everyone stops throwing water, and soon the crowd inside of the pool is hanging around like buoys in an ocean.

Lisa looks at Hannah and waves.

"Looks like you found the water;"  she calls.

"Yes I did!"  gasps Hannah. 

"I helped!"  tells Ingrid.

"Okay happy swimming!"  calls Lisa before she leaves to entertain inside of the house.

"She is so cool!"  tells Ingrid as she looks to Hannah.  "I am glad you came, no one else wanted to swim!"  she tells.

"I needed a swim!"  gasps Hannah as she floats on her back.  "Nice hot night!"

"I know!"  tells Ingrid before she also floats on the water.

A big dive bomb breaks the floating and the two girls sink under the water before they re-surface! 

"Oh no!  That bombed the floating!"  cries out Ingrid.  "Let's go!"

"Okay!"  tells Hannah before she slips out of the pool.

Inside of the house Hannah and Ingrid hang around the fans until they are dry.  Some other people stare as they wipe themselves down with a towel, but no one comments.  Hannah puts her dress back on as soon as she is dry before she helps herself to some soda water -   Ingrid helps herself to some beer.

"Hey put beer in that water!" calls Ingrid before she pours beer into Hannah's cup.

"Okay;"  mutters Hannah before she begins to sip.

After a few hours everyone is drunk and they begin to bump shoulders.  Hannah feels heavy and bloated, and she realizes fast she needs to go home.  All of her friends have gone off to do numerous activities -  comb their hair, eat, drink, lay on the pool deck, and so Hannah walks to the front door.

Outside the world is dark and Hannah walks in the middle of the street as the crickets buzz all around.  She walks on and on and within minutes she is back at home.

"I am home!"  calls Hannah as she enters the house.

There is no answer and Hannah goes to bed.  However Hannah tosses and turns on her bed - she can't get comfortable, and so she decides that she needs to go for another swim. 

Hannah takes off her dress and walks outside.  She jumps inside of the water and swims!  However her laps are slow and clumsy and in the end Hannah decides to float.  When floating she falls asleep and she turns over until she is floating face-down on the water.

Hannah wakes up in a hospital bed and she feels a sharp pain inside of her chest. 

"What happened?"  she asks.

"You almost drowned;"  calls a nurse.  'You have been in a coma for eight hours;"  she states.

"Oh no, what a bummer!"  gasps Hannah as she touches her chest.  "I need a drink;"

"We only have juice or water here;"  tells the nurse.

"Water please;"  tells Hannah as she shrugs.

"I'll be back soon!"  tells the nurse.

Hannah hangs around in bed and looks at the medical equipment.

"They really have me hooked up!"  she mutters before she pulls on a portion of tubing.

"Don't touch that!"  tells the doctor sharply as he enters the room.

"Who are you?"  asks Hannah as she looks at the doctor.

"I am Doctor Griggs;"  tells the doctor.  "You drowned in a pool after getting drunk, we have revived you;"  he states.

"Oh good!"  tells Hannah as she grins.  "Can I go home now?"

"In four hours;"  tells doctor Griggs as he taps his pen against the clip-board.  "We have to monitor you first;"  he tells.

"Okay;"  mutters Hannah before she pokes at her chest once again.  "I have a sharp pain in my chest;"

"Oh yes you will experience those from time to time;"  tells doctor Griggs.  "Your heart stopped and started so there will be some chest pangs;"

"Okay;"  mutters Hannah before she leans back on her bed.  "Where is my family?"

"They will be notified that you are awake and be here in four hours;"  tells doctor Griggs.

"Okay;"  mutters Hannah before she grows disinterested.  "Can I watch television?"  she asks.

"Sure;"  tells doctor Griggs before he turns the television on.

Hannah relaxes and begins to watch television, the doctor hangs around to read her monitor but soon he leaves Hannah alone.

Later that day Hannah's family come to pick Hannah up -  she is so happy to see them! 

"Let's go home!"  states her father Tim before he opens the car door.

'I would love to!"  tells Hannah before she slips inside of the car and is driven away.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

A Date With Seth

Melida hangs around the school corridor -  she is late once again and the teacher has told  her to go to the principals office.  Melinda doesn't have any note to tell why she was late, she only has her memory of why she was late, and it is not a pretty memory.

"Where are going Melinda?"  asks senior Doug in the back of her mind.

"To school;"  states Melinda as she blinks large eyes his way.

"You don't want to go to school!"  tells Doug as he leans on his car parked in his driveway.  "Come for a drive!"

"I need to go to school!"  states Melida as though in a dream. 

Melinda moves to walk past but Doug tries to take her arm.  She slips her arms away from reach and he slaps her once, really, really, hard!  Melinda stumbles as her mind is blown apart -  she doesn't know what is wrong, she knows Doug is wrong!  She runs away down the street as her mind whirl and her lips tremble!  She doesn't stop until she reaches a dead end and it is there she sobs as she hides under a tree.

Melida blinks her eyes as she feels her cheek.  Doug was wrong to hit her, it wasn't her fault she needed to go to school! 

"I don't want to be here any more!"  tells Melinda before the sound of heels breaks the quiet in the hall. 

"To the principals office!"  tells a teacher named Charles Haggot.

Melinda nods and moves to the principals office while being looked at like she is venom.  She crumbles into a chair, and when she sees the principal he tells her that she is going to sit in detention until she can tell  him why she was late.

Melinda looks out the window as she crosses her legs as other students look at her, especially one named Seth.  Melinda can feel their eyes over her, but she doesn't not care; she doesn't want to know them, she just wants to sulk!

After school Melinda sits on a chair as she waits for the students to leave.  She is in no hurry to walk home, in fact she wants to walk home late so that she won't have any chance of bumping into Doug! 

Seth looks at Melinda as she sits on the student chair, he narrows his eyes as he scopes out her legs -  they are long, tanned, but have little red marks on them.  He approaches as Melinda's legs hang over his brain, and then he stops in fron of Melinds who shades her eyes to be able to see him.

"Nice legs!"  tells Seth as he smiles.

"What of it!"  steams Melinda as she feels her skin crawl.

"What are those red marks?"  asks Seth as he kneels down in front of her.  "They have scabs;"

"They're just mosquito bites;"  mutters Melinda as she feels her skin turn red. 

"They have scabs;"  tells Seth as he points to one.

Melinda shrugs.

"I scratch them;"  she mutters as she grows pins over her eyes.  "Don't touch them!"  she adds.

"One is a little swollen;"  tells Seth.  "You might need some disinfectant;"  he mutters before he leans down to lick it.

Melinda shivers inside of her skin as Seth lifts his head and smiles.

"Is that okay?"  he asks.

"I don't know!"  tells Melinda as she shakes her head.  "It's okay;"  she adds after a moment.

School kids nearby giggle as they point -  Seth turns his head and waves as Melinda turns her head away; nearby Melinda sees teachers pointing at her and she cringes.

"I need to go!"  she gasps.

"Come on a date with me!"  tells Seth as he stands.

Melinda pauses as she looks at Seth -  she doesn't know why he is drawn to her, it seems uncommon; but for some reason she is turned-on not turned-off and so she nods.

"Okay;"  she remarks as she feels her heart-beat pulse.  "Do you have a car?"

"Only feet;"  tells Seth as he shrugs.  "I can't drive yet;"  he adds.

"Neither can I..."  mutters Melinda as she feels disheartened at needing to walk anywhere but home.  "I thought you might be last year senior;"  she tells.

"No year ten, same as you;"  tells Seth as he smiles.

"Turn off!"  gasps Melinda under her breath.

"Sorry?"  asks Seth as he raises his brows.

"I'm sorry, I like guys a little older;"  remarks Melinda before she moves to leave.

"I'm mature!"  tells Seth as he rushes after her.  "I just can't drive until next year;"  he adds.  "Next year I'll be able to drive -  I have a car already, it's just that I don't have my liscence yet;"

Melinda looks at Seth and sighs -  she doesn't know what to think!  She doesn't want to walk anywhere, she just wants to go home; but Seth is struggling to let her walk away and so she nods.

"Okay, we'll got for a walk;"  she ascents. 

"Great!" gasps Seth.  "I know just where to take you!"

Seth takes Melinda to a hill that sits behind a park one hours walk away.  Seth thinks the area is special and as the sky darkens stars can be seen with ease -  but Melinda finds the area a drag and her feet so sore she can't even smile.

"Is there is a takeaway bar here?"  asks Melinda as her belly grumbles.

"Not a chance!"  tells Seth before he looks to the sky.  "Wow those stars are bright..."  he mutters.

However Melinda loses her temper.

"No food after a long walk!  What kind of date is this?!"  she steams.

Seth cringes and then he reaches inside of his pockets.  He pulls out a packet of cigarette's  and holds them up high.

"I don't smoke!"  screams Melinda so loud that her tone echoes around the park. 

Seth nods and takes out some gum.  Melinda feels her belly rumble as her mind quietens down; quickly she takes a portion of gum and chews on it.

"I am starved!"  gasps Melinda as she chews.  "I could eat this gum;"

"Then eat it;"  tells Seth as he narrows his eyes.

"I'm chewing for now;"  mutters Melinda as she looks away.

Her pose is stiff and rigid and Seth feels needles as he looks at her.  He doesn't want to tell her he is sorry, so he picks up his cigarettes and plucks one out of its shealth.  Melinda narrows her eyes as Seth lights the cigarette and she pulls a face.

"You are not date-worthy!"  she tells.

"So what?  I just wanted one date!"  steams Seth as he grows foul mood.  "Just shut-up and enjoy the scene, it took forever to walk here!"

"Like I didn't know that!"  tells Melinda as she feels her sore feet.  "I'm hungry!  Order pizza!"  she gasps.

"You can't order to a park!"  tells Seth as he narrows his eyes.  "Just look at the sky;"  he adds.

Melinda looks up and sees stars -  they are bright and twinkly and she narrows her eyes once again.

"So what?  Stupid stars!"  she steams.

"Just shut-up!"  steams Seth as he gives Melinda a harsh eye.

"Don't look at me like that!  This is the worst date ever!"  steams Melinda as she crosses her arms.  "I want to go home;"  she adds. 

"We just got here -  we'll rest, and then we'll go to your home;"  tells Seth as he calms down his tone.

Melinda shakes her head and looks away -  she doesn't want to be there any more, she just wants to curl into her bed and sulk!  Seth feels her charred energy and he wraps an arm around her shoulder.  Melinda takes the arm away, and then she clears her voice.

"I don't know you;"  she tells Seth.  "I don't want to know you;"  she adds before she stands to leave.

"I licked you to ask you out!  I don't think I care what you think!"  tells Seth as he too stands.  "What's wrong with physical attraction?"

Melinda turns her head and throws Seth a sour look.

"You are ugly!"  she screams before she walks away.

"Not!"  tells Seth before he races after Melinda.  "Not!"  he gasps as he stands in front of her.  "You're attracted to me I can see it..."  he mutters as his cigarette flakes inside of his fingers.  "Let's go back to the hill!  I'll do lick you again..." he drawls.

"I'm hungry!"  gasps Melinda.  "I'm leaving!  Goodbye!"  she tells before she moves to walk away.

"Wait!"  gasps Seth as he races around Melinda once again.  "Wait..."  he adds as she stares at him.  "Take my number;"  he mutters as he hands her a note.  "I'll go out with you again, and  this item it will include dinner;" 

Melinda takes the note and she fast tucks it inside of her pocket. 

"I'm sorry, I am hungry;"  tells Melinda as she wraps her arms around her stomach.  "I'm getting cold;"  she adds.  "I can't stay!"  she mutters before she turns and leaves.

Melinda reaches home and she makes herself a hot chocolate.  The drink is warm and settles her hunger fast, Melinda feels so much better.  Melinda smiles as she takes the drink to her room and in her room she takes out Seth's phone number. 

"I didn't mean to lose my temper;"  she tells the portion of paper.  "I just didn't know what to think!" she gasps before she places the paper under her note-pad.

Melinda leans on one hand as she thinks about the date.  She thinks of Seth and how they met, and she wonders how things could have been made different?  Melinda bites her lip as she ponders, and then she lets her thoughts go.

"I'll talk to Seth tomorrow;"  tells Melinda.  "We'll sort things out somehow;"

However Seth isn't at school the next day, or the day after.  Melinda calls his number but it is a false number and she feels only disapointment inside of her heart.  After one week Melinda begins to feel more in love with Seth and she scolds herself for not having had hung around. 

At school Seth's brother Brad approaches Melinda by the lockers and he pokes her arm.  Melinda looks to Brad and rolls her eyes.

"Who are you?"  she asks in sharp tone.

"A friend;"  tells Brad as he clears his throat. 

"I don't know you;"  mutters Melinda as she shakes her head.

"Seth's brother;"  tells Brad as he holds out a card.  "Merry Christmas;"  he mutters as Melinda picks the card out of his hand.

"A card for me?"  asks Melinda before she opens the card.

Inside is a message from Seth, it reads:


Have a happy end of year, I am sure it will be a fun season.

I think I've fallen in love...

I won't be seeing you any more;


Melinda feels her heart  drop for a moment as  water springs inside of her eyes.  Brad raises his brows, however she turns away fast and with a sniff she tears the card in half before tossing the two portions of paper inside of a bin.  Brad takes the card out as Melinda walks away stunned and upset.  Brad reads the words Seth has written and then he places the card into his back-pocket.  Brad chases after Melinda and catches her hand as she reaches the exit doors.

"He has a girlfriend;"  tells Brad.  "Otherwise I am sure it would have worked out;" 

"I don't even know Seth!"  gasps Melinda as she feels her heartbeat pulse hard.  "I don't even know why I am feeling sad!"

"Everyone who is drawn to him feels sad;"  tells Brad.  "He's with his new life now, move on;"

"I don't have a problem with that!"  gasps Melinda before she opens the door.  "I just thought he was okay;"  she mutters before she walks outside.

"Okay;"  mutters Brad as he watches Melinda before a second thought comes to him.  "Hang on there, I'll walk you home!"  he cheers before he races after her.

Melinda puts up with Brad the whole walk home.  She wants to cry however a steady stream of conversation keeps her eyes dry.  Melinda reaches her front gate and turns to Brad.

"Thankyou for walking me home;"  she says with a gulp.  "Goodbye;"

"Can I stop by and see you again?"  asks Brad as he lingers by the gate.  "We can watch television and share pizza;"  he mutters. 

"Maybe;"  tells Melinda as she thinks.

Her brain won't work it is frozen on stun and it won't turn its wheels to come up with any thoughts.  Melinda shrugs and moves past the gate. 

"When the season is right!"  she cheers before she heads for the front door.

"What does that mean?"  calls Brad however Melinda does not turn her head instead she marches straight inside of the house.

"That was hard!"  gasps Melinda as she closes the door behind her.  "I don't know what I was saying;"  she mutters before she moves to her bedroom to sit.

Inside of her room Melinda opens her drawer and phones Seth's number once again -  to her surprise the phone calls and this time Seth picks up the phone. 

"Seth!"  calls Melinda as she clutches the phone.  "I can't believe you picked up the phone!"  she tells as she feels her heartbeat thump inside of her chest.

"How are you Melinda?"  asks Seth as he raises his brows.

"Okay;"  tells Melinda as she fans her face with her hand.  "How are you today?"  she asks as she feels her blood rush.  "You haven't been at school;"

"I quite school;"  tells Seth as he grins.  "I am moving on to bigger things;"

"Want to go on a date?"  asks Melinda before she can catch her breath. 

Seth pauses, he isn't sure what to say for a moment and Melinda feels the tension rise to the top of her head until she feels tingles all over her body. 

"Uhm..."  mutters Seth as he scratches his head.  "It's hard right now..."  he sings as though lost in thought.

"Why not, you were crazy for my legs not too long ago!"  gasps Melinda as she narrows her eyes.

"It's hard now;"  tells Seth as he knots his brows.   "I have prior engagements..."  he mouthes as he feels his chest rise and fall.

"Come on!"  gasps Melinda as she loses her patience.  "I'm ready for a date!"  she whines.

Seth rubs the phone against his brow as he thinks -  he does not know what to say, only he wishes he knew what to not say.

"Okay;"  he mutters after a few moment.  "Okay, I'll take you out;"  he adds as he picks up a pen.  "Give me your address I'll show up in a taxi;"

"Okay!"  cheers Melinda before she spells out her address.

Melinda dresses up special in a hot dress with heels and a trendy jacket.  Seth looks at her and smiles, however he doesn't tell her she looks nice.  Melinda shrugs and slips inside the taxi, and then she leans in close to Seth as he tells the driver where to go. 

"You look nice!"  tells Melinda in a cheerful tone.

"Thankyou;"  mutters Seth as he places an arm around her shoulders.  "You smell good;"  he tells as he squeezes her arm.

"I can't believe you're taking me somewhere!  Where are we going?"  asks Melinda as she raises her brows.

"To the pasta place;"  mutters Seth as he looks away from Melinda and to the meter up ahead.  "I've spent thirty dollars getting here;"  he mutters.

"It's worth it!"  tells Melinda with a smile.

"Sure is..."  drawls Seth distracted as the meter rises higher.

Fifteen minutes later the taxi parks outside of the local diner.  Seth pays the driver sixty-five dollars and then he escort Melinda inside of the diner. 

Melinda giggles as she looks at the prices -  pasta is only six dollars, and she raises her brows to Seth.

"That taxi ride cost ten pasta bowls!"  she tells him.

"Oh good!"  mutters Seth before he picks up his hand.  "Two pasta's, two soda's, one salad;"  he orders. 

The waitress writes down the order and leaves.  Melinda scrolls down the menu and discovers burgers.

"I might like a burger!"  she tells.

"Too late;" mutters Seth as he shakes his head.  "I've ordered;"

"Well change the order;"  tells Melinda as she grows upset.  "I don't like pasta that much;"

"I've ordered;"  mutters Seth before he leans back in his chair.  "You look nice too, almost good enough for a real restaraunt;"  he adds before he rolls his eyes to the counter.

Seth watches the activities in the kitchen and ignores Melinda.  Melinda looks to Seth and flinches only when she sees a ring on his wedding finger.

"What's with the ring?"  she asks.

"Nothing;"  mutters Seth before he slips his hand onto his lap.  "It's just fashion;"  he mutters as his face blushes.

"You look married with it on;"  mutters Melinda before the waitress brings soda to the table. 

Seth shrugs, takes the soda, and then gulps the drink.  He doesn't feel like talking at all, he only feels like laying down to sleep.  He has taken a couple of pills to calm down his nerves over escaping the family home to go on a date, he hasn't the heart to tell Melinda that he will be married in eight weeks. 

"Are you having fun?'  asks Melinda to break the silence.

"Wonderful time;"  tells Seth as he keeps his eyes on the kitchen.  "But I am starved;"  he adds.

"Me too!"  tells Melinda as she looks to the kitchen.

A waitress comes to the table with three bowls of food, and soon the meal is laid down upon the table.

"The sauce is watery;"  complains Melinda after one mouthful.

"I like it;"  mutters Seth as he eats.

Melinda wants to complain but Seth eats too fast to be lying, so she reaches for the salad and eats it all while Seth gulps down his pasta meal.

After the food has been eaten Seth orders a taxi.  Melinda slips inside and looks to Seth as he tells the driver where to go.  Melinda smiles as her belly complains that the salad was too raw and the pasta too overcooked. 

"I feel like I am going to barf!"  she mutters through tight lips.

"What was that?"  asks Seth as he looks to her.

"I want to make out!"  mutters Melinda with a grin. 

"Do you know how to do it?"  asks Seth as he smiles through cold teeth.

"Oh yes;"  tells Melinda as she shrugs.  "Do you want to?"

"I don't know;"  mutters Seth as he leans back to look at Melinda.  "You are school girl;"  he adds.

"What does that mean?"  asks Melinda as she frowns.

"I don't think you are ready;"  he tells.

The taxi driver laughs at the quarrel.  Seth looks to the driver and clears his throat.

"This isn't the time;"  he mutters.

"Then lick my leg!"  challenges Melinda.

"Why?"  asks Seth as he laughs.  "Why should I do that for you?"

"Lick me!"  tells Melinda in order.  "Lick me anywhere;"  she mutters as she feels her skin tingle.

"What made you get high on cat-nip?"  asks Seth as he leans away.  "I will not!"  he gasps.  "In a dirty old taxi?"

Melinda shrugs and as the taxi stops she feels sad as Seth refuses to come inside of the house.

"The taxi is on the meter;"  he tells Melinda.  "I've got to take the ride home;"

"Come inside of the house!"  invites Melinda.  "I've got a nice room and you can see all of my things!"

"What's the rush?"  asks Seth as he continues to lean away from her. 

"Come on!"  tells Melinda as she pulls on his hand.

Seth snatches the hand back and then he laughs.

"What are you?  A hooker?"  he asks as he grows a spark.  "Where's the school girl?"  he asks.

"I just want to spend some time with you;"  mutters Melinda as she refuses to get out of the taxi.  "Come inside;"  she invites.

"Why are you acting so grown up all of a sudden?  What's in it for you?"  asks Seth as he continues to laugh.

"I want to spend more time with you;"  tells Melinda.  "Come inside!"  she invites. 

Seth shakes his head as the taxi driver whistles. 

"How can I say no?"  he asks before he gives the taxi driver money.

Inside of her room Melinda laughs as  Seth closes the door.  He has just met her parents and her two brothers and he feels very nervous about entering Melinda' s bedroom.  Seth sits on a chair as Melinda takes off her jacket.

"Nice colour;"  he mutters.

Melinda looks at her skin and her dress and shrugs.

"Glad you like it;"  she mutters before she sits on the bed.  "Do you want to have sex?"  she asks.

Seth scoffs as he chokes on his brain.  He fidgets for a short while before a chord inside of his head shouths 'no!'. 

"No, I don't think it is a good idea with your parents so close;"  tells Seth as he blushes.

"Are you sure?"  asks Melinda as she stands and takes off her underwear.  "I'm ready to do it..."  she drawls.

"What are you on!"  yells Seth as he stands.

Melinda smiles and shrugs.

"What do you  mean?"  she asks as she looks to Seth.

"I mean what are you doing!"  tells Seth as he glares at her uncertain she is not high on some kind of narcotic.

"You came into my room, I thought you wanted to do it;"  tells Melinda as she blinks. 

"What about marriage?"  asks Seth.  "Aren't you keeping yourself clean for it?"

"No;"  mutters Melinda as she laughs.  "You?"

"No;" retorts Seth in lie.  "No;"  he mutters as he looks at the underwear on the floor.

Seth wants to pick up the underwear but he doesn't want to bend just in case he spies Melinda's private area raw and exposed.

"I'm getting married;"  tells Seth as he snorts.  "I only came on the date because I had promised you one;"

Melinda feels her heartbeat rush -  she hadn't wanted Seth to tell her that he had a girlfriend, she hadn't wanted him to remember her at all; she had wanted him, she had wanted to show him that she was seriously in love.

"So pretend it's bucks night;"  she mutters as she feels her face grow as red as tomato.

"Okay;"  tells Seth as he takes out his mobile phone.  "Let's pretend;"  he mutters before he steps forward and pushes the phone under Melinda skirt.

Seth takes a picture and then pushes the phone back inside of his jacket. 

"Thanks for the party, I am sure to look at it on bucks night;"  he adds before he backs his steps towards the door.

Melinda rushes towards the door and then she leans on it before Seth touches the knob.

"Take off your pants we'll do it!"  she smiles as her chest heaves.

"Melinda..."  drawls Seth as he looks to her.  "Piss off;"  he mutters before he grabs her body and tosses her to the side.

Seth opens the door but stops as he sees Melinda's father nearby watching the door as though he can see through it.  Seth closes the door and then he turns to the window.

"A secret escape!"  he charges before he strides across the room.

Melinda races in front of him and blocks his escape.  She then lunges and grabs his waistline.

"Where you running to?"  she asks.  "Have fun with me!"

Seth clears his voice and picks her hands off his waistline. 

"I can't Melinda, sorry;"  he mutters before he throws her to the side and leaves.

Melinda stumbles into the wall and then she settles herself onto the carpet.

"You're stupid!"  she yells before she begins to brood.

The next day Melinda moves to go to school when Doug stops her.

"Hey there!"  he cheers.  "Want to skip school and go for a ride?"  he asks.

"Okay;"  mutters Melida as she sulks.

She still can't believe that Seth would have blown her off like dust.  She was so sure he was hot for her, why couldn't he let go? 

"I can let go!"  tells Melinda to herself as she hops inside of Doug's car.  "I am not coming back!"  she rages inside of her mind as Doug starts the car and leaves.

Melinda plans to sleep with Doug, however when the car stops he only stops to talk.  Melinda feels strange as she thinks how she would like to offer herself, however she has to tell herself to stay still as her heart struggles to show consent. 

Melinda is dropped home.  At home Melinda lays upon her bed and picks up Seth's number; she calls.  Seth fast picks up the phone and offers a greeting.

"Hi;"   he mutters.

'"Hi there;"  tells Melinda as she smiles.  "How are you today Seth?"  she asks.

"Broke;"  tells Seth as he shakes his head. "How are you?"  he inquires.

"Horney!"  tells Melinda before she can stop herself.

"Melinda..."  sighs Seth as he drops his tone.  "Stop pretending you are a prostitute;"  he mutters before he hangs up the phone.

Melinda tries to call Seth back but the number is not connected.  Melinda narrows her eyes as she tries to call for ten minutes -  she can't!

"Crap on you, I was just asking;"  mutters Melinda before a knock on the glass behind her head alarms her.

Melinda turns around and sees Brad by the window.  She smiles to him and waves as he waves to her.  Melinda opens the window.

"Want to come inside?"  she asks.

"Sure I brought movies!"  tells Brad before he heads for the front door.

"Great;"  mutters Melinda before she takes off her underwear.

As Brad walks inside of the room Melinda shows him what she holds inside of her hand.

"Want to fool around?"  she asks.

Brad leans on the door in stun for a few seconds.  He scratches his brow, parts his hair, and then he drops his bag.

"I'm not old enough for that;"  he mutters under his breath.

"Okay whatever then;"  tells Melinda before she puts the underwear back on.  "I was just asking;"  she adds as she feels her thoughts turn red.  "No big issue;"

Brad smiles and sinks into a chair. 

"If I were old enough I would have felt lucky;"  he tells her as he grins.

Melinda smiles and then she sits down onto the bed.

"Good for you;"  she mouths as she grows tears inside of her eyes.

"I'm sorry if it makes you sad, but I really am not old enough;"  tells Brad as he raises his brows.

Melinda shrugs as a cool tear dribbles down one of her cheeks. 

"I am sad;"  she tells as she pushes a blanket over her skirt.  "Oh well;"  she mutters before she lets silence hang on the atmosphere.

"Well.. maybe I could give you a hug;"  tells Brad as he struggles with the moment of awkward.

"Don't worry about it!"  scoffs Melinda as she sulks.  "Just put on a movie;"  she mutters before she leans back on a stack of pillows.

"Okay;"  tells Brad beore he takes out a DVD. 

Brad pushes the DVD into the television and presses play.  While waiting for the movie to load Brad looks at Melinda once again.

"Do you want to go out with me?"  he asks as he feels a tightening inside of his chest.

"Okay;"  mutters Melinda as she sulks over the fact that Seth will never want to date her or sleep with her.

"Cool!"  mutters Brad before the movie starts.  "I think you and me would make a great couple!"  he adds.  "We have to play it low, but in four years we can sleep together if we're still a couple!"

Melinda smiles as she feels a bead of amusement inside of her belly.

"That's fine;"  she mutters before she turns her eyes to the television to watch the movie as the image of Seth sinks inside of her heart until it is gone.

Monday 7 July 2014

The Last Affair With Max

Elisse visits Jacine's house -  Jacine is having trouble handling pregnancy and a child at the same time  and out of desperation she has phoned Elisse to help out with home chores.  Elisse parks her car and sprays perfume over her chest, she wants to at least smell nice while doing labour chores!  The perfume gives her a boost and she slips out of the car.

Inside of the house Jacine shows Elisse the dirty plates, the dirty clothes, and the dirty floors.

"Max usually does the chores but he is out of town;"  tells Jacine as she sits herself down onto a couch.

"That is a shame!"  gasps Elisse.  "But don't you worry, I'll clean it up!" 

"Thankyou!"  tells Jacine as she lays against the arm of the couch.  "I just can't walk anymore with these babies ready to pop!"

"You rest, I'll look after the house!"  tells Elisse before she moves to the kitchen to start cleaning.

Within six hours the house is shining like new.  Elisse can't believe how hard she has worked and she helps herself to some pie which she has baked.  Jacine's kids Pete and Chelsea come home and scream out their excitement at seeing Elisse with pie.

"I love pie!"  mutters Chelsea as she takes the left-over plate of pie and walks off with it.

Elisse narrows her eyes at the kids rudeness of not even saying hello, but she shrugs it off.  She doesn't want to mother the kids she only needs to supervise them until it is bed-time.  Elisse finishes her pie and then she moves to inspect what the kids are doing.  When Elisse sees they are watching television she finally allows herself to slip into a chair to rest.

Hours pass and the kids retire to their room to do some homework as Jacine moves to bed.  Elisse cleans up the used plates and then she moves to watch television; there she rests her eyes on a drama until the door opens.

Max enters the room and he smiles at Elisse as he puts down his travel bag.  He is dressed up in a business suit and Elisse grows a blush over his image.  Elisse smiles as Max draws his eyes over her body.

"This is a surprise to find you here;"  he mutters.  "Where is Jacine?"  he asks.

"Asleep;"  tells Elisse as she smiles.  "I cleaned the house, helped the kids with homework, and everything is ready for you to take over the chores."

"Why didn't Jacine do the chores?"  asks Max.  "Is she sick?"

"She feels too pregnant to do any chores;"  tells Elisse as she rubs her shoulder. 

"It is good that you could take the time out of your day to help out;"  tells Max before he moves to his room to check on Jacine and then the kids.

Max takes off his jacket and enters the television room.  He sees Elisse and begins to grow hungry for more then just food -  they have had a few casual encounters, and he wants more of them.  Max smiles.

"Come and see Jacine's children are kicking inside of her;"  he mutters.

Elisse straightens her spine and then she nods -  quickly she moves out of her chair and towards their bedroom. 

"Where do I look?" asks Elisse as she lifts Jacine's shirt off her belly. 

Elisse touches Jacine's skin and feels a light bump against her fingers.

"I think I feel them!"  she cries.

"That is good;"  tells Max as he stands behind her.  "But you really do need to touch lower;"  he drawls as he moves Elisse's hand down towards Jacine's thighs.

"That's not where the baby is!"  gasps Elisse as she takes her hand away. 

"I know..."  mutters Max as he breaths over Elisse neck.  "I thought you liked it naughty;"  he mutters as he draws his hands over Elisse's waistline and up to her shirt which he rips open.

Elisse shivers as Max undresses -  she immediately knows he wants an affair and she knows she needs to stop it!

"I can't do this any more!"  gasps Elisse as she turns to face Max.  "You've slept with me in front of your kids, Jacine, and my parents!  That is enough humiliation!"  she tells.

Max rolls his eyes and then he grabs Elisse's hips and pulls her towards him.

"This is fun;"  he mutters as he glares at her oval eyes.  "I like it;"  he adds.

"Well I don't!  gasps Jacine before she grabs Max's wrists and peels his hands off her thighs.  "No more!"  she chimes.

"I want it;"  tells Max as he watches Elisse walk around him.  "I want it!"  he urges as he steps fast and then crushes Elisse against the closed door.

Elisse feels her underwear drop and soon she discovers how serious Max is with wanting to sleep with her.  He pants like a dog and sweat dribbles over his face -  Elisse knows he is not going to give in!

On the bed Jacine wakes up with a moan and a gasp -  her children are kicking, but they are more then kicking they are wanting out!  Wetness floods in-between Jacine's legs and she cries out loud!

"My babies!"  she screams.

"What of them?"  asks Max before he flicks off the light to hide himself and Elisse.

"They are coming!"  states Jacine as she pants.

"Lay back and relax;"  mutters Max as he pants with more steam.

"They are coming!"  whines Jacine.  "I need to go to the hospital!"

"Have them on the bed!"  tells Max as he feels his face turn beet red.

"Get your keys!"  tells  Jacine.

"Lay back on the bed and have them!"  tells Max as he bangs hard against the door.

Elisse moans as the wood against her head makes her feel dizzy.  Jacine grows alert to the sound and she crumbles onto her bed to cry as more pangs surf through her intestines.  She can't believe that Max is going to have an affair as she has children on their bed!  She hates him all of a sudden, however she quietens as Max grunts and groans with his affair against the wall.

Within the hour Jacine has delivered the babies and they scream out cries!  However the cries are dull compared to the moans of affair to the right of the bed.  Jacine holds her babies until they calm down, then she cries as Max continues to rage his lust in the dark until sunrise.

At breakfast Elisse makes pancakes to warm her lips.  She doesn't want to see Jacine stare at her with accusing eyes, but she bothers to make her sister breakfast all the same. 

"I am not going to come back here again;"  tells Elisse before she moves to the bedroom with the spare plate of pancakes.

Jacine throws Elisse a sour look.

"I don't know how long we can live like this with secrets spilling all over the place.  You are dirty, my husband is dirty, and I don't know if you should visit me any longer;"

"I feel the same;"  tells Elisse as she sighs.  "I don't want be the affair in the corner of the room.  It might be best to stick to phone calls;"

"It might be;"  tells Jacine as she nods.  "Having children on the bed hurt me.  When there was blood gushing through my thighs I didn't even know if it was going to stop; I didn't know what to do with the babies, I just held on -  it was scary!"  she gasps.  "All I could do was cry!"

"I didn't mean for all those affairs to happen;"  tells Elisse.  "Max just wants to do it so bad when he sees me that my world becomes his world;"

"Don't talk to me about it any more!  Just go!"  gasps Jacine as she narrows her eyes.  "Please!"

"Okay!"  mutters Elisse as she feels her sour drip inside of her head.  "I well leave;"  she adds.  "This time I will not return;"  she tells.

"Good!"  gsps Jacine as she lays back on the bed.  "I can't stand to see you!  You are nothing but a stranger to me!"

Elisse nods and backs out of the room.  She returns to the kitchen and moves to eat the two pancakes she has placed onto a plate, but she can't eat any more.  Elisse takes her keys and heads out of the house -  she needs to leave, and this time she will not return.