Saturday 19 April 2014

Cold Air Blowing Over His Shoulders

Adam glares at the world outside, and he shakes his head at its still; he hears only silence and he wonders where the war is?  There is no one on the streets where there was once busy market places, and there is no one on the pavements where kids used to play!  The world is just a wall of silence and Adam feels his hairs become raised.  Adam pushes his face closer to the glass wondering where the world is, knowing there is nothing but silence to return a call.

"Is the world dead?"  asks Adam before he hears a knock on his bedroom door.

The door opens and Adam sees his father Greg -  he is a taller version of himself and good looking, however Adam grows a chill as Greg lingers;  his hits are hard, his mood swings hit hard, his personality stamps on his brain like a hammer!  Adam feels cross and angered as he sees his fathers eyes settle onto his face, however he knows that he will never readily leave home for he has no money and he isn't in the mood to walk down the street to try and pick anyone up for a one dollar an hour fling.

"What do you want?"  asks Adam as he glares at Greg who clears his throat as though his sighting is an annoyance.

"How are you today son?" asks Greg as he stands there stiff - like a security guard waiting to stop a robber.

"Fine thanks;"  mutters Adam as he narrows his eyes.  "What do you want?"

"Your mother is cooking a meal, would you like a portion?" asks Greg as he raises his brows.

"Yes I would;"  tells Adam with a nod.

"Then come to the table;"  tells Greg as he steps back.  "Now;"  he adds in a throaty tone like a soap star in a horror movie.

Adam shrugs and follows Greg -  he isn't afraid of Greg exactly, he is just aware he is a mad-mad.  Once Greg punched him in the gut for creasing his newspaper the wrong way, and other time he slapped him in the face for having had drunk out of a cup rather then a flask.

"Don't you know what a cup is for?  It's for drinking tea!  Tea is for women -  you need to drink out of a flask!"  he had said.

Adam wipes his cheek as though only recently bruised from the hit and he narrows his eyes at Greg's shadow -   he suddenly wants to hit Greg in the back while it is turned!  However Adam restrains, and when he reaches out for his father his fingers tremble.

"I know you are my dad!"  gasps Adam as he lightly touches Greg's back.  "And we are related!"  he tells.

"Thank goodness you realized that son!"  gasps Greg as he narrows his eyes as a flame lights inside of his head.  "Because you do live here!"  he adds.

Adam bites his tongue -  he wasn't supposed to have said those thoughts out loud, but he had wanted to; he felt as though it were the right time to state something so raw and ridiculous.  

Greg stops and turns around to face Adam who gasps as he is forced to stop under his father's stare.  Adam wants to run from his fathers eye, but he stands there as he is inspected.  Greg peers at Adam for a long time until Adam's breath rises inside of his chest; Greg then shakes his head.

"You look normal, why do you talk stoned?"  asks Greg as he begins to leer.

"Stoned?"  asks Adam as he feels his nerves tighten.

"You talk dumb!  The fact that we're related shouldn't be news, you should know it;"  tells Greg as he begin to lose his temper one chip at a time.  

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you that I feel it;"  tells Adam as he raises his eyes to look at his father's eyes in minute detail.

Greg shrinks from the straight stare and he steps back.  Adam knows Greg wants to lose it and he yearns to run before his hands have time to strike -  however Adam stands cool while sweating under his skin; he doesn't want to lose himself a second time or his father might make him do something immoral - make him go to the mental institution!

"You are stoned?"  asks Greg as he shakes his head.  "I am disappointing in your feeling;"  he mutters before he heads for the kitchen.

Adam doesn't feel less strained but he follows Greg's footsteps one at a time until he reaches the kitchen also; there he sees Greg talking to his mother Evelyn who looks young and full of life while standing in a kitchen which is small and dirty.

"The kitchen needs cleaning;"  tells Adam as he glares at Evelyn.  "Rats will get at you when you cook!"  he adds before he smiles.

Evelyn shakes her head and turns to the pot.

"He needs meat inside of his head;"  she tells Greg before she puts a plate of sauce and two portions of bread on the table for him to eat.  "There this should brighten you up;"  she tells.

"Thank-you;"  mutters Adam who sits down and begins to munch.

"He may need schooling or something -  sitting around after school has made him dumb perhaps?"  mutters Greg in the distance.

However Adam isn't listening!  He is busy eating and when he is finished he is going to go for a walk down the empty street.

Adam follows his shoes down the street.  The world is still fairly vacant however occasionally he passes a figure who takes the time to offer him a stiff eye.  Adam shrugs off the grit he feels as he catches the eye and he continues to walk further and further.  He isn't sure where he is going until he meets a theater show and when there he rummages his pockets for some cash -  however he has none!

"This is how it feels to arrive empty handed;"  he mutters before he passes the theater until he walks under a gathering of elm trees.

Once there Adam begins to hate himself for having had brought no money -  he gets steamed up, and when he passes a pebble he bothers to pick it up and give it a mighty throw!  A window breaks and Adam feels a shiver up his spine before he runs!

Back closer to the theater Adam wipes sweat off his brow.  He knows he has not been a good boy, but he knows he has not been too bad.  He is not a robber, he has only broken glass, and that has made him a nuisance not a menace.

"My anger is hard to control;"  mutters Adam before he walks down a black alley to get back to his home is a hurry.

Down the ally mice wander around and Adam near steps on one at every step!  He knows the ally is dirty, and it stinks of rubbish, but he feels comfortable walking along its corridor.

"This is what freedom is;"  he mutters as he steps along.

Adam walks fast until his shoes fly over the cement and pebble-stone and then he stops when he reaches the front gate of his home.  His parents are inside, he can see the glow of the fire, but he doesn't warm up to stepping inside he wants to just hang around in the yard.

Adam sits and watches the world as it rests in silence.  He knows there is no better place to be, and he knows the world is perfect.

"I love it here;"  he declares before he wanders inside of the house.

Greg sees Adam as he walks inside of the house.  He wants to tell Adam that he shouldn't have gone out for a walk, however he just decides to have a drink instead.  Adam sees Greg and walks to his bedroom -  he doesn't want to chat at all, in fact he just wants to disappear.

Adam looks at his desk and sits before it; he wanders about the world outside and it's shadows -  however then through a front gate wanders a young woman named May Lockwood.  Adam glares at May -  she is a little older then him but only but a few years; he sees her dressed up to go out and she stands out on the pavement as though waiting for someone to pick her up.  Minutes pass and she stands there -  Adam is in awe of May's appearance, and he imagines himself showing up in a car and telling her to hop inside.  However then a gang of people walk by and turn their heads to May!  Adam frowns as they bother to stop and circle around her like crows looking for a meal.  Adam feels his spine stiffen as he watches -  he wants to yell, however the scene is too premature!  But there is a threat as May opens her mouth to speak to the rabble -  Adam narrows his eyes.

"What are those guys going to do?"  mutters Adam as he feels his jaw tighten.

The group circles and swamps May's shorter figure, there is a blockage, and Adam cant see anything!  He leans back on his chair as he realizes the group probably aren't doing anything but harmless chat, and when one of the guys around May lights a cigarette smoke Adam realizes that they are probably just night characters looking for fresh conversation and maybe a pick up.

Suddenly a car stops by the curb and a horn is flared.  The date who May had been waiting for hops out of the car and yells!  The group turn to the intrusion and scoff before they grind lit cigarette's onto the cement curb.  The group leaves after a minute of linger and Adam sees May being escorted inside of the car by her date.  Her clothes have been torn off her shoulders and Adam sees a bit of skin before she slips inside of the back of the car.  It is then Adam grows a rash of hate which is mixed with some kind of evil blush -  Adam swallows hard.

"Those street bastards!"  he cries out before a knock on the door grabs his attention.

Greg wanders inside and closes the door behind him.  Adam glares at him -  he is a handsome man still who looks like an older version of himself, however he is more grounded in life then Adam is and has a world set behind his shoulders.  Adam glares at Greg and reminds himself that he is his father as Greg says 'hello'.

"Hi dad, what's up?"  asks Adam as he raises his brows.

"Your mothers not feeling top of form - would you mind washing the dishes tonight?"  asks Greg as he raises his brows.

"I'd rather not!"  steams Adam before he can think.

Greg narrows his eyes and then looks at Adam's desk -  there is nothing on it.

"Okay son that is fine, I can do the dishes;"  he mutters in a quiet breath.

Adam smiles and leans back in his chair -  he wants to tell his dad about May, but he just locks her image inside of his head instead.  The image of her with her clothes torn off her shoulders is a drama which he wants to watch not talk about, and so he closes his mouth and tries to relax -  however his father lingers and after a minute he grows rigid.

"Why are you just standing there looking at me?"  asks Adam as he blinks.

"No reason son;"  tells Greg.  "I just wish you would have said 'okay';"  he adds before he leaves the room.

Adam brushes grit off his shoulders -  Greg makes him feel off and he grows needles on his skin.

"I don't like to be stared at;"  mutters Adam before he turns to his desk to be able to peer outside the window.

The night is black and there is nothing on the street only fog.  Adam grows bored and rolls his eyes, then he picks up a book to read -  however his thoughts stray, and he ends up daydreaming about May in her torn up form until he falls asleep.

In the morning Adam smells the scent of burnt toast as he dresses after a shower.  He fast combs his hair and then he races to the breakfast table.  At the table sits Greg who glances briefly at Adam before he begins to drink from a cup.  Adam ignores his father and eats -  he is hungry and so he ravishes the bread, gobbles like there is no tomorrow, and then he finishes with a cup of warm tea.

"Thanks for the breakfast!" cheers Adam before he rushes out of the house.

Greg sucks in his breath and continues to eat.

Outside Adam goes for a walk.  He walks down the street and discovers few people.  He doesn't know what to think -  his mind is a mess of jig-saws which state that there is nothing to do.

"There world is boring!"  gasps Adam as he kicks a stone.

The stone rolls off the walkway and onto the road.  Adam doesn't bother to pick it up, however he does notice a pair of shoes walking over it to get to the walkway.  Adam glares at the young woman and rolls his eyes -  she is someone he went to school with, Emma Dixon; he bothered to go to her house for a party when her parents were gone on vacation and her elder brother showed up to wreck the place after a couple of beers.  She was almost shy, but made plenty of friends whenever she settled anywhere and so she never looked shy only welcoming.

"Hows the day?"  asks Adam as he smiles.

"Good thanks Adam!"  cheers Emma as she stops to notice him.  "What have you been doing today?"  she asks.

"Nothing, just strolling;"  mutters Adam as he smiles.  "Where are you walking to?"

"No where;"  tells Emma as she grins.  "I just felt like going outside for a while; I've been studying all week!"  she tells.

"What are you studying?"  asks Adam as he shrugs.

"Base Science;"  tells Emma as she shrugs back.  "I caught the science flu - I'm studying to be a researcher!"  she says.

"Will your parents let you do that?"  asks Adam knowing that Emma comes from the kind of family that aims their sons grow to be militants or shopkeepers, and daughters grow to be mothers or teachers.

"Sure;"  sings Emma in an absent manner.  "Why not? It beats parties;"  she adds.

"Sure I guess;"  tells Adam as he shrugs once more.

Adam feels his breath blush -  he wants to tell Emma what he had seen the night before, however he knows it is not the news to make her smile only gossip.  He swallows the news down as he feels his fingers fidget -  he doesn't want to gossip about such foul news anyway; he would feel guilty if Emma showed up at May's house with flowers.

"So you want to go for a walk?"  asks Adam before his mind can wake up from the memories he has been holding onto.

"Sure;"  mutters Emma as she gushes.  "I can't believe you have the brave to ask me!"  she tells.

"Well I wouldn't mind the company;"  tells Adam as he eyes Emma as though she is foolish for wanting to go for a stroll with someone like him.  "Where do you want to go?"  he asks.

"Anywhere!"  tells Emma before she grabs his arm.  "Let's just walk and catch up!"  she says.

Adam walks with Emma and they don't stop talking for a whole afternoon.

By night Emma has had her burgers and walked them off her waist.  Adam feels nice and warm as he remarks how the town is empty.  Emma agrees as she feels her cheeks blush -  she has had a really good time with Adam and she can't stop thinking how nice he is.  Adam notices that she just wants to get closer to him rather then walk away, and he thinks how he could use a girlfriend -  but something turns him off; his belly turns sour and all he wants to do it run!  It is as though she has picked him up and stuffed him inside of a carry bag, and he hates feeling as though he had been chosen before he has agreed to say yes.  Adam can't get rid of the grit on his teeth, and it doesn't matter how many times the wind slaps him in the face; he can't wake his brain off its sour -  he doesn't want to date Emma!

"Do you want to walk me home?"  asks Emma as they stop where they had met that morning.

"Where is home?"  asks Adam as he notices blisters inside of his shoes.

"Two blocks through the ally there!"  tells Emma as she shrugs.

"That's a road not an ally;"  tells Adam as he shrugs.

"It feels like an ally -  the walls are tall!"  cheers Emma before she urges Adam across the road.

Adam feels his feet walk - however he has no heart left; he is tired and wants to return to his home.

"Maybe I will let you walk home alone;"  tells Adam as he stops.  "I want to go home;" 

"But it's only two blocks!"  tells Emma as she raises her brows.

"I'm tired!"  gasps Adam as he refuses to move.  "I'd rather go home!"  he complains.

"But it's dark!"  complains Emma as she feels stress rise inside of her brain.  "You walk me home and make sure I get there safe!"  she declares.

Adam sees the friction in Emma and slowly he nods. 

"Okay;"  he mutters.

Together they start a slow walk down the road which has well set walls on each side.  Adam looks up and sees the moon -  it is silver and makes his face feel warm where the dew in the ally makes it feel cold.  He wonders why the moon should make him feel so good, but May's squeal breaks him out of his skin.

"A rat!"  tells May.

Sure enough a rat scurries towards the wall and runs along it.

"So there are always rats;"  tells Adam before he urges May forward.

They reach the end of the block where the light is dim.  May's fingers clutch on Adam's sleeve, however the sight of the park makes her smiles.

"My house is just across the park!"  she cheers.

Adam feels his heart drop dead.

"There's no one there, how about I watch you walk across the park?"  he asks.

"No, you walk with me!"  tells May as she grows cross.  "It's very dark!"  she adds.

Adam nods as May pulls on his arm.  He wants to go, however the night air is so cold he doesn't want to step beyond the wall.

"I'm cold;"  he complains as he feels a shiver.

"You can have tea at my house!"  cheers May before she pulls on his arm again.

"No, I've walked enough -  you go home!"  tells Adam as he narrows his eyes.

"Walk there with me!"  urges May before Adam pushes her fingers off his arm.

"No you go there alone!"  tells Adam.  "I feel cold and want to go home!"  he complains.  "There's no one there anyway!"  he gasps.  "It's just lawn!"

"Don't wreck our date now!"  challenges May.

"No!"  complains Adam before he lifts up his hands.  "I don't want to move!"  he gasps before he steps back.

May follows Adam as he heads down the road where the walls are tall.  Adam wants to ward her away, but she just walks further and further back into the shadow.

"Adam don't leave me alone!"  gasps May after several meters.

Adam stops and turns to May.

"What are you afraid of?"  he asks.

"I don't know;"  mutters May.  "It's dark.  You should escort me home;"  she adds.

Adam shrugs.

"I don't want to;"  he fumes.  "I'm beat!  Go home yourself!"  he tells.

May sucks on a finger and pulls a face.

"You walk me home;" she adds quietly.

Adam glares at May for a few seconds and then he shakes his head.  He is torn between want and ache, and he just feels so out of touch he bothers to grow mad.  A short yell is heard, however it isn't menacing, just a vocal sound as quick as the cry of someone who has just been punched in the gut.  May laughs at Adam as he approaches her, then together they walk towards the park.  However at the end of the block the wind slaps Adam's face hard and he hides in the ally once again.

"Why are you stopping?"  asks May as she raises her brows.  "What is it?  What's wrong?"

"Nothing!"  mutters Adam as he shakes his head.  "Nothing!"  he steams before he runs away.

Adam dives into his home and locks himself inside of his bedroom.  He is puffed out and tired -  he collapses on the bed and runs a hand over his brow!  He can't talk, his throat his dry; Adam sighs as his head rests on his pillow.

"That was a rough date;"  he mutters as he begins to relax.  "I don't want to do it ever again!"  he exhumes before he turns on his side to rest.

Adam spends the next day in bed -  he hardly eats, he just keeps running inside of his mind to try and get away from the world. Adam closes his eyes and runs, and behind him he feels the ice cold wind; Adam can't stop his feet even when his ribs ache, he just keeps running, and he doesn't want to stop.

At night Adam opens his eyes and groans.  His head feels lousy and he doesn't feel like moving, but the smell of dinner on the cook calls his belly to rumble and so Adam finally peels himself off the sheets.

At the dinner table Adam ignores his parents and eats.  Greg gives him the eye, however he doesn't call to him, he just leaves his starved son alone to consume his share of the meal and lets all questions rest.

Later that night Adam looks outside and sees May exit her house to stand on the curb.  She stands there like a shadow for five minutes before a car stops in front on her and whisks her away.

"Another date?"  asks Adam before he sighs.  "I don't like dates any more;"  he adds as he scowls at the wall.  "They are just too hard;"  he mutters before he flicks off the light to sulk on the bed.

The next morning Adam sneaks out of the house to go for a walk. He passes a few strangers, but none very remarkable.  Adam ignores the world to walk and he ends up at the spot where he last left his date.  Adam leans against a wall and gazes at the houses beyond the park -  he thinks about how close he had come to just wanting to hit Emma, but he had run to get away.

"Stupid date!"  gasps Adam as he kicks a stone.  "I bet Emma has told all of her friends what a jerk I am!"

However his thoughts don't reach very far; instead Adam walks away in order to forget about the date and Emma.

Alone again in his room Adam reads a book.  He isn't very much into reading, however the book alerts some attention with its battle scenes which offer some reprieve from the otherwise ordinary world of the 1920's.

A knock on the door makes Adam turn his head and Greg walks inside of the room.

"What do you want?"  asks Adam as he looks over his shoulder.

"Nothing in particular;"  tells Greg in a quiet tone.

A long silence fills the atmosphere and Adam grows sour -  he wants to yell at Greg to 'get lost', however he waits as he glares at a snake sitting on an egg.  As the seconds turn into minutes Adam begins to scowl and his expression is enough to urge Greg to move towards him.

Greg offers Adam a firm punch to the jaw.

"That's for insult!"  he rages.

Adam touches his face and feels his blood boil. Within seconds he rise up and slams a chair against Greg's head, and Greg grunts before he throws the chair away as though it is a match-stick.  Adam gulps hard before a punch to the gut sends him crumbling to the floor.

"Bastard!"  cries out Adam.

Greg scoffs and walks away without a word.  His hand is mighty sore and his head is ringing after being given a decent blow; Greg leaves and Adam scowls before he lays himself on the carpet to rest as he waits for the sores on his body to fade.

That night Adam creeps out of his bedroom window to go for a walk.  He hasn't ever taken his shoes to go for a night walk, however there is so much congestion inside of his brain he can't stop his feet from taking flight!  Within fifteen minutes he is alone in a black ally feeling mighty cold.

"I should have brought my jacket!"  claims Adam as he tries to rake ice cold fingers over his arms to inspire some warmth on his skin.

The effort provides little change and Adam is left to shiver as he seats himself down onto the cold black cobblestone.  Adam hangs his head and he wars with his thoughts -  why had his own father attacked him?  The is no answer and so he continues to rage.  Tears glimmer inside of Adam's eyes and some manage to hit the ice cold stone -  Adam hates the tears, and he flicks them away with a finger so hard his own fingernail rakes a graze down his cheek.

"Stupid finger!"  gasps Adam as he feels a harsh sting.

There is blood under Adam's nail and he knows that he has given himself injury.

"I can't hardly feel my skin!"  he gasps.  "I can't hardly feel anything;"  he adds before he leans back upon the wall behind him and settles himself for a night of brooding.

In the morning Adam wakes as a stranger shakes his arm.  The stranger offers Adam his coat to warm his skin.

"What do you want!"  gasps Adam as he glares at the stranger hard.

"You're freezing;"  tells the stranger in a calm and even tone.

"Oh yeah;"  mutters Adam before he slowly slips the jacket on.  "You want me to have this?"  he asks as he sniffles a little from the cold he has caught from the morning dew.

"It's a loan until you feel warm again;"  tells the stranger as he smiles a large grin which states greed.

Adam feels tingles up his spine and slowly he slips the jacket off.

"I'd better not ruin your jacket;"  he mutters.

"You're still cold!"  tells the stranger who helps Adam to put the jacket back on.

"I'm sorry...  I fell asleep...  I am awake...  I'll walk in the sun;"  tells Adam as he tries to push the strangers hands away so that he can take the jacket off.

"Keep it on;"  argues the stranger before he reaches for the buttons on the jacket.  "It's very warm;"  he adds.

"I don't need it!"  tells Adam who feels very unhappy that the kind man should be so insistent on helping him into the jacket.

"You do!"  tells the stranger as he takes Adams arms and holds them by his sides.

The man is a great deal stronger then Adam and he feels like a silly kitten as he is forced to let his outrage for the stranger go.  Adam slowly lets his arms turn limp and he hangs his head as the stranger buttons his body inside of the jacket.  Adam feels anger once more, however it is mingled with misery; he feels a victim and he wants to punch the stranger in the face.

"You must be feeling warmer;"  mutters the stranger with a smile.  "How about you and I take a walk and have a drink?"  he adds.

Adam shakes his head.

"I'm sorry sir;"  he mutters.  "I was just hanging out here and accidentally fell asleep.  I'm not homeless;"  he adds.

"Are you sure?"  tells the stranger as he raises his brows.

"Yes;"  tells Adam as he nods in solemn.  "I wish to go home now -  here, take your jacket!"  he declares before he begins to unbutton the buttons on the jacket.

"You do not wish for a drink?"  asks the stranger as he keeps his brows raised.

"No thank-you;"  mutters Adam before he coughs a hoarse cough.

"Look at you, caught a cold;"  tells the stranger as he takes Adams arm.  "Let me help you fix that cough up;"  he adds as he swamps Adam with his manly figure.

"I'd rather just go home;"  mutters Adam as he feels imprisoned all of a sudden.  "I don't know you...  I don't know your name..."  he adds as he fights a light push which tells his brain to walk.

"My name is Edward;"  tells the fellow as he urges Adam forward once again.

Adam stumbles a little, and then a little more as another push is enforced.

"I don't want to go anywhere but home!"  whines Edward before he tries to punch Edwards face with his spare arm.

Edward blocks the punch and slaps Adam hard on the face.  Adam's cheek burns and so does his rage as he is grabbed and forced to walk.  Adam feels injured, his pride is injured, and on the side of his face his tooth feels loose -  Adam hangs his head once again as he walks with Edward by his side; he wants to erase his troubles but as he walks he is lead only further towards new trouble.

Adam is escorted into a house and then urged into a private room.  It is a tea room -  however the room has been cleared of every chair and table and is barren.  As Edward closes the door Adam gasps as he sees ropes and chains hanging off hooks.

"What on earth are those for?"  gasps Adam as he points while his blood shivers.

"I'm a religious fellow;"  mutters Edward as he smiles.  "I use them..."  he drawls before he lets the rest of the sentence hang with the silence that drenches Adam's ears.

"Why did you bring me here!"  charges Adam unable to believe that Edward isn't a kooky character.  "Let me out!"

Edward smiles and then reaches out towards Adam.  Adam moves to fight Edward, however Edward is faster then Adam and he once again gets his senses on the twirl as his cheek his slaughtered with another harsh slap.  Adam moans through sore lips as Edward hurries to take the jacket off Adam.

"You will not need this any longer!"  gasps Edward in an even tone which is as steady as rock.  "The room is warm enough;"  he adds before he slips the jacket off.

Adam feels a sharp draft crawl up his spine and he steps back as Edward throws the coat into a corner of the room.

"I'm cold;"  tells Adam as he feels the chill on his arms.  "Give me that jacket back!"  he wars.

"I'll turn the heater on;"  tells Edward before he moves to the side and flicks a switch.

Soon warm air is being released into the room.  Adam feels a chill under his skin however his body begins to grow more comfortable.

"I'd rather the jacket;"  mutters Adam as he grows cross with himself for having had crept out of home in the first place.

"Don't worry, you can try on all of my clothes..."  mutters Edward with a smile.  "As soon as you take yours off;"  he remarks.

Adam looks to Edward sharply and cringes as he shrinks inside of his skin.  He can't believe Edwards brave, and he can't believe his own stupidity!

"That is an odd remark;"  he mutters as Edward approaches once more.

Adam swings to hit, however Edward blocks and then gives Adam a hammer blow on the top of the head.  Adam feels his eyes roll as the world spirals -  he staggers a little but is caught by Edward who reaches to hold him by the collar scruff.  Adam blinks as Edward begins to undo his shirt; Adam feels his gut scream however he cant move even his lips let alone his legs or his feet, and so he just hangs his head as Edwards hands crawl all over his body as his breath steams hot all over his face.

Adam spends two days within a prison.  He tries his best to unpick the lock as Edward takes his shoes to work, however he can't!  Adam hits the windows which are barred, he hits the chains which are heavy, and then he hits his head upon the wall!

"How long do I have to live like this!"  he gasps before an idea hits his mind.

Adam turns his eyes to the chains and picks one up.

"I could strangle someone with this;"  he adds before he twists a smile on his face and shuffles to the side of the room.

Later that night when Edward arrives home he finds the light bulb in Adam's prison room blown.  Edward looks to Adam's shadow in the dark dim -  he can only see a little of Adam's silhouette and he grows a rage as his shoes crack some glass shards.

"Did you break the bulb?"  asks Edward as he feels his eyes burn.

"It blew;"  mutters Adam as he rolls his eyes.  "Get me some food;"  he then adds to break the subject.

"I'll break your neck!"  gasps Edward before he turns to get another light bulb.

Adam feels hope as Edward forgets to close the door.  He decides to drop his plans to try and strangle Edward with the chain which soon falls to the floor.  Adam then slips on his shoes and runs out of the house!  He feels wind on his face, he feels dew on his hair -  two cool blessings which let him know he has made it back to the outside world!  Adam runs!  He runs fast!  He sprints long and hard even on legs that are as weak as water, and he doesn't stop until he is home again.

"Dad!"  cries Adam as Greg opens the door.  "I am home!"  he gasps.

Greg escorts Adam inside and helps him inside of his room.  Adam tries his best to smile through lungs that have several rows of stitches, but Greg slaps him so hard he can only stumble onto the floor.

Greg's angry tone floods the room as Adam struggles to catch his breath.  Adam hears the words 'run-away' over again in statement and question and he leaves Greg to voice off his steam as he pretends to lay down dead.  Sometime between pretending and listening Adams brain switches off and when he wakes it is with cold toast by the side of the bed and a warm blanket over himself.

Adam reaches for the bread and begins to eat as a shadow watches him from the near distance.  Adam feels a murmur, but he is not scared -  the shadow is only his father, and Adam warms as he realizes that he is no longer in prison.

"Can you warm me some milk?"  asks Adam as he begins to eat.  "I'm cold;"  he adds.

"Why yes son I can do that for you;"  tells Greg before he leaves.

Adam smiles and continues to eat as an annoying ringing hits his brain.  He knows he needs more then milk to warm him, but for the time being it will do.

When Greg enters the room with the milk Adam glares with a smile as he takes the cup from Greg.

"I am glad you are my dad;"  tells Adam as he glares at his father. 

"Thank-you son;"  mutters Greg as he narrows his eyes as a flame lights inside of his head.  "You will always live here;"  he adds.  "Never run away again;"

"I won't ever think of it;"  tells Adam as he warms his fingers against the cup of milk.  "I won't ever think of it;"  he adds once again as he feels his heart flutter.

Greg smiles and then he moves away from Adam.

"I'll let you get some rest;"  he tells before he closes the door.

Adam sips on the milk -  however as he stares at the door he sees a shadow lingering underneath it, and his blood grows cold as he feels Greg's energy standing there behind the door.  Adam swallows the milk with some bitter as the shadow fails to move, and then he pushes the milk to the side.

"You stand there then;"  he mutters.  "I'm still not running away;"  he adds before he lays himself down and closes his eyes.

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