Tuesday 24 June 2014

The Trip

Phera calls Amber over the telephone with chips on her nails.  She has been nibbling to calm herself over the nerve string that was broken when she was invited to Heathers house to celebrate her engagement with long time beau Seth.  Phera sweats as she jiggles a leg while her mind suffers a lapse.

"Pick up the phone Amber!"  pleads Phera.

However it takes three more rings before Amber bothers to pick up the phone.

"Finally!"  gasps Pfera.  "What have you been doing this morning?  Out for a run?"

"Yes;"  tells Amber in lie.  "I always exercise in the morning;"

"I never exercise in the mornings;"  tells Phera as she smiles at the pillows that lay across the bed in invitation to a lovely rest she is yet to take.

"Why did you call?"  asks Amber as she raises her brows.

"I was invited to Heathers home!"  gasps Phera.  "She is holding and engagement party!  She is getting married in a week."

"Oh;"  mutters Amber as she looks to her nails and begins to grate them agaist one another.  "That's great!"  she mutters in weak tone.

"So you are going to come with me!"  tells Phera as she stares at a photo of herself that hangs on her wall nearby.

"I'd really lover to Phera but I am going to be busy this weekend;"  tells Amber as she knots her truth tongue under her teeth.

"I know!"  gasps Phera.  "You are going to come to Heather's home with me;"  she tells.

"I can't..."  mutters Amber as she rolls her eyes.  "Go alone;"  she advises.

"I can't!"   gasps Phera as she clutches the telephone cord.  "Come with me!"  she urges.  "Please?"

Amber wrinkles her nose and hezitates.  She wants to be Phera's friend and go to Heather's home with her, but her insides squirm over the idea of travelling to a destination she would rather not go. 

"I don't want to;"  tells Amber as she draws in a quick breath.  "Take Paula;"  she mutters to get Phera's attention off herself.

"I don't want to go with Paula -  I want to go with you!"  gasps Phera.  "Please?  You are my best friend;"  she mutters.

Amber shivers inside of her skin as her mind tosses upon itself -  sfeels as though she has AIDS all of a sudden and her lips grow cold.  Amber rolls her eyes and looks to the calandar to see that she has done nothing but sit inside of the house for five whole days! 

"Okay;"  mutters Amber.  "But only for the weekend;"  she adds.

"Thank-you so much!"  gasps Phera.  "I'll arrange the plane tickets!"  she tells before she puts down the phone.

Phera and Amber take the plane across the state and then they hop on a bus to head towards Heather's house.  Amber listens to Phera as she talks about all the small memories she has of Heather and Seth, however her nervs don't quite settle, the worm in her intestines becomes a knot and she needs to swallow hard as the bus stops one block away from Heather's house. 
"We are here!"  gasps Phera as she grabs her purse and slips out of her seat.
Amber follows and sourly she picks up her luggage from the cabin of the bus.  Together Phera and Amber head towards the house with heels clicking.  It takes ten minutes but after a short time they arrive!

"Here we are!"  cheers Phera before she rings the door-bell.

Amber slips to the side to tuck herself under a dark shadow, however it only proves brief disguise before the front door opens and allows a blast of light to ward all shadows away.  Phera cheers as she sees Heather and she moves to hug Heather in a friendly manner.  Amber follows, however she only offers Heather a subtle hug to go with her feelings of discontent over moving inside of a place which she never wanted to return to.

"I've got chicken in the oven!"  cheers Heather before she heads her guests towards the kitchen.

"Oh great!  I am starved!"  cheers Phera as she rubbs her belly.  "Where's Seth?"  asks Phera as she raises her brows.  "I don't see him;"

"Oh he is working!"  tells Heather as she flicks a hand towards a clock.  "He will be home later tonight;"

"Oh that's a shame;"  tells Phera as she puts down her luggage bag by the door.  "What do you have to drink?"  she asks.

"Wine!"  gasps Heather.

"Great!"  cheers Phera as she heads towards the table to take a seat.

Later that night Seth returns home with keys in hand.  Phera watches as he enters the lounge room and she feels her heart beat inside of her chest.  For a human being he looks very attractive, however she keeps her attraction on her tongue as she offers a smile.

"Hi there;"  cheers Seth as he waves.  "Company has come;"  he mutters before his nose alerts him to the kitchen.  "I am hungry;"  he adds.

"Good luck finding food we had the airplane munchies;'  tells Phera as she giggles.

"The what?"  asks Seth as he raises his brows.

"Airplane munchies;"  tells Heather before she giggles over her cup of wine.

"Not a plate to spare?"  asks Seth.

"No;"  tells Heather before she takes a sip of wine.  "There's wine left over;" she adds.

"Wine?"  asks Seth as he grows a bead of anger inside of his temple.  "One plate of food would be nice Heather;"  he mutters before he shakes his head.  'One!"  he steams before he heads towards the kitchen to find some bread to munch on.

"Someone is mad!"  sings Phera as she giggles.

'He'll be fine;"  tells Heather before she moves her attention towards the television.  'One night of  grilled cheese never hurt anyone;"  she adds.

"I really forgot to save the last serve;"  tells Phera as she raises her brows.  "That plate next to mine looked to appealing to waste;"

"You are the guests I will leave you to do whatever you wish;"  tells Heather before she begins to drink more wine until she feels groggy enough for bed.

Phera rolls her eyes to Amber who sits on the two seater chair to the side of the guest room. 

"I didn't know Heather couldn't hold her drink!"  she cheers.

"I didn't know she was going to throw up!"   tells Amber as she wipes her hand over her washed travel case.  "At least it was on the outside I guess;"

"I guess;"  tells Phera as she shrugs.  "Her and Seth look nice together -  I liked it when he carried Heather out of the room;"  she adds.  "Like a fairy tale where the prince chooses the princess;"

"She was drunk!"  steams Amber as she knots her brows.  "Stoned drunk!"

"We were popping pills for one second;"  mutters Phera under thoughtful lips. "But they weren't anything but little tiny pills;"  she states.  "I couldn't even feel the difference;"

"I didn't see you pop any pills;"  tells Amber as she pulls out a sheet from her travel case.  "You shouldn't do that;"  she adds.

"I couldn't help myself;"  shrugs Phera as she leans to one side.  "What do you think their wedding will be like?"

"I don't know, traditional;"  tells Amber as she covers herself with a sheet.  "Aren't you invited?"  she asks.

"Of course;"  tells Phera as she shrugs.  "But it's too expensive I might just leave it as a pre-wedding stay over;"

"How much does it cost to attend a wedding?"  asks Amber.

"Eight hundred dollars!"  tells Phera as she giggles.  "When I heard the amount I said 'pisss off' inside of my head pretty loud!"

"Can't you afford eight hundred dollars?"  asks Amber.

"Yes, but not for a wedding!"  gasps Phera as she shakes her head.  "Not for a wedding -  it should be free;"

"I would make it free;"  tells Amber as she shrugs.

"So would I;"  tells Phera.  "It's polite to pay for the guest;"  she adds.  "Traditional even;"

"I agree!"  tells Seth before he enters the room.  "Thankyou both for your support for our wedding;"

Phera gulps and giggles -  she had no idea Seth had been standing by the doorway, she would have closed it before deciding to start gossiping.

"It is too much to pay;"  mutters Phera as she crosses her arms.

"Too much?"  tells Seth as he shakes his head.  'You paid six hundred dollars each in plane tickets to get here without any issue -  what is eight hundred more?"

"Too much;"  states Phera.

"Too much;" agrees Amber as she shakes her head.

Seth gives Amber a shiff eye before he returns his attention to Phera. 

"You can afford it;"  he drawls in a tone that makes Phera's sweat glands begin to work.

"It's too much;"  comments Amber as she tries to stand firm against the debt.

"I earn only small ammount of money;'  tells Phera as she blinks at Seth.  "I can't and won't pay to attend a wedding for which I am not even a brides maid;"

"It's worth it;"  tells Seth as he leans on his leg.  "Pay and have a ball;"

"We will watch it on DVD;"  tells Phera as she smiles. 

"But that wedding isn't a wedding on DVD;"  tells Seth in arguement.  "Come to the wedding;"

"No!"  tells Phera as she shakes her head.

Seth battles Phera's mind as he stands close making eye contact.  Phera shakes her head over and again and each time Seth's spine stiffens that little bit more.  Amber grows a tingle down her spine as she looks at the shoulders and the head, she is sure Seth is to lose his temper but instead he breaks pose after one more plea.

"Well then I'll leave you two ladies alone;"  tells Seth before he heads towards the door.  "You are both annoying moochers!"  he mutters in clipped tone before he closes the door.

Phera sucks her breath through her teeth and looks to Amber who shrugs.  The door slowly creaks over and Seth looks to Amber as he steps inside one last time.

"Amber are you comfortable on that couch?"  he inquires as he raises his brows.  "Are you sure you would not like a bed?"

"Phera has that time of the month;"  mutters Amber before Phera giggles.

"We have a spare bed;"  tells Seth in quite tone.  "You can come with me I will show you where it is;"

"Well we were going to talk;"  tells Amber as she shrugs. 

Seth looks to Phera who nods to Seth in answer to his question left unsaid.

"Okay then talk;"  tells Seth.  "Don't forget to add the discussion about going to our wedding;"  he reminds before he closes the door.

Amber giggles as Phera hisses.

"He is annoying!  The way he lurks makes my skin crawl!"

"You look like you are blushing;"  tells Amber as she settles down onto the couch.

"Probably!"  tells Phera as she shrugs.  "I don't mind his look, it's his attitude that pisses me off;"  she states before she settles down onto the pillows.  "Sometimes it just gets on my nerves!"  she gasps.

"Well he is gone now;"  tells Amber.  "Do you want to sleep or chat?"

"I can chat for ten minutes then I am sure to drop dead to sleep!"  gasps Phera before she pulls the blankets up under her chin.

The next morning Heather, Amber, Phera, and Seth, have a quiet breakfast.  Seth broods as he keeps his eyes on the guests, however Heather is more welcoming and she brightens up the breakfast with lighthearted chat. 

After breakfast Phera moves outside to offer herself a cigarette.  Seth watches her slip outside and he fast follows with ambition on the top of his mind.

"So did you sleep well?"  asks Seth as he approaches Phera who has a cigarette inside of her mouth.

"Like a bomb;"  tells Phera as she lights her cigarette.

"I slept... but I didn't want to;"  tells Seth as he leans on the wall beside Phera. 

"Oh?"  asks Phera as she raises her brows.  "Why not?"

"Because of you!"  tells Seth as he takes out a cigarette of his own to smoke.  "You insulted us;"  he mutters.

"Well lucky we are only here for the weekend!"  gasps Phera as she rolls her eyes.  "I can't afford the world;"  she adds.

"I understand but you are Heather's best friend;"  tells Seth as he narrows his eyes.  "Can't you put down your dollars and come?"

"No;"  tells Phera as she inhales a deep breath.  "I can't Seth, sorry;"

"How can I pursuede you?"  asks Seth as he gives Phera the eye.  "Please, it will mean so much to us if you come;"  he adds.

Phera narrows her eyes at the morning sun and then turns to see Seth.  He looks to her as she stares at him and he offers her a lucky smile, one which makes her want to take a shower to cool down from.

"I'll think about it;"  tells Phera as she shrugs.

"By tomorrow I expect a yes;"  tells Seth before he takes his feet for a stroll.

Phera rubs her hair as she sits inside of the house watching television.  Amber looks lost as she stares at the midday soap opera and Heather busies herself folding wedding cards.  Phera is a little frustrated that Heather doesn't want to go anwhere, but she clips her tongue.  Phera runs reels of Seth inside of her mind as she looks at the television, at each reel he asks her if she will go to the wedding?  Phera shakes her head as she drinks wine by the cup-full. 

"What do you mean?"  asks Phera all of a sudden.

Amber and Heather are absent and Phera blinks in startle as she sees the room once again. 

"Where is everyone?"  she gasps as she gets up so fast her knees fall weak at effort. 

Phera falls down and throws up and by the stank odour of the throw up she realizes that she is drunk. 

"Drunk as a fox!"  tells Phera before she rolls her eyes and forces herself to stand once again.

Phera ambles through the house and spies Amber in the distance.  She moves to walk towards her but a window slams against her head and Phera fumes as a laugh is heard behind her.  Amber turns towards the window and waves before Seth closes the curtains to block out the sunlight.

"That should ease your blindless;"  tells Seth as he looks at Phera with slight dissaproval despite the thrill of amusement she has offered him.

"Who is blind?"  asks Phera as she turns to Seth.  "I can see you just fine!"  she snorts.

"You are drunk;"  tells Seth as he shakes his head.  "Go to bed;"  he advises.

"I am not drunk!"  mutters Phera as she moves to push Seth away.

Seth catches Phera as she stumbles and he rolls his eyes as he looks at her. 

"You need to crash;"  he mutters.

Phera looks at Seth and moves to smile, but she frowns instead and pushes him away once again.  Seth stumbles back only a little as Phera moves to walk towards the door.  Phera discovers the door is a closet door and she bangs straight into a rack of shelves.  Phera emerges from the closet with a bleeding nose, and then she collapses.  Seth laughs as she crumbles to the floor, and then he waves his hand.

"Sleep whever you want then;"  he adds.  "Your choice;"  he mutters before he goes to find Heather and Amber.

In the garden Heather shows Amber some pot-plants that she wants to add to the wedding for good luck.  Amber remarks that they are very pretty, however Seth's lips crash on her and Heather's cheek in greeting and together they both jump to the side.

"Seth!"  cheers Heather as she feels her heart jump inside of her chest.  "A hello would be nice;"  she mutters before she rubbs her cheek.

Amber rubbs her cheek as well and moves a few steps further away from Seth.

"You have been abandoning your guest;"  tells Seth as he looks to Heather who blushes over the attention.

"What do you mean?"  giggles Heather as she looks to Seth.

"Phera is drunk, has crashed, and hit her head pretty bad;" tells Seth as he raises his brows.

"That's bad!"  gasps Heather as she grins.  "I'll go and see if she is okay;"  she tells before she moves away.

Amber looks to Seth and then walks away.  Seth raises his brows and thinks of following her but Heather's scream brings him back to the house and he moves inside to see how Heather handles her distress.  Amber walks around the garden and looks at the flower bed.  She wafts through a day-dream before the sound of a car horn alerts her to the car veering up the driveway!  Amber steps out of the way just before the car sails past to park.

"I just almost witnessed a collision!"  gasps Amber as she places a hand against her chest.

Brad steps out of the car and smiles to Amber who stands with shivers running to her knees. 

"Close one eh?"  he asks before he moves for the front door.

Amber blushes as she looks at Brad -  time has turned him into a fine man and she walks in tail of his shadow as she moves to inquire about his visit.  Brad however has other things on his mind, as soon as he enters the house he takes control. 

"A broken nose!"  gasps Brad.

Seth turns his head as Heather smiles.

"Phera hurt her face!"  tells Heather as she looks at Phera passed out on the floor.

"That looks bad!"  gasps Brad as he leans over Phera's face.  "Better get your guest to the hospital Seth;"  he cheers.

Seth shrugs as he shakes his head.

"I don't really want to;"  he mutters before he clears his throat.  "She's heavy;'  he adds.

"Her face is bleeding!"  tells Brad as he wrinkles his nose.  "You are strong -  get her to the hospital;"

Seth clears his throat as he measures his strength against Phera's weight.  He nods and then bends to pick her up -  it is a struggle but he manages to get his feet and walk towards the front door.

Heather smiles to Brad and shakes her head.

"What are you doing here?"  she asks.

"I'm hungry for lunch;"  tells Brad before he picks Heather up inside of his arms.  "You are my meal!"  he gasps.

"I am glad!"  tells Heather as she runs her hand through Brad's hair.  "I was waiting for some excitement!"

Amber watches as Heather and Brad enter the large bedroom.  She raises her brows and bites on her lips as a car steams down the street in the distance. 

"Well I don't think I will go to the wedding;"  mutters Amber before she moves to another room.

Seth drives Phera in the car.  He wants to the go to the hospital but he decides to go to the beach instead.  At the beach he orders a burger and fries and he sits on a seat as Phera sleeps off her drunkedness.  Seth shivers inside of his bones as he thinks of Heather and twists his nerves over the wonder of her having an affair with Brad.

"I break my bones while you break my bed;"  mutters Seth before he bites into his burger and chews.  "Break my heart, you wanted me out of the house!"  he adds as the wind rushes over his face.  "And I moved;"  he gasps.  "I will never be able to forgive myself;"

Amber bites on her nails as she listens to the walls as they moan.  She wants to tell someone about the evil twist in the bedroom, however she keeps her thoughts and tongue to herself.  She feels caught in a trap of hot gossip and she has to catch her fingers before they reach for her mobile. 

"I'm in hell!"  gasps Amber before she moves to sit on the front porch.  "There is nothing to do!"  she mutters as she rubbs her cheek.

Amber looks at the road and sees vacancy as still settles over her shoulders.  Amber wishes she were home as she waits for a car to move her concentration from her boredom. 

At nightfall Seth returns with Phera who sips on juice.  Heather looks at Seth as he enters the house and she fans herself to keep her blood cool.  She has spent the afternoon under her bedsheets with another person, and the fact that it was so daring to do it with another guest inside of the house has given her a wicked thrill.  However Heather doesn't want to tell Seth her naughty secret -  the truth is for her heart only which steams from the hours of pleasure she has given herself to.

"How are you Phera?"  asks Heather as she raises her brows.

"Sick!  I need to sleep!"  gasps Phera before she moves towards the guest-room.

"How are you?"  asks Heather as Seth steps up to her.

"Did you sleep with Brad?"  asks Seth as he smells and digests her perfume.

"No;" tells Heather in lie as a blush causes her lips to swell.

"Good, because otherwise I would be upset that I had to hurt my back for a nose-bleed;"  tells Seth before he turns to enter the guest-room where Phera has fallen into her bed.

Amber looks to Seth as he enters the room and she raises her brows.  However Seth does not see Amber sitting there in the dark, he only sees the guest-bed in which Phera rests her head.

"Do you want water?"  asks Seth as he closes the door behind him.  "Phera?"

However Phera doesn't do anything but murmur before she slaps a hand over her brow.

"Don't worry about talking;"  tells Seth as he approaches the bed.  "I am one afair away from breaking my own heart;"  he mutters before he leans over the bed to give Phera a kiss.

"I'm not going to the wedding!"  gasps Amber from the distance as she watches Seth hovering over Phera's face.  "Your marriage bed is dirty;"  she adds.

Seth looks over his shoulder and straightens his spine.

"Thankyou Amber I will keep that in mind;"  tells Seth before he crooks his head in a manner to tell Amber that he is angry to the blood vessel. 

Amber rolls her eyes however as Seth begins to take off his shirt she feels shivers through her blood and she quickly leaves the room to allow Seth the space to make his own mistakes by himself.

The next morning Phera and Amber frown to each other as they munch on cold ceral.  Phera talks about her hangover for one moment before another head-spin makes her mouth close again.  Amber wants to ask Phera questions however the argument in the kitchen between Heather and Seth is explosive and Amber in the end blocks her ears. 

By lunchtime Amber is ready to leave and she urges Phera to pack her bags.  However Phera hardly moves and Amber ends up packing her bags for her. 

"Ready to leave!"  tells Amber as she zips Phera's make-up in her suitcase. 

"Are we?"  asks Phera as she gives Amber a long look.

"Why not?  The flight is at six!"  tells Amber.

"I want to stay;"  tells Phera as she shrugs. 

"Why?"  asks Amber as she crosses her brows.

"Seth told me I could if I wanted 'some more';"  tells Phera as she smiles.  "I like him;"

Amber shrugs and pushes a quiver away.

"Sure Phera, whatever you want;"  tells Amber before she moves to pick up her bags.  "I'm going;"

"Don't go;" mutters Phera as she rolls her eyes.  "Stay with me and we'll catch a flight 

"I don't want to pay a cancellation fee;"  tells Amber as she picks up her bags.  "Call me when you get home;"  she adds before she turns to leave.

Seth looks to Amber as he leans on the door and raises a drink to his lips. 

"Hi Seth I am leaving;"  tells Amber as she looks at him.

"Have a nice trip;"  mutters Seth as he looks over his shoulder to Phera who smiles like a school-girl on her first crush.  "What are you doing?  Staying or leaving?"

"I'll stay for the night;"  tells Phera as she grins.

"Good;"  tells Seth before  he enters the room.  "We could use the company;" he drawls before he closes the door behind him.

Amber sighs relief as she leans upon the closed door -  she can't wait to go home!  Amber moves to walk down the hallway when Heather stops her.

"Leaving?"  asks Heather as she glares at Amber with wide eyes.  "Why not be like Phera and make a night of my husband?"  she asks.

"I'm leaving now;"  tells Amber before she walks past Heather who spits at her own shadow.

Amber walks outside and to the bus stop; there she waits as her mind wars over what she has left behind.  She knows that she has abandoned her friend, but she will not waste any more money on a trip she never really wanted to take.

"Phera will just have to go home alone;"  tells Amber as she nods.  "I am not going to stay back and wait any more;"  she mutters before the bus arrives to pick her up and take her to the airport.


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