Friday 18 November 2016

Dark World

A creak in the floor, Tammy looks behind her - there is dark, it creeps her out, but there is something else; and it takes a deep look into the dark to see it.

"Someone there!"  she gasps.

However two feet walk from behind a wall before her, and the marcher points a gun at her head.  Tammy clasps her fingers together, and she clears her throat.

"Please!  A chance!"  she begs.

The person in front of her seems as dead as an arrow, but he puts the gun away.  Tammy smiles and she stands up from hiding.  She thinks she is being let off the hook, when all the person is doing is waiting.

Tammy moves to walk past but he captures her arm.

"There are walls listening, don't come here again;"  he warns.

Tammy nods, and she wanders off leaving the darker world behind her.

The Mouse Trap

There are alarms ringing int the middle of the city.  Four friends gather at the back of a school.  There are soldiers everywhere knocking on doors, looking for a chance to shoot.  Pete has been given a hand-shake that has left him trembling, he was given a Nazi badge and told to join.

"This thing is raking against my nerves;"  tells Pete as he throws the badge away.

Regina shivers as the sign, and then she gives a tired sigh.

"How long do we have to stay out here?"  she asks.

Pete shrugs.

"A night, two nights, a week - who knows; but until the marching stops;" he answers.

"Let it stop now!"  gasps Kym before a rustle up above alarms her.

Pete places a hand on her shoulder.

"There, there, just the wind;"  he tells.

Kym sighs and then she tries her best to relax.

"I want it to go away;"  she mutters.

"Oh go away!"  screams Dionne.

Pete smacks Dionne in the back of the head.

"Quiet!"  he orders in sharp whisper.

Kym hears another sound and she screams.  Pete grabs her face and holds it, his hand firmly clasped over Kyms mouth.  Kym holds her breath as tears lick over her eyes, and then she sees it, a wandering dog sniffing around.

Regina laughs as she sees the dog, and then she approaches it.  The dog is hungry, and Regina gives it one of her crackers she has pocketed before she leads it back to the group.  The dog follows, happy to have found a friend.

Pete sighs as Dionne hysterically laughs.

"It was a dog!"  she exclaims.  "A dog!"

Kym tries to wriggle away from Pete who has her head rested against his shoulder.   Pete holds her, not wanting to let her go lest she make another sound.  Then it comes -  a siren closer then others; Pete's hand begins to sweat.

"Maybe we should go;"  mutters Regina nervously.  "It's getting closer;"

"A dog!"  yells Dionne.

Whistles are heard and Pete kicks at Dionne to make her hush.  Dionne sucks in her breath and then she stands up to scream.

"I'm sick of you!  I'm running away!  I hope you get wasted!"  she yells at the top of her lungs before she races away into the dark where whistles are ringing from the mouths of  officers who seek for their blood.

Regina holds the dog who wishes to follow Dionne and Pete holds Kym as fear races down his spine.

"Are we going to follow Dionne?"  he asks more to the wind then anyone.

"No!"  scoffs Regina as she pets the dog.  "Let her get caught, see if I care;"  she mutters.

"Maybe we should find her?"  asks Pete as he waits for a gun to fire.

"No, she'll just wig out;"  tells Regina as she narrows her eyes.  "She's been on the high string since yesterday when someone robbed her house;"

"They left her mothers head behind;"  tells Pete as he feels his blood curl over the story of Dionne hiding in a cupboard as the miltary charged her apartment and took her mothers body without the head.

"I don't even know if that is true!"  gasps Regina as she pet's the dogs head.

"Well if it is it makes me sick to the stomach!"  tells Pete as Kym peels his fingers off her face.

"I need air!"  gasps Kym.

Pete lets her go and she jumps up before a bullet races past her cheek like the wind.

"A bullet!"  gasps Kym before she turns and runs.

Pete and Regina stand and yell at her, but Kym has vanished.  The dog barks, and Regina bends down to give it a pet.

"What's the matter boy?"  asks Regina as she strokes the dogs fur.

"Let's just sneak out of the city!"  gasps Pete.  "I've had it with this place - the waiting, the hiding;"

Regina shakes her shoulders and then she sucks in her breath.

"Can we bring the dog?"  she asks.

"Sure!"  tells Pete as he looks at the dog which looks like it hasn't eaten for days.  "Let him be our pet!"  he adds.

"Okay!"  smiles Regina.  "But how do we get out?"  she asks.

"We head for the gates;" tells Pete as he narrows his eyes.  "On the other side of the city;"

"Okay;"  tells Regina as she smiles.  "Let's go!" she adds.

"Okay;"  tells Pete.  "You and me!"

"But what about the others?"  asks Regina.

"We'll bring them along if we bump into them, but as far as I am concerned they have already run away!"  tells Pete.

"Then let's go!"  tells Regina.

"Let's go;"  affirms Pete.

Dionne sneaks past curb after curb.  She tries to find a way out each one by following another sightless lane.  She makes some head-way before she finds a dead-end.  She crawls back, and she becomes lit by a torch which shines in her face.  

"What is it?"  asks Dionne.

"Time near eight - why not at home?"  asks a militant wearing black.

"I was visiting friends;"  tells Dionne.

"Then you visit home!"  tells the militant.

"Okay, I'll go home now!"  smiles Dionne before she turns and walks away.

The militant lets her walk, and she walks far knowing she is moving opposite her home and towards the gates where she can make her escape.

Kym sweats as she reaches a store which has just been torched.  The militants are close, but she still doesn't know where they are.  Kym trembles as she hears a pop, and then she shrieks as a flame burst out from the flaming store scolding the wall in front of her.  

Kym moves to run across the scalded wall, but two hands stop her and she is dragged away into an alley where she is given one firm slap.  Kym shrieks, and then she sobs as she is lit by a torch.  This is not the first time she has been given the eye, but the first time she has been stopped from doing anything like walk.

"You don't walk in front of a gas flame!"  scolds the militant who glares at Kym with sharp stare.  "The store is just about to explode;"  he adds, before a large boom is heard and the smell of smoke fumes over them.

Kym shivers, and then she nods believing the militant.  The militant looks at Kym, and then he touches her cheek and is surprised it should feel so cold when he has followed her for blocks.

"I guess you might have saved me then;"  mutters Kym distracted by the fingers one her face.

The militant takes his fingers away.  He nods.

"Thankyou;"  smils Kym before her hesitation covers her smile and makes it drop.

"No problem;"  tells the militant as he turns off the torch. 

Kym wonders if she should run away, but she doesn't.   She stands there staring at the black spot where the breathing is coming from.  The militant moves closer and closer, like a worm crawling through the earth.  Kym hears people running down the street, and then she hears their voices yelling to stop the fire before another explosiong brings out the screams and other pained tones.  Kym knows some of the people out near the store have been hurt, but the sounds drown away as the sound of breathing filled her right ear.  

Kym wishes the breathing would go away, but it does not.  She feels her body tingle as the militant moves his hand over her neck, and then she lets out a small yelp as he squeezes her neck.  The second is fast, and her breath inhales sharp, then he lets her neck go and Kym thinks that she feels a pain in her heart like it has been broken a tad.

"I think you hurt my heart;"  tells Kym as she rubs her chest.

The militant draws in a breath, and then he rolls his eyes.  Two seconds of contemplation turn into access of approval, and then he takes out a gun and holds it against Kym's face so that she can feel it.

Kym wants to shriek and she closes her eyes expecting a shot to kill her.   However with tears running down her face the militant rubs his cheek against hers.

"Let's hurt both our hearts;"  he mutters as he pushes his body against hers. 

Kym feels caught against militant and wall - both feel stiff and tall, but of course one is human and the other brick.  A hand scrapes her thigh, then dives under the hem of her dress, and Kym feels herself being fondled indecently.  Kym trembles like a person who has just been hit by a bullet, and she pleads that she have the strength to stand tall as she feels herself grow weak.

Regina and Pete walk fast past every corner.  Meeting stranger, ignoring them, moving on like a married couple heading for a hotel room.  The dog follows them like an obedient servant, and it makes less then a bark even when there is a siren blaring on a lamp-stand.  There is suspense on the air, and it follows the group like a shadow.  They walk away from it, feeling like they are never going to be caught.

They meet the city gates within the hour.  It is partially open, waiting for the group of cars which are to yet arrive.  Pete slides through the gap, then Regina, then the dog.  The three of them escape, and then they leave as though they have been given permission to leave the city.

Dionne spies the gate and she smiles.  She has outrun her own shadow and she feels good to leave.  So she rushes through the gates, and then she heads down the road that leads out of the city.  She can't believe her luck - it's early morning, and no cars in sight.  Dionne moves fast down the road, not caring about anything but her freedom from the trap that she has left behind.

Kym counts the seconds, they turn into hours.  She has been clinging onto the militant for so long, she can't help be tired.  His breath has turned stale, his loins have cool, and still he continues to fill her like he is starved and on the ravage.  Kym wonders where her friends have gone, she wonders if they have made it through the gate?

"I'm stuck here..."  mutters Kym as she lets a tear slide over her face.

The militant stiffens, and then he gives a sigh.  It is early morning and it feels like the sun might shine any minute.  There is a blur of lightness in the atmosphere, and it makes him want to go to bed.

"Well that's it..."  he mutters as he rests his chin on her head.

Kym nods, and then she gasps as the militant steps away from her.  He turns away to put himself together as she holds onto the edge of a garbage bin.  Kym trembles, and then she walks a few steps to try out her legs.  They are shaking but still with some strength, and she wonders if she should try to get through the gate while the world is quiet?  With a furrowed brow she moves to walk, but one stone gets in her way and her knees are just about collapsing to get over it.

Kym holds onto the street sign as she thinks that she would rather go home.  So she moves, shuffling on legs that are stiff and sore.  She is followed by the militant who steps behind her several metres away.  He stalks her, noticing the stares from early morning workers who can see that Kym is a little disorientated.  Some peole wish to approach her, but one look at the militant and they move on.  It is like a mouse seeing cat scene for blocks, and then Kym reaches her home and it is like a cat spying a mouse reach its hole.

Kym unlocks her door and she moves inside.  Everything  but the windows have been broken, and there is glass everywhere.  Kym closes the door and she moves to her bedroom where she collapses on her bed.  Kym smiles as she rests - she is home, she has made it!

The militant looks at Kym on her bed, and he raises brows to the wall.  It has been splattered with blood, and he knows that evil has come and gone.  

The militant moves to Kym and he touches her face.  She is already asleep, exhausted from her long night and hiding behind a closed curtain.  He shakes her shoulder - she still does not wake; so the militant takes off his jacket and lays on the bed with her.  He holds her for a second, then a minute, then an hour, enjoying her body so close.  He rubs his face against her, and Kym wakes up with a start.  Her eyes search for questions, and then she hears it the sound of breathing.

"Excuse me, I am not done;"  mutters the militant as he hold her down when she tries to sit up.

One slap and Kym realizes she is not alone, and she offers a weak scream before she is held down to be raped throughout the morning.

Regina, Pete, and the dog reach the boating area. They group their passports and head towards the ticket booth.  They order their tickets, and then they move onto a boat with their dog held inside of their arms.

Dionne reaches the docks as the boat moves away.  She orders a ticket, but the ticket person shakes his head.  Dionne lets out a whine, before she is forced to sit on the bench waiting hours for another boat.  Her nerves are tense, she has no idea if she will make it through the hours without being noticed, but she waits to see.

Kym rolls off the bed and onto the floor.  She crawls for a few metres, before she stands to walk to the shower where there is a mirror.  

Her face is swollen from crying, and there is a dark black bruise on her cheek.  Kym whines and trembles as she looks at her face.  The militant watches behind her as she frets, and he laughs.

"I have a job;"  he tells her.  "Prostitute;"  he adds before he leaves a few coins worth triple that of an average dollar.  "I'll be back with friends;"  he adds.  "Don't leave, or I'll look for you;"  he warns with a crooked finger before he leaves.

Kym fingers the dollars in shaking hands.  She doesn't know if she is going to survive, but the dollars bring her some hope.

"Maybe I can buy a plane ticket if I get enough dollars;"  she mutters before she turns weak.

Her whole body is sore, and she drops the money onto the floor before stumbling to her bed where she faints.

Dionne shivers as a militant asks for a ticket at the booth as another boat docks.  She doesn't want to show she is interested in buying a ticket, but she does as the call in made to dock the boat.  

Dionne crawls up the ramp, and then she sits on chair.  All is calm before she is approached by the militant.

"Passport;"  he mutters with a crooked smile.

Dionne shows him the passport, and his smile drops.

"You are not military;"  he complains with a frown.

Dionne feels herself sweat, but relief floods her as the boat moves to depart.  No-one is getting off or on,  and she is tasting freedom.  The militant grabs her arm as he sucks in a breath.  Dionne leans away as she stares unknowing how she is able to hold in her next scream.

"You stay with me!"  tells the militant sharply.  "You stay with me, side-by-side, and we travel together!"  he gasps in a deep tone that hits her brain and makes it fear.  "You should not have gotten this far;"  he complains.  "Never, never; you should not!"  he gasps before he sits and takes off his hat.

The militant orders drinks and food, and Dionne eats her share quietly as the militant tells her how naughty she is before moving on to lecture her about the ways of the world.  Dionne feels the wind and her spirits soar -  she has gotten away, and all she has to do is sit and she knows she will be taken care of.

Kym hears knocking on the door.  She ignores it; but it rings like thunder, so she opens it.  Outside there are a good twenty people, all waiting to see her.  Kym shivers as she smiles, and she is pushed back as the militants walk in. 

The group bring drinks and cigarettes, and then they look to her.  She looks weak, but their eyes like her looks enough and so a gambling table is set and the militants play some games as Kym is taken to the bedroom where she is told what to do. 

It takes hours for the group to go, and in those hours Kym is given many dollars for rapes that leave her broken and bruised.  She showers twenty times and each time she is taken out to be dragged to her bed and laid by the next cluster of hungry militants. 

Kym can't walk, she is not sure she can breathe, drugs have made her tired, and drink have made her moody.  It takes all of her strength to wave goodbye to the last visiting militant, and then she is told to rest until the next night where she is expected to answer the door.  

Kym falls asleep before she falls apart, and it takes hours for her to wake.  When she does there are visitors, and they have come to give her a rape to scar a while after having had broken off her door and moved it to the gutters outside.  

Kym sucks in her breath as she is grabbed, and then the whole circus starts again and she is told not to ever leave.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Saint Jude

Jude Claud is a saint who fights for the rights of his religion.  He does more then preach, he takes to sword and answers any objection with a swift strike, beheading those who stand against him.  He is most feared by anyone who does not understand him, but he has an honest side which is much liked and so the fear does not rise to become rivalry rather it stews to become something else - acceptance. 

Jude wanders around his kingdom building up an army.  Those who hate him flee, but those who like him join him and they become his men and friends.

Jude begins to grow in fame, and his fame takes him to the road.  He needs to know more then the patch of earth he occupies and so he says goodbye to his friends and walks away.

There are many days and nights of toil and starvation.  Jude is met by many people, and some even let him into their homes so that he might be able to recover from long journey.

Jude discovers there is a lot of acceptance for his ways -  however this is rivalled when he meets the Roman army who are storming over the land to ensure that it is theirs.

One look and the Romans have arrested Jude.  He was a king wearing his spine tall, and the Romans have bent it.  Jude moves with the Romans, he enters their castle of Rome, and there he becomes a prisoner.

"Let me out!"  he screams through night and day.

But he is not allowed out, and so he stews in the depths of an underground jail starving as the Romans feel him water and oil.

Claire Mayonette, a visitor to Rome, hears the stories of a saint sent to the depts of the underworld.  She thinks it is a childrens story and she laughs.  But her laughter is not met with smiles, it is met with hate.

"It is true!"  exclaims a boy.  "He lives in Rome, under its feet, in murder!"  he announces. 

A Roman general approaches, and he slaps the boy in the face.  The boy gasps and runs away, and that is when Claire hides herself.

Claire asks a few questions to some bakers.  Do they know of a saint?  Does he live under Rome?  The nod their heads and smile.

"He was taking down Rome, so Rome put him to prison bed;"  they tell Claire.

Claire gasps.  She then moves to ask her captain permission to visit the saint.  It takes days of wagering, but after a few days she is allowed to visit Jude who is anything but happy to see her.

"What are you?"  asks Jude in a soft but edgy voice.  

"What are you?"  asks Claire as she looks at him through the prison bars.  "What saint are you?"

"Jude;"  tells Jude as he feels his lips chill.

Just talking takes whatever strength he has away from him, it makes him want to faint.

"Why are you in prison?"  asks Claire.  

"I do not know.  I was wandering, talking, getting to know people; and they took me here;"  he answers in a tone that is fit for a Ceaser.

Claire blushes.  His accent his perfect, his mind in-tact, his looks youthful behind the beard that has grown over his lips.  Claire looks at the captain who can already read her thoughts.  She wishes to save the saint, and the captain is ready to say no.  So Claire takes out a key that opens all doors from her pocket, and she uses it to opent he cell and she frees the saint.

"There you are free;"  she mutters with a smile.  "Now go or follow me;"  she orders.

Jude smiles and on knees weak and shaking he walks away from Claire who feels like dirt as she sees her new saint walking away like a poor beggar.

"I am Claire, I live in Verville;"  she tells Jude as he reaches the door.  "I ask you to visit if you find no friends or company;"  she tells him.

Jude turns like a whisp of fire spin in wind, and he scowls.  

"Not likely lady.  I am a King, and I have men, and I shall sack Rome when I find them!"  he exclaims before he dissapears as fast as another whisp of wind.

Claire gasps and she leans on her captain.  She wishes for a fan, buts he has none.  She has just released Rome's greatest enemy, and he has all signs of a saint and god.

Jude wanders back to his land.  His men are there telling tales of monsters when he approaches.  They look to him and fall in love, and then they invite him to a feast.  Jude accepts, and one night of feasting turns into planning for battle, and the next week he marches with his army to Rome.

It is morning when Rome is attacked with bombs of fire.  All Romans scream and they run back and forth in the streets alerting all that they have been bombed.  

The Ceasar comes out of hiding, and he gathers the army for attack.  But there are flames burning all around, and it takes emergence from the walls of Rome to see what they are to attack, and when they emerge they find themselves circled by Jude's army.

"Bow and kneel before Jude, or die!"  tells Jude with sword in hand.

The Romans kneel and they plead for their lives, which Jude gives them as soon as they are chained in Rome's prison cells.

Each legion is starved to death in shackles and chains and behind bars.  Jude then torches the residents of the city, before calling Rome his.

"I am Saint Jude;"  tells Jude as he raises a sword.  "And I have won!"  he yells before a cheering crowd.


Anne looks at the street -  it has changed; there are men in uniforms and not a single one of them look friendly.  They seem different, off-putting, strange.  She wonders what they do, but then they scowl if she looks twice.  

Anne sees one soldier walk past her and she follows.  She covers a couple of blocks, and then she dips into an alley.  The person she has followed is a militant on-duty, and as soon as he meets with a person in the corner of the alley he has him shot. 

Anne gasps at the shot, and flinches at the blood gushing down the cement wall as the person shot crumbles to the ground.  Anne looks to the militant who spies her, and she turns and runs as he shouts and blows a whistle.

Anne rushes past a few blocks and then she hides behind a trash can.  She feels scared, not hardly safe, but no one comes near her so she thinks she is safe.

It is night when Anne emerges.  She walks down the street with tired on her brain.  She feels exhausted from hiding, and so she contemplates going to the bar which is glowing golden beams as the night becomes ever more stark.  Militants stare at her, and her interest wanes.  Anne tells herself to go home, but her walking image captures the attention of someone inside the bar and soon she is being followed.

Anne gasps as she looks behind and sees a militant on her trail.  She feels scared, and her body is thrown into panic as she turns two blocks and the militant is still behind her.

Anne wants to give herself up and give herself in, so she walks down a small alley which is tall and dark and clean of all object.  Anne feels the atmoshpere become dark and heavy, and when she reaches a wall she thinks that she is going to die.

Anne turns around -  a torch shines on her face and she is looked at closely.  Anne wishes she could get down onto her knees to pray, but she stands there staring at the light trying to look past it.

"What do you want?"  she bravely asks with a swallow.

Silence, and the militant keeps his torch on her as she grows pale and weak.  Anne wishes she knew what to do, but she doesn't; so she strangles her index finger for a few minutes before trying to walk past the militant.

One step and she is pushed against the wall in a manner so rough her shoulder gets bruised.  Anne feels tears glaze the top of her eyes, and she looks to the militant who can see her as clear as day.  

Anne sobs to herself.  She feels pathetic looking at a shadow so black she can't even see the face of the fellow who has stalked her.  Anne wipes her hands over her eyes, and then she glares at the torch once more.  It stays glowing at her face for a few minutes more before it is turned off again.

"I thought you were someone else;"  tells the militant.  "Excuse me;"  he mutters as though he has just risen from a dinner table.

Anne shrugs.  She looks at the wall behind her and she fingers it like it is a friend.  She has grown so cold inside she fears she might faint, but she stands strong; and she makes friend of the wall who keeps her standing as she listens to shoes walk away.

"It was me who saw you;"  mutters Anne in confession as she scrapes her nails so hard against the wall that cement crumbles down to her feet.  "Why?  Are you afraid?"  she asks as she looks up to the sky and sees nothing but a dead blank black blanket.  "I  am;"  she mutters as she rests her head against the wall.  "I am;"  she adds, before she tells herself to go home.

Monday 14 November 2016

Taken Over

In the gloom of the afternoon a conversation is held over the telephone.  It is a rather serious talk about movements in the world and leniency.  Millionaire Rick Fernidad listens to the conversation raking a finger against the side of his head.  His mood is dull, he knows what is being said, and he does not like it.  He knows of the Nazi military regime and he does not whole-heartedly approve, not even when speaking German to someone he has great faith in.  The strength of the conversation breaks, and suddenly there is a chip heard in the heart of the conversation - someone is losing patience, and it is not he.

"I will consider it;"  tells Rick after one more moment.  "I am a business man and need to consider the business to be able to give an honest answer;"  he fumbles as he feels a deep dark inside.

"I will call at the end of the week;"  the caller tells him.  "Then I will expect and invitation to your next dinner;"  he adds before he hangs up the phone.

Rick puts down the phone and wipes a hand over his face - sweat has stained his skin, and he feels trembles down his back.  He is being cheated of his strength, he is being told what to do.  Rick shrugs off feeling of dark doom and he moves to see how his children are doing.

Beatrice, Michelle, Ashley, Evan, and Carl are all in the play-room doing many different activities.  Beatrice is sewing, Michelle and Ashley are drawing, and Carl and Evan are playing with plastic swords.  It is a room of flourishing activity, and it makes Rick smile.

"Afternoon children;"  he greets.

All eyes turn to Rick and smiles and cheers are heard.

"Are you having lunch with us father?"  asks Carl as he smiles.

"No;"  tells Rick as he steps away.  "I have other things to do;"  he adds before he leaves.

The children feel a cold gloom - they wish their father could be interested in them a little more, but his mind is absent; so they toil and attend to their duties with dark shadow all around them.  

Rick walks outside and he feels almost peace when a car parks outside the gates of his estate.  A person marches in, and Rick grows agitated at the intrusion -  he should not be having a visitor, not at this hour or day!

"You there!  Please leave at once!"  he orders.

But the person marching in continues on and it takes a gulp for Rick to hold his hot tongue.  He doesn't like intruders, not even if they are police; and one look at the fellows uniform tells Rick he is the police.

"How do you do;"  greets Rick.

"Hello;"  tells the person with blush on his face.  "I am Rodger Grutten;" he says with a stiff bow.  "My uncle sent me here to give you this;"  he adds.

Rick sighs and takes the letter.  As expected the letter is from his business partner Walter Ashbury.  It introduces Rodger as an important informant who will be visiting the estate on a regular basis to ensure that all ties to the business are honest, and the transaction of the new business activities are complete.  Rick looks at Rodger and he smiles.

"Very well then, come in for a drink;"  he offers. 

"Thank-you;"  tells Rodger with a smile before he follows Rick inside.

In the tea-room there is little conversation, mostly stares as the two strangers sit as friends and enemies.  Rick tries to egg Rodger onto some care-free conversation, but Rodger is not all that interested.  His eyes crawl over the furniture and artwork like his stare comes from thieves eyes, and he laughs at Rick who tries to keep his cool.  There is a lot of strain between the two, and after one cup of tea has been drunk Rick politely asks Rodger to leave so that he can attend to his business.

Rodger nods and gives Rick permission to move him to the door.  Only on the way out Rick captures sight of Beatrice who is hanging close to the lobby.  Her passion for sewing has waned, and she has built up an interest for the front door.  She wishes to go for a walk, but is rarely allowed to do so, so she just lingers near the door as an escape to the stuffy play-room.

"Who is this?"  asks Rodger. 

"One of my daughters;"  tells Rick as he smiles.

Rodger raises his brows, and then he looks around the house.  He wishes to know more, but Rick's presence stops him from wandering off.  

"Do you have many?"  asks Rodger as he feels his heart pulse at the impulse to know more.

"I have five;"  tells Rick as he clears his throat.  "Perhaps on another day you should meet them. I may be having a dinner party soon, perhaps then I shall introduce you;"

"That would be delightful;"  tells  Rodger as he bows to Beatrice's shadow.

She is not paying him much attention, but she blushes a little despite her mind vacant from his image.  Rodger turns and leaves, and the house is left cool and comfortable.

"Who was that father?"  asks Beatrice as she raises her brows.

"Business;"  tells Rick before he moves on.

The next few days is trial for Rick as he talks to person after person, all in German, trying to get them to understand his opposition against joining the Nazi's.  He is met with disdain -  the bitterness is more then Rick can stand, and he rubs his hands over again to keep himself warm.  The world is going to grow hate for him if he stays opposed - he knows that; but he can't help but feel joining a military coup would stop him from doing his business the way he chooses. 

Rick picks up his feet and walks out of the house, almost stumbling into Carl on the way.  Carl asks Rick a question -  but Rick puts Carl's voice as unimportant, and he leaves the house with other more important people talking inside of his ears.

"What do you think that is about?"  asks Carl as he rubs his arm.

"I don't know;"  mutters Ashley.  "But father does not look happy;"  she adds as she shakes her head.

The following week Rick meets Walter at the door. Rodger has visited the house with him, and Rick immediately feels bombarded with Nazi presence.  Rodger is wearing full Nazi uniform and Walter just the sign on the arm.  Rick wants to order the two out, but being most important people he lets them in.

Rodger wanders around the house as Rick and Walter have conversation on the balcony.  It is bitter, but welcoming; Rick knows he is being told very loudly what the world of the future will be like, and he wants out while wanting the business in.

Rodger spies the children in the playroom, and he smiles to all.  They give him ice-cold stares, and then they sigh as he leaves.  

"Should we spy on him?"  asks Michelle.  "He looks like he is sneaking around;"

"No;" tells Evan as he rubs his skin.  "They're father's business partners, he wouldn't let  just anyone inside the house;"

"He's wearing a Nazi uniform;"  mutters Beatrice as she raises her brows.  "Are we to become occupied by them?"  she asks.

"I don't know;"  tells Ashley as she bites on a nail.  "I wish they would just all leave!"

"Well I shall go and ask him!"  gasps Beatrice before she puts down her book to follow Rodger who has sneaked upstairs to their bedrooms.

Rodger looks out the twin-glass windows and he whistles at the view.  The house is magnificent, but his eyes for luxury are more impressive.  He picks up a gold pin and then a gold spoon -  he pockets both, and then he fingers the nearby lamp which is covered with silver lace.

"What are you doing in here?"  asks Beatrice.

"I have been assigned to look around;"  tells Rodger with a grin. 

"A spy?"  asks Beatrice.

"Police;"  mutters Rodger as he flicks his eyes over a statue made of ivory.  "What is this here?"  he asks.

"It's an ivory carving that came from France;"  tells Beatrice.  

"How much was it?"  asks Rodger.

"I would say, but I don't know;"  tells Beatrice.  "I would guess two-hundred thousand pounds or the like;"

Rodger nods and then he looks away.  He is disgusted, his body feels disgusted, and he cannot talk save the grit inside of his mouth that has built.

"Are you going to steal all our things?"  asks Beatrice as she looks at the table and sees her pin and spoon missing.  "Or just my golden spoon?"

Rodger rolls his eyes.  He then casually places the items he has pocketed back onto the table.  He feels guilt, like he has done something terrible; so to shake it off he turns to Beatrice who stands with alarm on her shoulders.

"Well..."  he mutters - small words to break the ice that seems to be standing tall.

Rodger can't stand it, so he approaches Beatrice and he slaps her hard in the face.  Beatrice moves to scream but he rushes to push a hand over her mouth and he tells her to be quiet.  There is much tension which is hard to break, and Beatrice finds herself staring into the deadliest of eyes which take minutes to calm down -  she can't help but grow afraid. 

"I'm not really a friend;"  mutters Rodger before he shakes his thoughts as he lets his hold on Beatrice's face go slack.  

"Well then who are you?"  asks Beatrice as she feels herself grow weak in the knees. 

"A Nazi;"  mutters Rodger with a slight grin.

The grin is teasing, Beatrice wonders if that is what he should be saying?  Maybe he means to tell her that he is going to rob them of their belongings?  One day a spoon, then a lamp, then a painting; all her fears roll into a single ball as she realises they could have their life changed for the worse.  Then her thoughts pop as Rodger fingers her lower lip.  Beatrice feels her face pale, and she knows he is thinking dishonest thoughts.

"You don't have to rape me - let me go and I shall leave you to wander around;"  she tells him.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"  asks Rodger before he takes off his hat and throws it onto the floor.  

It takes seconds for his lips to touch hers and when they do it is with lust for power.  He wants to have her, and it is because he wants to show her how powerful he really is.  Beatrice is left speechless with tears in her eyes, and when Rodger leaves it is with the taste of her skin on his tongue.

Walter looks at Rodger and he feels his pride sink.  Rodger looks as red as a tomato, and he knows he has done something.  Walter looks around waiting for the answer to come to him, but he sees nothing out of sorts and so he lets the question inside of his mind go.

"Well I best be on my way;"  tells Walter feeling the heat of wrong-doing on his skin.  "I shall visit again at the end of the week, and I expect a party invitation;"  he tells Rick before he stands and leaves.

Rick leans back in his chair.  He has just been given the final push to give in to the Nazi's, but he still wishes to leave them alone.  He worries as he thinks; then he makes a silent plan to leave the country with his money -  something he may have to do if things turn for the worse.

Days pass and silence becomes the music inside the household.  No-one talks to one another, all just sit leaning on their chairs wishing they knew what to do.  Rick counts his money, his children count the time; all wish for an escape, but get none.  

Then the night of the party arrives and all guests come dressed in bright costumes.  It is uplifting for the children who look from the stair-case waving to some, and ignoring others.  Rick tells them to go to their rooms, but their curiosity gets the better of them, and they often sneak back onto the stair-case to look at everyone.

Walter looks to Beatrice who looks drawn and pale.  He smiles at her, but she does not see him.  He wishes he could approach her, but Rick offers him a drink and soon brandy and cigars are the entertainment being greedily sought for.  The smell is too much for Beatrice, and with a finger on her nose she leaves the house.

Outside the world is quiet.  There is a hoot of an owl in the distance, and it calls to Beatrice and tells her to walk.  So she follows it, moving past the cars, past the gate, down the road.  Beatrice almost feels comfortable except for the wind.  Her skin chills too much, and feeling cold she stops her feet.  Beatrice looks up and she catches sight of the owl who makes one last call before flying away to try and catch something in the distance.

"That was a pretty owl;"  tells Beatrice, before she turns back to the direction from which she has come.

The walk back is just as easy, but when she reaches the garden gate she sees Rodger who is dressed in black formal clothes with military badge on his left pocket. 

"Good afternoon;"  he greets with a bow as stiff as a plank of wood. 

"Hello;"  greets Beatrice with a wavering smile.

"Would you like me to walk you inside?"  asks Rodger.

"If you like;"  tells Beatrice with some hesitation.

There is nothing but silence the whole walk over.  Beatrice wishes she had a coat, the hairs on her arms raise greatly and she wishes to hide them.  Rodger offers her his coat -  Beatrice feels hesitant to putting it over her shoulders, but when she does she feels immediately warm.  

"It was nice of you to walk back with me;"  she tells Rodger.

"I like to walk with you;"  announces Rodger.  "To your room;"  he finishes with a clip of his tongue.

Beatrice feels her old chills again, and she grows a sick feeling inside of her.  She nods, and with cold on her toes she moves towards the house; when inside she moves to her room where she feels coldest of all.

Rodger takes his jacket away from her and he puts it on a chair before he escorts her to the balcony where the stars of the world glitter over their heads.

"Stars;"  mutters Rodger as he looks to them.  "Are the most magnificent of things;"

"They are very pretty;"  tells Bernice as she offers a light smile.  "I've always seen them as something pleasant;" she mutters before a squirming sensation crawls over her spine as Rodger holds her close to his side.

"I like it here;"  mutters Rodger as he leans close so that his cheek is touching hers.

Beatrice smiles.  His skin is so warm it keeps her warm, and her chills ease as they sit on a drifting moment where the world doesn't matter.  Beatrice almost grows comfortable, but then Rodger changes his tone and he urges her inside with a push.

Close to the bed Beatrice grows pale as Rodger takes out from his vest a dagger, a pistol, a set of handcuffs with keys, a short sword -  all the things that are required in a war.  Beatrice steps away from the dangerous items, but Rodger pulls her back.

"I would like you on the bed;"  he mutters as he takes off his shirt.  "Naked;"

Beatrice wrinkles her nose, and she moves to shake her head, but Rodger holds it before he kisses her.  It is a lovely kiss -  but Beatrice still wants to refuse until she realises she can't refuse, and that she is not just being asked she is being told to move onto the bed.

Walter counts the children on the stair-case - all are nibbling on food, all except one.  Walter blinks his eyes, he already knows which one is missing and it hurts him to know that he had spied Rodger walk inside the house with her.  

Walter looks to Rick who is busy talking to another person about flowers and planting seasons.  It is the most dreary conversation, but soon it is over and Walter is hesitant to speak.

"Something on your mind?"  asks Rick.  

"You're Beatrice is missing;"  tells Walter with some sense of shame.

"Oh, she's probably gone to bed;"  tells Rick with a stiff nod.  "Always the sleepy one;"  he adds.

Walter feels shamed that Rick has no idea that Beatrice could be caught in the middle of some very military actions; so he takes a sip of wine to help his words come out as smoothly as possible.

"Perhaps you should check to see she is in sound condition;"  he hints.

Rick rolls his eyes before taking a sip of wine himself.  

"I suppose one peek would be commendable;"  he adds, before he moves to climb the stair-case.

On the stair-case Rick leans over to Carl who is the most awake of all the sleepy-eyed children.

"Keep a look at Walter and tell me if he does anything out of sorts;"  he tells Carl who wakens immediately before leaning over the rail of the staircase to watch Walter as he smokes.

Walter doesn't even notice Carl, his thoughts are on the shrieks that are yet to come, and he feels his nerves on the high wire.   One shriek at he will have no choice but to charge at Rick to make him one of the group and not a stranger in isolation.

Rick opens the door to Beatrice's room.  He immediately yells and blasts over to the bed where he untangles Rodger from Beatrice before offering him a punch that sends him sliding to the floor.  

Beatrice covers herself as Rodger gets to his feet and re-dresses.  It is only a short moment of shame, before he is dressed in full uniform once more.

"I shall leave;" he tells Rodger.  "But I shall be back;"  he adds, before he collects his belongings on the bed and moves away.

Rick looks at Beatrice who gasps as she keeps her eyes glued onto him.  Rick feels heat inside of his mind but he cools it.  He has probably made enemies with Rodger and he feels a fool to have reacted so violently. 

"How dare you;"  tells Rick after a moment.  "With he?"

Beatrice covers herself with more blanket.

"He was hurting me;"  she tells Rick.  "He did it to hurt me;"  she adds.

"I thought in a few more years maybe an arrangement would be necessary; but now... I don't know what to think of you;"  

Beatrice hangs her head in shame.  She wishes the world were simple, she wishes she could explain; but with Rick looking so vacant from his own mind she cannot reach him, so she sits making silence her friend.

"I'm disappointed;"  tells Rick as he moves out of the room.  "You should have seen a sign and told me;"  he adds before he leaves.

Beatrice nibbles at her fingers feeling tears inside of her eyes.  She wishes Rick could be more comforting, but he is not; so she waits for her moment of shame to pass on by, and she cries every second until she can no longer keep her eyes open.

Days turn into times of change.  Rick finds himself making friends with Walter, and together they furnish his house with military flags and emblems; turning his household into a Nazi zone. 

Soon friends of friends are visiting on a regular basis to meet Rick and his family, and stress levels raise high as the family find guests arriving even at breakfast.

Rick finds it more then he can bare, and so he packs his money into suitcases and readies himself to run away.  Walter catches sight of his plan as all of Rick's banks are cleared of all money, and he urges a military coup to guard Ricks house to keep him inside.  

Rick grows very unhappy at sight of the military, and he contacts Walter who grows just as unhappy to explain that he will remain guarded until his money is back inside of his banks.  Rick feels spies on every mirror, and he tells his children to put up with the additional company.  The children grow very unhappy, and they sit as statues in every room they occupy.  Rick sees their unhappiness and orders boat tickets -  he is going to move his family somewhere else.

A gala is held at Ricks estate.  An event for all to enjoy a stage show.  Rick seethes over the use of his theatre, and he seethes more when he is told he and his family are going to sing for the cluster who await a performance. 

Rick hugs his family close as they stand backstage.  They are watched every second, until a noise alerts one of the men nearby.  Soon the whole attention is on a corner of the theatre, and Rick urges his family to creep away while all attentions are one something else.

Outside Rick moves to a car and then he drives away.  He reaches the gate before a whistle is heard.  Soon there are voices and packs of feet running, but Rick drives away and he outruns those feet and the bullet that hits the back window of his car.

Miles away Rick hides his car behind a bush.  His family look scared still, not even a smile can lift their spirits.  

"We walk;"  tells Rick.  "Boats over the hill;"

His family nod -  but there are tears behind their eyes; they are scared.

The march up a hill, but Rick spies a blockade in front of the boat, and he dips to hide.  The military is already on the hunt, and they are waiting for him.

"I shouldn't have left;"  mutters Rick as he feels sweat cover his brow.

"What's the matter father?"  asks Carl.  "Are we in trouble;"

Rick bites on a nail as he wonders what to do.  If they can't catch a boat, then there is nothing they can do to get out of the country.  He will be reprimanded, killed, insulted, he is sure.

"I'm sorry;"  he mutters.  "Maybe we should return home;"  he adds.  "We can't outrun the changes here;"  

All his children huddle together -  they are all scared.

Slowly the group move back to the car, but when they do return they find the military surrounding the car, stripping it down to the frame.  Rick wants to run once more, but he takes a gulp and moves up to the militants with his family under his arms.

"Hello;"  tells Rick. 

One word and a whistle is blown making all the military raise their guns.

"You are under arrest;"  one yells.  "For treason!"

Rick nods and he steps one step closer before he gets a shot in the head.  His children scream, and then they all get shot down to the ground as a group of enraged militants rush at them to strip them like they had stripped the car.

More cars comes, more feet, there are screams and cries.  No-one knows what to do, so they pack the bodies of the gunned down family into a car and race away leaving only emptiness where there had been murder.

Walter rubs his brow as news of the attack reaches him.  He then tells the men close to him to strip down the house, the family that lived there have been taken down. 

Guilt sits on Walter's brow.  He looks at the photo of Rick and his family and he swears under his breath.  

"You shouldn't have run away;"  he tells Rick.  "You shouldn't have run away;"

Wednesday 9 November 2016

An Affair

In the early morning hours there is a creak in the boars.  Ashley looks at the door, she sees it open - her husband Greg has been drinking, and he has just come home. Ashley turns her head and her shoulders to the wall so that her face is not able to see how Greg staggers when he walks inside.  She feels repulsed, disgusted, in fear of the stranger he has become.  She knows his pulse is struggling, his sweat glands have risen, his brow has furrowed, all because he has stopped at some bar.  Ashley knows that his drink has been his lover, and she feels her skin crawl - he has had an affair and he reeks of his woman's scent.

"G'night;"  mutters Greg as he slips into bed.

Ashley wrinkles her nose.  She wants to scream, but she can't, and so she covers her lips with her fingers as she nibbles on her tears.  She wishes Greg would not drink, she wishes he were someone else.

A goodnight kiss makes Ashley's face pink.   She wants her cheek cleaned, and so she washes it with her tears and scrapes the blanket down her cheek.

A morning of tempers - Ashley cuts the vegetables fast as she shuffles her morning thoughts through her brain.  She wants to leave Greg and she doesn't know how to tell him, not even when he sits at the breakfast table and orders ham and eggs.

Ashley stops cutting vegetables and she turns to shove the pan on the gas flame.  Ashley turns sour and she leaves some egg-shell in the pan after she has split the egg and cleared it of its yolk and white.  Ashley throws salt and pepper on the egg as it cooks, and then she tosses the egg onto a plate before buttering some bread and shoving it over the top of the egg.  She knows she has been sloppy, even the butter creamed over the face of the bread looks uneven.  Ashley wants to scream that she has failed, but she picks up her wits, and after moving the bread to the side she walks to the breakfast able and places the plate in front of her husband.  

Greg wrinkles his nose.

"I said ham and eggs;"  he tells her.

"We're out of ham;"  lies Ashley as she  feels tears dribble over her cheeks. 

"That is a disaster;"  mutters Greg before picking ten dollars out of his pocket and placing it into Ashley's apron pocket.  "Pick me up a kilo of sliced ham thanks;"  he tells her with a smile.

Ashley knows he can't even see her tears, and so she nods and her stomach pants.  She suddenly wants a child, but Greg has taken drugs to keep him sterile; she can't even beg for one.

With depression on her shoulders Ashley turns away and returns to the kitchen where she picks up the task of cutting vegetables.  She doesn't know what she is going to do with them, she just wants to cut them; the task is addictive - like popping gum, or chewing on fingernails; she likes to do it and it can occupy her time for hours.

Lunch time and Ashley packs her purse and heads out the door.  The wind slaps her in the face and she feels her curls float over her head - Ashley swears before moving to the car and slipping inside.  Safe Ashley turns on the car and drives out of the drive-way; she is going to the store.

"Ham, ham, ham;"  mutters Ashley as she glares at the isle of ham slices. 

There are slices for two dollars, slices for six dollars, slices for eleven dollars; Ashley can't decide. However when weighing the price against the money she has been given she decides to buy the six dollar packet.

"Not too cheap or dear;"  she mutters before slipping it into her basket.

She has just enough to buy some milk, and she slips two bottles into the basket on the way to the checkout.

Standing in a line Ashley catches the eye of Hank - her husband's accountant.  She met him only briefly outside of his office, but he remembers her.

"How's the morning?"  he asks.

"It's afternoon;"  tells Ashley.  "And fine;"  she smiles.

"It's my day off;"  tells Hank as he smiles.  "I thought the day would be dull, but now that I have met you I might find it not too bad at all;"  he mutters.

"Oh!"  gasps Ashley with a blush.  "I wish you would have just left it at hello;"  she smiles before she moves to where the checkout operator waits to serve her.

Ashley has her things scanned, all the while wondering why Hank would be so nice to her.  She is not even wearing make-up, how can he pick her up like she is in a cocktail dress?  Ashley feels undone -  she doesn't know what Hank has in his mind, but she wishes he wouldn't stare at her while her back is turned -  his eyes give her the creeps, and with bugs on her skin she pays for her groceries before moving on.

Walking towards the car Ashley feels a breath on her shoulders.  She thinks it is fantasy -  but then she turns her head and Hank is there.  Ashley looks at him as they move down the escalator to the downstairs car-park.  The car-park is empty, and Ashley feels bashful as Hank catches her arm.

"I've been looking at you for minutes and it has made me feel so good;"  he tells her.

"Let go of my arm;"  tells Ashley as she grows weak and scared.  "I'm not feeling well;"  she adds.

Hanks hold squeezes tighter and he shakes his head.

"I've been wanting to smell you ever since I saw you;"  he mutters as he takes her shopping back of her fingers and drops it on the floor.

Ashley wrinkles her nose.

"Please let me go;"  she mutters.  "I have never been with anyone but my husband, I don't want to start..."  she mutters but her voice turns dry and Hank smells the perfume on her neck.

Ashley wishes she hadn't put on any perfume, but she had needed the pick me up;

"I think you are the most amazing woman;"  mutters Hank with a voice so smooth it makes Ashley blush red.

Ashley buries her thoughts in the back of her mind, and when Hank brushes his lips on her neck she grows limp as she tells herself to fall for him, even if it just for a few minutes.

Ashley nibbles on her fingers as she hunches in a corner of the house.  She has returned home, but she has kisses all over her face.  Ashley can feel them on her skin even though she has washes her face clean.  Ashley scowls.

"I wish I could turn back time, I might not have gone to the store;"  she mutters as she fidgets with her fingers.

She is a mess -  Hank had over-whelmed her with his touches and kisses, and she has turned into a wreck.  Her hair looks damp and wet - it must be her glands over-working as her body charges with stress.

"Hi Greg;"  she smiles as she continues to stare into the nearby mirror.  "How was your day?"  she fumbles before she turns sour.  "Mine was different;"  she mutters as she feels her insides curl.  "I was shopping and I met Hank, and he escorted me back to..."  Ashley can't finish the sentence - it is too clean for a subject so dirty.  "He kissed me;"  she mutters to herself as she feels her eyes moisten.  "He touched me..."  she adds.  "It was intimate;"  she sputters.  "It was..."  a drawl and Ashley can say no more.

Who cares if it was good or bad, if she liked it or not, if she felt calm or scared.  She had been caught in a net and now she feels choked -  she can't even breathe, and all the cold air is hovering over her shoulders.

"I can't continue on with the lie;"  she mutters.  "And I can't tell you the truth because I will feel sore from speaking about it; so I tell you that I love you Greg, and that I want us to be together;"  she adds.  "Stay together;"  she corrects, before her mind empties its bucket so that she can feel her tears no more.  "To Hell with you - why don't you care?" she asks, before she turns away.

A ray of light strikes Ashley in the eye and she flinches before moving away from it.  She feels hurt, like even the sun has aimed to harm her, and so she crawls to the shade where she sits listening to the clock as it counts the seconds.

Greg returns home and he finds Ashley asleep on the bed.  He smiles and heads for the car -  he has plenty of time to drink, and he plans to empty his wallet as Ashley sleeps.

Ashley wakes -  it is dark, it is night; she feels her mind grow scared, and then she jumps.  The bedroom door creaks open and Greg staggers through -  he stinks of drink, he has made love to it, and it has raped him.  Ashley wrinkles her nose and she turns away.  She feels upset that Greg has returned drunk, and she turns cold as he kisses her cheek.  She wants to grow mad, she wants him to leave; but he lays on her bed and goes to sleep.  Ashley wants to leave, but she stays; she no longer feels like the person who has had an affair, and so she grows calm.  With Greg drunk she no longer feel guilt, and she is able to rest until her mind sends her dreams.

Friday 4 November 2016

Creepy Night

Ashley works hard at the supermarket.  A long day of trick or treats are brought, and she scans item after item until it is time to go home.  It is almost midnight when Ashley finishes her shift.  She doesn't like to walk home so late, but with her mind on the burn she walks out without a squeeze in her belly.

Ashley feels cold as she walks.  She wishes there were more lights, but there is only dim light being offered by the full moon above.  Ashley wishes there were stars to help pave her way, for the mist is looking great and spooky by her feet.

Ashley pants in the ice cold air and it rakes against her lungs.  She starts to wheeze as her lungs chill to ice-cube temperature.  Ashley wishes she could scream, but she sucks in her breath and walks on quietly.

Ashley stops by a traffic light.  The light burns her eyes and she has to blink to get her eyes focused.  Ashley blinks.  In front of her she spies a ghost of white floating on the other side of the road.  Ashley feels her body freeze as the ghost floats away.  She gasps!  The traffic stops and the light turns to green.  She can walk, but she runs all the way home!