Tuesday 5 January 2016

Dark Crush

Adam looks at Emma as she passes -  she looks nice, like the sun shines on her back; he smiles... sure he is married but inside of his mind he thinks he might like to be with her.  He escapes to a date which ends with a sunset and a kiss -  the night is perfect and he tells her he loves her.

Trisha calls to Adam to come inside for there is a telephone call.  Adam moves, and inside he speaks to a relative for the shortest of times.  After the call he looks around the house is empty but for the music in a nearby bedroom.

Adam looks inside and he sees a shadow on the wall -  it looks like Emma; he runs to it and hugs it inside of his mind.  He wants her, he almost weeps; he can smell her perfume and drink in the smell of her washed hair -  it is bliss.

"What you want?"  asks Kay as she turns around.

Her cheer practise is through -  she feels puffed out and almost has a sprained foot from doing a backflip off the mini-trampoline.  She looks to Adam who seems like a dumb stump of human tissue lingering like a zombie without a brain and she grows impatient.

"Come on make out with it or beat it;"  she mutters as she takes a sip of water.

Adam tosses his head -  he doesn't know where Trisha has gone but he suspects the garden or the study.  He feels tingles in his brain -  his love for Emma makes him feel young, and he years with passion to be young of heart.

"Well can you leave then?"  asks Kay as she taps her foot on the carpet.  "I'm doing practise;"  she adds.

Adam glares at Kay's cheeks and he shrugs  He is in a world where he wants to be a lover, a friend, a teacher, a rapist... all passions surf through his blood and he grows a shiver.  How can he tell someone like Kay that he is in love. A stammer inside of his heart comes out as a murmur and Kay scoffs.

"I would like some talk;"  tells Adam before he closes the door.

He clicks the lock and Kay frowns with a squint.

"Is it serious?"  she asks as she grows nervous.

"It's about boys and sex;"  tells Adam as he feels his muscles heat.

Kay rolls her eyes.

"Come on, I know about the deal... school has told us about safe sex!"  she tells.

Adam smiles -  there is grit on his teeth; how is he to explain that he wants her to be Emma?  The room darkens and he climbs through a window in which Emma sleeps.  Her brown hair is splayed on the pillow and her skin is milken and fresh.  She looks like a milk-dud and he jumps onto her and tells her it is her lover as she gasps.

"And have you been practising safe sex?"  asks Adam with a glint in his eye.

"Maybe..."  mutters Kay as she tosses her head. 

"That's a yes or a no young woman;"  tells Adam with a chip in his tone.

"I would if it came up;"  corrects Kay as she rolls her eyes.

"Are you sure?"  asks Adam as he raises his brows.

"Yes... but it hasn't come up..."  mutters Kay as she thinks of the fingers her last boyfriend shared with her underwear and which made her run out of his car and away.  "I'm shy;"  she adds.

"Good;"  mutters Adam as his pants feel tight.  "Let's keep it like that;"  he adds.

Kay nods and then she looks away -  she feels hurt all of a sudden; she can't bring up the courage to sleep with her boyfriend, the stinging in her pants makes her feel undone and she knows if he let him inside of her she would feel broken.  She lies to herself that if she waits for the right person then the throbbing won't come, but then she shakes her head.... she can't bring herself to telling her mind the truth; that she is scared.

Adam looks at the photos on the bookshelf -  Kay is in most of them with bright eyes screaming joy and life.  He looks at her neat image emerging, and he knows she is in love with the world.  He glares at Kay -  out of the pictures she lacks confidence and she appears shy; he wonders if the pictures are the real lie.

"Come to the bathroom to see what you have in the medicine cabinet;"  he invites.

"Okay;" mutters Kay as she follows Adam across the room to the small ensuite bathroom.

Inside the closeness makes the small room fill with sexual energy.  Kay grows nervous at the tension as she stands next to Adam who locks the door once again.  Adam smiles at Kay whose chest grows hot as he looks her up and down -  she realizes Adam has a hidden agenda and she grows cautious. 

"Undress;"  Adam hisses with snake-like breath.

Kay shivers.

"What?  Why?"  she asks.

"Do it;"  tells Adam.  "Undress...."

Kay shivers and slowly she takes off her clothes.  She feels self-conscious of her curves but she slips her clothes off until her body is shivering from the cool draft. 

"You look great;"  tells Adam as he glares at her nakedness.  "Now don't be scared but I am going to undress too;"  he mutters before he fast takes off his clothes.

Naked Adam shivers and then he pushes himself against Kay.  He closes his eyes and thinks of Emma before he opens Kays loins with his prick.

Kay moans as she is dragged from the bathroom to the bed.  Adam tucks her in, and then he leaves her alone.  His seed has been drained, and he wipes his brow before he exits the room.  The hallway is dark and Adam moves to the lounge where he drops.  He has exhausted himself, and Emma is lost in a lovers dream as he slumps onto the couch for a rest.

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