Tuesday 5 January 2016

A Beating

Abby smiled at her artwork -  it was the best she had ever created and she couldn't wait to take it to school!  She grinned as she admired the painting -  it was not in her usual style, she had used pen to make it different; the result was spectacular outline!  She was sure she was set to get a good grade.

A burp captures her attention and in the doorway Reg.  Abby gulps as she feels menacing energy and she gasps as she hears the school bus!

"I to be late!"  she declares before she picks up the painting and heads to exit the room.

Reg stops her and he makes Abby pause as he growls under hot breath.  Abby captures her step and she sucks in her breath.

"Let me pass!"  she tells in order.

"You order me?"  asks Reg as he raised a brow.

Quick as a hare the painting is stolen and Abby shrieks as it is thrown so hard against the wall it falls to the carpet with a puncture cut through the centre.  Abby trembles, the school bus honked, and Reg smiles.

"That was my best!"  she declares.

"It's not ever good enough;"  mutter Reg with a slur.

Abby moves to near the artwork, but Reg captures her arm.  He wants to hurt he, and he dragged her out of the room screaming.

Falling down the last stair in the den Abby hits the carpet -  it smells like paint and metal, but it is clean.  There is a house-keeper always cleaning every crevice to ensure all rooms are clean -  including the den. 

Reg picks Abby up and then he takes her to the desk where he pushes her over the top.  Abby gulps -  she is sure she is going to be raped; and it seems to be confirmed as he skirt is lifted.  But then 'smack' a ruler starts slapping at the back of her legs and she screams as its sting causes cuts on the back of her thighs. 

There are many seconds in the hours that pass and after a thorough beating Abby falls to the carpet unable to move.  Her heartbeat is a murmur, and he breath is an endless gasp; she can cry no longer she can only stare at the shadows that lurk around the corner like tiny black monsters. 

"I should be dead;"  she thinks as Reg's feet move away.  "But I am not, I am alive; the only thing dead is my heart;"  she mutters through thin lips.

Abby thinks of all the days and nights she has slept in a safe bed -  sometimes the door opens, sometimes it stays shut; but it moves to make her uncomfortable.  She then sees Reg's eyes staring at her with accusation behind them -  she feels broken; he hates her she knows it, he just hasn't shown her yet... until now.

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