Wednesday 6 January 2016

After Prom

The motor of the car is chilled as Ava steps out of prom.  She runs through the sleet and then she trips over the sidewalk, before stepping into the passenger seat.  She looks to Pete who smiles - he is glad she looks so pretty tonight; seeing her like an angel makes him feel good... almost proud that he should be there to drive her home.

"Did you dance?"

"Oh yes!"  sings Ava as she brushes sleet out of her eye-lashes.  "A darn great time;"

Pete drops his pride.

"Foul words are best for the bathroom!"  he grumbles before he starts the car.

Pete tries the feel comfortable however the word darn sits like a thorn in-between his brows; it stings  him and hurts him and he wishes he hadn't heard the word.  Ava always had a potty mouth -  but tonight he seems extra heart-broken... his pride has been stung; and feeling the lapse makes his heart ache and so he drives to the side of a street curb and parks.

"I need a cigarette;"  he mutters before he reaches into the glove compartment for a fag.

He lights it and then he stares out at the foggy lights in the distance.  It is dark and the street is empty, there is an odd silence that makes his ears forget that they can listen.  To this silence he dreams some pretty thoughts about music and furniture... but then he pops the bubble to look to Ava who eyes the cigarettes in the glove compartment with curiosity.

"Can I take one?"  she asks reaching out.

"No!"  mutters Pete before he slams the compartment closed.  "No good;"  he drawls as he grows self-conscious over his own naughty habits. 

"But you..."  mutters Ava.

"Older;"  retorts Pete before he turns his head.

The warmth inside of his chest grows to waft through the air, and he feels the need to open the window a bit.  However he keeps it closed knowing Ava's arms to chill if he opens the window and so he sits with his fag in the heat until time to butt the stub.

"Well that was my break;"  he tells Ava who turns her head to him.

She looks pretty -  really pretty; light the light shining through the window makes her look invisible.  Pete grows fond of her look, however the thought of settling on this makes his spine prickle.  He shakes his head and looks away.

"Take your make-up off when we get home;"  he tells.

Ava nods and then she looks out the window -  it is night and dark, and it spooks her.  She wishes she could feel comfortable looking out at the dark shadows but she can't.  There is unsettle like every shadow there could be a knife behind it.  She screams inside of her head, and then a kiss on her neck makes her scream for real.

"Stop!"  she cries out but Pete keeps kissing -  there is no one looking and he feels good doing it; her skin is chilled but warm and rubbing a hot tongue over it makes him feel more masculine.  He moves his mouth back and forth and then up and down -  it doesn't matter what way he moves, only matters to do it in a sensual way.  

Sooner or later Ava settles down and she sits there as Pete ravishes her neckline.  She waits with patience before a yawn breaks out.

"You want to sleep?"  asks Pete.

Ava nods.

"Let me help you slip into the back;"  mutters Pete before he slips out of the can.

Ava is relieved to have him off her body and in a trance she slips out of the door he opens to head towards the back.

"Do you need a blanket?"  asks Pete as Ava slips inside.

"Yes;"  she tells glad to be offered the extra covering.

Pete races to the trunk to get the blanket from the back, and then he moves to the back of the car and he slips inside and crawls over Ava who is already laying down.

There is a ruffling of pretty-coats, the sound of elastic breaking, and of pants being undone.  Pete trembles as he widens her legs, and then he sweats as he pushes himself inside.  There are moans and petty words, but the loudest sound is the slap of skin against skin.  It roars through the small space as sweat and sex fills the atmosphere, and then... dead... the silence returns.

Pete moves to the front seat and drive home.  He feels almost proud, but somewhere inside of his mind is disappointment... when he had creamed she had sworn, and so he had left cat-scratches over her thighs.

"Can't you speak better?"  he asks as he shakes his head.  "Can't you ever be good?"  he questions as he drives on.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Bad Night

In the car Gabby meets Paul.  He grabs her and he tears off her clothes before he beats her.  The car shakes and soon Gabby is raped.  She doesn't want Paul, but he wants her, and he ruins her body as her tears fall.

At home Gabby sobs in the shower before she faints in the hall.  She feels lost in a dream where erections are the enemy, and then she wakes.  She is alone and no one has notices she has collapsed.

Gabby runs to the toilet to be sick!  In the dish she throws up the burgers she has eaten before she rinses her mouth.  She feels wasted.

In the mood for ice cream Gabby walks down to the kitchen to pick herself a treat.  A car burns tyres and stops outside and soon Ash enters the house.

Gabby gulps as he takes the ice cream and puts it in the freezer.  She feels guilt, however angered also; what right does Ash have to not let her eat ice-cream!

Ash takes Gabby's arm and he pulls her to her bedroom.  Inside he lays her down on sheets.  He smiles at her face -  she looks glowing, and he thinks she has had sex.

Ash checks Gabby's loins with fingers - they are bloody on the inside and Reg shivers.  Gabby has had sex!  He trembles!  So many thoughts he can't collect!

Grounded Gabby crumbles in her sheets.  She can't mutter a word, she just faints!

Man And Woman

Man and woman.  A dark night proves to be a supernatural event, and the duo join hands to keep each other warm as the world turns cold.  For hours skins frost, and then in wake the sun appears.  It is a light and the frost melts as trees grow.

"What is this?"  both ask as they finger things never made.

The trees grow fruit and festivities take place.  Then hark!  A snake!  Man kills and woman runs!  Then peace!

A ghost floats by as man brings woman down from a tree.  The world is at peace, and they fall in love.

Making Things Right

Mitchel looks at Sandra walking towards her home with groceries.  There is a big blemish under her right eye, and he thinks she has had a fight with her husband.  Mitchel wishes he could make things right, and so he heads out into the yard to invite Sandra inside.

"Come for a drink!"  tells Mitchel.

Sandra shakes her head.

"Lunch to make!"  she tells.

Mitchel doesn't back down.

He hops the fence and he takes Sandra's bags.  He throws the bags into the garbage bin - purse and all - and then he grabs Sandra who grows red with complaint.  He drags her inside of his house, and when there he tosses her onto the carpet. He beats her until she falls limp, and then he takes her to the backyard where he picks up an axe and cuts off her head.

"The pain is over;"  he mutters as he takes the axe away.  "You fly with the angles now;"  he adds as the fire in his bones softens to the feeling of good.

Mitchel looks outside and he sees Anne walking home from school.  He jumps the fence and grabs her before taking her inside of his house.  Inside he rapes her hard until blood wets her thighs -  he knows that is ia naughty but she will be raped by her dad; he is doing her a favour doing it first.   Anne cries out as Mitchel softens her brain with a drug until she can't remember a thing.  She will find it hard to remember his face with the blur on her vision, and he tells her to go home.

Days ad nights pass and no one knocks on Mutchel's door.  He knows he is able to rest -  his duty has been done and he has been blessed with silence.

Off The Phone

Reg looks at Fiona on the telephone -  she smiles as she sees him, and then she turns away.  She has been on the phone for two hours and Reg is at the end of his rope.  But he doesn't want to just show Fiona away like a fly, he wants to make her pay.

Reg growls as Tracey busies with pans in the kitchen -  she is miles away, the clutter just sounds like jingles behind Reg's ears.  Still, just in case, he closes the door to lock him and Fiona in a safety hole.

Reg walks up to Fiona and he leans over and presses a button to put the call on speaker mode.  The guy on the other end is Fiona's boyfriend and he tells her how much he would like to have sex with her.  Fiona blushes red and she places the phone on the table.  Reg knows she is caught in self-consciousness, and he grows hot.

Reg kisses Fiona on the mouth and she drinks in his tongue -  he knows it is bad but he is proving to her boyfriend that he is not the only one horny for a lay.  Fiona gasps, and Reg pulls off her underwear in seconds. 

Loud slaps are heard on the phone and the voice on the other end goes quiet.  The slaps are a hefty sounds of hot sex in the making, and Reg makes Fiona groan.  Her breasts grow large as Reg fills her up - it is rape and orgy, and she can't help crying out as her sex juices flow down her thighs. 

The call hangs up and Reg smiles as he creams -  he has ended the call and Fiona no longer has a bratty boyfriend to talk to.

Dark Crush

Adam looks at Emma as she passes -  she looks nice, like the sun shines on her back; he smiles... sure he is married but inside of his mind he thinks he might like to be with her.  He escapes to a date which ends with a sunset and a kiss -  the night is perfect and he tells her he loves her.

Trisha calls to Adam to come inside for there is a telephone call.  Adam moves, and inside he speaks to a relative for the shortest of times.  After the call he looks around the house is empty but for the music in a nearby bedroom.

Adam looks inside and he sees a shadow on the wall -  it looks like Emma; he runs to it and hugs it inside of his mind.  He wants her, he almost weeps; he can smell her perfume and drink in the smell of her washed hair -  it is bliss.

"What you want?"  asks Kay as she turns around.

Her cheer practise is through -  she feels puffed out and almost has a sprained foot from doing a backflip off the mini-trampoline.  She looks to Adam who seems like a dumb stump of human tissue lingering like a zombie without a brain and she grows impatient.

"Come on make out with it or beat it;"  she mutters as she takes a sip of water.

Adam tosses his head -  he doesn't know where Trisha has gone but he suspects the garden or the study.  He feels tingles in his brain -  his love for Emma makes him feel young, and he years with passion to be young of heart.

"Well can you leave then?"  asks Kay as she taps her foot on the carpet.  "I'm doing practise;"  she adds.

Adam glares at Kay's cheeks and he shrugs  He is in a world where he wants to be a lover, a friend, a teacher, a rapist... all passions surf through his blood and he grows a shiver.  How can he tell someone like Kay that he is in love. A stammer inside of his heart comes out as a murmur and Kay scoffs.

"I would like some talk;"  tells Adam before he closes the door.

He clicks the lock and Kay frowns with a squint.

"Is it serious?"  she asks as she grows nervous.

"It's about boys and sex;"  tells Adam as he feels his muscles heat.

Kay rolls her eyes.

"Come on, I know about the deal... school has told us about safe sex!"  she tells.

Adam smiles -  there is grit on his teeth; how is he to explain that he wants her to be Emma?  The room darkens and he climbs through a window in which Emma sleeps.  Her brown hair is splayed on the pillow and her skin is milken and fresh.  She looks like a milk-dud and he jumps onto her and tells her it is her lover as she gasps.

"And have you been practising safe sex?"  asks Adam with a glint in his eye.

"Maybe..."  mutters Kay as she tosses her head. 

"That's a yes or a no young woman;"  tells Adam with a chip in his tone.

"I would if it came up;"  corrects Kay as she rolls her eyes.

"Are you sure?"  asks Adam as he raises his brows.

"Yes... but it hasn't come up..."  mutters Kay as she thinks of the fingers her last boyfriend shared with her underwear and which made her run out of his car and away.  "I'm shy;"  she adds.

"Good;"  mutters Adam as his pants feel tight.  "Let's keep it like that;"  he adds.

Kay nods and then she looks away -  she feels hurt all of a sudden; she can't bring up the courage to sleep with her boyfriend, the stinging in her pants makes her feel undone and she knows if he let him inside of her she would feel broken.  She lies to herself that if she waits for the right person then the throbbing won't come, but then she shakes her head.... she can't bring herself to telling her mind the truth; that she is scared.

Adam looks at the photos on the bookshelf -  Kay is in most of them with bright eyes screaming joy and life.  He looks at her neat image emerging, and he knows she is in love with the world.  He glares at Kay -  out of the pictures she lacks confidence and she appears shy; he wonders if the pictures are the real lie.

"Come to the bathroom to see what you have in the medicine cabinet;"  he invites.

"Okay;" mutters Kay as she follows Adam across the room to the small ensuite bathroom.

Inside the closeness makes the small room fill with sexual energy.  Kay grows nervous at the tension as she stands next to Adam who locks the door once again.  Adam smiles at Kay whose chest grows hot as he looks her up and down -  she realizes Adam has a hidden agenda and she grows cautious. 

"Undress;"  Adam hisses with snake-like breath.

Kay shivers.

"What?  Why?"  she asks.

"Do it;"  tells Adam.  "Undress...."

Kay shivers and slowly she takes off her clothes.  She feels self-conscious of her curves but she slips her clothes off until her body is shivering from the cool draft. 

"You look great;"  tells Adam as he glares at her nakedness.  "Now don't be scared but I am going to undress too;"  he mutters before he fast takes off his clothes.

Naked Adam shivers and then he pushes himself against Kay.  He closes his eyes and thinks of Emma before he opens Kays loins with his prick.

Kay moans as she is dragged from the bathroom to the bed.  Adam tucks her in, and then he leaves her alone.  His seed has been drained, and he wipes his brow before he exits the room.  The hallway is dark and Adam moves to the lounge where he drops.  He has exhausted himself, and Emma is lost in a lovers dream as he slumps onto the couch for a rest.

A Beating

Abby smiled at her artwork -  it was the best she had ever created and she couldn't wait to take it to school!  She grinned as she admired the painting -  it was not in her usual style, she had used pen to make it different; the result was spectacular outline!  She was sure she was set to get a good grade.

A burp captures her attention and in the doorway Reg.  Abby gulps as she feels menacing energy and she gasps as she hears the school bus!

"I to be late!"  she declares before she picks up the painting and heads to exit the room.

Reg stops her and he makes Abby pause as he growls under hot breath.  Abby captures her step and she sucks in her breath.

"Let me pass!"  she tells in order.

"You order me?"  asks Reg as he raised a brow.

Quick as a hare the painting is stolen and Abby shrieks as it is thrown so hard against the wall it falls to the carpet with a puncture cut through the centre.  Abby trembles, the school bus honked, and Reg smiles.

"That was my best!"  she declares.

"It's not ever good enough;"  mutter Reg with a slur.

Abby moves to near the artwork, but Reg captures her arm.  He wants to hurt he, and he dragged her out of the room screaming.

Falling down the last stair in the den Abby hits the carpet -  it smells like paint and metal, but it is clean.  There is a house-keeper always cleaning every crevice to ensure all rooms are clean -  including the den. 

Reg picks Abby up and then he takes her to the desk where he pushes her over the top.  Abby gulps -  she is sure she is going to be raped; and it seems to be confirmed as he skirt is lifted.  But then 'smack' a ruler starts slapping at the back of her legs and she screams as its sting causes cuts on the back of her thighs. 

There are many seconds in the hours that pass and after a thorough beating Abby falls to the carpet unable to move.  Her heartbeat is a murmur, and he breath is an endless gasp; she can cry no longer she can only stare at the shadows that lurk around the corner like tiny black monsters. 

"I should be dead;"  she thinks as Reg's feet move away.  "But I am not, I am alive; the only thing dead is my heart;"  she mutters through thin lips.

Abby thinks of all the days and nights she has slept in a safe bed -  sometimes the door opens, sometimes it stays shut; but it moves to make her uncomfortable.  She then sees Reg's eyes staring at her with accusation behind them -  she feels broken; he hates her she knows it, he just hasn't shown her yet... until now.