Saturday 16 May 2015

Break In

Rochelle walks home.  On the way she passed Max -  a neighbour who offers a friendly hello to enlighten the day.  Rochelle waves and then she strolls home.  She is ignorant to Max's lingering stare which is fixed on her good summer figure.  Rochelle feels a chill on her spine, but she ignores it and continues to her house.
Inside Rochelle heads to her bedroom and she moves inside where she sits.  Rochelle takes out the magazine she has brought from her bag, and she smiles as she places it neatly on the top of her desk.  Rochelle lets her eyes scan the pages but a text message alerts her attention.
"You look great today;" the text reads.
Rochelle smiles and then she blushes as she reads the name Max underneath.
"Why did i ever give the neighbour my phone number?"  she asks as she briefly recalls the moment when Max asked for her number. 
Rochelle had been sunbaking in the backyard enjoying the lesure of a sun massage when a whistle alerted her to the side gate.  Max was there and he asked if he could call her to talk about the December Christmas party, and she had given him her number -  unknowing he would text her after the party had come and gone.
"What a slly remark!"  gasps Rochelle before she deletes the Tct and pushes the mobile into a desk drawer.  "That Max!"  she gasps before she twines a strand of hair around her finger; "Always giving me odd remarks! " she adds before she day dreams briefly on what it might be like to date Max.
They would share a leisurely dinner at a local restauraunt, and then take a stroll along a river. Max would want to kiss her but be shy about it as she amuses him with her words, and then night would dawn and the date would be over - like the pop of a bubble dismembering the passion between them.
"What passion?  Max is drab!"  gasps Rochelle before the knock of a door alerts her.  "Hello mother!"  cheers Rochelle as she looks over her shoulder.
"i shall be going shopping, how about you take a bath while I am gon and ready for dinner?"  orders Ebony.
"I shall think about it;"  smiles Amber as she raies her brows.
"Excellent!"  cheers Ebony before she leaves.
Rochelle listens to Ebony's feet as she walks down the hall, then she hears the front door close, and then the car drives away.  Rochelle smiles -  she is finally alone!
"I would take a bath but I would rather read!"  tells Rochelle as she glares at her magazine one again.
Seconds turn into minutes and soon ten minutes has flown by.  Rochelle enjoys the pictures very much but her mother's words nag her to take a bath and soon she can stand it no longer!   Rochelle knows she must take a bath and she she closes her magazine.
"I suppose I shall read this article later;"  she chimes before the blaze of light being turned on alarms her.
Rochelle shivers as she glares at the blonde light glowing underneath the door, and hairs raise on her spine.   She bites on her nerve strings as a creak on the other side of the door is heard -  Rochelle wants to scream, but she steadies her scares and tries to rationalise her thoughts.
"it must be my grandparents!"  she gasps as her doorknob jiggles inside of its socket. 
Rochelle aches to pick up a gun to make herself feel safe, but she only has a heavy book sitting on her bookshelf and so she picks it up and throws it at the door.
"It's a ghost!"  gasps Rochelle as her skin turns white. 
Rochelle cautiously steps towards her door as the light in the hall turns off.  With shaken fingers she then opens her door, and that is when she sees emptiness. 
"It was a ghost!"  gasps Rochelle before she spins and closes her bedroom door once again.  "A ghost!"  she mutters as she has a hard time battling her thundering heartbeat.  "Who would have thought?"  she asks, however her door is then flung open and Rochelle swallows her scream as she sees Max.
"Max!"  gasps Rochelle as tears moisten her eyes.  "You scared me!"  she voices.  "What are you doing here?  How did you get inside the house?"  she asks.
"The door was open;"  tells Max as he glares at Rochelle.
"It was?!"  gasps Rochelle as she places a hand on her chest.  "How dare you come inside!"
"I had to tell you;"  tells Max as he grins.  "You need to lock it;"  he adds.
Rochelle smiles as her skin continues to shiver.
"I will have to do that sometime!"  gasps Rochelle through another heart murmur.
"You should -  keep you safe;"  tells Max as he leers.  "You look nice..."  he mutters.
"I got your message today;"  retorts Rochelle as her cheeks run crimson.  "I don't usually respond to such things, they're exaggerated;"  she adds.
"They're just nice comments;"  tells Max.  "What's wrong with that?"  he asks.
"I think they're..."  but Rochelle trails off and she turns away.
Max steps towards Rochelle and rubs her shoulder.
"I'm just telling you, you look nice..."  drawls Max as he checks out her neckline.
Rochelle stifles her tears.
"You've startled me;" she tells.  "Can you go home?"
"I will;"  tells Max before he grabs Rochelle and pushes her towards him.  "After one kiss;" he mutters before he kisses her.
Rochelle pushes away and takes a gasp.
"What's wrong?"  asks Max.  "Don't you like it?"  he frowns.
"It's not what I need right now, please leave!"  gasps Rochelle as she points to the door.
"Why should I if you don't like it?" tells Max before he grabs Rochelle's head and kisses her once again.
There is a short struggle and then Rochelle stamps on Max's foot to be able to get a breath.  She gets one breath before a strike with a fist hits her cheek and knocks the wind out of her.  Rochelle staggers and is then grabbed and pulled towards her bed.  Rochelle screams and Max hits her hard.
"Don't lose your head!  This will only take a minute!"  he tells.
Rochelle shivers as she opens her eyes -  she had fallen asleep after an hour of rough sport and she grows damp in emotion as she is covered with still dark.  Rochelle moans as she turns around -  her body is ore, her skin is sore, and her cheek feels bruised!  She  doesn't feel good at all!
"That Max was mad!"  she gasps.
However a creak in the floorboards stifles her anger and Rochelle grows afraid.
"Is that Max?"  she asks as she glares at the door.
The door opens and Rochelle screams as she pulls a blanket up over herself.  The light turns on and Rochelle sees her father Roger who covers his eyes and slams the door closed.  Rochelle puts a fist into her mouth to stop her screams, and then she listens to a muttered appology before Roger steps away.
"We are home;"  are the words that circle around Rochelle's mind, and Rochelle cries as she snaps.
"What a horrible afternoon!"  cries Rochelle before she flings herself onto the bed to stop out her woes.

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