Wednesday 4 December 2013

On The Run Story

Once there was a man named Jacob Petterson. He was a normal person who grew up in the inner city. He grew up and became a banker, then he became a shoe-seller, and then a drunk. One day he met a woman named Felicity Anne, and together they married and made a child. The child was named Andrew Petterson and when he grew up it was with war around him.

Andrew looked around him and saw that there were people on the street in gather before the church. He noticed flags and signs, and he gulped before he began to walk fast past the area. There was war on the rise and he knew people were being enlisted - he didn't want to be one of them, and so he walked fast as his heart murmured murmurs until he reached home.

At home Andrew met his mother Felicity who hunched over a kitchen bench with tears in her eyes. Felicity looked at Andrew and drew in a breath as though she were eased of some worries but troubled by many more.

“Your father has been taken;” she told Andrew in a sturdy tone despite the wetness that dribbled down over her fleshy cheeks. “He has been abducted by the Government;” she added.

“He has?” asked Andrew who sneered over the announcement that there was the threat of war inside of the house.

“He will never return;” told Felicity as she glared at Andrew with desperation as though he might be her final pay packet. “You must look after the family;” she added. “You're eighteen, you can provide for us;” she declared.

Andrew glared at Felicity as she hurried to gather his five brothers and two sisters to cluster them before him as though they were eggs who waited to be picked up. Andrew felt his heart-beat as a thud echoed inside of his brain - he didn't know what to say when there was nothing but a scream inside of his head that told him to run away and turn into wind. However then a shout broke his attention and a person in a uniform ordered for the door to be opened! Felicity choked and shook her head as she clutched at her childrens shoulders as though they were her only possessions. She felt her heartbeat turn wild until her cheeks blushed under skin as pale as snow after a winter storm.

“Who might that be?” she whispered as Andrew looked out of the window to see an officer on the porch.

Andrew gasped and scampered away as Felicity pried her fingers away from her children so that she might be able to open the door.

“Hello officer;” muttered Felicity as she blinked at the man on the porch dressed in uniform and army tags. “What may I do for you?” she questioned.

“Hello madame;” told the officer as he blinked at Felicity who looked torn and shaken. “I have been informed that you may have a young man aged eighteen inside of the house;” he told as he smiled with a twinkle in the right of his eyes.

“Why yes officer;” told Felicity as blood chilled inside of her bones.

“May I interview him?” asked the officer as he formed a stitched a smile on the corners of his mouth.

“Why yes, most certainly;” told Felicity as she looked behind her shoulder.

A draft told her that a window had been opened, however she knew not where it came from; inside her belly she felt a wobble, and then upon her shoulder she felt a stiff shove - the officer dove inside with his heels on the sprint and he busted through the bedroom door with pistol in hand. Felicity screamed as her children screamed as a gunshot was heard!

“A runner!” cried the officer before he raced out of the house.

Felicity cried as her skin wobbled from the chill she felt inside of her bones - she had no idea what had happened but she knew that she would never see Andrew ever again.

Andrew hopped onto a train and he breathed hard - he felt sweat on his chest and fever on his face; he had made it to his escape from the political theatre that was called army state and he sighed! He was never going to return home ever again. He was going to dissapear, marry, work, and then one day die; life was going to be easy, and he would not ever need to hear the word 'army' ever again.

However life was not that easy; Andrew grew up quick and within one year he had a wife had home. Andrew struggled with bills as his kids grew up and then bam! The army was on the march to collect those over twenty for the new war which was called 'blood of the nation march'. Andrew grew tense as his two kids Trisha and Patrick glared as his wife Charlotte rolled her eyes - he knew the army wanted him once again and he wanted to run as his thoughts screamed.

“A letter;” he garbled one dinner. “I have received a letter;” he told Charlotte as his nerves ran so tense his fingers shook.

“What is it about?” asked Charlotte as she glared at Andrew with black on her irises.

“It tells me that I need to join the army;” told Andrew as he felt his belly knot tight.

“So join the army;” told Charlotte as she blinked. “It will do you good, make you smart and grow you up;” she added. “You even get paid;” she told.

“I don't want to go to the army!” told Andrew as he grew disgusted at his wifes fleshy face which looked like his mothers face only with more freckles. “I want life to be normal!” he argued. “I like it normal;” he told.

“Well Government orders;” told Charlotte as she shrugged. “When you are told to go you go;” she added.

“Screw the Government!” gasped Andrew as he felt his hair stand on end. “I'll run;” he muttered as this mind devised a quick getaway plan.

“Don't run!” gasped Charlotte as she narrowed her eyes. “Don't run!” she told. “Fight with the Government;” she advised. “Life works out better that way;” she added.

“Life! What life!” gasped Andrew as he began to feel sick. “It's slaughter of honest men;” he argued.

“No;” muttered Charlotte as she paused to think. “It's the slaughter of poor men;” she told.

Andrew began to scowl as he felt a nit jump from the strands of his hair to tell him that he was poor and had always been poor - it made him mad that he was due for army duty with a meat stamp set upon his brow!

“You get paid and we will get our rent;” added Charlotte as she smiled before Andrew slapped her hard on the right cheek for having had called him poor.

Charlotte felt her mind turn green as she spat out the food inside of her mouth.

“Get out!” she gasped as she shivered until her blood turned cold. “Get out of this house!” she added. “How dare you hit me!” she growled.

“You get out!” cried Andrew before he took his feet for a long walk.

Outside Andrew moved down the street as though he were the darkness of night come to haunt. Nobody was on the street, no one was there to notice him as he panted through his chest as thoughts whirled through his mind. Andrew felt his mind click over the letter he had shoved inside of his pocket - he wanted it burned, but he held onto it until his pocket fell heavy. War was the last thing that he wanted to be a part of and his mind yet again wanted to scream.

“War!” gasped Andrew as he stopped before a puddle that licked the top of his shoes. “What am I going to do?” he asked before the sound of a gun told him to hurry away from the spot where he stood.

Andrew stayed in the shadows of the street. There was no life when he didn't walk into a building, and so he decided that on the street he would stay. Andrew stayed in the gutters for one whole week before a nag inside of his head told him that he needed a room. Andrew didn't have a cent inside of his pockets and so he decided he would do what any mortal would do in his situation – break in.

Andrew had a good nose for the hunt of vacant residences, and he managed to find a good one at the end of a dead-end block. The block was dark, so dark you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face! However there were many homes in the area which were bundled into blocks of flats, and at the end of the street there was a nook with a ladder that was the fire escape route. Andrew stalked past the fire escape ladder and found a window; with his very own fist inside of his jacket he broke the pane of glass and let himself inside. Andrew found darkness and he rushed through every room to find life - there was none, not even a dog; there was only furnishing, wine, a clean bed, and a closet full of clothes. Andrew smiled and wiped the sweat off his brow before he decided that he would stay.

Andrew lived the free life for one full month before a knock on his door made his smile hide. Andrew backed his feet into a cupboard and there he stayed as a set of keys opened the front door. Andrew wanted to shiver, however his mind grew wild as the intruder called out 'is anyone home?' Andrew didn't want the person inside, he wanted to live in the dream world where he was allowed to live as he liked for free. Andrew's anger boiled up inside of his belly and he began to touch all the items in the cupboard to try and find something he could protect his dream with. Andrew found a coat hanger and he immediately unravelled the item until it felt like a one millimeter thick dagger inside of tight fingers.

“Hello?” called the voice as steps entered the room. “Hello?” asked the voice as eyes peered at the cupboard and felt the energy of an enraged being trapped inside of its mouth. “Hello?” asked the voice as steps stepped closer to the cupboard.

Andrew sweated as the sound of heavy shoe on floorboards was heard like a moan that was slow and winded. As the cupboard door opened Andrew attacked! There were a few punches, some hot breathing, and wild commotion! A lamp crashed to the floor, a statue fell, and a mirror broke into splinters! At the end of an exhaustive battle blood calmed the scene and the stranger gurgled his last cry.

Andrew gasped! Sweat covered his arms and blood covered his fingers! He had done it, he had broken the law with the stamp of blood and he couldn't erase either! Andrew felt his head swarm and in panic and he jumped out of the very window he had broken when he had first entered the building. With guilt on his figure he ran away and he didn't stop until he met a train station. Andrew turned on the garden hose, washed the blood off his fingers, and then he entered the station. He paid for a ticket and within ten minutes he was on the road to somewhere else, and he was never to return to the place which had given him his family and his hideaway.

Andrew glared at the line of picket fences as a chill ran up his spine. The weather had turned cool as a storm threatened to break out from the coal black clouds above. Andrew glared at the line of houses and wondered which one was empty. He was thirsty and hungry, and he knew he needed to choose a new home - he just wasn’t sure which one.

Suddenly a woman with a shopping bag walked by Andrew. Andrew looked at the shopping bag and knew a cake was inside. He was hungry and his hands wanted to grab! So with drool under his tongue he walked like a dog on the hunt for a bone, and he trailed behind the woman who grew nervous until her breath choked inside of her throat over the footsteps that clip-clopped behind her own dainty footprints.

The woman reached her front door which was only two meters from the curb. Andrew stood aloof by the garden bed by the foot of the curb - he almost didn’t want to follow the woman, however as soon as he heard the door creak he ran as fast as the wind as a thunder rolled through the dark cloud above. Rain fell down behind Andrews shoulders as he stopped the front door from closing with his shoe - he had only just made it and he panted as a smile crept upon his face. A scream broke Andrew from his pride and he raced further inside as quick as a bullet!

Andrew glared at the woman who ran for the staircase! Andrew moved to follow however the womans husband raced out from the nearby study and tackled Andrew hard! Andrew crashed into a hard-wood cupboard and felt his chest crunch against a shelf. He moaned inside of his mind before he was thrown to the wall behind him and punched several times until his gut felt like mashed potato. The woman on the staircase laughed as she watched Andrew get beaten up, her laughter rang through Andrews ears and he managed to shout before a blow to the head made his mind fall weak.

Andrew shoved his attacker hard until his feet stumbled back enough to allow him an escape, then Andrew ran! However at the front door he was tackled again and brought to the floor where he was kicked, stomped on, and elbowed until his bones felt broken.

“You thought you was going to be an easy robbery didn’t you?” asked the fellow whose name was ‘bastard’ in the back of Andrew mind. “A nice round of free pocket money!” he added before he stomped on Andrew hand so hard Andrew's tongue was able to make a scream of its own.

Andrew brought his hand close to his chest and trembled as he looked at the towering homeowner before him. He looked like a jerk, the kind of person who would give a man an order rather than receive one. Andrew brooded as the attacker moved to the nearby phone to call the cops. Andrew realized then and there that he looked like he had been beaten, and he grew a rage as red as a hot iron as he took out a knife he had swiped from a table as he had walked past a local eaterie. The knife had butter on its edge, however it didn’t matter; Andrew only needed to stab with it not eat with it.

Andrew gasped and drew in a sore breath, then he stood as the fellow on the phone had his back turned as he spelt out his address. Andrew raced and lunged! He stabbed the good fellow in the ribs so deep he gasped! Andrew felt pride as a scream echoed around his ears as though they were Christmas bells! Andrew felt his mind dance! However then the good fellow picked up a gun that was hidden under the table the phone was set upon and he threw Andrew away with a push of his arm before he shot! Andrew stumbled and then he crashed to the ground as pain swelled through his chest. He had been shot, and there was already blood on the floorboards. Andrew tried to forget about the pain however it was too intense and after a while he tasted blood on his tongue.

“Why is my face bleeding?” he asked through frozen lips as a shadow crawled over him like a plague of death upon his spine.

“Because you are dying;” told the homeowner who winced from the throb that rushed through his ribs. “No ambulance will be called to pick you up, you shall keep dying until you are fit enough to be thrown into the gutter where you belong;”

Andrew shivered as he closed his eyes; he didn’t want to remember the world any more, he just wanted to forget about it as warm wet flooded enough to lick at his jawline. He was buried in a pool of his own blood and he couldn’t even crawl to get away. He laid there with wet, bloody, stench stuffed inside of his nostrils, and as a storm of footsteps raced for him he died - not a single person could ask him even for his name, he was dead, and he was never able to tell them that he had been an honest man on the run rather than a robber there for steal.

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