Wednesday 24 February 2016

Pearl Meets Kev

Pearl sits by her bedroom door -  she isn't sure why she can't sleep, she just can't.  Maybe it is her test which has her mind in knots and fragments, but for some reason she can't relax.  It is as though she has cobwebs all over her, there's this suffocating feeling and fear!

"I can't stand this!"  tells Pearl as she pushes herself to her feet.  "I need some milk!"

Pearl steps downstairs and heads towards the kitchen.  In the kitchen she grabs a cup and milk and pushes both in the microwave.  She is then distracted by the car revving up the driveway, and she leaves the kitchen to stalk the front door.

Pearl opens the door and she watches as Kev steps out of the new porsche he has brought with last of his savings.  Pearl says hello as he nears, and he eyes her before the porch light flicks on.  His eyes are red -  so red it is obvious he is on drugs.  Pearl cringes as he steps past -  his coat stinks of cigarettes, in a suffocating way.

Pearl locks the front door, and then she moves toward the kitchen.  But Kev knocks a mirror and it falls down in front of her.

"Don't step on the glass!"  tells Kev.

Pearl steps back, and then she watches as Kev steps over the glass.  He lifts her inside of his arms, and then he carries her over the glass and to her bedroom where he drops her on the bed and stares.

"You should be asleep..."  he tells her with a shake of his head.

Pearl shrugs and her shoulder strap slips off her shoulder.  Kev stares at her, and then he waves a hand and leaves.  Pearl feels her stomach grumble and she narrows her eyes as she smells the milk.   She slips out of bed, and moves down the corridor.  Kev smokes by the staircase, and he narrows his eyes at Pearl.

"Get into bed!"  he shouts as he sees her.

Pearl shivers.  She has never seen Kev so aggressive, and so she drops her hunger and she returns to bed.