Saturday 11 October 2014

If I Could - Poem

If I could see another day,
I would want you to walk forth and not away;
If I could wake to have bliss,
It would be with a heart that is not in remiss;

If I could,
I would,
Unsure if I will;
IF I could,
Love would not be so still;
If I could,
I could break away;
If I could,
Life would be blue and not grey;

If I could I might not take the back door;
If I could I might not need to run any more;
If I could maybe there would be no hurt core;
If I could maybe then I would;

If I could,
I would,
Unsure if I will;
IF I could,
Love would not be so still;
If I could,
I could break away;
If I could,
Life would be blue and not grey;

Saturday 4 October 2014

Mary Is Forced Into Marriage

Mary is a young woman who is ripe for her age.  She knows that she should marry soon - but every person she meets makes her heart cold and rigid; she cannot give herself to the men who offer her their hands, and so she sits on her luck as she promises her mother that she will chose a man soon.  However in her heart she knows they are empty promises and she grows disheartened that she will turn into a woman on time.

"But this is not a competition -  it is the natural evolution of life; you fall in love and you move on to the next stage;" tells her sister Anne inside of Mary's head, however Mary cannot believe it.

"I need a miracle!"  gasps Mary as she looks to the stars.  "Send me one please?"  she asks.

Mary's brother Lachlan enters the room.

"Counting stars?" he asks.

"No just hoping;"  tells Mary as she grows cold over her pleas.  "What are you doing here?"  she inquires.

"Came in to interrupt your study!"  tells Lachlan before he offers Mary a gift that is a ring in a box.

Mary opens the box and smiles at a glass ring that is shaped like a diamond stone.

"What is this?"  she asks.

"A message from Sir Edward Landslow;"  tells Lachlan as he grins.

"Your awful friend?"  gasps Mary as she throw spite towards Lachlan.

"He says he will marry you if you escort him to the ball on Saturday;"  tells Lachlan as he grins.

"No way!"  gasps Mary as a shudder runs down her spine.  "I will not go!"

"But you must -  it is your wedding day;"  tells Lachlan as he grins.  "Mother agreed;"  she adds.

"But that is against my wishes!"  tells Mary as she feels her blood grow cold.

"It is time to grow up;"  tells Lachlan as he smiles a cold smile at  Mary.  "You must do as willed;"

"What an awful night!"  cries Mary as she throws the ring onto the carpet.  "You are awful, you all are!"  she gasps.

"I will bring you a dress that you shall wear and be married in two days tomorrow;"  tells Lachlan before he laughs and exists the room.

Mary cries for two nights and two days and she hardly eats -  she doesn't want to marry Edward but as the day of her marriage grows near all around discusses his name as though he is a celebrity.  Mary grows ill and by Saturday she is quite pale and cold in appearance -  all wish she looked better, but all worries vanish as Edward enters the house in which the celebration is to take place.

Mary walks through her marriage with iron on her head and squid in her gut -  by the end of the day she is exhausted and she goes to bed early;  however Edwards meets Mary in her bed and he manages to coax a kiss or two from Mary whose mind is green from depression.  Edward talks and Mary listens -  but her mind is far away, and by the time Edward leaves Mary has tears on her face which she does not feel.

Mary looks to the window and sees the stars.

"Oh dear, I wish my heart would break I am so ill!"  she mutters before she falls asleep.

In her dreams Mary meets a secret lover by a waterfall -  he smiles at her and she grows a love that is surreal and returns her health.  With her love inside of her chest her lover asks her to jump with him into the waterfall and she does with a trusting heart -  they fall into water, and they fall deep; they both struggle for breath and then they escape down a hole which takes them to a hideaway Eden in which they shall live forever, never to return.

Edward walks into the bedroom with breakfast in hand -  it is early morning and the sun shines light onto Mary's face.  However Edward fast loses his smile as he sees the blue on Mary's lips and he pushes the breakfast to the side and he approaches Mary fast!

"Mary!  Whatever is the matter?"  asks Edward as he presses fingers against Mary's throat.

He does not feel a heartbeat and he grows sad that Mary has died during the night.

"That is a shame;"  mutters Edward as he bows his head.  "I shall be sad for a week;"  he sniffs before he leaves the room and Mary.