Sunday 3 August 2014

Awkward Interest

Jacob looks at his family and he knows that he hates them -  they are skinny, awful looking, and he wants to blame them for being wrecks.  Jacob lights a cigarette as his wife Anne scolds him.

"Don't smoke at the table;"  she declares.

Jacob smokes and she hangs her head to sulk about it.

"What are you going to do to me?"  asks Jacob as he raises his brows.  "Have another kid?"

His three kids Marge, Patricia, and Lachlan, gasp in unison.

"Are you going to have another child?"  they question Anne who narrows her eyes as she sips on her wine.

No likely;"  declares Anne who shakes her head.  "I don't want any more kids;"  she tells the table while glaring at Jacob who scowls before he stands.

"Ill smoke outside then;"  he tells the table before he leaves.

Outside there is very little traffic and Jacob feels at home.  He likes the quiet -  it is peacful, restive, in subdue to his thoughts; he can feel good without even having to ask for it and it makes his sour temper retract.

"I like the night;"  he mutters before a light flicks on the bedroom next to the front door.  "Kids are no longer at the table;"  he mutters before he re-enters the house to take another look at Anne.

In the kitchen Anne is at the sink slumbering inside of her head.  She wants to cry -  however her mood has not yet lapsed, and so she sniffs a vacant sniff as though there should be tears but there are none. 

"So you want to sleep with me?"  asks Jacob as he stares at Anne's stiff  shoulders.

"No I do not!"  tells Anne as she grows more rigid.  "Leave me alone to wash the dishes;"  she tells.

"Okay;"  mutters Jacob before he scowls.  "Want to go on a date after?  I know this place..."  he drawls.

"No I do not!"  tells Anne as though tempered.  "Leave me alone to think;"  she tells.

"Okay;"  mutters Jake as he shrugs.  "I may as well go and see what the kids are doing;"  he adds.

"Homework;"  tells Anne as Jacob leaves. 

Jacob walks up the hall and checks on Patricia and Lachlan who sit at their study-desk drawing.  Jacob enters the room and looks at the drawings -  they are awful scrawls which say nothing about talent and everything about procrastination.  Jacob scowls as he feels his blood bubble.

"You two can do better then that!"  he tells before he picks up a book and places it in-between them.  "Here, copy this;" 

The two nod and look at the picture of a gorilla.  Lachlan picks up some coloured pencils and begins to shade while Patricia tears a portion of paper out from a book to place onto the picture. 

"You can shade after you sketch that outline;"  tells Jacob.  "I'll be back later to check on who has more talent;"  he adds.

Jacob leaves the room and walks down the way he has come.  He meets Marge's room and he begins to grow itches.  She has grown up in the past few months and her figure is more mature -  he wants to do something to her to let her know he notices but he doesn't want to be too dirty about it. 

Jacob enters the room and he sees Marge at her table reading a book.  Marge looks to Jacob and she smiles -  he can see she is nervous and he knows it is because he is a man and not a woman.  She has grown stiff over being a young woman and has called him a germ with a disease and moved to scrape him away at glance.  Jacob wants to feud with Marge, however he doesn't want her to know and so he calmly locks the door before he stands to glare at Marge.

"How's it going?"  he asks as one who already wants to hunt.

"Fine;"  tells Marge as she glares at him for a long time.  "How are you?"  he asks.

"Fine;"  tells Jacob as he stands still.  "I had my cigarette;"  he adds.

"I noticed;"  tells Marge as she raies her brows.  "Can I have one?"  she asks.

"You?"  asks Jacob as he raies his brows.  "You can't buy them don't ask for them;"  he tells.

"Okay;"  mutters Marge as she shrugs.  "Why are you here?"  she questions.

"To see you;"  tells Jacob as he glares at Marge. 

Marge smiles and runs a finger through her hair -  she looks nice, however the finger makes her hair messy and a strand falls onto her face. 

"You look like a tramp;"  drawls Jacob as he glares.  "How about we have some fun?"  he asks.

Marge drops her smile and she clears her throat -  she doesn't know what to say, only she knows what she doesn't want to say which is 'okay'.  Marge fingers her book and closes it as Jacob continues to scowl at her image -  she wants the attention to go away however it hovers and she feels foolish.

"I have a boyfriend;"  she mutters as she feels her face blush.

"I didn't know that;"  tells Jacob as he glares at Marge.  "I don't want to know it right now -  let's just be alone;"  he tells.

Marge shifts in her chair and she stares at Jacob once again.  Her energy has been made flustered and she feels as though she has been shaken. 

"What do you want?"  she asks as she glares at Jacob who seems to be a quiet enemy. 

"I want to see you;"  tells Jacob as he smiles and picks his mobile phone out of his pocket.  "I want to see you take off your clothes so I know what you are;"  he tells as he presses record on the video function.

Marge shrugs as she clears her throat.  She immediately knows that Jacob is being naughty, however she wants to adventure his naughty side and so she carefully picks her clothes apart portion by portion until they lay on the floor.  Jacob films Marge's physical body as his blood spurts with energy - sweat falls down his spine and he enjoys the sensation. 

"Can you do carpet splits?"  asks Jacob as he glares at Marge.

"Of course!  I am a cheer leader!"  tells Marge before she moves to the middle of the room to do a split.

Marge feels a string in her thigh pop as she performs the splits, however she ignores the pain and she smiles as she looks at Jacob from the carpet.  Marge feels her nerves tighten as she glares at Jacob and his straight stare -  he stands smiling, and she wishes she had the nerve to offer herself to him.  She has never had so much attention heaped onto her and she enjoys it; the idea of inscest springs into her mind and she wonders if she would like to do it, sleep with him? 

"I wouldn't mind another me;"  she thinks as she lays herseld down onto the carpet.  "I just wish I wasn't a virgin;"  she adds before she touches her breasts to try and gain Jacob's full attention. 

"You are one of a kind;"  mutters Jacob as he smiles and moves to the side to pick up a ruler.  "But you are being naughty with those fingers;"  he adds before he heads to Marge and leans over her.  "Keep it up I'll give you a spanking;"  he whispers in threat.

"I'm sorry;"  tells Marge as she shrinks inside of her skin.  "I thought you wanted a lay, I was trying to be sexy;"  she adds as she feels crawls on every goosebump.

"I was just checking your body for anything abnormal;"  mutters Jacob before he turns off the camera.  "Now that I know I will leave you;"  he mutters before he turns and leaves the room.

Jacob feels his body sweat under his skin as his heart pumps hard inside of its cage.  Anne looks at Jacob and sees he is about to have some kind of fit so she walks past him in a hurry to tend to the laundry.  Jacob waves to Anne inside of his mind as his blood pops and sputters -  he knows he wants to storm back into that room and lay Marge, however he knows he won't.  So Jacob moves to the television room to watch television until he is asleep -  when he wakes it is one am and it is time to move to the bedroom for a decent nights sleep.

Jacob walks down the hall and he stops at Marge's door.  He opens the door and turns on the light -  she is asleep and tucked safely under a blanket.  Jacob shrugs and moves towards Marge as she sleeps and he lets down the blanket carefully. 

"What's this?"  he asks as he sees a white night-dress. 

Jacob pokes at the dress and Marge wakes up from her sleep.  Marge smiles at Jacob as he looks to her and she mutters a quiet sound as he bothers to rub her breasts which are safely tucked under the bed-dress.

"What do you want?"  asks Marge as she feels the tender squeezes. 

"I  don't know;"  mutters Jacob as he feels his gut turn sour over the idea of giving her a lay.  "Maybe just a kiss goodnight;"  he adds before he leans over and offers her brow a kiss.

Marge blushes as Jacob's lips stay on her brow for a time longer then normal -  she wants to open her legs and let him inside, but she doesn't move; only Jacob moves as he backs away to leave.

Outside the door Jacob feels hot once again and he moves to his own bedroom.  With heat on his brow he gives Anne a hot lay as she remains asleep -  she doesn't know it but he has enough squirt to fill her, and so he does fill her until he feels drained.

"That's it, I am going to sleep;"  tells Jacob as he sighs.  "Tomorrow I will wake up clean;"  he promises before he goes to sleep.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Midday At The Pool

Ashley decides that she wants to go for a swim -  the weather is warm, the wind is sweet, and all she wants to do is dive into water!  Of course she is not directing herself to go to the beach which is located across the street, she wants to go to the pool.

"I don't like beaches they are too dirty!"  she mutters as she picks up her bag.  "I am going to the pool!"  she exclaims.

Ashley walks several blocks to get to the pool.  At the pool there are few people there except for the water guard who sits chewing on gum as he sails a casual eye over the activities in the water.  Ashley takes off her clothes and reveals a fit body in a blue bikini.  She feels a little stiff at the shoulders as the water guard turns his head her way, however she fast dips into the water and soon she is wading inside the pool.

"This is declicious!"  she exclaims inside of her mind as she kicks her feet to be able to tread water.  "I enjoy this so much!"  she mutters before she takes a dive under the water to enjoy its cool pleasure.

Ashley spends many moments in the deep water -  there are coins on the bottom of the pool and she bothers to collected a couple of dollar coins before she resurfaces.  By the edge of the pool the water guard looks over Ashley as she gasps and giggles both at the same time. 

"Excuse me Miss!"  tells the water guard.

Ashley turns her head to look at the fellow who appears to be a teen of nineteen or so.

"What?"  she asks.

"You were under the water for several minutes, do you mind keep above the water?"  he asks.

"I was just dipping!"  tells Ashley as she feel a breath of self-consciousness.

"Don't dip, swim;"  tells the water guard before he winks and moves back to his station.

Ashley sulks.

"What use is the water without the dip?"  she asks before she bothers to swim to the side of the pool to nestle herself in a corner as another fellow dives into the water.  "Now I will have to sit here;"  she mutters.

Ashley sits and sulks as she watches a few people swim and clear the pool.  She enjoys bathing in the water -  it is nice, she likes the smell, and when water rises to wave under her chin she even takes in a sip to enjoy the taste.  Sure she knows that pools are supposed to be grotty, but the water with all its chlorine tastes very clean.

"I wish I had something to do;"  she mutters as she sighs.  "After a while it gets boring here;"

The lights suddenly turn down low and Ashley feels her spine tingle as she notices the decrease in light.  She looks at the clock and sees that it is close to midday -  Ashley doesn't know what is going on, but the water guard strips off his shirt to dive into the water. 

Ashley looks at the water guard as he swims a lap -  he is a good swimmer but swimming does not impress her at all.  She yawns as he gets closer to the side of the pool where she sits wading.  Ashley expects the water guard to do a turn and swim back the way he has come, however he glides to the side and moves towards her. 

Ashley gulps down a dry swallow as the water guard stops a breath away from her.

"Is the electricity out or something?"  asks Ashley as she feels tingles on her skin.

"It's lunch time;"  tells the water guard as he smiles a charming smile that is all wax and polish.  "No custumers come in at lunch and no customers leave;"

Ashley feels a tingle light up inside of her brain once again and she suddenly feels as though she has swallowed a mouthful of fog.  Ashley clears her throat as she looks at the water guard -  he is so turned on by something, his eyes are as bright as a shiny sticker.

"Do you wear contacts?"  asks Ashley as she glares.

"Not likely;"  tells the water guard before he moves forward that extra bit to close the gap between their bodies.

"Hey what's this fresh move?"  asks Ashley as she places a hand against the water guards chest. 

"It's fresh for you;"  tells the water guard before he clutches her backside to give it a fondle and a squeeze. 

"You should back off!"  tells Ashley before she gives him a bit of a shove.

However the shove does not do anything but make the water splash against their shoulders. 

"It's fun time;"  whispers the water guard before he drags her swimmer bottoms off her hips.

Ashley shrieks as her nakedness becomes exposed -  she wants to get away, however in seconds the water guard has her trapped and he is pushing his foul sport up her thighs and inside of her.  Ashley wants to fight all she can, but in the end all she does is give in as the water guard claims her as his midday game.

Ashley walks home feeling drained and sore -  she has been at the pool to go for a swim and been treated to the midday specialty; she wants to go home and sleep it off as her thighs continue to shake.  She feels weak and tired and she can't wait to get back home.